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5/26/2021 Oracle 2021 Java Selenium Automation Interview Questions


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Oracle Testing Interview Questions

Last Updated On: May 12, 2021 By Softwaretestingo Editorial Board
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Oracle Bangalore Interview questions

Company Name: Oracle
Company Location: Bangalore, India
Updated on: 12.05.2021

Tell me about your professional experience.

What are the test methodologies you have used?
Explain Agile methodology.
Explain bug life cycle.
Explain SDLC.
Write test cases for a text box accepting 0-9 characters and alphabets.
Write test cases for lift.
If title of a page is not displayed, what severity and priority do you assign to it?
Which tool do you us for logging defect?
Is SVN a reporting tool?
Which Selenium version are you using currently?
Which is the latest version of Selenium?
Why are you using Selenium 2 when latest 4 is available?
When was your framework developed?
What is the special feature of Selenium 2 and 3?
Explain Polymorphism.
Types of polymorphism.
Where do we use method overloading in webdriver methods?
Explain the statement : WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
What is WebDriver in above statement?
What is ChromeDriver() in above statement?
If WebDriver is an interface, how can you instantiate it?
What is the superclass of WebDriver?
What is Interface?
What are the uses of Interface?
What are the different types of Inheritence?
Which are the types of Inheritence that Java does not support?
Why Multiple Inheritence is not supported in Java?
What is the other way of achieving Multiple Inheritence? 2/10
5/26/2021 Oracle 2021 Java Selenium Automation Interview Questions
How many locators
INTERVIEW are there inJAVA
Name the locators.
Which is the fastest locator?
Compare xpath and ID.
Which locator do you use for dynamic webelement on page?
If ID is unique on a webpage, and location is chngd, does the automation script fail?
Write a small program to reverse name without using inbuilt method.
Which latest java version have you worked with?
Name few exceptions that have you come across.
Have you come across “Stale exception”?

Oracle Testing Interview Questions

What is testing? Different types of testing.
Why we do automation testing?
Explain to me about your project, and it’s architecture.
What is the testing strategy?
What is the test plan document and explain the contents briefly?
What is regression testing? How did you perform in your project?
How was QC useful in the testing process in your project to log & track defects?
What are the different types of testing life cycle models, which type of testing model does your
project follow? Have you worked in agile methodology in any of your projects?
The SQL query to find out the 4th maximum salary.
Write the self join query to find the department of the manager of a manager whose department is
Different types of joins, simple SQL queries like select, update etc.
Simple UNIX commands to list a file, find all files which contain the desired word say your name in
What is your role in your project? How do you overcome hurdles that you might face when your
immediate senior/manager is not present to attend a meeting with the client. You have an important
thing, as an application crash occurs during testing. How do you handle such circumstances?
Explain java in layman terms if I don’t understand any technical kinds of stuff like private, class, or
Explain automation architecture and how what kind of architecture was in your project and explain it.
Why do we use interfaces? Why is the interface concept present when something could be achieved
using classes or abstract classes?
Tell the use of abstract classes over interfaces, and how are interfaces built in terms of methods
declared and variables within it?
Questions on collections like how do you do sorting using collections? 19)Giving an example, he
asked me to choose which collection would I chose for that particular scenario. Like
getwindowhandles returns set, but can I also make use of a list or any other collection? Similar
TestNG and how you could initiate your automation script.
How to connect to the database using selenium, it’s requirements for connection, and commands for
Differences between overloading and overriding, what is polymorphism, what is an abstraction, and
write a program that shows me something which I understand about these concepts.
Write a program to check if the given input is a palindrome or not by taking input from the user at
What are the advantages of using testng, why can’t we run selenium code directly?
Have you worked on Jenkins? What are the advantages of it? What if the developer does not use
Jenkins, but the testing team has been asked to use it? Can you do so without developer creating
the build in Jenkins, your automation code can start?
Disadvantages and advantages of selenium, where can all I not use selenium?
Given just 2days and you have like 100 test cases to manually execute, and your colleague is on
long leave, what will you do? You think this situation can occur in real-time? Can you execute all test
cases alone within deadlines?
What is the code to find the active element on the web page?
Write a selenium program to verify that the navigation of the web page is landing at the correct URL
on the next page.
Write a code to make use of assert if my username is incorrect.
What is the skeleton of testng.xml? What all does/can it contain? 3/10
5/26/2021 Oracle 2021 Java Selenium Automation Interview Questions
Code for switching
QUESTIONS and forth(
JAVA getting into framesTEST
to the mainframe)
Write a program to extract information from the excel sheet and print it to the reporting
sheet(reporter.log) and console.
How confident are you in manual testing, selenium, java?
Code to write the usage of actions class with an example, usage of a select class
Switching between the two browsers(parent and child), popup differences, and identification.
How to make use of external support like AutoIT or robotium, and at what conditions?
Can we do any mouse actions like click using AutoIT? If yes, how, if no, what is the alternative?

