Training and Development

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Project Report on


In partial fulfilment of requirement for the

Award of Degree of M.Com

Human Resource Management

Submitted By:
Mr. Hitesh Rohra
Roll No. 25
M.Com. Part – I, Semester - II

Under the Guidance of:

Prof. Ms. Reshma Kukreja



2014 – 2015
Training & Development In
Apple Inc.

This is to certify that, Mr. Hitesh Rohra of M.Com Part – I, has successfully

completed the project in Human Resource Management titled “Training &

Development In Apple Inc.” under my guidance for the academic year

2014-15. The information submitted is true and original as per my


Ms. Reshma Kukreja

(Internal Guide)

Prof. Gopi Shamnani Dr. Padma V.

(Coordinator, M.Com) Deshmukh

(I/C Principal)

External Examiner


I, Mr. Hitesh Rohra student of SMT. CHANDIBAI HIMATMAL


Semester – II, hereby declare that I have completed this project on

“Training & Development In Apple Inc.” for the subject “Human

Resource Management” in the academic year 2014-15.The information

submitted is true and original to the best of my knowledge.

Mr. Hitesh Rohra


To list who all have helped me is difficult because they are so

numerous and the depth is so enormous.
I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic
channels and fresh dimensions in the completion of this
I take this opportunity to thank the University of Mumbai
forgiving me chance to do this project.
I would like thank my Principal, Dr. Padma V. Deshmukh for
providing the necessary facilities required for completion of this
I would also like to express my sincere gratitude towards my
project guide Prof. Ms. Reshma Kukreja whose guidance and
care made the project successful.
I would like to thank my college library, for having provided
Various reference books and magazines related to my project.
Lastly I would like to thank each & every person who directly or
indirectly helped me in completion of the project especially my
parents & peers who supported me throughout my project
Executive Summary

Apple Inc. is an American multinational company that designs, develops, and sells
consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. In the past five years,
the cumulative total return on Apple stock has increased by 331%. The reason for this
growth is twofold: the technology sector has transformed and Apple has capitalized on
this wave of technological dependence; and Apple has captured the computing market
through improving existing technology and creating demand for new products through
pervasive transformative innovation. While Apple is enjoying market dominance in the
United States, its growth depends on the production of new and improved technology for
emerging and developed markets.

Apple has yet to demonstrate true multinational flexibility; however, Apple’s iPhone 5C
is an initial attempt to penetrate emerging markets with a product aligned with local
customer demand and buying power. Forecasts show that the iPhone is where the
international growth opportunity exists. But Apple needs to open its software to outside
hardware to compete in the global market. This control on software and hardware has
allowed Android a further reach. Until

Apple bends on its strategy, it is going to leave unrealized global opportunity on the table.
Unless Apple addresses the needs of middle and bottom of the pyramid markets, scaling,
and market penetration will be challenging. Apple needs an array of models from low to
highend to compete in emerging markets. Apple should disrupt these markets by
leveraging its core capabilities to come up with “frugal innovations.”

Alternatively, Apple could just offer its software to the emerging markets. This allows

he end consumer. This would be targeted at emerging markets only as Apple would not want to cannibalize its own hardware s


a) Introduction To Human Resource Management........................03

b) Introduction Of The Training And Development.........................04

c) Traditional And Modern Approach

Of Training And Development...........................05

d) Importance Of Training And Development.................................06

e) Training And Development Objectives................................08

f) Importance Of Training Objectives..................................08

g) Models Of Training.................................................11

h) System Model Training.............................................12

i) Instructional System Development Model(Isd)Model.................13

j) The ISD Model.............................................................15

k) Learning And Training......................................................16

l) Best Time To Impart Training To Employee............................17

m) Benefits Of Training........................................................19

n) The Evaluation Of Training..................................................20

o) A Training Tool: Inspiring Others


p) Training-Design........................................................................33

q) Training Implementation.....................................................35

r) Introduction To Apple Inc…............................................37

s) Training Needs Analysis...................................48

t) Identification Of Training Needs based on Data


u) Training and Intervention Strategies................................55

v) Cost-Benefit Analysis for the Training

and Development Program..........................................56

w) Training and Development Program Evaluation........................58

x) Conclusion & Suggestions.................................59

y) Bibliography….............................60

z) References.............................................60

Introduction To Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management is concerned with human beings, who are

energetic elements of management. The success of an enterprise will depend upon the
ability, strength and motivation of persons working in it. Human Resource Management
refers to systematic approach to problems in any organization. Human Resource
Management is concerned with all aspects of managing the human resources of an
According to Likert,’’ Every aspect of firm’s activities is determined by the
competence, motivation and general effectiveness of its human organization.
Of all the tasks of management, managing the human component is the central and most
important task because all depends upon how well it is done.’ This quotation sums up the
importance of human component in an organization and need for managing it effectively.
Human Resources are the most important assets of an organization. Its objective is the
maintenance of better human relations in the Organization by the development,
application and evaluation of policies, procedures and programmes relating to human
resources to optimize their contribution towards the realisation of organizational
objectives.It is concerned with getting better results with the collaboration of people.
Human Resource Management has been defined by various eminent authors.
Some of them are mentioned below:-
‘’The policies and practices needed to carry out the people or human resources
aspects of a management position including recruiting, screening, training, rewarding and
Dictionary of Human Resource Management and Personnel Management.
‘’Human Resource Management is that part of the management’s process which is
primarily concerned with the human constituents of an organization.’’

Introduction Of The Training And Development

One of the most talked subjects in corporate circles, in recent times is how to
optimize the contributions of human resources in achieving organizational goals. An
efficient and satisfied workforce is the most significant factor in organizational
effectiveness and marginal excellence. But experiences in business and service
organizations however indicate that management, comparatively speaking, bestows more
time and attention to policies and systems relating to production, technology, investment,
inventory, marketing, etc than to human resources.
Compulsion of modern business environment is however promoting corporate
managements to systematically review their current attitudes, beliefs and policies towards
human resources for they contribute most significantly to the survival and growth of
organization. Enlightened and progressive managements have therefore come to believe
that people are not problems but opportunities. Training and Development activities are
important part of exploring these opportunities.
Training and Development activities are designed to impart specific skills, abilities and
knowledge to employees. Training is a planned effort by an organization to facilitate
employee’s learning of job related knowledge and skills for the purpose of improving
performance. Development refers to learning opportunities designed to help employees
grow and evolve a vision for future.
Traditional And Modern Approach Of Training And

Traditional Approach – Most of the organizations before never used to believe in training.
They were holding the traditional view that managers are born and not made. There were
also some views that training is a very costly affair and not worth. Organizations used to
believe more in executive pinching. But now the scenario seems to be changing.

The modern approach of training and development is that Indian Organizations have
realized the importance of corporate training. Training is now considered as more of
retention tool than a cost. The training system in Indian Industry has been changed to
create a smarter workforce and yield the best results.
It is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of
skills, concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviors to enhance the performance
of employees.

Training is activity leading to skilled behavior:

• It’s not what you want in life, but it’s knowing how to reach it.
• It’s not where you want to go, but it’s knowing how to get there.

• It’s not how high you want to rise, but it’s knowing how to take off.
• It may not be quite the outcome you were aiming for, but it will be an outcome.

• It’s not what you dream of doing, but it’s having the knowledge to do it.

• It’s not the goal you set, but it’s what you need to achieve it.
 Training is about knowing where you stand (no matter how good or bad the current
situation looks) at present, and where you will be after some point of time.
 Training is about the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) through
professional development.

Importance Of Training And Development

• Optimum Utilization of Human Resources – Training and Development helps in
optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the employee to achieve
the organizational goals as well as their individual goals.

• Development of Human Resources – Training and Development helps to provide an

opportunity and broad structure for the development of human resources’ technical and
behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps the employees in attaining personal

• Development of skills of employees – Training and Development helps in increasing

the job knowledge and skills of employees at each level. It helps to expand the horizons
of human intellect and an overall personality of the employees

Productivity – Training and Development helps in increasing the productivity of the

employees that helps the organization further to achieve its long-term goal

• Team spirit – Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of team work,
team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within
the employees
• Organization Culture – Training and Development helps to develop and improve the
organizational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning culture
within the organization.

