Traffic Management System Full Thesis

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This introductory chapter sets the frame for the research. It begins with an introduction
to the study and looks at the background of the project. It goes further to identify the
research problem, the research objectives and questions, scope of the system and
project organization.


The History of Traffic Management System started in 1972 to centrally control the
freeway system in the Twin Cities metro area. The Traffic Management System aims to
provide motorists with a faster, safer trip on metro area freeways by optimizing the use
of available freeway capacity, efficiently managing incidents and special events,
providing traveler information, and providing incentives for ride sharing. (The Minnesota
Department of Transportation)

Cities and traffic have developed hand-in-hand since the earliest large human
settlements. The Same forces that draw inhabitants to congregate in large urban areas
also lead to sometimes intolerable levels of traffic congestion on urban streets. Cities
are the powerhouses of economic growth for any country. According to Bartone et al.
(1994), around eighty percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth in developing
countries is expected to come from cities. For the purpose of economic activities, it is
imperative to facilitate movements. Transportation system provides the way for
movements and medium for reaching destinations. Inadequate transportation system
hampers economic activities and creates hindrances for development. In most of the
developing countries which are overburdened by rising population and extreme poverty,
increasing economic activities and opportunities in the cities result in rapid increase in
urban population and consequent need for transportation facilities. Authorities in these
countries often fail to cope with the pressure of increasing population growth and
economic activities in the

cities, causing uncontrolled expansion of the cities, urban sprawl, traffic congestion and
environmental degradation.

Transportation and property are important in physical and economic development of

towns and cities all over the world. Property and land values tend to increase in areas
with expanding transportation networks, and increase less rapidly in areas without such
improvements. Rapid and continued rise in housing and land prices are expected in
cities with transportation improvements and rapid economic and population growth
(Goldberg, 1970).

Man, nations, regions and the world would be severely limited in development without
transportation, which is a key factor for physical and economic growth (Oyesiku, 2002).
Transportation systems and land use are interdependent. Indeed findings of earlier
studies indicate compelling and consistent connections amongst them (Ewing and
Cervero, 2001; Polzin, 2004). According to Bailey, Mokhtarian, and Littlel (2008),
transportation route is part of distinct development pattern or road network and mostly
described by regular street patterns as an indispensable factor of human existence,
development and civilization. The route network coupled with increased transport
investment result in changed levels of accessibility reflected through Cost Benefit
Analysis, savings in travel time, and other benefits. These benefits are noticeable in
increased catchment areas for services and facilities like shops, schools, offices, banks,
and leisure activities.

Road networks are observed in terms of its components of accessibility, connectivity

and Traffic density, level of service, compactness and density of particular roads. Level
of service is a measure by which the quality of service on transportation devices or
infrastructure is determined, and it is a holistic approach considering several factors
regarded as measures of traffic density and congestion rather than overall speed of the
journey (Mannering, Walter, and Scott, 2004).

Access to major roads provides relative advantages consequent upon which commercial
users locate to enjoy the advantages. Modern businesses, industries, trades and general
activities depend on transport and transport infrastructure, with movement of goods
and services from place to place becoming vital and inseparable aspects of global and
urban economic survival. Developments of various transportation modes have become
pivotal to physical and economic developments. Such modes include human porterage,
railways, ropeways and cableways, pipelines, inland waterways, sea, air, and roads
(Said and Shah, 2008).

Sub-Saharan Africa, with few exceptions, is unique in that the roads that have been
created are inefficient and insufficient to spawn and sustain growth, and require not
only substantial upgrading and rehabilitation, but also substantial new road
construction. Many nations that have not had the opportunity to fully develop road
infrastructure systems are now discovering the standards and methods from
neighboring or western countries which they have been relying upon are not altogether
applicable to their circumstances (Arumala and Akpokodje, 1987).

This inapplicability stems from differing climatic circumstances (heavy rain events),
complex and deep stratigraphy of soils, highly plastic and highly decomposed materials
characteristic of tropical/sub-tropical environments, lack of aggregate/high quality
materials, and large (and increasing) transport distances of materials to the
construction site. There is also a difference in terms of need that is not addressed in the
standard manuals and application guidelines of other countries.

Transport is critical to economic development, both low volume/rural roads and major
arterials, and there is a direct relationship between a countries economic prosperity and
kilometers of paved roads (Owen, 1964; Queiroz and Gautam, 1992). While there are
many papers and reports on the merits of the rural road sector (World Bank’s sub-
Saharan African Transport Policy being a major source; World Bank, 1996)) and the fact
that all- season pass ability and lack of basic access to rural communities impedes
economic growth, there is also a need to further develop and rehabilitate the major
trunk system within these countries to be able to sustain and accommodate economic
growth brought about by improved rural mobility

Traffic congestion has been one of the fundamental problems faced by modern cities
since the wide usage of automobiles. Just a normal few minutes trip to the convenience
store may take up to half an hour due to traffic jam or slowdown. According to the
police, congestions are actually the causes of some issues like road rage, road bullies
and major accidents.

The small road capacity is also one of the contributing factors. As the number of private
cars increases greatly over the years, traffic congestion occurs when the needed road
capacity is not fulfilled. Simple improvements of the road infrastructure can easily
solved this problem. Since congestion occurs frequently in the cities, local government
municipal can consider passing laws on restricting the number of car owned in a family.
This method is in fact, workable and effective.


The purpose of Traffic Management System is to improve transport operations and

transport services profitability, reduce traffic jams and fatalities, provide sufficient
driving training, maintain road infrastructure, and maintain traffic law enforcement.