Oracle interview questions

How string is different from other data types
Difference between final, finally and finalize
Create a folder if not exists and then create a text file inside it, write the data to the text file and save
it, then open the file and read the data
Explain Polymorphism in detail
Interface declaration
Difference between abstraction and interface
Read the excel data from a cell
Write the runtime data to the excel sheet
How will you declare a class if I don’t want to change the data in it
I have 10 test cases, and I want to execute only 3 test cases. How will you do that
Find the largest 3 numbers in the array
The reverse of an array
Collections in Java

Oracle Financial services Interview questions

1st Round:- Online Test Approx 20 questions
2nd Round:- F2F round
Which version of selenium, java, and Appium you are using
Difference between Selenium 2 and Selenium 3
What is the latest featured in Java 8?
What is a lambda expression
How to get the data from a webtable like ID: 1,2,3 is there in the 1st column and Name: Rahul, Amit,
Himanshu. Find the value of ID 3
What is bubble sort
How to verify the color of an image

Oracle Java Selenium Automation Interview Questions

write a program for the clicking element which presents in the frame.
Write a program for the clicking element, which presents in a child window.
Write a program which should validate the calendar table.
Scenario: suppose the march calendar table consists of all dates 1 to 31 check whether empty
boxes exist in the table or not.
What is TestNG, and how it differs from Junit? What tests can be done with TestNG?
Write the syntax of an opening browser in selenium.
me: webdriver driver= new firefoxdriver();
interviewer: what happens in dis case firefoxdriver driver= new firefoxdriver(); ?
Why we have two syntaxes if der purpose is the same?
When do we use firefoxdriver and webdriver in the above syntax?
Tell me some differences b/w both syntaxes.
Write the syntax for firefox in selenium 3.0.
Why selenium people have changed the syntax, and what is difference b/w syntaxes of selenium
2.53 and selenium 3.0?
What is the dynamic polymorphism in java? Explain with an example.
What are the difference b/w interface and abstract class?
Why is the purpose of abstract class when we achieve abstraction through the interface?
Why can constructor not be inherited in java?
Is constructor by default final if yes/no give a reason?
What is the package imported for reading/writing files in java?
What are the robot class and sikuli and autoit? 4/10
5/26/2021 Oracle 2021 Java Selenium Automation Interview Questions
What is try to catch?
What is final, finally, finalize?
Will finally block always executes?
What happens if I put the system out in the catch block?
What are the oops concepts?
If exception got in to try what will execute catch or finally?
There is one statement when we put that statement in a try, finally block won’t execute what that
statement is? What happens when we write that statement and where the control will go?
Have you ever created a user-defined exception? What is the syntax?
Difference b/w throw and throws?
How do you run tests parallelly?
How do pass test data in TestNG and which annotation will be used?
What type of framework using in your project to explain it.
Without using sendkeys, how will you type text in a text box? is der any method or class in java?
What are the difference b/w list and set?
What is a linked list?
What is hashmap? What will happen if I insert duplicate in the hashmap, which will be overridden
key or value?
How will you do debugging in eclipse?
How do you log bug when a test case fails?
What is difference b/w severity and priority?
In which scenarios we get null pointer exception?
Where you find difficulties in automation while writing scripts?
Out of 1000 test cases, only 1 test case failed, how will you run that test case?
There is String with 100 characters in it, characters may in any order, and by default, that string is
not a palindrome, how will you say string can be a palindrome or not?
What is agile? Explain the process of agile.
Suppose in sprint 10 requirements are der, do we start testing after completing the development of
all 10 requirements or how?
How do you click on a particular date number in the calendar month table?
Scenario: suppose today I will click on 20 dates in the month table, tomorrow 21 like so. It
should be dynamic.
Write a program for it.
How do you pass a parameter into XPath?
Suppose you have ten thousand test case files are there. One element that got changed in the new
the same element was used in 700 test case files. Now say how do you do changes for that element
in those files.
Tel oops concept with real-time examples… like any software terms you can use.
If your script got failed and the same script works fine with the next run, what will you do? Will you
log the bug or what kind of analysis you do?
Box contains 50 red socks and 50 white socks, what is the probability of getting the right pair of the
same color in how many picks? Tell the worst case and best case of probability.
If the box contains 1000 different colors and total 10,000 socks, now say the probability of getting
the right pair of
the same color in how many picks? Tell the worst case and best case of probability.
Using eight 8’s make 1000 use any operators like +,-,%,/……
what is different b/w agile and other methodologies?