• Organization Climate – Training and Development helps building the
positive perception and feeling about the organization. The employees get these
feelings from leaders, subordinates, and peers.

• Quality – Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality of work

• Healthy work-environment – Training and Development helps in creating the healthy

working environment. It helps to build good employee, relationship so that individual
goals aligns with organizational goal.

• Health and Safety – Training and Development helps in improving the health and
safety of the organization thus preventing obsolescence.

• Morale – Training and Development helps in improving the morale of the work force.

• Image – Training and Development helps in creating a better corporate image.

• Profitability – Training and Development leads to improved profitability and

more positive attitudes towards profit orientation.

• Training and Development aids in organizational development i.e. Organization gets

more effective decision making and problem solving. It helps in understanding and
carrying out organizational policies.

• Training and Development helps in developing leadership skills, motivation,

loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers and managers usually
Training And Development Objectives
The principal objective of training and development division is to make sure the
availability of a skilled and willing workforce to an organization. In addition to that, there
are four other objectives: Individual, Organizational, Functional, and Societal.

Individual Objectives – help employees in achieving their personal goals, which in turn
enhances the individual contribution to an organization.

Organizational Objectives – assist the organization with its primary objective by

bringing individual effectiveness.

Functional Objectives – maintain the department’s contribution at a level suitable to the

organization’s needs.

Societal Objectives – ensure that an organization is ethically and socially responsible to

the needs and challenges of the society.

Importance of Training Objectives

Training objective is one of the most important parts of training program. While some
people think of training objective as a waste of valuable time. The counterargument here
is that resources are always limited and the training objectives actually lead the design of
training. It provides the clear guidelines and develops the training program in less time
because objectives focus specifically on needs. It helps in adhering to a plan. Training
objectives tell the trainee that what is expected out of him at the end of the training
program. Training objectives are of great significance from a number of
stakeholder perspectives.
1. Trainer

2. Trainee

3. Designer

4. Evaluator

Trainer – The training objective is also beneficial to trainer because it helps the trainer to
measure the progress of trainees and make the required adjustments. Also, trainer comes
in a position to establish a relationship between objectives and particular segments of

Trainee – The training objective is beneficial to the trainee because it helps in reducing
the anxiety of the trainee up to some extent. Not knowing anything or going to a place
which is unknown creates anxiety that can negatively affect learning. Therefore, it is
important to keep the participants aware of the happenings, rather than keeping it surprise.
Secondly, it helps in increase in concentration, which is the crucial factor to make the
training successful. The objectives create an image of the training program in trainee’s
mind that actually helps in gaining attention. Thirdly, if the goal is set to be challenging
and motivating, then the likelihood of achieving those goals is much higher than the
situation in which no goal is to Set. Therefore, training objectives helps in increasing the
probability that the participants will be successful in training.

Designer – The training objective is beneficial to the training designer because if the
designer is aware what is to be achieved in the end then he’ll buy the training package
according to that only. The training designer would then look for the training methods,
training equipments, and training content accordingly to achieve those objectives.
Furthermore, planning always helps in dealing effectively in an unexpected
situation. Consider an example; the objective of one training program is to deal
effectively with customers to increase the sales. Since the objective is known, the
designer will design a training program that will include ways to improve the
interpersonal skills, such as verbal and non verbal language, dealing in unexpected
situation i.e. when there is a defect in a product or when a customer is angry. Therefore,
without any guidance, the training may not be designed appropriately.
Evaluator – It becomes easy for the training evaluator to measure the progress of the
trainees because the objectives define the expected performance of trainees. Training
objective is an important to tool to judge the performance of participants.

Training and Human Resource Management-

The HR functioning is changing with time and with this change, the relationship between
the training function and other management activity is also changing. The training and
development activities are now equally important with that of other HR functions. Gone
are the days, when training was considered to be futile, waste of time, resources, and
money. Now-a-days, training is an investment because the departments such as,
marketing & sales, HR, production, finance, etc depends on training for its survival. If
training is not considered as a priority or not seen as a vital part in the organization, then
it is difficult to accept that such a company has effectively carried out HRM. Training
actually provides the opportunity to raise the profile development activities in the
organization. To increase the commitment level of employees and growth in quality
movement (concepts of HRM), senior management team is now increasing the role of
training. Such concepts of HRM require careful planning as well as greater emphasis on
employee development and long term education.

Training is now the important tool of Human Resource Management to control the
attrition rate because it helps in motivating employees, achieving their professional and
personal goals, increasing the level of job satisfaction, etc. As a result training is given on
a variety of skill development and covers a multitude of courses.

Role of HRD Professionals in Training-

This is the era of cut-throat competition and with this changing scenario of business; the
role of HR professionals in training has been widened. HR role now is:

1. Active involvement in employee education.

2. Rewards for improvement in performance.

3. Rewards to be associated with self esteem and self worth.

4. Providing pre-employment market oriented skill development education and post

employment support for advanced education and training.

5. Flexible access i.e. anytime, anywhere training.

Models Of Training

Training is a sub-system of the organization because the departments such as, marketing
& sales, HR, production, finance, etc depends on training for its survival. Training is a
transforming process that requires some input and in turn it produces output in the form of
knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs).


A System is a combination of things or parts that must work together to perform a

particular function. An organization is a system and training is a sub system of the
organization. The System Approach views training as a sub system of an organization.
System Approach can be used to examine broad issues like objectives, functions, and aim.
It establishes a logical relationship between the sequential stages in the process of training
need analysis (TNA), formulating, delivering, and evaluating. There are 4 necessary
inputs i.e. technology, man, material, time required in every system to produce products
or services. And every system must have some output from these inputs in order to
survive. The output can be tangible or intangible depending upon the organization’s
requirement. A system approach to training is planned creation of training program. This
approach uses step-by-step procedures to solve the problems. Under systematic approach,
training is undertaken on planned basis. Out of this planned effort, one such basic model
of five steps is system model that is explained below.
Organization are working in open environment i.e. there are some internal and
external forces, that poses threats and opportunities, therefore, trainers need to be aware
of these forces which may impact on the content, form, and conduct of the training
efforts. The internal forces are the various demands of the organization for a better
learning environment; need to be up to date with the latest technologies.
The three model of training are:

1. System Model

2. Instructional System Development Model

System Model Training

The system model consists of five phases and should be repeated on a regular basis to
make further improvements. The training should achieve the purpose of helping employee
to perform their work to required standards. The steps involved in System
Model of training are as follows:

1. Analyze and identify the training needs i.e. to analyze the department, job,
employees requirement, who needs training, what do they need to learn,
estimating training cost, etc The next step is to develop a performance measure on
the basis of which actual performance would be evaluated.
2. Design and provide training to meet identified needs. This step requires
developing objectives of training, identifying the learning steps, sequencing and
structuring the contents.
3. Develop- This phase requires listing the activities in the training program that will
assist the participants to learn, selecting delivery method, examining the training
material, validating information to be imparted to make sure it accomplishes all
the goals & objectives.
4. Implementing is the hardest part of the system because one wrong step can lead to
the failure of whole training program.
5. Evaluating each phase so as to make sure it has achieved its aim in terms of
subsequent work performance. Making necessary amendments to any of the
previous stage in order to remedy or improve failure practices.
Instructional System Development Model(Isd)Model

Instructional System Development model was made to answer the training problems.

 This model is widely used now-a-days in the organization because it is concerned

with the training need on the job performance.

 Training objectives are defined on the basis of job responsibilities and job
description and on the basis of the defined objectives individual progress is
measured. This model also helps in determining and developing the favorable
strategies, sequencing the content, and delivering media for the types of training
objectives to be achieve.

