Architecture Design Studio 4 Regular - Parallel - Interior - International Class Self-Evaluation Form

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Architecture Design Studio 4

Regular - Parallel - Interior - International Class

Self-Evaluation Form

Type: Making digital

Weekly Report 03
12 March 2021

Class : PA4
Group : 6
Name : Zahra Shabrina

This form should be filled individually, based on your own interpretation and assessment of
the quality of your work.

Generative Modeling

Project and Does this report clearly state what your project is about
[ v ] Yes [ ] No

Please state what kinds of project will you be creating below

Cultural and Gathering Space. Menciptakan wadah atau tempat perkumpulan yang
memfasilitasi pertunjukan dan pelatihan seni tradisional dengan mempertemukan
ekspresi artistik dan intelektual demi melestarikan budaya dan meningkatkan interaksi

Please define the important programs that your project will consist of
Terdapat tiga poin zoning yang saya highlight yaitu public space, space khusus
komunitas, dan private space (ruang mechanical, service area, etc). program yang
memiliki kepentingan lebih adalah gathering space, exhibition/hall, classroom/studio,
office, dan service area.

Keyword and Please state the keywords you use to explore your models below.
digital making
Branching circulation

Do you create your models using digital generative modeling technique

(Scripting/Grasshopper) or manual modeling?

[ ] Yes, Digital Generative [ v ] No, Manual

Please state the values and operations that you perform in generating
your model(s)

Menggunakan value volume dan surface dengan menggunakan

operations merge dan intersect.

Do you consider your generated models to be photogenic?

[ v ] Yes [ ] No
For any of your answers, please elaborate why below.

Menurut saya untuk model perkembangan saya sudah mulai terlihat photogenic dan
juga sudah mulai memasukkan fungsi dari boundary untuk membedakan zoning.

Does your model demonstrate spatial qualities that are inline with the
project’s goal?

[ v ] Yes [ ] No


Representation Scale yourself on 1-5 on the creativity of this report’s communication


Unacceptable [ ] 1 [ ]2 [v]3 [ ]4 [ ] 5 Very


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