Latest Oracle Interview Questions

How to abort a shell script while it is running.
Is it possible to use echo command in place of ls command?
How to remove one line from a text file using Unix commands.
Provide logic to replace M with F and F with M in Employees table using the single command
without any temp table.
How to pick the nth maximum salary from the employee’s table.
Difference between two constraints – Primary key and Unique Key.
What are various DML, DDL, and DCL commands in SQL?
What is the next number in the sequence 9, 18, 21, 25, 20?
One aptitude question – If a monkey climbs 6 meters and descends 3 meters in 1 min. What is the
time monkey takes to climb 60 meters? 5/10
5/26/2021 Oracle 2021 Java Selenium Automation Interview Questions
Explain the different
INTERVIEW steps in the
JAVA model.
What is an Agile methodology, and what are the benefits of it.
What is the difference between the Web application and Desktop application?
What is the best bug you have found still date?
What is the difference between Defect and Bug?
Write a Java program to generate Random numbers from 1 to 10.
Write Selenium webdriver code to log in to an application and check the validity of one element in
the resulting page.
What are the conditions you follow to pick test cases for Automation?
What are the conditions you follow to not select test cases for Automation?
What is XPath, and where is it used.
What is the difference between // and / in XPath?
What are the different types of waits in Webdriver?
Difference between Explicit and Implicit wait in webdriver.
Give an example of High priority and Low severity scenario.
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ORACLE Interview Questions for 2+ Years

Tell me about Yourself
What are Priority and Severity
Tools used in your project
Detail explanation about QC
What are the stages of Bug
Given a sample Webpage to test? How will you test?
Write HTML code for a page containing
1. Title
2. Image
3. Radio Buttons
4. Check Boxes
5. Links
6. Images (Again)
7. Links (Again)
For the above HTML code, how do you identify all the elements that are present are not?
What is the version of QC that you have used in your Project?
How do you identify the content of the web page without using a Tool?
About the Project?
Explain Priority and Severity with Example?

Oracle Developer Interview Questions

Check Also: Harman Interview Questions
Interview Experience of ORACLE (OFSS)
College NIT Trichy
Eligibility Criteria:- >=6 Pointer Out of 10
Four Students got Selected here. I am sharing one of them.

Hi all, I hope you all are preparing well. You are sharing my experience for OFSS. It should be enough for
you for this firm, at least. 6/10
5/26/2021 Oracle 2021 Java Selenium Automation Interview Questions


There are three rounds of the recruitment process:

1. Online Aptitude Test

2. Technical HR
3. Behavioral HR

Online Aptitude Test:

It is divided into 4 sections

Computer basics
Software Engineering Test
Verbal test
English Test

There are only 10 questions from Quantitative Aptitude. It is time-consuming. Questions in the rest of the
sections were easy. Preparation for C and C++ is required. Some ADA concepts, AVL trees, flowcharts
were there, which were time-consuming. And the English section can be solved pretty fast.

You don’t need to perform extraordinarily in the paper. Just stick to basics, and you will clear this round.
You can go through the previous years’ papers to have some idea about the questions.

Technical HR:

They can really ask anything in technical HR. One needs to prepare well for all the subjects. But only the
basics are required. You need to be thorough with C, C++, and DBMS. They can even ask questions in
Java. They can ask you to discuss your project in detail, or they can even ask just a few questions from it.

Some of the questions I faced were:

Tell me something about yourself (Don’t mention about your family here, unless asked)
Strength and Weakness (Try to answer from Academic point of view)
Write a program to reverse a string using pointers.
Write a program to remove spaces from a sentence.
What are the different types of sorting and searching? Discuss all the types and the approach used.
What are DDL, DML, and DCL?
What kind of project you have done. What is it about.
What would you prefer- Internship or project in college?
What are the threads?
What is multithreading?
Have you implemented threads?
What is call by reference and call by value? Which of these is used in Java? 7/10
5/26/2021 Oracle 2021 Java Selenium Automation Interview Questions
All they focus on is-QUESTIONS
INTERVIEW how confident you
while answering
PROGRAMS the questions.
TEST CASESThey might try to confuse
sometimes to test you how confident you are. Relax. Answer the questions tactfully. Take your time, think
the answers in your head for a few seconds, and communicate clearly. Once you clear this round, you
can go for a behavioral HR round.

