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Patient Had Consumer forum sides with patient: Court grants bail to supervisor of
building where 6 people died in lift
Insurance Co
Rebecca Samervel TNN when the complainant actually contract-
ed the condition two to three months ago.
sheet” stated that Dawra had hyperten-
sion since two-three years. Two months
Rebecca Samervel TNN

Mumbai: The Sewri sessions

court on Monday granted bail to
the 23-year-old site supervisor of
La Sonarisa building in Matunga.
January. He was granted bail on a
cash bond of Rs 30,000.
In the bail application, defence
lawyer Laxman Kanal said: “The
incident occurred due to the negli-
gence of the victims themselves as
Mumbai: The Mumbai Suburban Dis- “There is no material on record to after his discharge, Dawra sent a letter to Dhanraj Yadav had been arrested they were not allowed to use the
trict Consumer Disputes Redressal Fo- prove that the complainant (Dawra) was the company stating that he began suffer- on January 13 and booked for caus- said lift.”
Illustration: Ram rum on Thursday ordered an insur- suffering from Ischemic Heart Disease, a ing from hypertension recently. He had a ing death due to negligence, after The court has ordered Yadav to
ance company to pay Rs 1.1 lakh to a heart ailment, before hospitalization. certificate issued by Dr J P Jadwani, a car- six labourers were killed when the report to the police station on the
Khar resident for repudiating his Barring entry in the admission note dat- diologist who had been treating him. building’s service lift crashed in first and 15th of every month.
claim on the grounds that he was ed January 9, 2006, there is no material on In July 2006, Dawra turned to the con-
suffering from hypertension record to show that the he was ever suffer- sumer forum and demanded that the com-
and that it was a ‘pre-existing ing from hypertension,” the forum held. pany pay his medical expenses of Rs
disease’. The Dawra had taken a mediclaim policy from 79,680. The company said the hospital’s
hospital dis- Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Compa- discharge card specifically mentioned
charge card ny Ltd in 2004 for an assured sum of Rs 5 that Dawra had been suffering from hy-
incorrectly lakh and renewed it for the period from pertension for two to three years. It added
mentioned May 2005-2006. The company met his first that Jadwani had tried to shield the com-
that the patient, claim of Rs 50,000 in 2005. But the second plainant. But the forum observed that hy-
Shewakram time, when he was hospitalized on Janu- pertension could be attributed to several
Dawra, had ary 9, 2006 for chest discomfort and factors, particularly Ischemic Heart Dis-
been suffering breathlessness, the insurance repudiated ease, and also related to blood pressure.
from hyper- his claim saying had that been suffering The company should not have considered
tension for two from hypertension before he signed up. the entry in the admission note, said the
to three years The company said that the “indoor case- forum.

Dawood’s daughter
ties knot in Karachi
She Married Pak-Born US National On February 4
S Ahmed Ali TNN

Mumbai: It was Karachi’s

■ Dawood Ibrahim, son
most high-profile wedding,
of former police
but one that never made it to
the newspapers or society constable Ibrahim
magazines. On February 4, Kaskar, has three
the second daughter of un- daughters and one son.
derworld don Dawood Ibra- His fourth daughter
him Kaskar, Mahreen, mar- passed away eight to
ried a Pakistan-born US 10 years ago File picture of Dawood Ibrahim and his wife
national, Ayub, in a hush-
■ In 2005, his daughter
hush wedding, followed by a
reception on February 5 at Mahrukh married Pakistani
the gangster’s palatial bunga- cricketer Javed Miandad’s
low in the exclusive and up- son Junaid
scale Karachi neighborhood ■ On February 4, 2011, his
of Clifton, aid sources. The File picture of the don’s first second daughter Mahreen
only thing that gave it way daughter’s wedding to cricketer married the son of a US-
was the fleet of expensive Javed Miandad’s son based Pakistani businessman
cars that were lined outside
the bungalow. The husband is The marriage was scheduled to be held in
believed to the son of promi- May, but then a few months ago, Dawood
nent US-based Pakistani
businessman. suffered from a massive heart attack. He
TOI has learned that the recovered, but after that insisted that Mahreen tie the
guestlist included a few Pa- knot as soon as possible
kistani army officers, Inter
Service Intelligence (ISI)
agents, and businessmen
from Dubai. The gangster’s “The marriage was sched- ding reception were allegedly
friend and in-law Javed Mian- uled to be held in May, but held indoors to avoid the pry-
dad and his family members then a few months ago, Da- ing eyes of the press and the
were also allegedly present wood suffered from a massive intelligence agencies.
for the wedding ceremony. heart attack. He recovered, The D gang is suspected to
Miandad’s son Junaid is mar- but after that insisted that have performed a recce and
ried to Dawood’s daughter Mahreen tie the knot as soon provided logistical support to
Mahrukh. Their wedding as possible,” a well-connected the 26/11 terror attack exe-
took place at the Hyatt, Du- gang member from Mumbai cuted by the Lashkar-e-Taiba
bai, in July 2005. Mahreen’s told TOI. He added that the at the instance of the ISI with
wedding, however, was more groom, too, was keen on re- which Dawood has extremely
low-key, said sources Da- turning to the US. “Dawood close links. According to
wood’s brothers and his lieu- does not want his son-in-law sources, Dawood has not vis-
tenant Chhota Shakeel were to come under the police scan- ited Dubai for many years
present along with the rest of ner,” the source said. now, especially after the 9/11
Dawood’s relatives. The ceremony and wed- attacks in the US.