The Instructional System Development model comprises of five stages:

1. ANALYSIS – This phase consist of training need assessment, job

analysis, andtarget audience analysis.
2. PLANNING – This phase consist of setting goal of the learning outcome,
instructional objectives that measures behavior of a participant after the training, types
of training material, media selection, methods of evaluating the trainee, trainer and the
training program, strategies to impart knowledge i.e. selection of content, sequencing
of content, etc.

3. DEVELOPMENT – This phase translates design decisions into training

material. It consists of developing course material for the trainer including handouts,
workbooks, visual aids, demonstration props, etc, course material for the trainee
including handouts of summary.

4. EXECUTION – This phase focuses on logistical arrangements, such as arranging

speakers, equipments, benches, podium, food facilities, cooling, lighting, parking, and
other training accessories.

5. EVALUATION – The purpose of this phase is to make sure that the training
program has achieved its aim in terms of subsequent work performance. This phase
consists of identifying strengths and weaknesses and making necessary amendments
to any of the previous stage in order to remedy or improve failure practices.

The ISD Model

The ISD model is a continuous process that lasts throughout the training program. It
also highlights that feedback is an important phase throughout the entire training
program. In this model, the output of one phase is an input to the next phase.
Transitional model focuses on the organization as a whole. The outer loop describes
the vision, mission and values of the organization on the basis of which training
model i.e. inner loop is executed.

Vision – focuses on the milestones that the organization would like to achieve after the
defined point of time. A vision statement tells that where the organization sees itself few
years down the line. A vision may include setting a role mode, or bringing some internal
transformation, or may be promising to meet some other deadlines

Mission – explain the reason of organizational existence. It identifies the position in the
community. The reason of developing a mission statement is to motivate, inspire, and
inform the employees regarding the organization. The mission statement tells about the
identity that how the organization would like to be viewed by the customers, employees,
and all other stakeholders.

Values – is the translation of vision and mission into communicable ideals. It reflects the
deeply held values of the organization and is independent of current industry
environment. For example, values may include social responsibility, excellent customer
service, etc. The mission, vision, and values precede the objective in the inner loop. This
model considers the organization as a whole. The objective is formulated
keeping these three things in mind and then the training model is further
Learning And Training

Irrespective of the type or method of training, a trainer has to keep in mind some of the
principles of learning or motivation, which would enhance internationalization of what is
A trainee needs to have a desire to learn and benefit from the programme. If the is not
interested, or is de-motivated, the learning outcome is going to be insignificant and the
company will have spent its money badly. On the other hand, being too intense about
learning and outcome may result in setting over ambitious goals for the individual.
Following on the concept of motivation is that of reinforcement. For learning to take
place and be internalized to the desired extent, a trainee is rewarded or given some
encouragement. This reinforcement, or the acknowledgement that what has been acquired
is desirable, can be either an extrinsic or intrinsic reward-external praise or some tangible
reward, or the individual’s feeling of a sense of progress. Current stress is on positive
support and helpful behavior, even when mistakes are made.
During the training process, it is useful for the trainee to be told how he is progressing.
Several researchers have confirmed that knowledge of results is an effective motivator.
Constant and periodic feedback has positive effects on the trainee’s learning. Unless the
trainee knows how close his performance comes to the desired standard, he will not have
an opportunity to improve. Feedback therefore provides a basis for correcting oneself.
Secondly, feedback helps to sustain the trainee’s interest in the task, or in each learning
that is taking place, by bringing greater involvement with the learning process. If
feedback is to be meaningful, it should follow a learning segment as quickly as possible.
Transfer of Learning-
The maximum use of training can be made if the trainee is able to transfer his learning to
his actual work role. This is possible if identical elements are incorporated in the training
situation from the job role, either existing or proposed. The more similar the learning
situation is to the job situation, the higher the degree of transfer the trainee can expect,
and hence the grater the relevance of the training programme.
Repetition etches a pattern into our memory, e.g., when one studies for an examination, it
is necessary to repeatedly to over ideas so that they can be recalled later.

Relevance relates to the meaningful fuse of material, which aids learning, e.g., trainers
usually explain in the overall purpose of a job to trainees before assigning them a
particular task.
Best Time To Impart Training To Employee

1. New Recruits To The Company-

These have a requirement for induction into the company as a whole in terms of its
business activities and personnel policies and provisions, the terms, conditions and
benefits appropriate to the particular employee, and the career and advancement
opportunities available.
2. Transferees Within The Company-
These are people who are moved from one job to another, either within the same work
area, i.e. the same department or function, or to dissimilar work under a different
management. Under this heading we are excluding promotions, which take people into
entirely new levels of responsibility.
3. Promotions-
Although similar to the transferee in that there is a new job to be learned in new
surroundings, he is dissimilar in that the promotion has brought him to a new level of
supervisory or management responsibility. The change is usually too important and
difficult to make successfully to permit one to assume that the promotes will pick it up as
he goes along and attention has to be paid to training in the tasks and the responsibilities
and personal skills necessary for effective performance.
4. New Plant or Equipment-
Even the most experienced operator has everything to learn when a computer and
electronic controls replace the previous manual and electro-mechanical system on the
process plant on which he works. There is no less a training requirement for the
supervisors and process management, as well as for technical service production control
and others.
5. New Procedures-
Mainly for those who work in offices in commercial and administrative functions but also
for those who we workplace is on the shop floor or on process plant on any occasion on
which there is a modification to existing paperwork or procedure for, say the withdrawal
of materials from stores, the control of customer credit the approval of expense claims,
there needs to be instruction on the change in the way of working in many instances, a
note bringing the attention of all concerned the change is assume to be sufficient, but
there are cases, such as when total new systems in corporating IT up dates are installed,
when more thorough training is needed.

6. New Standards, Rules and Practices-
Changes in any one these are likely to be conveyed by printed note or by word of mouth
by the manager to his subordinates, and this can be the most satisfaction way of dealing
with the change from the point of view of getting those affected to understand their new
responsibility. However not all changes under this heading can be left to this sort of
handling. Even the simplest looking instruction may be regarded as undesirable or
impracticable by whoever has to perform it he may not understand the purpose behind the
change and lose confidence in a management which he now believes to be ‘messing
about’, or he may understand the purpose and have a better alternative to offer if it is not
too late.
7. New Relationship and Authorities-
These can arise, as a result of management decisions, in a number of ways. In examples,
the recognition of the accounts department can result in a realization of responsibilities
between the section leaders of credit control, invoicing and customer records, although
there is no movement of staff between the sections (i.e. no transfers). Although the
change in work content for each clerk and supervisor is defined clearly for each person in
the new procedures, there is nevertheless a need for each person to know where he stands
in the new set up, which is responsible for what, and where to direct problems and
enquiries as they arise in the future.
8. Maintenance of Standards-
We are here concerned with maintenance of standards through training, for it must be
remembered that supervision and inspection and qualify control are continuously
responsible for standards and exercise their own authorities to this end. Although it is
generally agreed that some retraining from time to time, taking varied forms even for the
on group of employees, does act as both a reminder and a stimulus, there is not much
agreement on the next frequency and form that such retraining should take, of there is as
yet little scientific knowledge on this subject which is of much use in industrial situations.
9. The Maintenance of Adaptability-
Again, whilst there is little scientific study of the loss of ability to learn new skills in those
cases where people spend a long time without change, and without the need to learn, there
is increasing evidence in current experience to suggest that this is the case in industrial
employment. Add, of course, there is the inference arising from the laboratory
experiments of psychologists.
10. The Maintenance of Management Skills & Standards -
Skills in supervising, employee appraisal, communications, leadership etc are important
in all companies. Some of these skills are seen to be critical to major developments in
company organization, culture, employee empowerment and so on. Initial training in
these skills is not uncommon in the largest companies on appointment into management
and supervision. But continuous training and performance monitoring is rare, despite the
common knowledge that standards are as varied as human nature.

11. Retirement and Redundancy-
Employees of any position in the company who are heading towards retirement will
benefit from learning about health, social life, work opportunities money management
etc. Internal or external courses are best attended a year or two before retirement date, in a
few companies a member of Personnel will act as a counselor as required.

