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Volume 6, Issue 5, May – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Impact of Covid Lockdown in Nursing Education:

Balasubramanian N1, Asha P Shetty2
Professor cum Principal, Ambika College of Nursing, Mohali
Professor cum Principal, College of Nursing, AIIMS, Bhubaneswar.

Abstract:- This article aims to describe thoughtfully the education. Students and faculty had to overcome lot of
consequence of COVID-19 on nursing education in challenges on account of the use of technology and the
India. Nursing education in India and in other countries means of adapting to it5.
is highly affected during COVID-19 pandemic. As per
the national advisory and respective affiliated bodies the Impact of covid on nursing education
nursing institutions in India followed social distancing as Nursing education in all universities and colleges are
one of the preventive measures, and hence the online designed to conduct face- to face teaching, hands on training
teaching learning activities were adopted for training the to make the nursing students competent with knowledge,
students. Various research and non research articles skills and attitude to nursing. Nursing program adopts
were reviewed to focus on the impact of nursing lectures, tutorials, clinical training, laboratory practice,
education in India. Nursing education during pandemic community experience, assignments, case presentations,
caused a paradigm shift from face-to-face teaching and group work, research projects and lot of extra-curricular
learning to online learning and clinical experiences also activities6. All these activities were affected with COVID
shifted to virtual to protect the students from the pandemic and took architype shift from conventional to
pandemic. Accessibility, affordability and reliability are virtual learning, which is justifiable and usefulness of it in
the drawbacks while delivering online classes. Nursing teaching nursing students during pandemic is still
regulatory bodies also outlined commendable guidelines. questionable7. In India, these types of teaching method
Online method of teaching and learning is challenging become a challenge where nursing education is under low
for both faculty and students which has major role in resources. It is a challenge for faculty members as well as
influence of nursing education. for students to use new technologies and innovative
Keywords:- COVID-19, Nursing education, India, Clinical,
Teaching, Learning. Challenges faced by nursing faculty
Nursing faculty has to take a dynamic protagonist in
I. INTRODUCTION engaging students during lock down to create an active
learning environment8. Online education is the only option,
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Corona Virus solution and blessing in this catastrophe to prevent the
(SARS-COV 2) is an infectious disease caused by novel academic delay of their course9.
corona virus in the year 2019 (COVID-19)1. It is dreadful
communicable disease first reported on 31st December from Several online platforms have been utilized to support
Wuhan city, China. It spread around the world and caused live video teaching such as zoom, Cisco WebEx, Google
severe morbidity and mortality. It mainly transmits through meet, Skype, Facebook Live, YouTube Live,
inhalation or infected respiratory droplets. It tremendously UberConference, FreeConference, Dingtalk, Lark, Teams,
paralyzed health sector and also socio-economic sectors TrueConf online, Slack video calls, Lifesize go, Google
created public health crisis2. class room to take classes for students through online10.
Faculty requires special skills to take online classes. The
In India, on 16 March 2020, central government skills required are: proficient computer knowledge, good
declared complete lockdown which imposed schools, communication skill, clarity of expression, emotionally
colleges and universities to close as a preventive measure connects with students and skills required to meet the
and as part of social distancing policy to contain demands of outline platforms11. Though it was challenging it
transmission3. The closure of educational institutions has has enhanced the opportunity for the nursing faculty to hone
widely impacted the students, faculty and all stakeholders. their skill to learn advanced technology12.

Worldwide, 138 countries education has been Faculty members faced challenges and encountered lot
disturbed in school and university. Approximately 60.2 of problems such as lack of IT support, continuous
million teachers in school and faculty in university were not technological changes, unequal access for all students, un-
available in the institution4. Due to unprecedented situation, optimized software for mobile devices and security issues
sudden shift from conventional method to online method of and also faced institutional support barriers such as the
teaching resulted in unforeseen outcome in nursing budget for purchasing advanced technologies, lack of

