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T1 2021: ICT272 Web Design and Development

Assignment 2 – 10%

Due Date: Week 6 – Sunday 18/4/2021 at 11:59pm

Submission: Submit on Moodle: all files must be uploaded on Moodle as a zipped File. If the file is
too large then place it in Google drive and share the link using a word document in Moodle

Assessment topic: Create a basic C# console application. Individual assignment

Task details:

Australian coffee roasters are wholesalers selling coffee beans to wholesalers and retailers. Currently
the company sells only one type of beans called “Organic espresso blend”. Coffee beans are
packaged in a 1kg bag. If the quantity of the coffee bags purchased are higher, then the price is
lower. Resellers attract a 10% discount on the total price.

Create a basic C# console application to calculate and display coffee beans sales for N customers
who purchased coffee beans from Australian roasters. The prices of coffee beans bags are shown

Quantity Price (including tax)

1-3 bags (each bag is 1kg) $38 per bag

3-10 bags $35.5 per bag

More than 10 bags $33.7 per bag

Specific requirements:

• The application should ask the user to enter the customer name, the number of coffee bags,
and yes or no to indicate whether the customer is a reseller. The reseller customers receive a
10% discount on their orders no matter how many coffee bags they purchase.
• Assume that the quantity (number of coffee bags) is an integer type with the range between 1
and 100. An error message should be issued if a user enters a value beyond this range and
the re-entering is required.
• The program makes a calculation of the order and displays the result of customer details and
the total price as shown below. The program should be kept running with entering the next set
of input data.

ICT272 Compiled by: Ali Braytee Term 1 - 2021

• After all N sets of input data are entered from the keyboard, your program will also display the
information that includes the customer spending most, the customer spending least as shown
in the below figure

• The application should be user-friendly by displaying appropriate welcome, exit and error

Submission requirements:

1. All files must be uploaded on Moodle as a zipped File.

2. Create a user manual to show how the program works. Also, you need to provide screenshots
for test case when the user enters a quantity less than 1 or greater than 100. Assignment
cover, user manual, and test cases should be submitted in one word format report.

ICT272 Compiled by: Ali Braytee Term 1 - 2021

Marking Criteria

Criteria Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction

(0 – 49%) (50 – 64%) (65 – 74%) (75 – 84%) (85 – 100%)

Declare variables, if-else No variables Some Variables Variables and Variables and
statements and loops or control variables or and control control control
statements control statements statements are statements are
Value 1.5% are used in statements are sufficient sufficient to exceptionally
the program. are created to implement implement the used in the right
Mark awarded the requirements. places.
requirements Control
statements are
used to correctly
validate the
order’s quantity.

Create object oriented Object Classes are Classes are Classes are At least on
methodology using class, oriented created with created with created with advanced object
methods, and constructors concepts are only sufficient sufficient oriented concepts
not used in attributes. attributes attributes, is used such as
Value 1.5% the program. and methods methods, and overloading
to implement constructor to constructor,
Mark awarded the implement the overriding or
requirements requirements inheritance

Read and validate inputs and Task is not Read inputs Read inputs Read inputs and Read inputs and
display output implemented. and display and display display output display output
output is output is and validation and validation
Value 1% No validation partially or successfully are successfully are successfully
for inputs. successfully implemented. implemented. implemented.
Mark awarded implemented. The The program
Major errors No validation validation for request to re-
with read for inputs inputs is enter the
inputs partially information if
implemented the validation

Program logic and comments Procedural Object Object Object oriented Object oriented
styles. No oriented style oriented style style with style with
Value 1% methods with few long with sufficient sufficient sufficient
used. No methods. suitable suitable suitable
Mark awarded comments Few methods. methods. methods.
used comments Comments Several methods Several
added are are added in methods are
informative in main class. added in main
all classes Comments are class.
informative in all Comments are
classes informative in all
classes. Adjust
indents and
spacing in the

ICT272 Compiled by: Ali Braytee Term 1 - 2021

Runtime and summary table The program The program The program The program is The program is
is not able to is able to run is able to run. able to run. able to run.
Value 2% run due to but the
some errors summary The The summary The summary
table is not summary table is complete table is
visible table is complete and
incomplete the details in
the table are
aligned well.

Report (user manual and No user User manual User manual User manual is User manual is
testcases) manual or is incomplete. is complete and complete and
test cases Test cases acceptable. informative. Test informative.
Value 3% have Test cases cases have Test cases
screenshots have screenshots with have
without screenshots sufficient screenshots
explanations. with some explanations. with sufficient
Major explanations explanations
grammar and justification.
errors There are no
errors in
punctuation or

Total Mark: / COMMENTS:



ICT272 Compiled by: Ali Braytee Term 1 - 2021

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