Worksheet Number 5

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Problem Solving Mathematical Investigation, and Modelling

Worksheet Number 5:

1. When 3 girls jumped on a weighing scale together, it read 164 kg. One girl stepped off
and the scale moved down to 104 kg. One more girl jumped off and the scale showed 55
kg. What was each girl's weight?
The weight of the three girls = 164 kg
3 girls = 164 kg
2 girls = 104 kg
1 girl = 55 kg
1st girl (who stepped off first), 164- 104= 60kg
2nd girl,(who stepped off next) 104 – 55= 49 kg
3rd girl, ( who remained at the weighing scale) =55 kg
Therefore, 1st girl (who stepped off first) was 60kg, the 2nd girl,(who stepped off next)
was 49 kg and the 3rd girl, ( who remained at the weighing scale)was 55 kg.
2. If 72x96 = 6927, 58x87= 7885, then 79 x 86 = 6879?

From the two examples, the numbers were combined and not multiplied, and the combined
numbers were written in reverse.
We have, 72 x 96 = 6927, 58 x 87 = 7885
To Find 79 x 86 =?

The pattern is, (AB)(CD) = DCBA

72 x 96 = 69 27
58 x 87 = 78 85

The missing term(?) = 6897

Hence, the missing term(?) is 6897.

3. If 11(170)16, 11(203)19, then the value of 17(?)18 will be?

11 x 16 = 176 and 11 x 19 = 209
To find, the value of missing number (?) =?

The pattern follows:

(First number × Third number) - 6 = Middle number

170 = (11 × 16) - 6 = 176 - 6 = 170

203 = (11 × 19) - 6 = 209 - 6 = 203


? = (17 × 18) - 6 = 306 - 6 = 300

Thus, the value of missing number (?) will be 300.

4. If 13 x 12 = 651 & 41x23 = 448, then, 24 x 22 =?

From the first 2 examples, we have to flip the digits in each number before multiplying the two

13 x 12 31 x 21 = 651

41 x 23 14 x 32 = 448

So, 24 x 22 42 x 22 = 924.

The answer is 924.

5. What should come next in the series: 53, 53, 40, 40, 27, 27, …?
In this series, each number is repeated, then 13 is subtracted to arrive at the next number.
Rule = (1st number) (1st number) (1st number - 13 = 2nd number) (2nd number repeat) (2nd -
13 = 3rd number) (3rd number repeat) ....
The series is 53, 53, 40, 40, 27, 27...
(53), (53 - 13 = 40), (40), (40 - 13 = 27) (27), (27 - 13 = 14), (14) ...
Therefore, the next series would be 14,14.

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