Benefits Of Training

Employees and the organization need to realize the importance of contribution and
learning for mutual growth and development. Training is the answer to deal with
stagnation stage by constantly updating it in every field. Other benefits of training
 Hiring appeal: companies that provide training attract a better quality Workforce.
 Assessing and addressing any performance deficiency.
 Enhancing workforce flexibility. Cross-cultural training is essential for them for
better adjustment in the new environment.
 Increasing commitment: Training acts as a loyalty booster. Employee
motivation is also enhanced when the employee knows that the organization
would provide them opportunities to increase their skills and knowledge.
 It gives the organization a competitive edge by keeping abreast of the latest
changes; it acts as a catalyst for change.
 Higher customer satisfaction and lower support cost results through improved
service, increased productivity and greater sufficiency.

 Training acts as benchmark for hiring promoting and career planning.
 It acts act as a retention tool by motivating employee to the vast opportunities for
growth available in an organization.
The Evaluation Of Training

There are a number of expressions used to describe steps taken by management and by
training offices at the conclusion of training and during the days or weeks afterwards.
These expressions include validation, evaluation, follow-up and implementation, as well
as cost benefit, which have appeared in more recent years. We are interested in all of
these and have already tackled one of the, implementation, and we start by giving our
definitions in order to establish a clearer picture of what each is, and how they relate to
each other.
Evaluation of training, or, indeed of anything, consists simply of putting a value to it. To
evaluate training means undertaking a search for the effect that it has had on the people
and the situations, which it influences, and then trying to measure or estimate whether
this is advantageous or disadvantageous.
We shall see that at the level of pure training there is an evaluation to be made, but that
the principal evaluation is at a higher level in the chain.

First the chain of intentions is clear at the outset

1. The forecourt attendants were to receive training to a defined level of competence.
2. They were then to apply their new capability correctly during the service that they
gave to motorists.

3. The motorists would respond to this with a reaction of pleasure and
would tend to use that particular station rather more, thus increasing the
amount of gasoline sold.
4. The increased sales, and negligible increased costs, would improve the revenue
and the profits.

A Training Tool: Inspiring Others

In the new era new era, challenges for the trainer are to create learning environment.
Trainer needs to innovate new ways design and deliver the training inputs. Wide range of
technique like interactive methods like teaching, experiential learning cases inventories
games, including humour. Where as we have the ancient way of storytelling as a powerful
tool to create learning for adult managers of industry. Sharing one’s own perception,
experience and ideas learning value can be increased exponentially.

Methods of Training-

There are various methods of training, which can be divided in to cognitive and
behavioral methods. Trainers need to understand the pros and cons of each method, also
its impact on trainees keeping their background and skills in mind before giving training.
Cognitive methods are more of giving theoretical training to the trainees. The various
methods under Cognitive approach provide the rules for how to do something, written or
verbal information, demonstrate relationships among concepts, etc. These methods are
associated with changes in knowledge and attitude by stimulating learning.
The various methods that come under Cognitive approach are:
LECTURES – A Method of Training

It is one of the oldest methods of training. This method is used to create understanding of
a topic or to influence behavior, attitudes through lecture. A lecture can be in printed or
oral form. Lecture is telling someone about something. Lecture is given to enhance the
knowledge of listener or to give him the theoretical aspect of a topic. Training is basically
incomplete without lecture. When the trainer begins the training session by telling the
aim, goal, agenda, processes, or methods that will be used in training that means the
trainer is using the lecture method. It is difficult to imagine training without lecture
format. There are some variations in Lecture method. The variation here means that some
forms of lectures are interactive while some are not.

Straight Lecture: Straight lecture method consists of presenting information, which the
trainee attempts to absorb. In this method, the trainer speaks to a group about a topic.
However, it does not involve any kind of interaction between the trainer and the trainees.
A lecture may also take the form of printed text, such as books, notes, etc. The difference
between the straight lecture and the printed material is the trainer’s intonation, control of
speed, body language, and visual image of the trainer. The trainer in case of straight
lecture can decide to vary from the training script, based on the signals from the trainees,
whereas same material in print is restricted to what is printed. A good lecture consists of
introduction of the topic, purpose of the lecture, and priorities and preferences of the order
in which the topic will be covered.
Main Features of Lecture Method-

Some of the main features of lecture method are:

 Inability to identify and correct misunderstandings
 Less expensive
 Can be reached large number of people at once
 Knowledge building exercise
 Less effective because lectures require long periods of trainee inactivity

Demonstration Training Method

This method is a visual display of how something works or how to do something. As an

example, trainer shows the trainees how to perform or how to do the tasks of the job. In
order to be more effective, demonstration method should be should be accompanied by
the discussion or lecture method. To carry out an effective demonstration, a trainer first
prepares the lesson plan by breaking the task to be performed into smaller modules, easily
learned parts. Then, the trainer sequentially organizes those modules and prepares an
explanation for why that part is required. While performing the demonstration, trainer:

Demonstrates the task by describing how to do, while doing

 Helps the focusing their attention on critical aspects of the task
 Tells the trainees what you will be doing so they understand what you will be
showing them
 Explains why it should be carried out in that way
The difference between the lecture method and the demonstration method is the level
of involvement of the trainee. In the lecture method, the more the trainee is involved.

The financial costs that occur in the demonstration method are as follows:
 Cost of training facility for the program
 Cost of materials that facilitate training
 Food, travel, lodging for the trainees and the trainers
 Compensation of time spent in training to trainers and trainees
 Cost related to creating content, material
 Cost related to the organization of the training
After completing the demonstration the trainer provide feedback, both positive and or
negative, give the trainee the opportunity to do the task and describe what he is doing and

Discussion Training Method

This method uses a lecturer to provide the learners with context that is supported,
elaborated, explains, or expanded on through interactions both among the trainees and
between the trainer and the trainees. The interaction and the communication between
these two make it much more effective and powerful than the lecture method. If
the Discussion method is used with proper sequence i.e. lectures, followed by
discussion and questioning, can achieve higher level knowledge objectives, such as
problem solving and principle learning.

 The Discussion method consists a two-way flow of communication i.e. knowledge

inthe form of lecture is communicated to trainees, and then understanding is
conveyed back by trainees to trainer.
 Understanding is conveyed in the form of verbal and non-verbal feedback that
enables the trainer to determine whether the material is understood. If yes, then
definitely it would help out the trainees to implement it at their workplaces and if
not, the trainer may need to spend more time on that particular area by presenting
the information again in a different manner.
 Questioning can be done by both ways i.e. the trainees and the trainer. When the
trainees ask questions, they explain their thinking about the content of the lecture.
A trainer who asks questions stimulates thinking about the content of the lecture.
Asking and responding questions are beneficial to trainees because it enhance
understanding and keep the trainees focused on the content. Besides that,
discussions, and interactions allow the trainee to be actively engaged in the
material of the trainer. This activity helps in improving recall.
Computer-Based Training (CBT)

With the world-wide expansion of companies and changing technologies, the demands for
knowledge and skilled employees have increased more than ever, which in turn, is putting
pressure on HR department to provide training at lower costs. Many organizations are
now implementing CBT as an alternative to classroom based training to accomplish those
Some of the benefits of Computer-Based Training are:

According to a recent survey, about 75% of the organizations are providing training to
employees through Intranet or Internet. Internet is not the method of training, but has
become the technique of delivering training. The growth of electronic technology has
created alternative training delivery systems. CBT does not require face-to-face
interaction with a human trainer. This method is so varied in its applications that it is
difficult to describe in concise terms.

The various methods that come under Cognitive approach are :

Behavioral methods are more of giving practical training to the trainees. The various
methods under Behavioral approach allow the trainee to behavior in a real fashion. These
methods are best used for skill development.
The various methods that come under Behavioral approach are:
Both the methods can be used effectively to change attitudes, but through different means.