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Volume 6, Issue 5, May – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
training, lack of technical support, lack of clarity and help nursing students to learn and build their knowledge and
directions, lack of technical knowledge, negative attitude, skills. Videos on clinical nursing procedures prepared by
lack of motivation, lack of integration of course and nursing faculty and already available videos in YouTube
technical knowledge, lack of proper planning in virtual were suggestions given to their students by the faculty
learning13,14,15. which they could watch and access at any time and utilize it
during this unavoidable situation 25.
STUDENTS Advantages of online teaching and learning activity
during pandemic lockdown
Theory classes During this pandemic situation, online method of
In this new era, pandemic created new wakeup call in teaching is the best solution and panacea to keep students
nursing education. Students were anxious, tensed, stressed safe to control the spread of corona virus. It is affordable,
and apprehensive about contracting the infection 8. Nursing cost-effective, enhances communication between faculty and
teaching includes lecture method, demonstration, discussion students. It can reach to remote students also. Similarly,
using audio-visual aids in the class room, whereas, faculty can teach several students at a time. Online class has
lockdown created uncertainty for teaching and interrupted an option to save the teaching and it can be referred for
student learning and classes moved to online teaching and future reference. To conduct examination, some universities
learning16. The essential tools to attend the online classes are are having online examination software, which may prevent
availability of computer or laptop or smart phone with institutions to delay of a regular academic calendar26.
internet or Wi-Fi connection. Even though teaching apps are
new for the students, they grasped the technology faster than Disadvantages of online teaching and learning during
the faculty17. pandemic lockdown
Many students are not having essential knowledge to
During online class, students seldom ask questions or use online platforms safely and they became vulnerable for
hesitate to ask questions. It decreased the level of interaction sexual exploitation. Students from low economic status are
between student and educator. Lack of concentration, not able afford technical gadgets and internet facility and
eyestrain and headache was observed among the students created differentiation between privileged and unprivileged
due to continuous online educational mode. Network issues, students. Lack of discipline and laziness were commonly
difficulties in understanding the classes created irritability reported by the parents when students were at home and
among students. Lack of personal touch and interaction getting online teaching. Online method of teaching hampers
made them frustrated. Distractions and lack of support at the interpersonal relationship between faculty and students
home caused psychological upset. Some students started due to lack of internet access, improper notification of
using other apps during classes due to boredom classes. classes, unavailability of notes, lack of requisite digital
Sometimes raised hand may not be noticed by the faculty, equipment etc. Increase of screen time makes the students
message box may be disturbing for the students18, 19, 20. more dependent on gadgets. Most of the faculties are taking
classes in free online platform but it has time limit. There is
Clinical training chance of hack the digital devices if there is no antivirus
Clinical education forms more than half of the formal programs and latest software updates25.26,27,28.
educational course in nursing. Hence, it is considered as an
essential and integral part of the nursing program21. During Approaches to overcome happenstances during online
clinical training, nursing students have to learn learning
experimentally and convert theoretical knowledge into Cyber security is required when attending the classes
psychomotor skills which are of significance for patient for both faculty and students. Faculty or parents should
care22. During lockdown, clinical training of nursing ensure the usage of secure apps29. Faculty must facilitate
students in hospital is completely paralyzed23. Most of the “waiting room” feature to have control over students,
colleges discontinued or have not exposed their students for disable the “join before host” feature, limit screen sharing to
clinicals. Students have not performed bedside teaching, the host only, lock the meeting session once all participants
clinical case presentation, case study, health assessment, have joined, restrict the call record feature and 'allow record'
hands-on training, interaction with patient and their family to trusted participants only. Set the unique pass word which
members24. should be difficult to guess.

In India various nursing courses are designed to help Teaching should be lively and interesting and more
the students to develop an understanding of nursing in interaction is required to divert the student distractions so
various clinical setting. Step-by-step students will be that students will concentrate on the class as well as they
exposed to specialized clinical area. Since lock down, such will not browse other apps. Teaching content can be divided
clinical learning was hampered. It became a best-bet “How into several small modules lasting for 30 minutes to make
should clinical experience be possible when students are not the students more attentive in the class. Authenticated
at college?” OSCE/OSPE, virtual simulations were the virtual simulations can be recommended by the faculty and
suggestions given by the nursing experts. It is also believed it can be discussed during class hours. It can be imitating but
that simulated ward training can provide a constructive not as equal to actual clinical setting8,14.
educational environment similar to the clinical setting to

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Volume 6, Issue 5, May – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Preparedness in nursing education III. CONCLUSION
COVID-19 pandemic has affected the nursing
education profoundly in conditions of direct care nursing New virus strains are emerging and there is doubt still
practice, and healthcare system operations. The pandemic existing regarding end of COVID-19. Inequalities in
has manipulated the professional identity of nurses and treatment modalities, availability of vaccination, oxygen and
nursing education significantly. More focus is to be given medications may influence settling down of pandemic
on nursing research. Nurses play a vital role in health care situation. Hence, online is the only solution to complete the
system that bother for human cause. However, nursing nursing student’s curriculum but clinical training component
professional identity has increased for nurses and nursing will be difficult to address. Even virtual simulations are
students during the COVID-19 pandemic30. Simulation recommendations of the nursing experts but cost and access
training in nursing education is adopted by global trend are the primary challenge. High fidelity simulators are not
since 2020, with the results supporting that scenario-based available in some of the nursing colleges which will create
simulation training enhances students’ preparedness and inequality in preparation of the graduate nurses in India.
learning effectiveness and reduces clinical stress during Regulatory bodies should give the list of articles and
pandemic situation31. simulations should be available in each nursing institutions,
to obtain affiliation and recognition. Availability of nursing
The ultimate goal of nursing education is to maintain faculty who are expertise in handling the simulations are
and improve quality of care during the pandemic .The main creditable. Let the nursing educators prepare their students
focuses of nursing education are to stimulate innovative and to cope for this crisis and expect the positive change in
creative ideas. It gives productive outcome in nursing nursing education.
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ourselves and to obtain the knowledge and care abilities REFERENCES
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