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English For Academic

Professional Purposes

Submitted by: John Paul Acosta, Vincent Bryan Cruz To: Ms. Carina Whiteside

ABC Project Concept Paper:

How to involve young parents in advocating for proposed school regulation

Background of this idea

ABC’s mission is to advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. In the past few years, we
have been concerned about how to best advocate for young parents with children who have
disabilities—especially since a recently proposed school regulation will have a huge impact on
their lives. To sufficiently influence policy makers, these parents need to be educated on the
issues and involved in advocating for the new regulation. Their involvement will give ABC’s
advocacy work the necessary visible support of young families. However, few young parents
participate in ABC’s advocacy programs, preferring to join XYZ for their relevant information
and support groups or LMN for their help in addressing problems in the school system. ABC
recognizes that young parents have a limited amount of free time and wants to make it easy for
them to participate in its advocacy efforts. In addition, ABC needs to be a good steward of its
resources and not compete for clients with other organizations that are providing excellent
complementary services.

Purpose of the alliance

The purpose of this alliance is to
 Share information about the proposed school regulation
 Recruit young parents into the project
 Provide training to young parents so that they can assist in revising the proposed school
 Defray the costs of parent involvement in the project

An alliance of ABC, XYZ, and LMN (and perhaps other partners) will directly impact people
with disabilities and their families and make a difference in their lives for years to come. The
involvement of informed, concerned constituents will influence policy makers and help to make
needed revisions in the proposed school regulation.

The first steps

Before the end of the summer, we will need to
1. Assign a lead organization to manage the advocacy component
2. Recruit young parents of disabled children who are willing to advocate for revising the
proposed school regulation
3. Provide a comprehensive training program for the young parents so they understand the
roles of each of the participating organizations, the background on the proposed
regulation and the regulation’s probable impact on students
4. Involve the informed young parents in meetings the State Department of Education will
hold on the regulation

This project will be complete by the end of December when the vote will be taken on the school
regulation. At that time, we could decide to continue as an alliance to advocate for other issues or
celebrate our success and conclude the alliance project.

Community Consulting Group Partnership (n.d.) ABC Project Concept Paper: How to involve
young parents in advocating for proposed school regulation. Retrieved from

