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Years of 2020 have been very tough year for transportation industry due to the
outbreak of coronavirus disease (Covid-19). SPT Express were one of the
transportation company faced the difficulty. After end of the Covid-19, SPT Express
company need to have strategic plan to overcoming losses throughout covid-19. Here is
the opinion and my own views on how SPT Express have the ability to manage after
pandemic covid-19 over.

One steps that SPT Express can take is to review and recover the affected areas
in the long terms also in short term depending on the strategy and the management. As
for the example, all the financial loss during Covid-19 or the less profit therefore SPT
Express can study and analyze in the regards to this what parts they should recover. In
addition, the company can make improvements to their services and their bus condition
where inside of the bus is comfortable enough for passengers that travel along the way
from Kuala Lumpur to Sabak Bernam and Teluk Intan in order to bring back the
demands among people. The demands will come back faster as people have the ability
to see the improvement made by the means the company.

Otherwise, SPT Express have the ability to take another initiative such as
develop a plan to take the temperature of the post Covid-19 marketplace of
transportation. Public transportation like bus have the ability to validate their new
customer behavior post Covid-19 as well as gather new information in regards to the

In order to improve the company performance after facing such a hard time
during Movement Condition Orders, in this critical time of rapid change, it’s crucial for
SPT Express to take another action doing market research or in other option by the
means of getting a customer’s feedback by the means of gathering comments that the
customers write down on social media platform as at the present time people always on
social media to kills time during the Movement Condition Orders in addition to this
during their free time such as Facebook, Instagram in addition to this is Twitter. From
gathering as well as collecting the comment by the means of the customers from those
sources, SPT Express company should make a thorough analysis of the collected data
in order to bring out with the best way to make a marketing as well as what kind of
services that will consider the best can give to the customers.

As for initiative to giving the best service to the customers, SPT Express should
train their staffs such as bus driver to be empathetic with customer but at the same time
able to follow the standard procedure of social distancing that the government give out
to the whole country of Malaysia. If the company train the staff well and the staff
practice what they have been train to, SPT Express would get a chance to be good
publicity in the public eye and it most certainly help to improve SPT Express’s

Other than that, the SPT Express company have the ability to consider to make
contactless payments such as e-wallet, boost, QR-Pay and other as people in Malaysia
will still choose in order to be careful even in the spite of the fact that government
announced that the Covid-19 is over. The way to buy bus tickets using banknotes
should be less use as the banknotes that don’t know from where may bring back the
coronavirus (Covid-19) as well as bring cause to the spread of Covid-19. Banknotes
through change hands have the ability to attract all kinds of bacteria and viruses.

In order to provide the safety as well as comfortable to people who want to travel
from Sabak Bernam to Kuala Lumpur and from Kuala Lumpur to Sabak Bernam and
Teluk Intan using the bus services from SPT Express company, the company should
introduce this kind of way to pay for the tickets. Since the Covid-19 arrive at Malaysia,
Malaysia release the statement that around 74 percent users in Malaysia becoming less
cash dependent and more comfortable to choose electronic forms of payment instead.

This opinion on how company SPT Express have the ability to manage after
Covid-19 can be promote on the company websites or social media to let more people
know that the company already launch new method to pay for the tickets. This kind of
method can help to improve the company brand perception online.

At the present time everything is done by online right from buying clothes,
accessories, jewelries as well as groceries and specially during the pandemic of Covid-
19, many company start sell their goods through online as it effective ways to reduce
physical interactions between people at the stores in addition to this it
recommendations given by the means of the government. For those people who still
hesitant go out or to people who don’t have enough time to go to the bus stand and
stand in the queue to get a bus tickets booking, online tickets booking is one of the
obvious alternative to bring back the loss income and increase the sales of company.
People will feel more relaxed as well as do not need to travel as well as risk themselves
to travel to the bus stand as the online booking system will let people to book bus
tickets from everywhere and anywhere within a minutes.

As for that, by the company keep on upgrade the online tickets booking it can be
one of the best alternative that the company can use to manage after covid-19 over.
The company can upgrade by the means of use another alternative along the lines of
giving an exciting discount for those who buy the tickets using the online system.
Discounts, the word alone that enough to get users excited as well as will helps people
to enjoy online bus booking at an extremely affordable cost.

Other way or items the company have the ability to use to upgrade the system is
in bus timing as it very important aspect for passengers will looking at the bus timing to
book bus tickets through online. By the means of existing the timing filters, users can
narrow down the available bus based on their chosen and suitable time. Passengers
can just simply check with leisure the departure time given in the details as well as book
a bus. Company may try this online tickets booking as an alternative in order to
increase the demand from people towards the SPT Express.

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