Coaching is one of the training methods, which is considered as a corrective method for
inadequate performance. According to a survey conducted by International Coach
Federation (ICF), more than 4,000 companies are using coach for their executives. These
coaches are experts most of the time outside consultants.
A coach is the best training plan for the CEO’s because
 It is one-to-one interaction
 It can be done at the convenience of CEO
 It can be done on phone, meetings, through e-mails, chat

 It provides an opportunity to receive feedback from an expert
It helps in identifying weaknesses and focus on the area that needs improvement
This method best suits for the people at the top because if we see on emotional front,
when a person reaches the top, he gets lonely and it becomes difficult to find someone to
talk to. It helps in finding out the executive’s specific developmental needs. The needs
can be identified through 60 degree performance review.


The procedure of the coaching is mutually determined by the executive and coach.
Theprocedure is followed by successive counseling and meetings at the executive’s
convenience by the coach.
1. Understand the participant’s job, the knowledge, skills, and attitudes, and
resources required to meet the desired expectation
2. Meet the participant and mutually agree on the objective that has to be achieved
3. Mutually arrive at a plan and schedule
4. At the job, show the participant how to achieve the objectives, observe the
performance and then provide feedback
5. Repeat step 4 until performance improves.
For the people at middle-level management, coaching is more likely done by
the supervisor; however experts from outside the organization are at times
used for up-and-coming managers. Again, the personalized
approach assists the manger focus on definite needs and
Mentoring is an ongoing relationship that is developed between a senior and junior
employee. Mentoring provides guidance and clear understanding of how the organization
goes to achieve its vision and mission to the junior employee. The meetings are not as
structured and regular than in coaching. Executive mentoring is generally done by
someone inside the company. The executive can learn a lot from mentoring. By dealing
with diverse mentee’s, the executive is given the chance to grow professionally by
developing management skills and learning how to work with people with diverse
background, culture, and language and personality types. Executives also have mentors.
In cases where the executive is new to the organization, a senior executive could be
assigned as a mentor to assist the new executive settled into his role. Mentoring is one of
the important methods for preparing them to be future executives. This method allows the
mentor to determine what is required to improve mentee’s performance. Once the mentor
identifies the problem, weakness, and the
area that needs to be worked upon, the
mentor can advise relevant training. The
mentor can also provide opportunities to
work on special processes and projects
that require use of proficiency.

Some key points on Mentoring

 Mentoring focus on attitude
 Conducted for management-level
 Mentoring is done by someone inside the company
 It is one-to-one interaction
It helps in identifying weaknesses and focus on the area that needs improvement

Job Rotation
For the executive, job rotation takes on different perspectives. The executive is usually
not simply going to another department. In some vertically integrated organizations, for
example, where the supplier is actually part of same organization or subsidiary, job
rotation might be to the supplier to see how the business operates from the supplier point
of view. Learning how the organization is perceived from the outside broadens the
executive’s outlook on the process of the organization. Or the rotation might be to a
foreign office to provide a global perspective. For managers being developed for
executive roles, rotation to different functions in the company is regular carried out. This
approach allows the manger to operate in diverse roles and understand the
different issues that crop up. If someone is to be a corporate leader, they must
have this type of training. A recent study indicated that the single most significant factor
that leads to leader’s achievement was the variety of experiences in different departments,
business units, cities, and countries.
An organized and helpful way to develop talent for the management or executive
level of the organization is job rotation. It is the process of preparing employees at a
lower level to replace someone at the next higher level. It is generally done for the
designations that are crucial for the effective and efficient functioning of the organization.

Benefits of Job Rotation-

Some of the major benefits of job rotation are:
 It provides the employees with opportunities to broaden the horizon of knowledge,
skills, and abilities by working in different departments, business units, functions,
and countries
 Identification of Knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) required
 It determines the areas where improvement is required
 Assessment of the employees who have the potential and caliber for filling the
There are many management development techniques that an employee can take in off the
job. The few popular methods are:

Training Need Analysis (TNA)
An analysis of training need is an essential requirement to the design of effective training.
The purpose of training need analysis is to determine whether there is a gap between what
is required for effective performance and present level of performance.
 Why training need analysis?
Training need analysis is conducted to determine whether resources required are available
or not. It helps to plan the budget of the company, areas where training is required, and
also highlights the occasions where training might not be appropriate but requires
alternate action.

Corporate need and training need are interdependent because the organization
performance ultimately depends on the performance of its individual employee and its sub
Organizational Level – Training need analysis at organizational level focuses on
strategic planning, business need, and goals. It starts with the assessment of internal
environment of the organization such as, procedures, structures, policies, strengths, and
weaknesses and external environment such as opportunities and threats. After doing the
SWOT analysis, weaknesses can be dealt with the training interventions, while strengths
can further be strengthened with continued training. Threats can be reduced by identifying
the areas where training is required. And, opportunities can be exploited by balancing it
against costs. For this approach to be successful, the HR department of the company
requires to be involved in strategic planning. In this planning, HR develops strategies to
be sure that the employees in the organization have the required Knowledge, Skills, and
Attributes (KSAs) based on the future KSAs requirements at each level
Individual Level – Training need analysis at individual level focuses on each and
every individual in the organization. At this level, the organization checks whether an
employee is performing at desired level or the performance is below expectation. If the
difference between the expected performance and actual performance comes out to be
positive, then certainly there is a need of training. However, individual competence can
also be linked to individual need. The methods that are used to analyze the individual
need are:
 Appraisal and performance review
 Peer appraisal
 Competency assessments
 Subordinate appraisal
 Client feedback
 Customer feedback
 Self-assessment or self-appraisal
Operational Level – Training Need analysis at operational level focuses on the work
that is being assigned to the employees. The job analyst gathers the information on
whether the job is clearly understood by an employee or not. He gathers this information
through technical interview, observation, psychological test; questionnaires asking the
closed ended as well as open ended questions, etc. Today, jobs are dynamic and keep
changing over the time. Employees need to prepare for these changes. The job analyst
also gathers information on the tasks needs to be done plus the tasks that will be required
in the future. Based on the information collected, training Need analysis (TNA) is done.
The design of the training program can be undertaken only when a clear training objective
has been produced. The training objective clears what goal has to be achieved by the end
of training program i.e. what the trainees are expected to be able to do at the end of their
training. Training objectives assist trainers to design the training program.

The trainer – Before starting a training program, a trainer analyzes his technical,
interpersonal, judgmental skills in order to deliver quality content to trainers
The trainees – A good training design requires close scrutiny of the trainees and their
profiles. Age, experience, needs and expectations of the trainees are some of the
important factors that affect training design.
Training climate – A good training climate comprises of ambience, tone,
feelings, positive perception for training program, etc. Therefore, when the climate is
favorable nothing goes wrong but when the climate is unfavorable, almost everything
goes wrong.
Trainees’ learning style – the learning style, age, experience, educational
background of trainees must be kept in mind in order to get the right pitch to the design of
the program
Training strategies – Once the training objective has been identified, the trainer
translates it into specific training areas and modules. The trainer prepares the priority list
of about what must be included, what could be included.
Training topics – After formulating a strategy, trainer decides upon the content to be
delivered. Trainers break the content into headings, topics, ad modules. These topics and
modules are then classified into information, knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
Sequence the contents – Contents are then sequenced in a following manner:
• From simple to complex
• Topics are arranged in terms of their relative importance
• From known to unknown
• From specific to general
• Dependent relationship
Training tactics – Once the objectives and the strategy of the training program
becomes clear, trainer comes in the position to select most appropriate tactics or methods
or techniques. The method selection depends on the following factors:
• Trainees’ background
• Time allocated
• Style preference of trainer
• Level of competence of trainer
• Availability of facilities and resources, etc
Support facilities – It can be segregated into printed and audio visual. The various
requirements in a training program are white boards, flip charts, markers, etc.
Constraints – The various constraints that lay in the trainers mind are:
• Time
• Accommodation, facilities and their availability
• Furnishings and equipments
• Budget
• Design of the training, etc
Training Implementation
To put training program into effect according to definite plan or procedure is called
training implementation. Training implementation is the hardest part of the system
because one wrong step can lead to the failure of whole training program. Even the best
training program will fail due to one wrong action.
Training implementation can be segregated into:
• Practical administrative arrangements
• Carrying out of the training