It could be argued that economics may be summarized as the study of how societies and
individuals meet their needs and wants. This source contains the author’s opinion about the role
government intervention should play in economic recovery. According to the source, recession
cannot be helped by government intervention; only by the actions of the producers and
consumers can the economy be healed. Liberalism, as an economic idea offers many different
options for society in dealing with times of economic distress. The right, more capitalist side of
the spectrum supported by Adam Smith would likely argue that the government needs to leave
any healing to the “producers and consumers.” An opposite perspective would be those who
have adopted a more left wing or socialist approach to modern liberalism. They may say that the
government needs to play a larger role when the economy is in trouble, as without intervention,
things like recessions may worsen. When faced with a question concerning what degree the
perspective developed in the source should be embraced, one could argue that this perspective
should be supported to only a certain extent. It may be argued that both the government and the
body of the people need to play a role in healing the economy.
There are some individuals may disagree with this statement. These people may use the
fact that countries that use Keynesian economics may run into problems with debt. They may say
that Keynesian economics is ineffective because politicians would not want to raise the taxes
back up in good times as they would lose popularity and endanger their chances of being re-
elected. They may use the governments of the United Kingdom and the United States in the
1950’s and 1960’s as an example of governments who ran into these types of problems. Other
individuals, who may oppose the source completely, may argue in favour of Keynesian
Economics. They may use Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “New Deal”, as an example in favour of
having government intervention in “bad times”. In the “New Deal”, Roosevelt put Keynes
Economic Theory into practice, putting more social programs down, and creating many jobs in
public works, like the building of the Hoover Dam. In this he worked to stabilize the banking
system and add a social security system. These individuals may argue that it is the governments
duty to play the role of a physician and treat the suffering economy. They would likely say that
Keynes theories are very workable if they are used properly.
Despite this, It may be argued that government and the people need to both play some
sort of a role in bringing the country out of economic “bad times”. Disputably, a combination of
the two extremes is the best way to approach setting up an economy, and helping it to recover
during bad times. During times of recession in a more right sided, capitalist country, it is
arguable that the “invisible hand” disappears because people do not feel secure enough to spend
their money, destroying the producer- consumer relationship. During times like these, the
government should step forward in an attempt to stabilize the economy. It may be said that
during “boom” times the government should cut back on public works and social programs so
they have enough money to give the economy a boost in “down times”. They should also not do
much deficit spending, so that the country does not run into debt problems. Milton Friedman and
Friedrich Hayek both contributed to the system of Monetarism. This is a theory that says that
control of the money supply of a country is the best way to encourage growth in the economic
field while limiting unemployment and inflation. Money supply would ideally be controlled
through regulation of interest rates; inflation would soar if too much money was produced by the
central banks. Friedman thought that if money supply was increased, consumer spending and
demand also would raise, as well as inflation. Ronald Reagan was a supporter of Friedman and
Hayek, and decided he would like less government control in society. He thought that reducing
income, business taxes, and regulation, and increasing military spending would leave money in
the pockets of the ones most likely to invest it economically. This would encourage economic
growth and benefit the working class in the end. One could say that this theory was unsuccessful
as the numbers show that the wealthy ten percent were earning nearly half of the country’s total
Debatably, a mixture between Keynesian economics and Monetarism would be the best
way to handle economics. This model was first demonstrated by Tony Blair who was the British
Prime Minister from 1997-2007. He took a stance between the familiar conservative approach
and a more socialist approach, combining the good things about Monetarism and Keynesian
economics. This structure would combine some social programs with free market policies. Blair
increased spending on things like health care and education, and introduced national minimum
wage. He also introduced a tuition fee for post-secondary education. Blair was a very successful
politician, having one of the longest terms in office of any of the Prime Minister. The
Netherlands have also used a similar model to Blair’s and it has been mostly successful in
stabilizing the economy. If the best features of Keynesian economics and Monetarism were taken
and a system was formed, it may be the best way to handle the economy in good times and bad.
When faced with a question concerning what degree the perspective developed in the
source should be embraced, one could argue that this perspective should be supported to only a
certain extent. There are some individuals who may disagree with this, people who are on either
side of the political spectrum. The right side would argue on the side of the source because they
would believe any economic healing has to be done by the “economic body”. The left would
argue that without government intervention, any “economic wounds” may worsen. It may be
argued that both the government and the “producers and consumers themselves,” need to play a
role in the recovery of the economy. A mixture between Keynesian Economics and Monetarism
would perhaps be the best way to handle the economy.

Rodney, K. (2011) Position Paper Economics. Retrieved from

Represented: OPPOSITION
Topic: The Reposition of the Death Penalty Law in the Philippines

“I will change this country, even if it would cost me my life,” former Davao Mayor and
the current President Rodrigo Duterte once said. “Are you willing to do this as well?” These
words shook the entire Philippine nation during the 2016 campaign period prior the national
elections. More so, these words are the cause of why Duterte, a rather headstrong and iron- fisted
leader who is well-known for his unconventional ways, now reports to the Malacanang Palace
and sits on the Presidential Chair. During the course of his presidency, the most prevalent matter
that is associated with his ruling is perhaps the idea of reposing Death Penalty in our country.
This, according to the Republic Act 7659, will be approved for reprehensible crimes such as
murder, rape, and the like. Considering the fact that the Philippines remains to be a developing
third world country, reintroducing Death Penalty is a rather foolish move. After all, with our
imperfect justice system, it will only complicate things.

To the desperate ignorant of our land, bringing back Death Penalty does sound like a way
to put an end to the long list of reprehensible crimes. On the contrary, death penalty is crime in
itself, considering the fact that our government will not spend the money on hiring excellent
experts to determine the validity of crimes. For an instance, with death penalty- God forbid- an
innocent man accused of rape could lose his life due to the wrong judgement or interpretation of
a second grade analyst. His family could lose its breadwinner, join 90% of the Filipino nation
living in poverty, and could potentially be another problem of the society. This is not a made up
example; this case has happened, still happens, and will continue. We could be taking the lives of
guiltless accused simply because our country cannot produce excellent pathologists nor forensic
analysts. Even if the accused is guilty, this death penalty is not proven to assure a decrease crime
rates. In other words, our nation is not equipped with the brains who will lead and execute the
system to provide “justice”. Reposing death penalty will only complicate things; it will only be
the cause of lawyers’ more stressful nights, and eventually, be the root of our justice system’s
problem. Aside from the matter’s technical difficulties, it is also unethical as it is the act of
taking a life, which is, biblically speaking, a crime in itself.

