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The Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia is part of the ongoing worldwide pandemic of

coronavirus disease 2019 ( Covid-19 ) caused by the means of severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Covid -19 have entered Malaysia in early
January 2020 and become a global public health crisis that has had a profound effect on
the way we perceive our everyday lives and environment. According to World Health
Organization (WHO), “Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused
by a newly discovered coronavirus. The majority of people infected with the COVID-19
virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring
special treatment. After covid-19 land in Malaysia, many people are wondering in
regards to what kind of symptoms will show towards the people that are infected by
coronavirus (COVID-19). This kind of wondering appear due to the fact of people want to
be extra careful towards become affect by this dangerous virus. Signs and symptoms of
Covid-19 will occur to people in regards to two to fourteen days after the exposure. This
time it is called the duration of quarantine after exposure and before getting symptoms.

The common signs and symptoms are including fever, cough and shortness in
breathing or having difficulty breathing. Other symptoms that will appear are like
tiredness, aches, chills, sore throat, loss of smell, loss of taste, headache, diarrhea and
severe vomiting. According to the news publish by Berita Harian, The Ministry of Health
(MOH) are statistics show that two age groups that easily infected are between 26 to 30
and 56 to 60 years old. The young people who are getting infected by the Covid-19 the
majority of the people who are return back from abroad that have been affect by Covid-
19 while the second group, which is the age of 56 to 60 years old due to the fact of the
people who come from this age groups get affect because as state in the Standard
Operator Procedures release by government of Malaysia, only allows head of the family
have the ability to leave the house to buy necessities which may cause this age group to
be infected during the time they need to interact with man people. In addition to that,
older people, and those with underlying medical problems along the lines of
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more
likely to develop serious illness.
In this world many countries already been affect by this coronavirus and Malaysia
is one of the country as the first human-to-human transmission of coronavirus in
Malaysia was detected on late January 2020 which causing concerns of the pandemic
spread. Apart many countries already been effect, Malaysia joined the list of countries
with coronavirus when the first case was confirmed on 25 January 2020. The infected
was detected on travelers from China arriving in Johor via Singapore on 25 January,
following the outbreak of COVID-19 in Hubei, China.

Due to the positive cases of Covid-19 that keep on increasing rapidly day by day
and Malaysia also reported the first deaths due to coronavirus in the country on 17
March, the government of Malaysia decided to launch movement control order (MCO) as
one of the alternative to stop the virus spread through the social distancing between
individual which was announced to be in effect between 18 March until 12 May.

The COVID-19 pandemic that led to movement control order (MCO) in Malaysia
added pains and difficulties to the economic situation, particularly the Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs) and vulnerable groups such as lower-income individuals (B40
group) and the majority of private sector workers. Therefore, this pandemic aside from
the human suffering, Malaysia state of economic in addition to this in risk as many big
company have to shut down due to no income during the movement control order(MCO)
being launched.

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