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Clinical Review & Education

JAMA Clinical Guidelines Synopsis

Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management

of High Blood Pressure in Adults
Adam S. Cifu, MD; Andrew M. Davis, MD, MPH


ASH/ASPC/NMA/PCNA Guideline for the Prevention, a. Many nonpharmacologic interventions that are effective
Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood in lowering BP are recommended for people with
elevated BP or hypertension (strong recommendation;
Pressure in Adults
high-quality evidence).
b. Blood pressure–lowering medication is recommended
DEVELOPER American College of Cardiology (ACC) and for patients with clinical CVD or an estimated 10-year
American Heart Association (AHA) atherosclerotic CVD (ASCVD) risk of 10% or higher who
have a systolic BP (SBP) of 130 mm Hg or higher or a
diastolic BP (DBP) of 80 mm Hg or higher (strong
RELEASE DATE November 13, 2017 recommendation; high-quality evidence [for SBP] and
expert opinion [for DBP]).
c. For patients with no history of CVD and an ASCVD risk of
PRIOR VERSION 2003 (Seventh Report of the Joint National
less than 10%, BP-lowering medication is recommended
Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation,
for patients who have an SBP of 140 mm Hg or higher or
and Treatment of High Blood Pressure [JNC 7]) a DBP of 90 mm Hg or higher (strong recommendation;
low-quality evidence).
a. In patients with CVD or ASCVD event risk of 10% or
higher, a BP target of less than 130/80 mm Hg is
TARGET POPULATION Patients with or at risk of developing recommended (strong recommendation;
cardiovascular disease (CVD) moderate-quality evidence [for SBP] and expert
opinion [for DBP]). A BP target of less than 130/80 mm Hg
may also be reasonable in low-risk patients (weak
recommendation; moderate-quality evidence [for SBP]
1. Diagnosis and expert opinion [for DBP]).
a. Blood pressure (BP) should be categorized as normal b. In patients warranting pharmacotherapy, thiazide
(<120/80 mm Hg), elevated (120-129/<80 mm Hg), stage 1 diuretics, calcium channel blockers (CCBs), and
hypertension (130-139/80-89 mm Hg), or stage 2 angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
hypertension (ⱖ140/90 mm Hg) (strong recommendation; or angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) are
moderate-quality evidence). recommended as first-line agents (strong recommendation;
b. Out-of-office BP measurements are recommended to high-quality evidence).
confirm the diagnosis of hypertension and for titration c. Patients with stage 2 hypertension and an average BP of
of BP-lowering medication in conjunction with more than 20/10 mm Hg above their BP target should
telehealth counseling or clinical interventions begin therapy with 2 first-line agents of different classes
(strong recommendation; high-quality evidence). (strong recommendation; expert opinion).

Summary of the Clinical Problem Characteristics of the Guideline Source

Hypertension is a leading risk factor for mortality and disability. Re- This guideline was developed by the ACC and the AHA in
cent estimates are that 874 million adults worldwide have an SBP of partnership with other professional societies. The ACC/AHA
140 mm Hg or higher.1,2 With its association with CVD, stroke (cere- Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines selected a writing com-
brovascular accident [CVA]), mittee that was notable for its inclusion of people with a breadth
heart failure, and chronic kid- of backgrounds, wide scope of practice, and freedom from
Viewpoint page 2073 and
Editorial page 2083 ney disease (CKD), hyperten- conflicts of interest. This writing committee reviewed the rel-
sion is second only to cigarette evant evidence and commissioned an independent evidence
smoking as a preventable cause review committee to conduct formal systematic reviews re-
CME Quiz at
of death in the United States.3 garding 4 questions of critical importance. The guideline docu-
Given demographic trends and ment was reviewed by individuals representing the partner
the increasing prevalence of hypertension with increasing age specialty societies and other content reviewers. The writing
(79% of men and 85% of women >75 years old have hypertension), committee was aware of any conflicts of interest among re-
the consequences of hypertension are expected to increase.1,2 viewers (Table).