1.4.1 Main Objectives

The main objective of this system is to provide convenience to the management team
by developing a digital system to make processes regarding Traffic Management easier.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

Here are some of specific objectives of the project:

1. To provide direct access to Drivers through web application system.

2. To view current status of all cars such as Targo numbers, tax or car information.
3. To decrease Speed car as to avoid accidents and Jams.
a. How to provide convenience to the management team by developing a digital
system to make processes regarding Traffic Management easier?
b. How to provide direct access to drivers?
c. How can the traffic officials search and update the information included in the


1.6.1 Geographical Scope

This study was investigated the Traffic Management System in Mogadishu-Somalia

1.6.2 Content Scope

The study was focused on how Traffic work and their performances.

1.6.3 Time Scope

This study was conducted March-June, 2017


This study will provide better understanding about the projects and policies of the
Traffic Management System. It is important to the sense that is explores the major
problems encountered by the Traffic Officials, Motorists and the Public.
Chapter One: discuss on introduction of this project. This chapter includes
Introduction, Background, Problem statements, purpose of the study, Objectives of
study, Research Questions, Scope of the study, Significance of the study and
Organizational project.

Chapter Two: is literature review and related work that will explain Introduction,
Concepts Opinions or Ideas from Authors/Experts, previous work / existing system, Gap
and Chapter summary.
Chapter Three: Requirement Analysis: we will be discussed the proposed approach
and entire draft of the project that taken in the development of this project such as:

introduction, User requirement analysis, preliminary investigation, Organizational profile,

current system, limitation of the current system, Data gathering, DFD, UML, problem
statement, Feasibility study and User requirement specification.

Chapter Four: System Design: this chapter will be discussed how the system design
that include: Introduction, design goal, Database design, Entity relationship diagram,
Data dictionary, Table design, Form design and Report design.

Chapter Five: System Development: this chapter will be discussed how the system
development that includes: Introduction, Coding Phase, Types of testing, User
Documentation and Implementations.

Chapter Six: Recommendation & Conclusion: this chapter will be discussed the
conclusion of the system development that includes: Introduction, Conclusion,
Concluding Remarks, References and Appendixes.



Literature review has covered searching, collecting and analyzing from all debates
issues raised in relevant body of literature. The fact and finding are being analyzed by
identifying the objectives, the current situation and the available resources. This
chapter includes: Introduction, Concepts, opinions or Ideas from Authors/Experts,
previous work / existing system, Gap Analysis and Chapter summary.


In the recent past, researchers have tested a wide array of technologies in an attempt
to find improved methods of monitoring traffic conditions. Traffic system comprises one
of but many of the areas of current research. A brief survey of technologies explored
during the past decade and a half is given below to provide an understanding of the
level of research interest in traffic system technologies.
AT&T experimented with the use of applied acoustic and digital signal processing
technology to produce a vehicular traffic system (Nordwall, 1994). Labeled the
SmartSonic Traffic System (SmartSonic STS-1), the project was intended by AT&T to
replace buried magnetic loop detection systems. This technology was originally
developed from research used by the U.S. Navy for submarine detection purposes.
Mounted above passing vehicles, the SmartSonic STS-1 listens to the acoustic signals of
vehicles and is capable of distinguishing between larger trucks or buses and smaller
vehicles. Applications were to include traffic monitoring and vehicle counting, with the
potential for incident detection being an area for further research.

Prior to the installation of a Traffic system in Houston, a cellular phone demonstration

project was performed (Levine and McCasland, 1994). Researchers recruited 200
volunteers to participate in the program, which required them to call a traffic
information office when they passed specific freeway locations during their morning
and evening
commutes. The lessons learned from the cell phone project aided in the development of
the data analysis, processing and dissemination techniques used for the Traffic system
that was later constructed. In a similar scenario, prior to installing a large-scale Traffic
system in the Puget Sound area, a small-scale test of traffic was performed (Butterfield
et. al., 1994). In this test, Traffic was “piggy-backed” with existing loop detectors.
Results yielded a Traffic detection rate of about 80% for a fleet of tag-equipped buses.

In this brief survey, more than ten distinct traffic system technologies have been
identified as the subject of research efforts since 1986. The amount of attention given
to the research field of traffic surveillance clearly suggests that a surveillance system
that can provide reliable and accurate travel time data would have great potential. The
research community’s interest in developing reliable and accurate Traffic systems.


Prior to 21st century technologies; it has been widely used Inductive loop detection
which works on the principle that one or more turns of insulated wire are placed in a
shallow cutout in the roadway, a lead in wire runs from roadside pull box to the
controller and to the electronic unit located in the controller cabinet. When a vehicle
passes over the loop or stops, the induction of the wire is changed. Due to change in
induction, there is change in the frequency. This change in the frequency causes the
electronic unit to send a signal to the controller; indicating presence of the vehicle.

In the existing System it is widely used Video analysis i.e smart camera which consists
of sensors, a processing unit and a communication unit. The traffic is continuously
monitored using a smart camera. The video captured is then compressed so as to
reduce the transmission bandwidth. The video analysis abstracts scene description from
the raw video data. This description is then used to compute traffic statistics. This
statistic includes frequency of the vehicles, average speed of the vehicles as well as the
lane occupancy.

This simple tool helps to identify the gap between the current situation and the future
state that you want to reach, along with the tasks that you need to complete to close
this gap. As we illustrated above there is a great gap between previous system and
current need of systems so we need to drop up this gap by developing new system
called Online Traffic Management System. This system will terminate traditional calling
and will be replaced to a new system.


This chapter we were discussed all the literature review related former study to
understand more about Online Traffic Management System.