Implementing Training
Once the staff, course, content, equipments, topics are ready, the training is implemented.
Completing training design does not mean that the work is done because
implementationphase requires continual adjusting, redesigning, and refining. Preparation
is the most important factor to taste the success. Therefore, following are the factors that
are kept in mind while implementing training program:

The trainer – The trainer need to be prepared mentally before the delivery of content.
Trainer prepares materials and activities well in advance. The trainer also set grounds
before meeting with participants by making sure that he is comfortable with course
content and is flexible in his approach.
Physical set-up – Good physical set up is pre-requisite for effective and successful
training program because it makes the first impression on participants. Classrooms should
not be very small or big but as nearly square as possible. This will bring people together
both physically and psychologically. Also, right amount of space should be allocated to
every participant.
Establishing rapport with participants – There are various ways by which a trainer can
establish good rapport with trainees by:
• Greeting participants – simple way to ease those initial tense moments
• Encouraging informal conversation
• Remembering their first name
• Pairing up the learners and have them familiarized with one another
• Listening carefully to trainees’ comments and opinions
• Telling the learners by what name the trainer wants to be addressed
• Getting to class before the arrival of learners
• Starting the class promptly at the scheduled time
• Using familiar examples
• Varying his instructional techniques
• Using the alternate approach if one seems to bog down

Reviewing the agenda – At the beginning of the training program it is very important
to review the program objective. The trainer must tell the participants the goal of the
program, what is expected out of trainers to do at the end of the program, and how the
program will run. The following information needs to be included:
• Kinds of training activities
• Schedule
• Setting group norms
• Housekeeping arrangements
• Flow of the program
• Handling problematic situations


1. The firms follow an effective training process.

2. The training is given to those employees who need it.

3. But the barrier for the training process in the organization is the
non-availability of skilled trainers.

4. There are gaps between the training sessions organized by the

company that’s why trainees lost touch with that.

5. As the work load is much on employees therefore less attention is

given to training sessions by the employees.

6. The Organization also appoints trainers from outside or from

different firms to ensure better training to its employees.
Introduction To Apple Inc.

Apple Inc. formerly known as Apple Computers Inc. was chosen for this term project.

The most logical thing done at this phase of the project is becoming familiarized with the

organization’s business, goals, objectives and mission for purposes of completing the

project successfully. It is because understanding what drives the company to achieve its

goal makes its easier to identify the areas that they need to focus into and provides vital

information regarding the culture within the company and the culture of its employees.

This was the jumping board in the development of the appropriate training/intervention

strategy with reference to the analysis of the collected data and into the identification of

what training is needed by the company. And for an organization such as the Apple Inc.

with a history that is very rich in experiencing both the best and the worst from the

industry but has still managed to emerge as one of the significant and influential leaders
in the computer industry. It can be attributed to kind of corporate culture that is

being practiced within the company and within all of its employees.

A. Background Information on Apple Inc.

Apple Computer, Inc.(“Apple” or the “Company”) was incorporated under the laws of

the State of California on January 3, 1977. The Company designs, manufactures, and

markets personal computers and related software, services, peripherals, and networking

solutions. The Company also designs, develops, and markets a line of portable digital

music players along with related accessories and services, including the online sale of

third-party audio and video products. The Company’s products and services include the

Macintosh® line of desktop and portable computers, the Mac OS® X operating system,

the iPod® line of portable digital music players, the iTunes Store®, a portfolio of

peripherals that support and enhance the Macintosh and iPod product lines, a portfolio

of consumer and professional software applications, a variety of other service and

support offerings, and the Xserve® and Xserve RAID server and storage products. The

Company sells its products worldwide through its online stores, its retail stores, its direct

sales force, and third-party wholesalers, resellers, and value-added resellers. In addition,

the Company sells a variety of third-party Macintosh and iPod compatible products

including application software, printers, storage devices, speakers, headphones, and

various other accessories and supplies through its online and retail stores. The Company

sells to education, consumer, creative professional, business, and

government customers. The Company’s fiscal year ends on the last

Saturday of September. Unless otherwise stated, all

information presented in this Form 10-K is based on the Company’s

fiscal calendar.

B. Apple Inc. Business Summary

Apple Computer, Inc. is an American computer technology company that is known for its

innovative but closed and proprietary hardware and software. It creates, designs,

produces, sellsand supports personal computers and other related personal-computing

solutions for the use by customers on education, creative, consumer and business. Apple

Inc.’s personal-computing products consist of desktop and notebook PCs, related devices

and peripherals, networking and connectivity products and various third-party hardware

products. Listed, as its software products and computer technology are the operating

systems, professional application software, consumer-oriented application software,

education-oriented application software, businessoriented application software, Internet

products and technologies, wireless connectivity and networking products. In addition, it

has also retail stores that which also carries third-party hardware and software products

besides its own line of merchandise.

Apple Inc. is relatively a new corporate name. Traditionally, Apple Inc. carries the name

Apple Computer Inc. for almost 30 years and it is previously focusing only on the

personal computers, computer hardware and computer software arena. But in the advent

of technology and the ever-changing consumer need, they were able to evolve and add a
shift in their business by going into consumer electronics market. It started with

its introduction of the portable media players, famous of which are the iPods and then

eventually they were able to introduce smartphone, iPhone and AppleTV digital video

systems. In terms of the span of the Apple brand, it was also able to go global wherein it

allows consumers from at least 42 countries including, to name a few, Australia, Brazil,

Germany and Taiwan to purchase its products. As of now, Apple Inc. operates more than

170 retail stores inthe United States, Canada, Japan, Australia and United Kingdom. Most

of its products go into these big markets and has been showing a steady increase in

revenues and sales. It is for a fact that Apple Computer Inc. has also suffered big losses in

the past due to the claims of complicated personal computers but they were still able to

regain their position in the industry by innovating their design. It was the creation of more

people-friendly personal computers and personalized consumer electronics that gave them

the advantage. This feature together with the marketing strategy of flooding the market

with retail stores paved way for the Apple computers to hit bigger sales. All of these

achievements were anchored on the people behind its operations starting from those who

develops and designs the product down to those who staffs the retail stores.

There are approximately 20,000 employees working for the Apple Inc. This would

include permanent and temporary employees worldwide all of which are embracing the

ideology of the Apple brand as exemplified by its corporation to “Think Different.”

C. Financial History

As cash reserves increased significantly in 2006, Apple created Braeburn Capital on April

6, 2006 to manage its assets.[84]

Financial Net sales (Mil Net profits (Mil Revenue Return on net

period USD) USD) growth sales

FY 1977[85] 0.773 unknown --- ---

FY 1978 7.856 0.793 916% 10%

FY 1979 47.867 5.073 509% 11%

FY 1980 117.126 11.698 145% 10%

FY 1981[86] 335 39.420 186% 12%

FY 1982 583 61 74% 10%

FY 1983 983 77 69% 8%

FY 1984 1,516 64 54% 4%

FY 1985 1,918 61 27% 3%

FY 1986 1,902 154 -1% 8%

FY 1987 2,661 218 40% 8%

FY 1988 4,071 400 53% 10%

FY 1989 5,284 454 30% 9%

FY 1990 5,558 475 5% 9%

FY 1991 6,309 310 12% 5%

FY 1992 7,087 530 12% 7%

FY 1993 7,977 87 13% 1%

FY 1994 9,189 310 46% 3%

FY 1995 11,062 424 20% 4%

FY 1996 9,833 -816 -11% -8%

FY 1997 7,081 -1,045 -28% -15%

FY 1998 5,941 309 -16% 5%

FY 1999 6,134 601 3% 10%

FY 2000 7,983 786 30% 10%

FY 2001 5,363 -25 -33% 0%

FY 2002 5,247 65 -2% 1%

FY 2003 6,207 57 18% 1%

FY 2004 8,279 266 33% 3%

FY 2005 13,931 1,328 68% 10%

FY 2006 19,315 1,989 39% 10%

FY 2007 24,578 3,495 27% 14%

FY 2008 37,491 6,119 53% 16%

FY 2009[87] 42,905 8,235 14% 19%

FY 2010 65,225 14,013 52% 21%

FY 2011 108,249 25,922 66% 24%

FY 2012 156,508 41,733 45% 27%

FY 2013 170,910 37,037 9% 22%

D. Apple Inc. Culture

Corporate Mission Statement:

Apple Inc. is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to

students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its

innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings

Corporate Goals:
1. Apple Inc. plans to keep creating and releasing computers and

consumer electronics that are more user-friendly. 2. Apple Inc. will focus

more opening more stores even on international locations to help increase

in sales.