At the end of the line, yes- death penalty is meant to end the long line of killers and
rapists; it is meant to free the world from the worst kinds of sinners; it is meant to provide a
happy and a safe environment for the few who remain righteous and obedient. But with our
country’s current pitiful and unfortunate state, which will probably remain until the next few
decades or so- lest a miracle happens, we simply cannot adapt to this system of justice. Sure,
Singapore, the United States, or perhaps China can have this because well, they are the leading
nations of the world. They can afford to hire the most expensive analysts and pay expert
professionals. Meanwhile, we can only make do with our mediocre investigators, easy- going
prosecutors, and lousy justice system- all of which, all matters considered, can only cause
hubbub among our already brawling people.
Cioco, (2018) Position Paper about Death Penalty. Retrieved from


Committee: International Labor Organization

Topic: Globalization and Development
Country: Romania

In the past two decades the rapidly growing world trend has been toward globalization.
With the emergence of the internet as a means of communication and the increasing accessibility
of international trade physical barriers are not the only barriers withering away. Protective tariffs
are plummeting and free trade agreements are becoming more prevalent. Romania appreciates
that globalization creates favorable situations for expansion of commercial as well as economic
assets. In the past year Romania has seen a foreign direct investment (FDI) increase of 199%.
Inward FDI increased from EURO 234 million in 2005 to EURO 699 million in 2006. However,
Romania realizes that increased globalization does not automatically produce more equality.
Globalization and Development can contribute to the advancement of the overall international
human condition; however, the delegation of Romania recognizes that without proper regulation
the potential for advancement will remain limited to an elite few individuals, businesses, and
nations. Unless checked and aimed toward the common good, globalization cannot effectively
serve the global community. Crucial in dealing with the complexities of globalization, good
governance must act with solidarity and responsibility. Romania believes that in involving
people in globalization we must promote moral values, democratic principles, inclusive global
political culture, institutions that safeguard both individual civil rights and inherent freedoms,
and the common good. In addition, coping with the influx of information from globalization
governments must act with solidarity and insight. Access to digital education will undoubtedly
result in the confidence of citizens in their respective administrations and allow for a greater
degree of transparency, and therefore a lesser degree of corruption. Romania believes the
multinational business community has the ability and the obligation to support pertinent values
in human rights, labor standards, and environmental preservation. As stated by the president, Mr.
Basescu, Romania feels a "heartfelt attachment to multilateralism, as an effective
instrument designed to identify the adequate answers to the challenges brought by globalization.
“Romania is party to the majority of multilateral treaties and conventions identified as such by
the Secretary General in the context of the Millennium Summit in 2001. Romania has always
supported innovative and effective ways of establishing cooperation within and between regional
organizations. As one of the newest members of the European Union, Romania is an active
member of the World Trade Organization, and looks forward to offering its support to the
redirection of globalization to best benefit the global community.

United Nations Association of the United States of America: Global Development (2018).
Retrieved from