This chapter basically related several studies which include: - Introduction, Concept,
Opinions, Or Ideas from authors/ Experts, Previous work/ Existing system, Gap analysis
and Direction.




This chapter contains and described about User requirement analysis, preliminary
investigation, data gathering, Data Flow Diagram, Feasibility Study and user
requirement specification.


The Online Traffic Management System was developed to operate within the following

a. Operating system Windows.

b. Database MySQL and Software to develop the system.
c. Browser Internet Explorer and above, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome Performance.

Preliminary Investigation basically refers to the collection of information that guides the
management of an organization to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the
project request and make an informed judgment about the feasibility of the proposed
system. This sort of investigation provides us with a through picture of the kind of
software and hardware requirements which are most feasible for the system, plus the
environment in which the entire project has to be installed and made operational.


Ministry of Transportation and Civil Aviation in Somalia is a ministry that involves all
the transportation networks and modes of transport in Somalia. They include
highways, airports and seaports, in addition to various forms of public and private
vehicular, maritime and aerial transportation. A 750 km highway connects major cities
the northern part of the country, such as Bosaso, Galkayo and Garowe, with towns in
the south.


Studying the current system is a method that is used to gather the requirements in the
research. The purpose of studying the current system is to identify the existing entities
and also gather requirements and identify problem in the current system.

The Current System has Problems We Listed Them Below:

a. Difficulties in checking car.

b. Drivers do not know the detailed.
c. Mistakes in giving car information.
d. Mistakes that occurred.
e. Keeping track of cars.


The system may be faced some of Limitations include:-

a. Lack of internet.
b. Lack of Security.
c. Insufficient Time.
d. Lack of finance.
e. Data corrupting when you making the system project.


Data gathering is a collection of faithful information about the old system and its
essential step, because we easily find out the required information of current system
unless we accomplish it.

We have collected this faithful information from different resources; the primary
technique for information gathering during in the analysis phase is interviewing the
people who worked and have experience about the current Traffic Management to
know the quality and the intensity of the information we need.

We used different techniques to collect the data some of those are Individual meetings,
Interviews, observation


Data flow diagrams (DFDs) reveal relationships among and between the various
components in a program or system. DFDs are an important technique for modeling a
system’s high-level detail by showing how input data is transformed to output results
through a sequence of functional transformations.

3.4.2 DFD:

A data flow diagram is a graphic representation of a system or part of system. It consist

of entities, data flows, process, sources, distinctions, and stores that Can facilitate the
readability of the system and also shows how data moves through an information
system but doesn’t show program logic or processing steps. A set of DFDs provides a
logical model that shows what the system does, not how it does it. Several different
versions of DFDs exist, but they all serve the same purpose. We will use to identify our
DFDs levels in the following symbols:

Entity Data Store

Data Flow

Figure 1: DFD Symbols


Register car info


TRAFFIC Record the car’s accident

Successfully recorded

Request record taxations

Create admin Create Admin

Figure 2: Context diagram level 0 d f ds

Create Admin

Admin id password


Admin-ID UserName Password

Created check



Admin’s Database

Figure 3: Level 1 creating of admin user

Car Registeration
Owner’s tell
o no Owner’s name Colour of the car
Car model

Car Name

T_NO Tell

Registered Owner Name



Chek Process

Car registration database


Figure 4: Level 2 car registration

Accident’s date
Targo no record

Accident type
Driver Name




Chek Process YES THAN SAVE

Accident record database


Figure 5: Level 3 recording accidents


Owner name
Driver Name

Successfully record the tax D_NAMEOwner name Amount Purpose



Taxation record database


Figure 6: Level 4 taxation

1.5.1 UML

The Sequence Diagram is a UML diagrams that are used to model interaction between
objects of a system, showing time sequence of collaboration (IBM, 2004). The diagram
presents processes and their operations with one another, in the order in which the
operations occur. The diagram shows objects and classes that participate in the
collaboration as well as the arrangement of messages exchanged between objects. A
Sequence diagram has lifelines – which are parallel vertical lines, the objects and
horizontal arrows that show the messages exchanged.

The UML is a tool for specifying software systems. Standardized diagram types to help
you describe and visually map a software system's design and structure. Using UML it is
possible to model just about any kind of application, both specifically and independently
of a target platform.

The use of UML as a tool for defining the structure of a system is a very useful way to
manage large, complex systems. Having a clearly visible structure makes it easy to
introduce new people to an existing project.


A system request must pass several tests called feasibility study. Feasibility study is the
process of identifying if problem can be solved or not solved, determining objectives,
and assessing the range of cost and benefits associated with several alternatives for
solving a problem. We can say also feasibility study is a detailed investigation and
analysis of a proposed development project to determine whether it is visible technically
and economically.
The purpose of a feasibility study is to determine whether or not the purpose of a new
system can be justified. The analysis has to answer one fundamental question: (can the
required functions be carried out by a new system more efficiently than the current?)
3.5.1 Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility refers to the technical resources needed to develop, purchase,

install, or operate the system. In terms of technical feasibility the new system requires
a fundamental change of the hardware and software that the center owns. Existing
system either must be changed or upgraded and new systems should be acquired so
that it covers the requirement in the following table:-

No Description Quantity Cost Per Unit Amount

1. Computers Pentium 4 3 $ 400.00 $ 1200.00
2. Hp Laser jet 1320 Printer 1 $ 120.00 $ 120.00
Total: $ 1320.00
Table 1: System hardware Requirements
We have to know or make sure the system will produce reliable answers about the
requirements made by its users. Below we are using the software and the language we
are going to use to develop our project.

