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Exercise and your Diabetes -

Type 2 Diabetes on diet or tablets

Patient Information Leaflet

How much exercise and physical

Exercise helps improve both activity should you do?
your general health and your
diabetes control. v 30 minutes of moderate physical activity
on five or more days of the week can
improve health.
v If you are new to exercise then think of
Exercise can:
this as a target level and build up to it
v make you feel good gradually. For example, 3 x 10 minute
v help you to control your weight chunks of activity a day.

v improve your circulation v Moderate means enough to raise your

heartbeat and make you feel warm and
v lower your blood glucose levels. slightly, although not uncomfortably,
out of breath. For example, you should
Improving health through be able to talk.
exercise may help you: v Physical activity can include
v manage the stresses and strains of life gardening, brisk walking, cycling,
swimming and dancing as well as
v reduce your risk of heart disease
playing sports.
v prevent brittle bones (osteoporosis)
in later life
How to get started?
v reduce the risk of some cancers Questions to ask yourself
e.g. cancer of the colon
v Can I include more activity regularly
v keep you mobile and independent in
in my everyday life?
later life.
v Can I use stairs rather than lifts, walk
v You can get all of these benefits from
a couple of bus stops or park further
gentle, moderate or strenuous exercise.
away from work or the shops?
v How can I vary my activity so that I
don’t get bored?
v What time of day is best? Pick a time
when your energy levels are highest. v How long will my activity last and how
energetic will I be?
If you need this information in another
Design - Medical Illustration, NHS Lanarkshire

language or format, please contact the You may need to be examined by a doctor
NHS Lanarkshire General Enquiry Line before taking up strenuous exercise.
on 0300 3030 243 or e-mail Pub. date: Nov 2018
Review date: Nov 2020
For further information go to: Issue No: 04
Diabetes MCN website

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