The fertilized eggs of marine snails are often enclosed in complex, leathery egg capsules
with 30 or more embryos being confined within each capsule. The embryos develop for 1 or
more weeks before leaving the capsules. The egg capsules of intertidal species potentially expose
the developing embryos to thermal stress, osmotic stress, and desiccation stress. This paper
(Kinehcep, 1982) describes the ability of such egg capsules to protect developing embryos from
low-salinity stress, such as might be experienced at low tide during a rainstorm. Two snail
species were studied: Nucella lamellosa and N. lima. Embryos were exposed at 10-12C either to
full-strength seawater (control conditions)or to 10-12% seawater solutions (seawater diluted with
distilled water). The ability of egg capsules to protect the enclosed embryos from low-salinity
stress was assessed by placing intact egg capsules into the test solutions for up to 9h, returning
the capsules to full-strength seawater, and comparing subsequent embryonic mortality with that
shown by embryos removed from capsules and exposed to the low-salinity stress directly.
Encapsulated embryos exposed to the low salinities suffered less than 2%mortality, even after
low-salinity exposures of 9h duration. In contrast, embryos exposed directly to the same test
conditions for as little as 5hsuffered 100% mortality. All embryos survived exposure to control
conditions for the full 9h, showing that removal from the capsules was not the stress killing the
embryos in the other treatments. Sampling capsular fluid at various times after capsules were
transferred to the diluted seawater. Kinehcep found that the concentration of solutes within
capsules fell to near that of the surrounding water within about 1h after transfer. This study
clearly demonstrates the protective value of the egg capsules of 2 snail species faced with low-
salinity stress. However, Kinehcep was unable to explain how egg capsules of these 2 species
protect the Kinehcep, N.A. 1982. Ability of some gastropod egg capsules to protect against low-
salinity stress. J. Exp. Marine Biol. Ecol. 63:195-208.
Enclosed embryos since the capsules did not prevent decreases in the solute concentration
of the capsular fluid. Although Kinehcep plotted the rate at which the solute concentration falls
within the capsules (his Fig 1.), he sampled only at 0, 60, and 90 min after the capsules were
transferred to water of reduced salinity. I think he should have sampled at frequent intervals
during the first 60 min to discover how rapidly the solute concentration of the capsule fluid falls.
As Kinehcep himself suggests, perhaps the embryos are less stressed if the concentration inside
the capsule falls slowly. These experiments were all performed at a single temperature even
though encapsulated embryos are likely to experience fluctuation in both temperature and
salinity as the tide rises and falls during the day; the study should be repeated using a range of
temperatures likely to be experienced in the field. In addition, I suggest repeating these
experiments using deep-water species whose egg capsules are never exposed to salinity
fluctuations of the magnitude used in this study.

O’Donnel, B.C. (2004) Writing In Biology. Retrieved from


Sample Film Critique

Forrest Gump
“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." However,
when you watch Forrest Gump starring Tom Hanks as Forrest and Robin Wright as Jenny, you
know you are going to get a lot of laughs and even a few tears. The screenplay for the 1994
movie was written by Eric Roth, based on the novel by Winston Groom. The story follows
Forrest through 30 years of trials and tribulations, placing Forrest within historical moments of
history, and in pursuit of his one dream--his “most special friend,” Jenny. According to the
Washington Post, Forrest Gump won Oscar awards for Best Picture, Best Actor (Hanks), Best
Director (Robert Zemeckis), Film Editing, Visual Effects and Adapted Screenplay. The movie
was well deserving of these awards since the acting and the visual effects were extraordinary.

The films' actors success in portraying their characters is a major factor in the film's
awards. Tom Hanks and Robin Wright worked well together, just like “peas and carrots." The
on-screen chemistry between the two was phenomenal. I felt a real connection between the two,
finding myself mad at Jenny when she blew Forrest off and in tears when he told her that he was
heading to Vietnam. Mokui’s Movie Review states “Tom Hanks IS Forrest Gump…He breathes
life into the guy and you will feel what Forrest feels" (1994, par 1). James Berardinelli states,
“Robin Wright gives the best performance of her career, surpassing what she accomplished in
The Playboys” (1994, par2). Another performance that stands out is that of Gary Sinise. Sinise
plays the part of Lieutenant Dan Taylor, whose life is saved by Forrest during the Vietnam War.
James Berardinelli writes, “In this movie, his Lieutenant Dan Taylor is riveting" (1994, par 3). I
thought that Sinise was quite convincing with his emotions throughout the movie, as if he was
really a disabled vet who had lost both legs in the war.

Just as good as the actors were those working behind the scenes with the special effects.
Throughout Forrest Gump the special effects were incredible. During Lieutenant Taylor’s
scenes, I was convinced that he really didn't have legs. I was studying the scenes, looking for any
signs of legs, trying to figure out how it was done. It turns out that each and every frame was
painted over to give it the true to life values that it holds. Also bringing the movie more
credibility was the ability to place Forrest in history making events. These events ranged from
Forrest teaching Elvis how to swing his hips to meeting Presidents for various accomplishments.
These television clips of Forrest were done with such finesse that they look real. Critic Brian
Webster (2003) states, “This is handled virtually flawlessly; if you didn't know better, you'd
believe that a fellow named Gump really did tell President Lyndon Johnson that he had been shot
in the rump while acting heroically in Vietnam" (par 2). Rolling Stone (2003) states, “The
effects dazzle, though never at the expense of the story” (Travers, par 2).