No Description Quantity Cost Per Unit Amount

1. Microsoft SQL Server 2012 1 $ 288.64 $ 288.64
2. NetBeans IDE 7.1.2 1 Open Source Free
Total: $ 288.64
Table 2: System software Requirements
3.5.2 Operational Feasibility

The system does not need to recruit a new staff, but it needs to train the existing staff
to get ability to work with the new system, so that the staff should know how to use
personal computers (PCs) and office automations and also any other third-party
software that’s relative to the computers (if any).
3.5.3 Schedule Feasibility:

Time or schedule feasibility Mean the time it takes to complete this system, the system
operationally started in 01/03/2017 and will be completed if Allah wills 05/06/2017

On Task Activity Duration per week Percentage

A Analyses 2 weeks 15%

B Design 1 week 10%

C Code 3 weeks 50%

D Implementation 2 week 25%

Table 3: Schedule Feasibility

3.5.4 Feasibility Report:

The purpose of the feasibility study is to evaluate the outcome result of analysis phase
and the investigations made to the older system as well as evaluation of both goal
achievement process and means to finalize it with concise report that is feasible to the
capacity and capability or the position of the project.

Although after we made investigations, we recognized that it is feasible technically,

operationally, and economically the investigation we have done proved that the benefits
of the new system are greater than the consumed cost. So we decided to develop the
new system.


3.6.1 New Proposed System

After we recognized the operation the current system and the power it can be solved its
operation, we decided to design code and implement new online system that can meet
all problems mentioned in the problem definition title, and even this new system is
compatible with the new technology in this century.

Software: In the software we selected JSP as front end and MYSQL as back end.
3.6.2 Solution Strategy

After when we discovered the current system’s problem, we have decided to

develop a new system, which stands the need of Traffic Management System. After
we have seen the problems of the old system we realized that there is a great
need to develop new system.

As a group discussion we decided to take JSP as front end and MYSQL as back end as
solution strategy for the problem, because JSP is powerful server-based technology and
which free open source, designed to create dynamic and inter active HTML pages for
your World Wide Web or corporate internet.

3.6.3 System Requirement Specification

A. System Interfaces

Application would be a self-contained system. It will not access data of any other
application nor will other application have access to its data.

B. Hardware Interfaces

The hardware requirements for Traffic Management System are as listed below:

For Server:

a. Intel Pentium 4
b. 2GB RAM
c. 80 GB hard disk
d. Network Interface card.

For client:

a. Intel Pentium III or above.

b. 512 MB RAM
c. 40 GB hard disk
d. Network Interface card.
C. User Interfaces

Application will be accessed through a Browser Interface. The software would be

fully compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer for version 6 and above. No user
would be able to access any part of the application without logging on to the

D. Software Interface:

For Server For Client

Windows 2000 Server Windows 2000 / XP
MySQL Microsoft Internet Explorer6 -12 or above
Table 4: Software Interface List of Events:

Event 1: Request informations from traffic database

Event 2: Create car registration

Event 3: Record accidents

Event 4: Drivers paying tax Converting Events into Processes

Event 1: Request informations Event 2: Create car registration

from traffic database

Admin Request for
Car Registration Registered

Informations Traffic management
Car Informations

Request for

Car Information
Successfully registered

Figure 8: Event 2: Create car

Information registration

Figure 7: Event 1: Request

informations from traffic database
Event 3: Record accidents Event 4: Drivers paying tax

Successfully paid

Request for recorded
Record accidents

Traffic management Input info for tax/amount Management System Paid
Accident Informations

Inserted Tax Date File

Successfully recorded

Figure 10: Event 4: Drivers paying

Figure 9: Event 3: Record
accidents tax Regrouping

Create admin
Admin Information

Admin Created

Car Successfully done

Registeration Traffic
Car Information managemenAll information success Than Store t system
Car Registered

Accident information


Accident recorded Database

Tax information
Taxation paid

Figure 11: Regrouping events




Design is the most important phase of software development. It requires a careful

planning thinking on parts of the system designer. This phase frequently described as
being divided into two main phases, which might be described as "business design" and
"technical design".

Business design generally specifies the "why" of the system, indicating how data will be
used and how it will flow. Technical design generally specifies the "how" of the system,
or how its components will be arranged, what their features will be, and what kind of
hardware the system will require.

Designing a software means to plan how various party of the software are going to
achieve the desired goal, it should be done with at most care because if the phase

contains any error, then that will affect the performance of the system .


There are many aspects to consider in the design of an every project. The importance
of each should reflect the goals the system is trying to achieve. Some of these aspects

A. Efficiency – It is generally considered to be the most important. Given a piece of

hardware on which the system will run and a piece of software to run it, the design
should make full and efficient use of the facilities provided. The users should interact
with the system without any delay.

B. Integrity - this means that the system should be accurate as possible. The problem
of preserving the integrity of data can be viewed at a number of levels

C. Extensibility - New capabilities can be added to the system without major changes
to the underlying architecture.
D. Reliability - The system is able to perform a required function under stated
conditions for a specified period of time.

E. Security – The system, once loaded, should be safe from physical corruption
whether from hardware or software failure or from unauthorized access.


Designing a Database Like most tasks, building a database starts with a design. Having
a good design for your database is a major first step in creating a successful project.