2132 JAMA December 5, 2017 Volume 318, Number 21 (Reprinted)

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JAMA Clinical Guidelines Synopsis Clinical Review & Education

Evidence Base Table. Guideline Rating

The guideline provides a comprehensive overview of the diagnosis
and therapy of hypertension with 106 graded recommendations di- Standard Rating

vided into 47 “modular knowledge chunks.” The 8 recommenda- Establishing transparency Good

tions covered in this JAMA Clinical Guidelines Synopsis were cho- Management of conflict of interest in the guideline development group Good

sen for their clinical relevance. Guideline development group composition Good
This guideline recommends classifying BP into 4 categories: nor- Clinical practice guideline–systematic review intersection Fair
mal (<120/80 mm Hg); elevated (120-129/<80 mm Hg); stage 1 hy- Establishing evidence foundations and rating strength Good
for each of the guideline recommendations
pertension (130-139/80-89 mm Hg); and stage 2 hypertension
Articulation of recommendations Good
(ⱖ140/ⱖ90 mm Hg). This categorization is designed to facilitate
External review Good
clinical and public health decision making and to reflect observa-
Updating Good
tional data suggesting a gradient in CVD risk as BP increases from
Implementation issues Good
normal to elevated to hypertension stages 1 and 2.1,2
In a change from current practice, the guideline recommends rou-
tine use of out-of-office BP measurements (home or ambulatory BP failure did not reach statistical significance. Notably, the BP difference
monitoring) in the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension. This rec- in this study between treatment and control groups was only 3.6/2.4
ommendation reflects the known frequent inconsistencies be- mm Hg and 96% of the patients had diabetes mellitus.
tween office and home BP values (there is extensive discussion of The appropriate target BP for high-risk patients with hyperten-
masked hypertension and white-coat hypertension in the guide- sion has been the subject of many large trials over the last decade.
line) and acknowledges that the tighter BP goals recommended in This was the focus of another systematic review commissioned for
this guideline may require closer BP monitoring. The evidence for this this guideline.4 In an analysis limited to trials that compared an SBP
recommendation was reviewed in one of the commissioned system- target of less than 130 mm Hg with any higher target, patients ben-
atic reviews.4 Compared with usual care, patients using home BP efited in terms of major cardiovascular events (relative risk [RR],
monitoring had a greater reduction in office SBP at 6 months vs office- 0.84; 95% CI, 0.73-0.99) and stroke (RR, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.70-
measured BP (4.9 [95% CI, 1.3-8.6] mm Hg). This result did not per- 0.96) but not myocardial infarction (RR, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.73-1.00)
sist at 12 months. There was also no evidence of clinical benefit. or all-cause mortality (RR, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.79-1.06). Similar to the
Nonpharmacologic interventions are strongly supported in the data on initiating therapy, very little information from clinical trials
guideline for their primary and complementary effect in lowering BP. is available to guide recommendations about treating DBP. The rec-
These interventions include weight loss in patients who are over- ommendation for low-risk patients was graded as weak and was
weight or obese; a heart-healthy diet, such as the DASH (Dietary Ap- based on moderate-quality evidence and expert opinion (for SBP and
proaches to Stop Hypertension) diet; sodium reduction; potassium DBP, respectively). There are few data on low-risk patients be-
supplementation; increased physical activity; and moderation of al- cause trials that evaluate intensive BP control generally enroll high-
cohol consumption. Most of these interventions have been shown in risk patients who have comorbid conditions such as diabetes or CKD.
randomized trials to reduce SBP by 5 to 10 mm Hg. Weight loss has Recommendations regarding the choice of initial pharmacologic
been shown to decrease BP by about 1 mm Hg per 1 kg of weight loss.1,2 therapy for hypertension were based on another commissioned sys-
Adoption of the DASH diet yielded an 11-mm Hg decrease in SBP.5 tematic review.4 The network meta-analysis examined trials that com-
Initiation of pharmacologic therapy for hypertension is recom- pared any 2 of the antihypertensive classes: thiazides, ACEIs, ARBs,
mended for patients with or at high risk of CVD at BP levels of 130/80 CCBs, and β-blockers. A total of 152 379 patients were included in this
mm Hg or higher. Therapy is recommended for patients without and at meta-analysis, with an average of 3.5 years of follow-up. The meta-
low risk of CVD at 140/90 mm Hg or higher. To stratify risk, the guide- analysis found that in terms of all-cause mortality, all classes were simi-
linerecommendsusinganASCVDriskscore(theestimated10-yearrisk lar. Analysis of secondary end points (such as CVA, cardiovascular
of myocardial infarction, CVA, or coronary heart disease death) of 10%. events, and heart failure) demonstrated that thiazides had added ben-
Thisriskstratificationhasbeenusedinotherrecenthypertensionguide- efit. The authors of the guideline recommended thiazide diuretics,
lines (referenced in this guideline) and could help translate group-level CCBs, ACE inhibitors, or ARBs as first-line agents. Detailed recommen-
evidence from trials to individual patients.6 The lower systolic thresh- dations are included for initial antihypertensive therapy for patients
old for individuals with or at high risk of CVD is well supported by data with numerous comorbidities including CAD, heart failure, CKD, acute
from a patient-level meta-analysis.7 stroke, and hypertensive emergency, among others.
Therecommendationtoinitiatepharmacologictherapyinpatients The recommendation for the use of 2 first-line agents of different
without and at low risk of CVD at BPs ⱖ140/90 is unchanged from the classesforpatientswithstage2hypertensionremainsunchangedsince
JNC 7 and JNC 8 recommendations. The evidence for this recommen- JNC 7. The recommendation rests on expert opinion based on studies
dationisstrongbutmostlyindirect.Themostdirectevidencemaycome using fixed-dose combinations that show greater BP lowering and bet-
fromameta-analysisofpatientswithoutCVDandwithBPlevelsof140/ ter adherence to therapy with fixed-dose combinations.1,2
90 to 159/99 mm Hg who were randomly assigned to an antihyperten-
sive vs a control (placebo in 95%; less intensive regimen in 5%) BP- Benefits and Harms
lowering regimen.8 The odds ratios for events over the 5 years in this From a public health perspective, considering the high population-
studywere0.72(95%CI,0.55-0.94)forstroke,0.75(95%CI,0.57-0.98) attributableriskofCVDassociatedwithhypertension,thepotentialben-
for cardiovascular death, and 0.78 (95% CI, 0.67-0.92) for overall mor- efits of tighter control of hypertension are substantial. The potential
tality.Benefitsfortotalcardiovascularevents,coronaryevents,andheart harms associated with the adoption of this guideline are the adverse (Reprinted) JAMA December 5, 2017 Volume 318, Number 21 2133