Corporate Culture:

Apple Inc. is considered to be one of the most highly successful companies founded

in the 1970s. It went away from the traditional corporate culture that is known to most

companies at that time and continued to be different in its own unique method of

managing itsorganization. Basically, the company worked on the concept of informal

corporate culture within the technology industry where it favored a flat organizational

hierarchy rather than the tall version. Another illustration is that working in Apple Inc.

does not require its people to wear formal attire but they can freely work with their casual

clothes on. This trait says a lot on what kind of corporate culture they have and

differentiated them from their competitors. It might sound absurd but they actually value

the quality of work, creativity, innovation and raw talent 8 amongst other things.

Moreover, Apple Inc. is known for fostering individuality and this attributes to the

talented people employed by the company. This generally contributed to the notion of the

informal corporate culture due to the respect of people’s identity and the harmonious co-

existence of cultural differences within them geared toward achieving their goal.This is

where the wide range of philosophy falls in terms of aesthetic design , the counter cultural

roots. The goal of Apple Inc. is related more on emphasizing the user experience over the
technology involved in bringing that experience. With this, the company was

able to cultivate a customer base that is more particular to the company and its brand.

User Culture:

The existence of Apple Inc. user culture can be explained as the product of the corporate

culture being followed by the company. We can say that most of the company goals,

objectives and mission are all leaning towards customer satisfaction. This is because the

character of the company gives more importance on the benefit and the pleasure being

given by the Apple computer products to its end-user. Making them the target of all the

improvements in the product consequently created amongst the user a certain

phenomenon called brand loyalty. Based on studies, it is the Apple brand that is leading in

the highest brand and repurchase loyalty from all of the computer manufacturers. In fact,

market reaserch showed that most of the consumers of Apple computer and electronic

products are those that are equally creative, unusually artistic and well-educated

population. They can even tap wider market. But it was actually part of the strategy by the

chief executives of the company to create this condition by flooding the market with

innovative, creatively designed and user friendly products and put up a non-stop

marketing scheme.
Training Needs Analysis for Apple Inc.
Apple computer has experienced both good and bad times as a main player in the
computer industry. It has been a leader in computer technology in the past but has
struggled recently in keeping pace in the fast developing computer industry. Emergent
technology and developing computer applications have contributed to a business
environment that is very competitive. Survival in this industry needs the skill to foresee
changes and to effectively react to market demands. The computer industry has grown for
the last two decades due to the popularity of personal computers even as a household
item. This market is no longer limited to the business and educational environment;
computers are a consumer good worldwide. Apple Computer, Inc. must respond to this
business environment if it is to survive in the future. This is the driving factor for this
project. Training Needs Analysis can be complex and demands a creative, people
focused environment. Basing from the introduction for the Apple Inc. it seemed
that the
people needed to prepare the Training Needs Analysis are already within their
organization. It would just be a matter of forming the team maybe from the management
or from the HR/Training and Development Department. For this to be successful, the
process should be designed in a way that it is simple to use but is effective. Again, this is
parallel with the basic philosophy of Apple Inc. that is to be user friendly. The purpose of
a Training Needs Analysis is to ensure the best possible returns for the organization. It
works in such a way that Training and Development activities for the company
depending on the target training audience should be planned and managed similarly with
what we are doing with investments. The Training and Development Program that will
be implemented must be dependent on the identified training needs that were properly
identified and prioritized for the organization to achieve its objectives. The
familiarization towards the selected organization which is the Apple Inc. was already
made in the first phase of this project. The overview is not that enough in determining
right away to what to do for the training since the company in focus is quite large in
terms of employment and its share in the market is worldwide. So it is better to start the
analysis on a higher level. The first stage then, is to decide where to begin. There are a
number of advantages to starting your analysis at a high level:
a. You identify the purpose of each individual role in relation to the overall
organizational aims and objectives.
b. Training can be easily prioritized according to its importance to the
overall organizational objectives, rather than its importance to an individual
c. For a new project, department or team, it enables you to identify the individual
responsibilities and tasks to be undertaken by the team, and individuals within the
team, without losing sight of the overall objective.
There are numerous situations wherein training needs can be assessed from and they can
be from an individual role, project team, department, or an entire organization. These
are called business entities but they are simply levels of organization where we can
t the training need. Since we don’t have any idea where to start, we can choose to take a

high level overview of training needs from organization down to staff because the further
the analysis is, the more accurate it is likely to be.

Selection of Analysis to Employ for Apple Inc.
This means that there is a need to employ either of the three; Organizational analysis,
Person analysis or Task analysis.
1. Organizational analysis involves determining the appropriateness of
training, given the organization’s business strategy, its resources
available for training, and support by managers and peers for training
2. Person analysis involves determining whether performance deficiencies
result from a lack of knowledge, skill, or ability (a training issue) or from
a motivational or work-design problem and (2) identifying who needs
training and (3) determining employees’ readiness for training.
3. Task analysis identifies the important tasks and knowledge, skill and
behaviors that need to be emphasized in training for employee to complete their tasks.

Determining the Size of the Training Audience

Another important consideration is to which level the training will be. The size desired
training program for Apple Inc. will determine the nature of assessment, so start by
determining the size of your potential training pool.
a. For a few members in a single department, very informal assessment methods
like interviews, observation, and review of work samples may work well.
b. For a group of 10-20, or for a cross-functional group, you may need to use
slightly more structured methods, such as questionnaires.
c. Larger groups are often assessed through sampling - using a few
representative individuals instead of everyone.
In general, it would be a daunting task to figure out which analysis to do for the case of
Apple Inc. because based on its objectives there are a lot of important things that can be
considered and it seems everything needs to be prioritized. But using assessment methods
such as reviewing business document, conducting interviews, doing observations, and
passing out assessment questionnaires will help in this aspect.

Selecting the Appropriate Assessment Methods

Observations are sometimes considered the most direct method of collecting needs
assessment data, although in many cases, a great deal of inference is involved in
interpreting observations. Interviews are considered the easiest way of collecting needs 6
assessment data. Questionnaires and focus groups may also be relatively
effective and
efficient methods. It is sometimes important to verify the results of interviews with
observations and document analysis. The assessment of training needs is accomplished
through a questionnaire that focuses on seven major skill competencies: Work,
communication, people, leadership, customer focus, business and analytical skill

Questionnaire for Need for Training and Development

Name of the Employee…………………………………….