In designing a database application, you must set up not only the program’s routines
for maximum performance, but you must pay attention also to the physical and logical
layout of the data storage. A good database design does the following:

a. Provides minimum search times when locating specific records.

b. Stores data in the most efficient manner possible to keep the database from
growing too large.
c. Makes data updates as easy as possible.
d. Is flexible enough to allow inclusion of new functions required of the program.
When you’re creating the design for your database, you must keep several objectives in
mind although meeting all these design objectives is desirable, sometimes they are
mutually exclusive.
The primary design objectives are as follows:

a. Eliminate redundant data

b. Be able to locate individual records quickly
c. Make enhancements to the database easy to implement
d. Keep the database easy to maintain
Creating a good database design involves the following seven key activities:

a. Modeling the application

b. Determining the data required for the application
c. Organizing the data into tables
d. Establishing the relationships between tables
e. Setting index and validation requirements for the data
f. Creating and storing any necessary queries for the application
g. Reviewing the design
ERD is a detailed, logical representation of the entities, associations and data elements
for an organization or business. ERD is a graphical modeling tool to standardize ER
modeling; the modeling can be carried out with the help of pictorial representation of
entities, attributes and relationships.

The basic building blocks of ERD are Entity, Attributes, Relationship and lines entity is
an object that exists and is distinguishable from other object in other words.

The building blocks of an entity relationship diagram in Key terms:

A. Entity: an entity is an object that exist and distinguishable from other objects a
person, place object event or concept in the user environment about which the
organization wishes to maintain.
B. Entity Type: a collection of entities that share common properties or characteristics
C. Attributes: A named property or characteristic of an entity that is of interest to
an organization
D. Relationship: is an association of entities where that association includes one
entity from each participating entity type where relationship type is a meaningful
association between entity types.
4.4.1 De-normalization of entity relational diagram

The word ‘de-normalization’ is used to describe changes to the table design that cause
the physical tables to differ from the normalized entity relationship diagram.

4.4.2 Normalization

Database Normalization, or simply normalization, is the process of organizing

the columns (attributes) and tables (relations) of a relational database to reduce data
redundancy and improve data integrity. Normalization is also the process of simplifying
the design of a database so that it achieves the optimum structure. It reduces and
eliminates redundant data. In normalization, data integrity is assured. It was first
proposed by Dr. Edgar F. Codd, as an integral part of a relational model.

Purpose of normalization

a. To avoid redundancy by sorting each fact within the database only once
b. To put data into the form that is more able to accurately accommodate change
c. To avoid certain updating "anomalies"
d. To facilitate the enforcement of data constraint
e. To avoid unnecessary coding.

Most popular Normalization stages include:

a. First Normal Form (1st NF)

First Normal Form: is a relational table, by definition, is in first normal form. All
values of the columns are atomic. That is, they contain no repeating values.
b. Second Normal Form (2nd NF)
Second Normal Form: The definition of second normal form states that only
tables with composite primary keys can be in 1NF but not in 2NF. A relational
table is in second normal form 2NF if it is in 1NF and every non-key column is
fully dependent upon the primary key.
c. Third Normal Form (3rd NF)
Third Normal Form: The third normal form requires that all columns in a
relational table are dependent only upon the primary key. A more formal
definition is: A relational table is in third normal form (3NF) if it is already in 2NF
and every non- key column is none transitively dependent upon its primary key.
In other words, all non-key attributes are functionally dependent only upon the
primary key.
Targo No Car Name Car Model Car Color Owner Name Tell
AG0001 Harrier Last Model White Abdinasir Mohamed 0618569422
AG0002 Ferrari Ferrari GTS White Mowlid Mohamud 0615266151
AG0004 Lloyd 650 Black Mohamed Salad Hirse 0615110220
Table 5: 1st Normal Form

ID Targo No Car Name Car Model Car Color Owner Name Tell
2 AG0001 Harrier Last Model White Abdinasir Mohamed 0618569422
3 AG0002 Ferrari Ferrari GTS White Mowlid Mohamud 0615266151
4 AG0004 Lloyd 650 Black Mohamed Salad Hirse 0615110220
Table 6: 2nd Normal Form

ID Targo No Owner Name

2 AG0001 Abdinasir Mohamed
3 AG0002 Mowlid Mohamud
4 AG0004 Mohamed Salad Hirse
Table 7: 3rd Normal Form
Data dictionary, or data repository, is central store house of information about System’s
data. We will use it to collect, document, and organize specific facts about system
include the data flows, data stores, external entities, and processes. The data dictionary
also defines and describes all data elements and meaningful combinations of data


Table- A set of data arranged in rows and columns.

Field- Each space that holds a single piece of information

Record- Is composed of fields, each of which contains one item of information

Column Type Null

Username Varchar(22) No

Password varchar(33) No

Table 8: Admin

Column Type Null

ID int(55) No

Targo_No varchar(55) No

Car_Name varchar(77) No

Model Varchar(66) No

Car_colour Varchar(88) No

OwnerName Varchar(55) No

Tell Int(88) No

Table 9: car registration

Column Type Null

ID int(22) No

Targo_No varchar(55) No

Driver_Name varchar(88) No

Accident_Type Varchar(88) No

Punishment Varchar(99) No

Date date No

Table 10: Accident record

Column Type Null

ID int(33) No

ownerName varchar(55) No

DriverName varchar(44) No

Amount float No

Purpose Varchar(66) No

Table 11: Taxation record


Form design is where the developer of the system is deeply explains this system and
how forms of the system are working together by observing the sequential flows,
In the
design we will talk the main pages and the operator will use these forms, including
textboxes and dropdowns. The page design will be consist of the following forms:
Admin form, Car Registration form, Accident Record form, Event form, Tax record form
and Contact us form.