Fake ACP held 2008 Malegaon

blast: Mutalik’s
police custody
for blackmail is extended
Told Women Targets That Husbands Mumbai: A special Maha-
rashtra Control of Orga-
Were Being Probed For Phone Sex nized Crime Act (MCOCA)
court on Monday extended
Nitin Yeshwantrao TNN the police custody of 2008
Malegaon blast suspect Pra-
Thane: The Thane police ar- veen Venkatesh Takalki
rested a conman for blackmail- alias Praveen Mutalik to
ing and sexually abusing at February 21.
least 50 women and one minor Mutalik (32), who holds a
over the last two months by diploma in mechanical engi-
pretending to be an assistant neering, was arrested on Ja-
commissioner of police with nuary 31, after being un-
the Mahanagar Telephone Ni- traceable for two years.
gam Ltd (MTNL)—a non exist- her that MTNL had recorded Booked under MCOCA, he
ent post. Under the guise of a conversations between her was picked up from outside
police official, Bhupendra husband and another woman his sim card shop at Gokak
Verma (35) allegedly called up and that he was liable to be ar- town in Belgaum district,
his intended victims, and in- rested. He warned Dante not to Karnataka.
formed them that a male mem- call her husband as her phone With this, the number of
ber of their family, a husband was tapped. “He asked the arrests in the case has gone
or father, had been caught in- teacher to meet him at a loca- up to 12. The others arrested
dulging in phone sex during a tion with money and jewellery. include key accused Sadhvi
telephone surveillance oper- He also abused her sexually,’’ Pragya Singh Thakur and Lt
ation. He would demand cash, said Dattatrey Karale, deputy Colonel Shrikant Prasad Pu-
gold jewellery and even sexual commissioner of police rohit. Seven people were
favours from the women prom- (crime). Another victim paid killed in the blast on Septem-
ising to protect the “guilty hus- up to protect her father. ber 29, 2008, in Malegaon. TNN
bands”, said the police, who A official added: “They
laid a trap for the conman on would agree to his demands
February 10. thinking they were saving the
Thane police commission- family’s honour.” One of his
er K P Raghuvanshi said: “Ver- victims is allegedly a 12-year-
ma would pick his targets ran- old girl who thought she was
domly by calling them on the coming to the rescue of her ol-
phone from different loca- der brother. “Verma made the
tions. If the call was answered girl pose nude and took pic-
by a male he would hang up. If a tures of her,” the official said.
women replied he would an- The matter came to light last
nounce that he was an ACP week, when one victim con-
with MTNL and that the resi- fronted the police. They laid a
dential phone was under sur- trap for Verma. While Karale
veillance for obscene calls.’’ was DCP in Mumbai, he had
Most of the women were from arrested Verma on a similar
middleclass families. One of charge. The conman has been
them, Pamela Dante (name booked for cheating and under
changed) was a teacher. He told provisions of the IT Act.

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