Designation………………………………………………… Phone


Functional Area Description

a) Know dge
le Understand job functions, Good
requirements, tools and Average
processes associated with Below Average
this position. Poor
b) Execu tion The ability to “get things Good
done”. Follow through on Average
task/projects until Below Average
completion, completes, Poor
task/ projects in a timely
manner and according to
schedule, overcome
obstacles proposes
solutions rather than
c) Pro em
l Solving When posed with a Good
problem the ability to Average
develop timely solutions Below Average
with alternatives. Poor
d) Process Improvement Improves existing process Good
to increase productivity, Average
quality, or customer
satisfaction. Below Average
e) Safety Practices safe work habits Good
and encourage others to Average
do the same. Identifies Below Average
ways to improve the Poor
safety of the work
f) Product ivity Amount of work Good
performance as compared Average
with the peers. Below Average
g) Qualit y Quality of work Good
performed or product Average
produced. Below Average
h) Initiat eiv The initiative work to be Good
performed and perform Average
the work without directed Below Average
by others. Poor
i) Attenda nce & Arrive to work on time, Good
Punctuality work on day scheduled Average
and request time off with Below Average
sufficient advance notice. Poor
j) Organi zation Organized workspace and Good
in the approach to Average
working. Below Average
k) Adapt bility
a Easily adapt to the change Good
in the work place, Average
requirements, schedule Below Average
and priorities. Poor

a) Verbal Ability to communicate Good
clearly and effectively to Average
others through verbal Below Average
communication. Poor

b) Technical Skills Create technical documents Good

with adhere to corporate Average
standards, clearly Below Average
communicates technical Poor
details, and presented in an
organized manner.
c) Influence The ability to influence Good
others through effective Average
communication. ( verbal, Below Average
written, illustrative, etc) Poor

d) Presentati ns
o Quality, clarity and Good
effectiveness of Average
presentations. Below Average
e) Relationsh ps
i Relationship with co- Good
workers, management, Average
suppliers, and customers. Below Average
f) Listening Ability to listen and Good
understand others, influence Average
the practice of active Below Average
listening. Poor

g) Negotiation The ability to act in professional Good

manner and negotiate to gain new Average
opportunities, discover new Below Average
solutions, resolve disputes, agree Poor
upon a courses of action,
bargaining or create or create
outcomes which satisfies
everyone’s interest.

h) Facilitation Planning and running effectively Good

and impartial meetings which Average
result in consensus in either Below Average Poor
solving a problem or making a
decision, or effectively presenting

I) Responding t oConflict Ability to solve a dispute or Good

conflict where all parties are Average
satisfied with the outcome. Below Average
Identification of Training Needs based on Data Analysis
Training needs for the Apple Inc. were based on the three assessment employed
thatincluded assessment questionnaires for the different skills of the employees, the
formal basis using document reviews of the company and the data of employees and
lastly, Training and Development survey form for representative people per
department. Assuming that the questionnaires and survey forms were already given
to the target audience, the next step would be evaluating which training needs
should be chosen. The data should be put up against result of the document review.
Every activity undertaken within the organization should contribute to the
achievement of these objectives. Whether or not such a plan exists however, you
will still need to work with line management to identify the primary and secondary
business objectives for the business entity being reviewed. Most likely, the training
needs for the Apple Inc. will be more on the general, technical and soft skills
training that would prepare them in complying with business objectives of the
company. It should be noted that the character of the employee needed by the
company are those that are critical and yet have high regards for individuality.
They should be as flexible as the designs they make for their products.
Training and Intervention Strategies

Training can be defined as making available to employees planned and coordinated

educational programs of instruction in professional, technical, or other fields that are or
will be related to the employee’s job responsibilities. Training can be accomplished
through a variety of approaches, such as classroom training, e-learning, and professional
conferences that are educational or instructional in nature. Development is generally
considered to include training, structured on-the-job learning experiences, and education.
Developmental programs can include experiences such as coaching, mentoring, or
rotational assignments. The essential aim of training and development programs is to
assist the agency in achieving its mission and goals by improving individual and,
ultimately, organizational performance.

It has been said that the objective of the investigative segment of the Training and
Development Program lies on the creation of a developmental strategy. This is why the
identification of training needs does not necessarily guarantee that this will already bring
benefits to the Apple Inc. It would only serve as a reminder for the superiors to look into
the weak points and come up with the appropriate solution and in this case it is
the actual
selection of the training and development program and the method that should be
employed targeting the best results.

There two ways that will help in the choice for what training method to use. First, after
the identification of the training needs, the willingness of the company should be checked
and so with the employees as to how far they can go for the project. It will involve
confirming their budget, time and the acknowledgement of the project as urgent and
important for them and for the company. With all of these, the management can now look
into the most suitable methods based on their assessed stand of the company and there are
actually a lot available to choose from depending on the allowed scope, budget and time
by the management.
Cost-Benefit Analysis for the Training and Development

The most logical thing to do next after identifying the training needs for the Apple Inc.
and determining the appropriate method of training is to conduct a Cost-Benefit Analysis
. The idea here is to simply sum up all of the costs entailed in conducting training needs
assessment and total costs in the actual training and development of the training
audience, and weigh it versus the anticipated results. A solid cost-benefit analysis relies
mainly on the proper identification of the impact of the changes or the proposal before
the training and development were conducted. Example of which are the lesser rejection
leading to higher productivity rate, faster operations due to deletion of redundant
processes in the system, significant cost savings due to the acquisition of new equipment,
and many other examples. Only at this condition, we can directly confirm if there were
improvements in the system, reduction of losses in the process or simply if there were
more benefits than expenses.

For the case of the Apple Inc., the cost-benefit criterion means that as a system is
changed, it’s expected additional benefits should exceed its expected additional costs.
Often times the benefits are difficult to measure because of the intangible considerations
such as human motivation for work, morale boosts and confidence at work or even the
possibility of a team reaching a level of better decision-making. All of the said examples
are considered good benefits but the measurement of its impact on the actual costs will
be vague. Sometimes this becomes the reason of reluctance in adopting new suggestions
or actively supporting the training and development programs because of the fact that the
apparent benefits do not exceed the obvious costs of gathering and interpreting the
information plus the actual training. It is a serious decision that should be taken by the
management of Apple Inc. in the approval of the conduct of training needs analysis and
the formal training.

At this point, it is also best to consider in conducting a needs assessment to have a

forward planning that would include the feasibility of the possible outcome of the
assessment. In
such a case, it should be flexible enough for the various possible scenarios and
have alternatives options just in case there will be uncalled for changes
alteration in the program
Training and Development Program Evaluation

Determinants of a Successful Training and Development Program

Effective training and development programs are an essential component of a learning

environment that can improve the Apple Inc.’s ability to attract and retain employees
with the skills and competencies needed to achieve results for the benefit of the company
. Training and developing new and current staff to fill up new roles and work in
dissimilar ways will be a decisive part in the endeavors of the company to meet its
transformation challenges. Ways that employees learn and achieve results will also
continue to transform how Apple Inc. do businessand engage or force the employees in
further innovation and improvements in line with its objectives.

Specific Outcomes Expected from the Training and Development


Effectively implementing this program would generally empower employees and

improve their performance. These are the basic outcomes that can be expected though it
is very hard to set or find clearly identifiable information on how training and
development efforts contributed to improved performance, reduced costs, or a greater
capacity to meet new and emerging transformation challenges. The conduct of
evaluations of training and development programs is often discussed in terms of levels.
One usually established model consists of five levels of assessment that gauge
(1) participant reaction to the training program,
(2) changes in employee skills, knowledge, or abilities,
(3) changes in on-the-job behaviors,
(4) the impact of the training on program or organizational results, and
(5) a return on investment.
Conclusion & Suggestions

Under noted few suggestions cum conclusion can be taken as for implementation to reap
furtherest benefits.
 Making training and development process and entirely in house activity to
reduce cost.
 It is found that the average age group of trainees are in their twenties or early
thirties which signifies that the consumer durable industry need more of
young blood as enthusiasm is an integral part of the industry.
 The maximum emphasis is given to job instruction methods where the trainee
are made to understand their job thoroughly and the role they are going to
play in performing their job.
 Lecture as well as the presentation is the major part of imparting the education
and training them.
 The training objective are in keeping with needs and abilities of the trainee
and it is this that proves to be the major reason for success of the training as
 The trainee fill the feedback form and from time to time test are conducted to
know the gauge the effectiveness of training to employee to check their
memory if they retain anything or not.
 We think that time management is one of the thing on which Reliance Mobile
team must emphasis so that there employee can be more productive as it was
found during the visit to the corporate office people they lack in managing

David A. Decenzo/Stephen P. Robins (2004) Personal and Human Resource Management
A. Monappa (2004), Personal Management
Allan Pepper (1999) A Handbook on Training and Development

Refrences :
www.naukrihub/training and

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