Admin form:

The Admin form is a form, which administrator use this system can login at the first
time. In the login page there is two labels which is intended (indicated) the
administrator’s name password, also this form has a text Field which administration can
write his/her username and password respectively .
Figure12: Admin Form

Figure 13: Car registration

Figure 14: Accident record

Figure 15: Tax record

Figure 16: event


The most effective method of online data entry is a form filling, in which a blank form
that duplicates or resembles the source document is completed on the screen.The user
en ters: the data and then moves to the next field. The form can have many control
features such as Menu bars, toolbars, dialog boxes, text boxes, command buttons, list
boxes, scroll bars drop-down, group boxes, check boxes, and more others.




This chapter was discussed the functions and implementations of the Online Traffic
Management System, Beginning with the coding phase then testing and finally
documentations. The system has five form; who are the Admin form, Car registration
form, Accident record form, Tax record form and Event form. The Admin has the
highest ability of the systems and controls the rest of the users. To implement Online
Traffic Registration Management System, we use JSP open source as front end and
MYSQL server as back end.

This Phase is devoted to providing access to most of the computer programs that we
used to prepare the data and apply the programming is techniques, instructions on how
to construct this application project using the software available on the attached
compact disk.


Connection con = null;

PreparedStatement st = null;





<div id="content">


<h1> LOG IN </h1>

<form action="login.jsp" method ="post" name ="frm1" >



<td> UserName:</td>

<td><input type="text" name="user" /></td>



<td> Password:</td>

<td><input type="text" name="pass" /></td>


<tr><td></td><td><input type ="submit" Name="dsss" value="Login Now!"/></td>






String user = request.getParameter("user");

String pass = request.getParameter("pass");

String btn = request.getParameter("submit");


{ Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");

Connection con =
,"root", "");

Statement st = con.createStatement();

ResultSet rs;
rs = st.executeQuery("select * from admin where UserName='" + user + "' and
Password='" + pass + "'");

if (

{ response.sendRedirect("index.jsp"


} else {

out.println("<a href='login.jsp'></a>");





Car registration:
<div id="content">
<h1> Car Registration </h1>
<form action="Car_reg.jsp" method ="post" name ="frm1" onsubmit="return
<td> Targo No:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="targo" placeholder="Enter The Targo Number"/>
<td> Car Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="car_name" placeholder="Enter Car Name"/> </td>
<td> Car Model:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="model" placeholder="Enter The Model of the car"/>

<td> Car Colour:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="car_color" placeholder="Enter The colour of the car"/>
<td> Owner Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="Owner_name" placeholder="Enter The Owner
<td> Tell:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="tell" placeholder="Enter the cell phone Number "/>
<tr><td></td><td><input type ="submit" Name="submit" value="Register Now!"/>
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement st = null;

String targo = request.getParameter("targo");
String car_name = request.getParameter("car_name");
String model = request.getParameter("model");
String car_color = request.getParameter("car_color");
String Owner_name = request.getParameter("Owner_name");
String tell = request.getParameter("tell");
String btn = request.getParameter("submit");
if (btn==null)
if(targo==null || car_name==null || model==null || car_color==null ||
Owner_name==null || tell==null )

st = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `car_reg`(`Targo_No`,
`Car_Name`, `model`, `Car_Colour`, `OwnerName`, `Tell`) VALUES
('"+targo+"','"+car_name+"','"+model+ "','"+ car_color + "','"+ Owner_name + "','"+
tell +"')");
out.print("<Script> alert('Data has been succefully
<div id="id">
<hr color ="black" height="100%">
<table width="100%" border="5" callspan ="0" align="center">
<td> <b>ID</b> </td>
<td> <b>Targo No </b> </td>
<td> <b>Car Name </b> </td>
<td> <b>Car Model </b> </td>
<td> <b>Car Colour </b> </td>
<td> <b>Owner Name </b></td>
<td> <b>Tell </b> </td>
<td> <b>Edit </b> </td>
<td> <b>Delete </b> </td>
st = con.prepareStatement("select * from car_reg");
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); while(
<td> <%=rs.getString(1)%></td>
<td> <%=rs.getString(2)%></td>
<td> <%=rs.getString(3)%></td>
<td> <%=rs.getString(4)%></td>
<td> <%=rs.getString(5)%></td>
<td> <%=rs.getString(6)%></td>
<td> <%=rs.getString(7)%></td>

<td> <a href = "edit.jsp?id=<%=rs.getString(1)%>" style="color:blue;">Edit</a>

<td> <a href ="Delete.jsp?cid=<%=rs.getString(1) %>"style="color:blue;">Delete
Edit Car:
<div id="content">
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement st = null;
String cid = request.getParameter("id");
st = con.prepareStatement("select * from car_reg where ID ='"+cid+"'");
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
<form action="edit.jsp" method ="post">
<td> ID</td>
<input type ="text" name ="id" value="<%=rs.getString(1)%>"></td>
<td>Targo No</td>
<input type ="text" name ="targo" value="<%=rs.getString(2)%>"></td>
<td>Car Name</td>
<input type ="text" name ="car_name" value="<%=rs.getString(3)%>"></td>
<input type ="text" name ="model" value="<%=rs.getString(4)%>"></td> </tr>
<td>Car Colour</td>
<input type ="text" name ="car_colour" value="<%=rs.getString(5)%>"></td>
<tr> <td>Owner Name</td>
<input type ="text" name ="Ownername" value="<%=rs.getString(6)%>"></td>
<input type ="text" name ="tell" value="<%=rs.getString(7)%>"></td>
<tr> <td></td>
<input type ="Submit" name ="Update" value ="Update"></td>
String ID = request.getParameter("id");
String targo = request.getParameter("targo");
String car_name = request.getParameter("car_name");
String model = request.getParameter("model");
String car_color = request.getParameter("car_colour");
String Owner_name = request.getParameter("Ownername");
String tell = request.getParameter("tell");
String btn = request.getParameter("Update");
if (btn!=null)
if(ID==null || targo==null || car_name==null || model==null ||
car_color==null || Owner_name==null || tell==null )
st = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE `car_reg` SET
WHERE ID='"+ID+"'");
out.print("<Script> alert('Data has been succefully Updated');

