Periodic Grammar

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Unit 1 – Nouns and Adjectives

Checkpoint (p1):
N1 Nouns
N1.1 Common Nouns & Proper Nouns
N1.2 Definite & Indefinite Article
N2 Possessive Nouns
N2.1 Forms of Possessive Common Nuns
N2.2 Forms of Possessive Proper Nouns
PN1.2 Possessive Determiners
PN2.1 Demonstrative Determiners
PN2.2 Demonstrative Pronouns
P2.1 Apostrophe to Show Possession

N1.1 A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. A proper noun gives the specific name of a
person, place, or thing. Underline the common nouns and circle the proper nouns


PEOPLE man boy James, Gary
___________ _________ ________ ________

PLACE country, city, town, village, state

TIME day , month

_______ _________
ORGANIZATION shop, restaurant, company, airline

1.Identify nouns

Jillian and her mother went to an auction in the city. They were hoping to find paintings and other
artwork to decorate their home. They looked around at all the things on display. There were
vases, furniture, and sculptures. Everywhere they looked there were more beautiful and exotic
items to see.

2. Replace with Proper Nouns

the Smithsonian Institute the White House Washington, D.C.
the Lincoln Memorial Mrs. Sommerville Treasures of India the
Washington Memorial Becky Papa Joe’s Pizza Thomas
Jefferson Elementary Anthony Eton Public Library

Steven and his family went on a trip last summer. They went to (a city) ________________ They
saw (a monument)______________________________and (another monument)
________________________. Then they went to see (an exhibit) ____________________at (a
museum) ___________________________. They even saw (a house)_______________
___________________, where the president lives. They had a wonderful time. When Steven
returned to (a school)________________________________ in the fall, (a teacher)____
________________told him he could get extra credit points by giving an oral presentation about
his trip. He had some photographs to use, and he also went to (a library)________
________________ to write down some information about the places he visited. Steven’s
presentation was a success. (A girl)_______________ and (a boy) _____________talked to
Steven afterwards because they were excited to learn more about the things he had seen. He
was happy to tell them more. His parents were happy with his success. They took him out to (a
restaurant) _______________________________that night to celebrate. They all had fun talking
about their trip and remembering the fun they had.

N1.2 Definite & Indefinite Article

Indefinite Articles
English has three indefinite articles - two for singular nouns( a/an )and one for plural and uncountable
For singular nouns, the indefinite articles are "a" and "an." Now, in other languages, when choosing
which indefinite article to use, you may have to think about the gender of the noun, its spelling and
the spelling of any adjectives that come before it. In English, you only have to listen to the very next
word. If it begins with a vowel sound, use "an," and if it begins with a consonant sound, use "a." It's as
simple as that. Here are a few examples:
For plural nouns, the indefinite article is "some." It can be followed by any adverb, adjective, plural
noun or uncountable noun whatsoever (as long as there's a noun somewhere in the vicinity to
complete the noun phrase). Look at these examples:
 some men
 some blue umbrellas
 some universities
 some elephants
 some ugly hats
 some hair
 some water
 some milk
 some money
Definite Articles
We have only one definite article, and it's "the." We use "the" for singular, plural and uncountable
nouns when the reader or listener clearly understands which thing we're talking about because
3.1. I had _____ egg and __ glass of milk for breakfast.
2. The leopard which escaped from _____ zoo has been caught.
3. Have you finished reading _________ book you borrowed last week?
4. This is __________ story you will enjoy.
5. The rabbit was hiding in ______bush. When we went near _____ bush, ______ rabbit ran away.
6. _____ girl you met is my niece.
7. Can you shut _____ door?
8. Please open ______window.
9. Who spilt ink on _____________carpet?
10. It was ______ unforgettable experience.
11. Jane is _______ most intelligent student in ________ class.
12. India is ______ largest democracy in ___________world.

PN1.2 Possessive Determiners

Something we can say about a noun is who it belongs to .We can do this using a possessive determiners The
possessive determiners are:
My (belonging to me)
Your (belonging to you)
His(belongings to him)
Hers(belongings to her)
Its(belonging to it)
Our(belonging to us)
Their ( belonging to them)


1. Maureen wants to visit   friends in London.

2. Tom can't find   pen.

3. We haven't got   homework back, yet.

4. James always forgets to hand in   homework.

5. Shelly can't find   pencils.

6. Molly and Dan want to visit   friends in Paris.

7. You have to hand in   homework.

8. Henry wants to sell   car.

9. They want to visit   parents in New York next month.

10. We haven't got   English books, yet.

11. Michael hasn't got   books, yet.

12. George wants to meet   friends at the bus stop.

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