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Project Module 1

Course Title:

Software Engineering

Submitted to:

Ma’am Hareem Aslam

Submitted by:

Laiba Waheed (BITF19A005)

Ayesha Siddique (BITF19A008)

Aiman Asif (BITF19A038)

Punjab University College of Information Technology

Online missing person information system


● The manual procedure for finding a missing person is a long and

time taking process and also the documentation (FIR) takes a lot of
● One more problem occurs in the manual procedure that sometimes
the record misplaces and then the previous investigation or the
information about that person lost.


● The project is large as we have to store a large amount of data and

also, we have to make sure that no data loss occurs.
● The risk factor is large as data should be accurate and should be
stored correctly.

Process Model:

Incremental Model

Reasons to use this Model:

● This is a combination of the linear sequential model and the iterative

● The other reason to use this model is that our application is large and
will include modules that are to be built.
● Use of a spiral model will allow us to analyze the working of our
project after each module.
● Changes can be made throughout the lifetime of the project.
● Spiral model also helps to analyze the feedback of the users which
will help us to analyze our requirements and improve our software.

Project Working:

● Software will consist of many increments.

● The first activity will be a paper model. After the review, the
requirements for the next module will be selected.
● After our first activity we can launch our application and analyze the
feedback of the users which will help us to observe our requirements
● Further improvements will be the kind of prototypes as we get
continuous feedback from the user and provide more functionalities
based on the reviews.
● Improvements can be done throughout the lifetime of the software.

Functional Point Analysis:

❑ Number of external inputs (EIs)

■ Originate from user or from another application
❑ Number of external outputs (EOs)
■ Derived data in application like reports, screens, errors
❑ Number of external inquiries (EQs)
■ An input that results in immediate software response
❑ Number of internal logical files (ILFs)
■ Logical grouping of data
❑ Number of external interface Files (ELFs)
EIs = Complainant details, missing person details

EOs = Complaint id

EQs = Comments, status, officer details

ILFs = Details of person who login/ search/ signup

ELFs = Keep record of missing person, user info

Measurement parameter Count Simple Average Complex Total

Number of user inputs 2 X 3 4 6 8

Number of user outputs 1 X 4 5 7 5

Number of user inquiries 3 X 3 4 6 12

Number of files 1 X 7 10 15 10

Number of external 2 X 5 7 10 14

Count total 49

Function Points 53.9

Global Questions:
Questions Rating
1 3

2 4

3 3

4 4

5 3

6 4

7 3

8 4

9 3

10 2

11 3

12 4

13 2

14 3

∑Fi = 45
FP = CT * [ 0.65 + 0.01 * ∑(FI) ]
FP = 49 * [0.65 + 0.01 * 45] = 53.9
Line of Code(LOC) Analysis
Functions Estimated LOC

User interface and control facilities (UCIF) 4000

Database management 3500

Computer graphics display facilities 4500

Can enter data of missing persons. 2700

Update the data of missing persons. 2550

Search Detail of any missing Person. 2000

Deletion of data of missing person 2700

Emergency calls. 4,050

Admin activity 8,000

Login 3000

Sign up 5000

Peripheral control function 9500

Total lines of code 49,500

Function 1:
Computer graphics display facilities

Estimated LOC = (Opt.+4*Most Likely+Pessi.) / 6

Optimistic LOC = 4400
Most likely LOC = 4700
Pessimistic LOC = 5269
Estimated LOC = 4744.833
Organizational Average Productivity = 445 LOC/pm
Labor Rate = RS 6500 / month
Cost per LOC = Labor Rate / Productivity = RS 14.6 / LOC
Total Project Cost = Estimated LOC * cost Per LOC = RS 69303.03
Estimated Effort = Estimated LOC / Productivity = 10.66 PM

Function 2:
Can enter data of missing persons.

Estimated LOC = (Opt.+4*Most Likely+Pessi.)/6

Optimistic LOC = 2000
Most LOC = 2500
Pessimistic LOC = 3000
Estimated LOC = 2500
Organizational Average Productivity = 445 LOC/pm
Labor Rate = RS 6500 / month
Cost per LOC = Labor Rate / Productivity =RS 14.6 LOC
Total Project Cost = Estimated LOC * cost Per LOC = RS 36516.85
Estimated Effort = Estimated LOC / Productivity = 5.6 PM

COCOMO (Constructive Cost Model) ANALYSIS

Our project lies in a Semi-Detached type of Intermediate model and the following are
estimated cost of factors.
Estimated size of project = 43KDLOC
Effort Adjustment Factor (EAF) =1.7150
Value of Constants in Intermediate Model
a = 3.0, b = 1.12
c = 2.5, d = 0.35
Effort Applied:
E = 347.2296 PM
Development Time:
D = 19.37 M
Staff Size :
SS = 18person
P = 0.123873687

From our above calculations we can estimate that this online missing person project
can be completed in 19.37 months which is almost 1.6 year if 18 persons work on it
together then the productivity of the software will be 0.1238 approximately.

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