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The horror of the pandemic

Before the pandemic started all the people were in their work, they went to the places
without any restriction in conclusion all the world were normally but on December 31st of
2019 in Wuhan was discovered the first case of COVID – 19 according to the doctors
because they ate bats. In that moment all the world was alarmed, all the Colombians were
waiting for the first case meanwhile in the supermarkets began to finish the food and the
toiletry products, when the first 10 cases came at Colombia all the schools and places
remained in absolute quarantine and all the people in their houses, only was allowing exit
with a mask and only for the important things. Then about April and May the mayor’s
office and the rector of our school started the virtual classes, all the students were
confused but after a while we get our new routine until now, finally the doctors finished
the long-awaited vaccine to prevent to be infected with COVID – 19 meanwhile we can
go to the malls, to the cinema, go to travel but obviously with the security measures, in
this moment the president is sending to vaccinate to everybody for soon we can study in
the school.

Past simple
Past continuous
Present simple
Present continuous

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