Gold Exp A2P U4 Skills Test B

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A2+ Name:

2ND EDITION Preliminary for


You are going to listen to a recording about making an
important decision. Listen to the whole recording once. Task 1
Then you will hear the recording again with pauses for You are going to listen to six conversations. For questions
you to write down what you hear. Make sure you spell the 1–6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according
words correctly. to what you hear.
 1 You will hear a girl telling her friend about a problem with
a school project. Why is she worried?
 A She needs to work hard on the project.
B She’s too busy to do her project.

C She has to practise for a competition.
 2 You will hear a boy, Tom, talking to his teacher about his
homework. The teacher
 A wants to help Tom.
B is angry with Tom.

C thinks Tom isn’t alright.
 3 You will hear a brother and sister talking about cooking.
How does the boy feel about cooking?
 A Cooking is too difficult for him.
B He enjoys cooking the dishes from the TV show.

C Cooking isn’t something he wants to do.
 4 You will hear two friends preparing for an exam. What do
they both agree to do?
 A have a drink
B take a break

C test each other
 10 5 You will hear two friends talking about their lessons.
What do they enjoy about them?
A the laptops they use
B what they are learning
C the lessons are easier
6 You will hear two friends talking about a maths test.
Why is the boy upset?
A He didn’t pass a difficult test.
B His friend did badly in the test.
C He handed in his test without checking it.


Task 2
You are going to listen to the last conversation again.
Answer the question in your own words.
7 Why does the girl always check her answers?

 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019

A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Read the article and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
8 How did Regina learn about life in Britain?
A She learnt about the culture.
B She made friends there.
C She met a British family.
D She lived and went to school there.
9 How did the Browns help Regina?
A They became her family.
B They explained why she was scared.
C They understood her feelings.
D They told her about the new place.
10 When Regina spoke with the Browns online
A she found out something that surprised her.
B she learnt there were twins in the family.
C she became best friends with Charlie.
D she thought Charlie and Max were girls.
11 What is true about Regina’s classroom in Britain?
A It was very big.
B It was upstairs.
C It was in a second building.
D It was far to walk to.
12 What did Regina like most about her school uniform?
A a tie was part of the uniform
B it’s more comfortable than jeans
C she didn’t need to choose clothes every day
D all the students looked the same
13 What were Regina feelings on her last day in Britain?
A She was excited.
B She was surprised.
C She was sad.
D She was upset.


Task 2
Read the article again and answer the question in your own words.
14 What does Regina say about students’ clothes in Brazil?

Total: 50

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Regina Flores talks about her year abroad as an exchange

The first time I went overseas was last year, Also, I wore a school uniform for the first time
when I was fifteen. Because I had never left in my life. It felt really strange wearing a jacket
my country, Brazil, I didn’t know much about and tie at first because I wear jeans to school
other places. So my parents sent me to Britain in Brazil. I soon realised life was easier when
for a year, to live with a family and attend I didn’t have to think about what to wear
school. It was a great way to learn about every day! But the thing I like best about the
a different lifestyle and culture. uniform is that everyone is equal. In Brazil,
young people like to be fashionable at school,
The family I stayed with – the Browns – were but some students don’t have trendy clothes
helpful and kind. They knew I felt a little and they feel bad.
uncertain and scared because I was far away
from my own family in a foreign country. My last day at school in Britain was sad. I cried
The three children in the family are 15-year-old when my classmates gave me a present and
twins, Charlie and Max, and Holly who is ten. a card. It was hard to say goodbye! The next
day, the Browns took me to the airport, but
When I first read about the family, I thought I didn’t cry because Charlie is coming to stay
Charlie and Max were brothers because they with me in Brazil next month. She’s going to
have boys’ names. But during our first video live with my family and study in my town for
chat I found out that Charlie is a ‘she’, whose a year! Hooray!
real name is Charlotte! We became best
friends. I shared her bedroom and we spent
a lot of time talking before bed.

My school I went to in Britain is very different

to my school in Brazil. In Brazil, it’s much
bigger. There are a lot of students and the
school is on a lot of land. There are more
buildings, but the buildings aren’t high.
In Britain my classroom was on the second
floor and I walked up and down the stairs
a lot!

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019

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