This story, complete with the Oscar winning performances in both acting and special
effects is perfect for those in need of a dose of goodness. My family enjoys watching Forrest
Gump together for rejuvenation, to view someone with true values of honesty, friendship and
family. Forrest, with his heart of gold and his low IQ, never gives up. He always looks for the
best in every scenario. The movie opens with a feather floating down over the city, landing at
Forrest’s feet. Near the end of the story, Forrest questions, “Do we each have a destiny – or do
we just float around accidental, like on a breeze?” As you are contemplating this question, the
feather reappears and floats through the countryside right up into the ending credits.

Parsons, Pamela (n.d) 001 Essay Example Critique English Paper Help How To Write For High
School Examples Of Essays Dillabaughs Com Illustration Papers Criticism Speech Pdf On
Movie An. Forrest Gump: Sample Critique Paper. Retrieved from



TITLE: The X Game

GENRE: supernatural horror

It was a pleasure to read your novel, The X Game. The title itself evokes a sense of play and
mystery—What is the X? And what kind of game is it?

In critiquing your novel, I read it first as a reader, then again as an editor. Although you will find
occasional comments inserted in bubbles in the electronic manuscript, the majority of my
feedback is summarized here in this critique. I will close this critique with my editorial
recommendations and final words.


This has all the elements of a classic horror story. From the beginning, the main character, a
leader of a mysterious order, turns off the security system inside the manor, immediately cueing
the reader that the protagonist is about to do something clandestine. There is an underground
tunnel and secret doors, and rumors of frightful things inside the forest. By the end of the
prologue, it’s clear from the tropes you use that this is a horror story with Gothic elements, and
that from this point on, things are only going to get worse—in a delicious, thrilling way.

You wisely start in the middle of the action and propel the protagonist—and the reader—into the
unknown, which we know is going to be dangerous. There are encounters—with a mysterious
creature and an attack by wolves—that keep the action going and the reader reading—all good.

After Egri is rescued by Jordan (perhaps too conveniently?) and taken to the manor, he is
confronted by a stranger—Marlo—who is the one who summoned him in the first place. What
Egri does not know, but we readers know, is that Marlo is not a normal human being. In fact, he
too is a supernatural creature, possibly a vampire. In other words, the protagonist is not really
safe nor is he in an ordinary place, but rather he has entered an extraordinary world, and that as
much as he wishes to turn back, it is too late.

Overall, the plot is unfolding naturally—or perhaps I should say, classically. The danger in
taking this approach is that a sophisticated reader of horror is not going to find much here that is
fresh and new in the way of storytelling. But if it’s an ordinary horror story that you’re hoping to
provide, then I think that’s what you have here.


Egri is a transparent and expressive character who does not hesitate to act, speak, or run away (if
he has to). His frank manner makes him easily knowable and perhaps, for some, relatable and
even comical. In a sense, he is your average man who is put into extraordinary circumstances.
It’s that tension between the ordinary and the extraordinary that keeps the reader interested. As a
reader I want to know how the protagonist is going to react and cope with all that happens to
him. In other words, I want to know if he is going to survive his ordeal and how he will be
changed by it. Having said that, however, I noticed that there are times when Egri over-expresses
verbally and physically, by shouting, talking to himself, and so on, which can have a theatrical
and cartoony effect. Sometimes, subtle words and gestures can be just as effective in conveying
fear, horror, and anger.

Marlo is the second major character and he is intriguing, because not only is he a vampire, but a
remorseful one. That in itself makes him rise a bit above the stock vampires you see in fiction
and movies. As a reader, I want to know more about him and what he has done in the past and
what he hopes to do to rectify his past sins. I suggest developing this further in subsequent


You’ve chosen to write in third-person limited POV, starting with Egri, and then switching to
Marlo's in chapter 2. I think this approach works fine, as long as it remains consistent throughout
the novel.


