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Nowadays, people are stick with the technology almost all day as the technology give a
big affect towards people’s daily life. For example, for students which have to learn
through internet have to face the technology everyday as the learning through physically
is forbidden cause the pandemic Covid-19. As for that, in this advanced world which are
full with technology, there are many production company that are being established as
the demand from the people keep on increasing day by day. One of the most famous
production company especially during the hard time that hit 2020 which is pandemic
Covid-19, this one production company called Netflix receive a lot of love from people
who need to stay home during this pandemic Covid-19. Performance of Netflix company
keep on increasing day by day thanks to the support given by people around the world.

Netflix is the most successful online movie-by-mail rental in the United States.
This production company called Netflix was founded in year of 1997 by American
entrepreneur named Reed Hastings Jr and Marc Randolph. This production company
other than being a media-streaming and video rental company, it’s also involved in the
creation of original programming. The corporate headquarters in at Los Gatos,
California. The company’s primary business is a subscription-based streaming service
which give out the offers online streaming from a library of films and television series,
including those produced in-house.

During the early year after the stabling of the Netflix company, this company originally
offered DVDs on a fee per use basis. This primary business of Netflix was being on
years of 1999 which two years after founding the company, the founder launched the
company’s subscription service. Netflix has adopted the code of ethics which is for their
directors, officers and other employees to deter wrongdoing and to promote ethical
behaviour. The purpose of adopted the ethics is to maintain an honest and ethical code
of conduct throughout Netflix’s company. Every company have their own mission and for
Netflix mission is “our appeal and success are built on providing the most expansive
selection of DVDs, an easy way to choose movie and fast free delivery”. Same goes with
the culture which the freedom and responsibility. Netflix have nine specific values which
is includes Judgment, Communication, Impact, Curiosity, Innovation, Courage, Passion,
Honesty, and Selflessness. Employees that are involve in this production company
called Netflix have to help each other in order to be great.

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