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Clinical Review & Education JAMA Clinical Guidelines Synopsis

effects of medications and tight BP and the costs of overuse (medica- tial benefits of hypertension management and medication costs, ad-
tionandhomeBPmonitors)ifthetreatmentthresholdsandtargetsare verse effects, and polypharmacy must be considered for each
shown to be overly aggressive. In the ACCORD trial, there was an in- individual patient. Shared decision making between patients and their
crease in serious adverse events attributable to BP medications (3.3% clinicians is required to arrive at an optimal treatment plan for each
vs 1.27%; P < .001).9 Although there was no overall increase in adverse patient.Thereislittlehigh-qualityevidenceintheliteratureaboutsome
events in the SPRINT trial, there were increases in hypotension (2.4% patient populations, most notably the frail elderly. Chobanian has re-
vs 1.4%; P < .001) and syncope (2.3% vs 1.7%; P = .05).10 cently commented on treatment in elderly persons.11 In addition, the
guideline strongly supports team-based, electronic medical record,
Discussion and population health approaches to BP control.
Hypertension guidelines have substantially evolved since the publi-
cation of JNC 7 in 2003. The JNC 7 categorized stage 1 hypertension Areas in Need of Future Study or Ongoing Research
as a BP of 140-159/90-99 mm Hg and recommended 140/90 mm Hg Future antihypertensive trials should be designed and adequately
as the threshold for initiation of antihypertensive drug therapy in the powered for clinical end points. Because lower BP is associated with
generaladultpopulationand130/80mmHgorhigherforpatientswith better outcomes, future trials should refine knowledge regarding the
diabetes or CKD. The JNC 8, published in 2014, recommended that balance between harms and benefits of BP treatment. This is espe-
for people aged 60 years or older, pharmacologic therapy should be cially true for stage 1 hypertension, for which there is little informa-
initiated at a BP of 150/90 mm Hg or higher and treated to a goal of tion regarding the balance between harms and benefits of treat-
less than that number. Recent randomized trials as well as observa- ment. Trials of multifaceted interventions that include out-of-office
tional and modeling studies support the idea that lower treatment BP measurements are critical to understanding whether incorporat-
thresholds and targets are beneficial in higher-risk patients, since pro- ing these measurements in management decisions will prove truly
gressively greater absolute risk reductions occur as baseline risk beneficial. Tailoring BP treatment thresholds to individual cardiovas-
increases.4 A recent commentary reflected these findings.11 cular risk is attractive in that it could concentrate efforts on patients
Although studies do suggest that lower BP is better for most pa- whowillobtainthemostbenefit;however,itispossiblethatthegreater
tients, including those older than 75 years, the balance of the poten- complexity of applying guidelines based on ASCVD risk could under-
mine the expected benefit. Electronic health record support that cal-
culates and trends individual ASCVD risk may reduce this burden in
Within-Guideline Resources clinical practice and is a promising area for exploration.