The setting is atmospheric and effective. In the opening chapter, it’s nighttime, there is a manor,
a dark forest, strong winds and rain. The important thing here is to make sure the weather is
consistent. In the forest, it’s windy and rainy, but when Marlo is looking through the window, the
sky is bluish and clear, with no sign of wind or rain. So, as a reader, I’m wondering if the wind
and rain in the forest was an isolated event? Also, Marlo is looking out at a city skyline. This was
unexpected, since the way the beginning is written, it seems we are in the remote countryside,
where there are forests that go on for miles. Something to think about.


Voice is partly how characters speak as well as how the story is written. I found that the most
glaring inconsistency in voice is in the leader's diction. Normally, he speaks in contemporary
diction (the way most people speak today), but occasionally he switches to more formal and
archaic diction, which stops me as a reader because it’s as if another voice has taken over. I have
flagged these areas in the manuscript for your review.

Regarding tone, this changes depending on whose POV we are following. When it’s the leader's,
the tone is one of urgency, fear, and confusion, sometimes anger. When it’s Marlo's, there’s
sadness and calm, with a bit of irony too. This works fine as long as it’s consistent. What to be
careful of is overstressing tone by using ALL CAPS or exclamation points. There are other,
subtler ways to convey tone via gestures, physical details, metaphors, rhythm, and so on.


Above, I briefly mentioned rhythm. Rhythm involves pacing and timing. Sentences have a
rhythm, as do paragraphs and scenes. There are a few instances where this isn’t working in the
story and the action falls flat (see pages 44 & 52). The dread and horror of the scenes are not
effectively conveyed—and horror relies heavily on timing and pacing to scare readers. So, I
recommend that you rewrite those areas, keeping in mind pacing and timing—to create surprise,
horror, and dread—the hallmark emotions in horror fiction.


I did a light copyedit with some heavy line editing, refining sentences when necessary. Wherever
I had questions or saw the need for a major change, I inserted a comment bubble with my query
and suggested revision.


Most of my recommendations have already been given, but to summarize here, I think what you
have written is a contemporary Gothic horror story that, with some refinements, will no doubt
find avid readers of genre fiction. The question you may need to ask yourself is, Do I want to
give readers something new? If so, you may have to rethink the tropes and motifs you are using
and reimagine this story differently, so as to surprise and satisfy the more sophisticated reader of
horror fiction.

Whatever you decide, I recommend revising the manuscript, keeping in mind my comments and
suggestions. After that, the next step would be to either submit this to an agent (who specializes
in horror fiction) or self-publish, if that is your intention. If you decide to self-publish, I
recommend having your book copyedited and proofread to ensure that your book is error-free
prior to publication.

The Artful Editor: excerpt of an editor’s report, The X Game (2019) Retrieved from:

Product name: WorkAlign2.0
Product type: Software package
Company: Ergonomix
If you’ve ever stood up from your work desk at the end of a long day and winced from
the pain in your lower back or neck, then you’re likely one of the millions of workers who suffer
from the side effects of a less than ergonomic office arrangement. Through the years, I’ve tried
dozens of products designed to equip me with a more ergonomically optimal work environment:
lumbar rolls, wrist cushions, footstools, etc. However, none of these seemed to work until I
discovered the WorkAlign2.0 software package from the Ergonomix Company. Though I was
initially sceptical about the package’s ability to help me properly align the different components
of my workstation into one ergonomic setting, the software’s quick and easy 30-minute
evaluation and alignment process has left me feeling relaxed and rejuvenated, even at the end of
an 8-hour day.

WorkAlign2.0’s instillation is quick, providing purchasers with the options of loading the
software from the included discs or from a simple download. The user interface is intuitive and
easy to navigate. After a welcome and registration screen, the purchaser is then asked to provide
a variety of measurements from his or her existing workstation. (Note that the user can select
either metric or imperial system measurements and that a tape measure is included for both.)