Delete Car:
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement st = null;
String ID = request.getParameter("cid");
st = con.prepareStatement("delete from car_reg WHERE ID='"+ID+"'");

Accident Form:
<%@page import="java.sql.*"%>
<script type ="text/Javascript">
function valid(){
var targo =document.frm1.targo;
var driver_name = document.frm1.driver_name;
var accident_type = document.frm1.accident_type;
var punishment = document.frm1.punishment;
var date =;
alert("Pleas Enter The Targo Number");
targo.focus();"3px solid red";
return false;
alert("Pleas Enter String and numbers The Targo Number");
targo.focus();"3px solid red";
return false;
alert("Pleas Enter String and numbers The Targo Number");
targo.focus();"3px solid red";
return false;
alert("Inavlid Targo Number");
targo.focus();"3px solid red";
return false;
if((targo.value).length < 3)
alert("the targo number should be minimum 3 or 4");
targo.focus();"3px solid red";
return false;
alert("Pleas Enter The Driver Name");
driver_name.focus();"3px solid red";
return false;
alert("Pleas Enter Valid Name");
driver_name.focus();"3px solid red";
return false;
alert("Pleas Enter String only The Targo Number");
driver_name.focus();"3px solid red";
return false;
if((driver_name.value).length < 6)
alert("the name should be minimum 6 characters!");
driver_name.focus();"3px solid red";
return false;
alert("Pleas Enter The accident type");
accident_type.focus();"3px solid red";
return false;
alert("Pleas Enter The Punishment of the Driver ");
punishment.focus();"3px solid red";
return false;
alert('Pleas Enter The date');
date.focus();"3px solid red";
return false;
<div id="content">
<h1> Accidents </h1>
<form action="Accident.jsp" method ="post" name ="frm1" onsubmit="return
<td> Targo No:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="targo" placeholder="Enter The Targo Number"/>

<td> Driver Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="driver_name" placeholder="Enter The Driver Name"/>
<td> Accident Type:</td>
<input type="text" name="accident_type" placeholder="Enter The Accident Type"/>

<td> Punishment:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="punishment" placeholder="Enter The Punishment "/>
<td> Date:</td>
<td><input type="Date" name="date" /></td>
<tr><td></td><td><input type ="submit" Name="submit" value="Save!"/> </td>

Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement st = null;

String targo = request.getParameter("targo");
String driver_name = request.getParameter("driver_name");
String accident_type = request.getParameter("accident_type");
String punishment = request.getParameter("punishment");
String date = request.getParameter("date");
String btn = request.getParameter("submit");
if (btn==null)
if(targo=="" || driver_name=="" || accident_type=="" ||
punishment=="" || date=="")

st = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO accidents(`Targo_No`,
`Driver_Name`, `Accident_Type`, `Punishment`, `Date`) VALUES
('"+targo+"','"+driver_name+"','"+accident_type+"','"+ punishment + "','"+ date

out.print("<Script> alert('Data has been succefully Inserted');</Script>");
<div id="id">
<hr color ="black" height="100%">
<table width="100%" border="5" callspan ="0" align="center">
<td> ID </td>
<td> Targo No </td>
<td> Driver Name </td>
<td> Accident Type </td>
<td> Punishment </td>
<td> Date </td>
<td> Edit </td>
<td> Delete </td>

st = con.prepareStatement("select * from accidents");
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();

<td> <%=rs.getString(1)%></td>
<td> <%=rs.getString(2)%></td>
<td> <%=rs.getString(3)%></td>
<td> <%=rs.getString(4)%></td>
<td> <%=rs.getString(5)%></td>
<td> <%=rs.getString(6)%></td>
<td> <a href = "editaccident.jsp?id=<%=rs.getString(1)%>"
<a href="Deleteaccident.jsp?did=<%=rs.getString(1)%>"style="color:blue;">
} %>
</table> </center>
Edit Accident:
<div id="content">
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement st = null;

String cid = request.getParameter("id");
st = con.prepareStatement("select * from accidents where ID ='"+cid+"'");
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
<form action="editaccident.jsp" method ="post">
<td> ID</td>
<input type ="text" name ="id" value="<%=rs.getString(1)%>"> </td>
<td>Targo No</td>
<input type ="text" name ="targo" value="<%=rs.getString(2)%>"></td>
<td>Driver Name</td>
<input type ="text" name ="Driver_Name" value="<%=rs.getString(3)%>"></td>
<td>Accident Type</td>
<input type ="text" name ="Accident_Type" value="<%=rs.getString(4)%>"></td>
<tr> <td>Punishment</td>
<input type ="text" name ="Punishment" value="<%=rs.getString(5)%>"></td>
<input type ="text" name ="date" value="<%=rs.getString(6)%>"></td>
<tr> <td></td>
<input type ="Submit" name ="Update" value ="Update"></td>
</table> </form> </center>
String ID = request.getParameter("id");
String targo = request.getParameter("targo");
String Driver_Name = request.getParameter("Driver_Name");
String Accident_Type = request.getParameter("Accident_Type");
String Punishment = request.getParameter("Punishment");
String date = request.getParameter("date");
String btn = request.getParameter("Update");
if (btn!=null)
if(ID==null || targo==null || Driver_Name==null || Accident_Type==null ||
Punishment==null || date==null )
st = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE `accidents` SET ID='"+ID+"',
ype +"',Punishment='"+Punishment+"',Date='"+date+"'WHERE ID='"+ID+"'");
out.print("<Script> alert('Data has been succefully Updated');</Script>");
Delete Accident:
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement st = null;