This extensive guideline includes multiple resources that are useful

to the practicing physician. Some include Related Guidelines and Other Resources
Table 18. Oral Antihypertensive Drugs (pp 94-96)
Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention,
Figure 10. Resistant Hypertension: Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure
Treatment (p 162)
Eighth Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention,
Figure 3. Screening for Secondary Hypertension (p 51) Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure
Table 10. Procedures for the Use of Home BP Monitoring (p 33) 2017 ACC/AHA Guideline—20-Page Summary
Section 9. Hypertension in Patients With Comorbidities (pp 108-147) ASCVD Risk Estimator

ARTICLE INFORMATION 2. Whelton PK, Carey RM, Aronow WS, et al. 2017 the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
Author Affiliations: University of Chicago, ACC/AHA/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/AGS/APhA/ASH/ASPC/ (DASH) diet. N Engl J Med. 2001;344(1):3-10.
Chicago, Illinois. NMA/PCNA guideline for the prevention, detection, 6. van der Leeuw J, Ridker PM, van der Graaf Y,
evaluation, and management of high blood Visseren FL. Personalized cardiovascular disease
Corresponding Author: Adam S. Cifu, MD, pressure in adults: a report of the American College
University of Chicago, 5841 S Maryland Ave, MC prevention by applying individualized prediction of
of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task treatment effects. Eur Heart J. 2014;35(13):837-843.
3051, Chicago, IL 60637 ( Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines [published
Published Online: November 20, 2017. online November 13, 2017]. J Am Coll Cardiol. 7. Sundström J, Arima H, Woodward M. Blood
doi:10.1001/jama.2017.18706 doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2017.11.006 pressure-lowering treatment based on
cardiovascular risk. Lancet. 2014;384(9943):591-598.
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: The authors have 3. Danaei G, Ding EL, Mozaffarian D, et al.
completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for The preventable causes of death in the United 8. Sundström J, Arima H, Jackson R, et al. Effects of
Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest and States. PLoS Med. 2009;6(4):e1000058. blood pressure reduction in mild hypertension. Ann
none were reported. Intern Med. 2015;162(3):184-191.
4. Reboussin DM, Allen NB, Griswold ME, et al.
Systematic review for the 2017 ACC/AHA/AAPA/ 9. Cushman WC, Evans GW, Byington RP, et al.
REFERENCES ABC/ACPM/AGS/APhA/ASH/ASPC/NMA/PCNA Effects of intensive blood-pressure control in type 2
1. Whelton PK, Carey RM, Aronow WS, et al. 2017 guideline for the prevention, detection, diabetes mellitus. N Engl J Med. 2010;362(17):1575-
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2134 JAMA December 5, 2017 Volume 318, Number 21 (Reprinted)

© 2017 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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