After a few more screens that request information about work habits, the program
provides a three-dimensional diagram of the user’s optimal workspace arrangement and makes
recommendations for adjustments to the user’s current setup. Not only does the program offer a
list of suggested products for making these adjustments, but it also offers a how-to guide of easy
and free fixes that require little to no expense. Created for the typical office professional who
spends upwards of six hours a day in a desk chair, Ergonomix’s WorkAlign2.0 is an excellent
addition to the arsenal of products designed to combat muscle fatigue, lumbar pain, and eye
strain. Though it replaces none of the ergonomically designed products currently on the market,
it’s not designed to do so. Instead, it provides the purchaser with a guide to the best products for
her or her situation, a job it does quite well. Though the £39.95 price tag initially seemed a little
steep, my successful experience with the WorkAlign2.0 from Ergonomix has proven it to be
worth the cost. After years of purchasing random products that promised to end my workday
woes, WorkAlign2.0 has finally delivered on such claims. From its easy set up to its practical
recommendations, WorkAlign2.0 offers the weary worker a lasting respite from the physical
wear and tear that comes with long hours of repetitive desk work.
Oxford University Press: Oxford Dictionaries’ Sample Product Review (2019) Retrieved from:
Man of Steel
By Vlad Pananseko
“Man of Steel” by director Zack Snyder is a Hollywood blockbuster released in 2013 that
tells a story of one of the most famous superheroes ever: Superman. This movie was filmed as a
re-launch of the DC Comics franchise, and since it was Christopher Nolan who was the movie’s
producer, many people expected the Man of Steel to be as intense and prominent as the recent
Batman film “The Dark Rises.” Unfortunately, the new picture about Superman is exactly what
you can await from a Hollywood movie about the immortal invincible flying guy wearing red
pants over blue tights.
Superman’s story starts on his native planet Krypton. His home world is under the threat
of destruction because of the politics of its leaders, who want to mine the resources out of the
planet’s core. The only one who is aware of the upcoming alert is a scientist and Superman’s
father Jor-El. He implants something called the Codex (which contains the Kryptonians’ gene
pool) into his son’s body, and sends him to Earth. The Codex makes Kal-El—or Superman—
invincible; he can only be killed with kryptonite: a metal that is not present in the periodic table.
After that, Jor-El gets murdered by general Zod; the general is a patriot of Kryptone who has
mutinied against the rulers of the planet, and who wants to get the Codex back. He chases
Superman to Earth, and this is the moment when the story ends and the tumult of visual effects
In my opinion, Zack Snyder can be called a director whose films consist of roughly 60%
computer graphics. “Man of Steel” is not an exception. Try to recall all the visual effects you
have ever seen in Hollywood blockbusters—you will definitely find them in “Man of Steel” as
well. Sometimes it even seems that a bit less of them would be just fine, but Snyder just keeps
ruining skyscrapers and blowing up gas stations. With such a background, you almost stop caring
about the actors starring in the movie.
And the actors are really famous: Kevin Сostner as Kal-El’s stepfather, Lawrence
Fishburne, Russel Crowe, and many others. To tell the truth, I think the director could easily
replace these first-class stars with amateur actors, and still no one would notice the difference,
because in this movie the actors’ play is not the priority at all. Man of Steel is a kind of movie
that needs actors to act only like triggers that make certain events happen, thus unfolding the
story. Personally, I would feel totally alright if somebody else but Russel Crowe would act as
Superman’s biological father.
One of the most remarkable flaws of this movie is the absurdity of the idea of somebody
fighting Superman. Actually, this is the main thing why I never understood Superman: is it really
exciting to watch his adventures knowing that he cannot be caused any harm just because he is
so exceptional? Even when the main antagonist general Zod announces his intention to kill
Superman, it cannot really worry you: the Codex makes Superman indestructible. What’s the
point of fighting then?
Zack Snyder’s Superman reminds me of Clifford the big red dog. The dog is always
around, always helpful; his size makes him exceptional and able to deal with almost any
problem, but at the same time causes him trouble. Kal-El is the same: among regular people he is
almost a god, he is always ready to give a helping hand, but his origins and power make him
uncomfortable on Earth. The movie has intense action scenes, supersaturated with visual effects;
it also has many first-class actors starring in it. But it does not make “Man of Steel” outstanding
among dozens of other similar Hollywood franchises about superheroes.

Pananseko, V. (2017) Man of Steel: Movie Review Retrieved from:

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