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4 Controlling

The last step that need to follow by Netflix company in order to improve
performance of the company is controlling. Controlling is the way to measure
about how effective the plan that have carried out as well as monitoring what is
the work that have been actually being done and results being achieved,
comparing this with what was planned, and taking future action. As already
mention that managers need to leading every decisions making by the team
members after the managers assign certain tasks to them. At the same time the
managers leading the team, the recommendations to improve the Netflix
company performance is manager need to monitoring if the planning to achieve
the objectives of company are being accomplished as planned or not.

To controlling well, managers as well as team members need to have a

clear sight of the goals that been set during the planning phase. Using
controlling methods to improve the company performance not fully depends on
the managers, it also need the cooperation from all team members of Netflix.
This to avoid the company making double planning that will cause delay and
give chance to the other production company competitors like Amazon and
Hulu. This will bring back to the point why company need to use leading to
improve the performance.

Next recommendations are the company make sure that all relevant data
regards the planning are being stored well. When the company need any new
ideas, Netflix company need to access to all the data when reviewing the
planning. While reviewing the planning, sometimes new ideas to make the
planning better will come out which in another words it can help the company
able to controlling the flow of the planning very well as they have something to
refers at. To avoid Netflix company from having to face any potential disaster
while the planning is being carried out, Netflix can use any software tools.
Software tools will contribute a lot of help which Netflix company can predict
how the outcome of the plan. Managers of the company will need to be able to
compare forecasted and actual results, as well as to identify reasons for any
deviations and how they can make up the shortfall.

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