Behavioural HR:

What they want to judge in this round is- how smartly you answer, how fluent you are while
communicating, and your confidence level. Some of the questions I faced are:

Tell me something about yourself.

What made you join this college?
Why do you want to join Oracle and not any other company?
Was there any situation you had a fight with someone? If yes, give details. And, how will you handle
this situation in the future if you’re faced with it again?
Which is your dream company?
Any questions? (Don’t avoid asking the question(s) in the end)
He also asked me 3 men and hats puzzle during the interview:


Cannibals ambush a safari in the jungle and capture three men. The cannibals give the men a single
chance to escape uneaten. The captives are lined up in order of height and are tied to stakes. The man in
the rear can see the backs of his two friends, the man in the middle can see the back of the man in front,
and the man in front cannot see anyone. The cannibals show the men five hats.

Three of the hats are black, and two of the hats are white. Blindfolds are then placed over each man’s
eyes, and a hat is placed on each man’s head. The two hats left over are hidden. The blindfolds are then
removed, and it is said to the men that if one of them can guess what colour hat he is wearing, they can
all leave unharmed.

The man in the rear who can see both of his friends’ hats but not his own says, “I don’t know.” The middle
man who can see the hat of the man in front, but not his own, says, “I don’t know”. The frontman who
cannot see ANYBODY’S hat says, “I know!” How did he know the colour of his hat, and what colour was
Check: Latest Testing Interview Questions
Company: Oracle(Server technology)
Interview Type: On-campus

Interview Process:

I want to share my experience with my recruitment process with ORACLE. Oracle procedure consists of.

Online aptitude Round

Coding Round
2-3 Technical Rounds and 1 HR Round

Technical Questions

Round 1:

How is a file transferred via FTP, and how exactly does FTP work? How many sockets would be
required for one file transfer?
What is the path followed if my system wants to connect to some given IP of another system?
Networking(all basic definitions)?

Round 2:

This round was focused on algorithms and data structures.

The reverse of a LinkedList, follow up. Can you do it, recursively?

Then he asked me to write the conditions to be taken into consideration while deleting any node
from a tree on a sheet of paper.

Round 3:

A lot of questions were asked.

Threading, paging (OS)

Queries, join, indexing (DBMS), etc

HR Round: 8/10
5/26/2021 Oracle 2021 Java Selenium Automation Interview Questions
was just a formality. It did not last
5 minutes.
She asked me about my background.
Why should I choose you?
Why Oracle?
Don’t Miss: Selenium Programs Interview Questions
Company: Oracle
Profile: Application Developer
Interview Type: On-campus
Pattern: written + 3 Tech Interview + 1 HR
Type: Online, Cgpa criteria: NO

Written exam Modules: 2hrs (no -ve marking)

Coding skills(comprehension oriented)

Computer science knowledge (basic)
Software engineering aptitude
Written English

Interview Rounds:

Round 1:

You are given a Single Linked List containing integer key as data in every node and a head pointer
pointing to the first node, and you have to delete a node with a given key, you can’t create any new
variable. (Copy data of next node to the node which contains k and delete next node).
Coin change – DP?
25 Horses puzzle where you to find the top 5 horses.

Round 2:

Multi-Threading, Multi-Process, and Context switching concepts(in-depth)

Asked Course projects and requires in-depth details of it.
In an exam, there are 50 questions — +1 for correct, -1/3 for incorrect and -1/6 for not attempting.
Peter scored 32 in that exam. Find the minimum number of questions he must have done wrong.

Round 3:

Data Structure used for the implementation of the dictionary.

Given an array of n integers(consider +ve and also -ve), find a sub-array such that the sum of that
array is maximum.

Round 4 (HR):

Basic HR questions. Try to make them feel like you will join their company.

In the end, I got the offer :). It was an excellent experience for me.

About Oracle
Oracle Corporation is an American multinational computer technology corporation, headquartered in
Redwood Shores, California. 9/10
5/26/2021 Oracle 2021 Java Selenium Automation Interview Questions


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