String cid = request.getParameter("did");
st = con.prepareStatement("select * from accidents where ID ='"+cid+"'");
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
<div id="content">
<form action="Deleteaccident.jsp" method ="post">
<td> ID</td>
<td> <input type ="text" name ="id" value="<%=rs.getString(1)%>"></td>
<td>Targo No</td>
<td><input type ="text" name ="targo" value="<%=rs.getString(2)%>"></td>
<td>Driver Name</td>
<td> <input type ="text" name ="Driver_Name" value="<%=rs.getString(3)%>">
<td>Accident Type</td>
<td><input type ="text" name ="Accident_Type" value="<%=rs.getString(4)%>">
<tr> <td>Punishment</td>
<td><input type ="text" name ="Punishment" value="<%=rs.getString(5)%>">
<td><input type ="text" name ="date" value="<%=rs.getString(6)%>"></td> </tr>
<tr> <td></td>
<input type ="Submit" name ="delete" value ="delete"></td>
String ID = request.getParameter("id");
String targo = request.getParameter("targo");
String Driver_Name = request.getParameter("Driver_Name");
String Accident_Type = request.getParameter("Accident_Type");
String Punishment = request.getParameter("Punishment");
String date = request.getParameter("date");;
String btn = request.getParameter("delete");
if (btn!=null)
if(ID==null || targo==null || Driver_Name==null || Accident_Type==null ||
Punishment==null || date==null)
st = con.prepareStatement("delete from accidents WHERE ID='"+ID+"'");
out.print("<Script> alert('Data has been succefully Deleted');</Script>");
Tax Form:
<%@page import="java.sql.*"%>
<script type ="text/Javascript">
function valid(){
var ownername =document.frm1.ownername;
var driver_name = document.frm1.driver_name;
var Amount = document.frm1.Amount;
var purpose = document.frm1.purpose;

alert('Pleas Enter The Owner Name');
ownername.focus();"3px solid red";
return false;
alert("Pleas Enter The DRiver's Name");
driver_name.focus();"3px solid red";
return false;
alert("Pleas Enter The Amount you given");
Amount.focus();"3px solid red";
return false;
alert("Pleas Select The Purpose");
purpose.focus();"3px solid red";
return false;
} </script>
<div id="content">
<h1> Tax/Vat </h1>
<form action="Tax.jsp" method ="post" name ="frm1" onsubmit="return valid();">
<td> Owner Name</td>
<td><input type="text" name="ownername" placeholder="Enter The Owner Name"/>
<td> Driver Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="driver_name" placeholder="Enter The Driver Name"/>
<td> Amount:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="Amount" placeholder="Enter The Amount here"/>
<td> Purpose:</td>
<td><select name="purpose"><option value="">Select Purpose</option>
<option value="Trismitaale">Trismitale</option>
<option value="License">License</option>
<option value="Book">Book</option>
<tr><td></td><td><input type ="submit" Name="submit" value="Save!"/></td>

<div id="id">
<hr color ="black" height="100%">
<table width="100%" border="5" callspan ="0" align="center">

<td> Owner Name </td>

<td> Driver Name </td>
<td> Amount </td>
<td> Purpose </td>

Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement st = null;

String ownername = request.getParameter("ownername");
String driver_name = request.getParameter("driver_name");
String Amount = request.getParameter("Amount");
String purpose = request.getParameter("purpose");
String btn = request.getParameter("submit");
if (btn==null)
if(ownername==null || driver_name==null || Amount==null || purpose==null)

st = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `tax`(`OwnerName`, `DriverName`,
`Amount`, `Purpose`) VALUES
('"+ownername+"','"+driver_name+"','"+Amount+"','"+ purpose + "')");
out.print("<Script> alert('Data has been succefully Inserted');</Script>");

Event Form:
<%@page import="java.sql.*"%>
<%@include file="header.jsp" %>
<%@include file="sliders.jsp"%>

<div id="content">
<form action="Evant.jsp" method ="post" name ="frm1" onsubmit="return valid();">
<td> Targo No:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="targo" placeholder="Enter The Targo Number"/>
<tr><td></td><td><input type ="submit" Name="search" value="search"/></td>

<div id="id">
<hr color ="black" height="100%">
<table width="100%" border="5" callspan ="0" align="center">
<td> <b>ID</b> </td>
<td> <b>Targo No </b> </td>
<td> <b>Car Name </b> </td>
<td> <b>Car Model </b> </td>
<td> <b>Car Colour </b> </td>
<td> <b>Owner Name </b></td>
<td> <b>Tell </b> </td>
String btn = request.getParameter("search");
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement st = null;

String Targo= request.getParameter("targo");
st = con.prepareStatement("select * from car_reg where Targo_No ='"+Targo+"'");
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
<td> <%=rs.getString(1)%></td>
<td> <%=rs.getString(2)%></td>
<td> <%=rs.getString(3)%></td>
<td> <%=rs.getString(4)%></td>
<td> <%=rs.getString(5)%></td>
<td> <%=rs.getString(6)%></td>
<td> <%=rs.getString(7)%></td>
<%@include file="footer.jsp"%>
Once coding phase is completed, the next phase is testing and debugging. Testing
phase is the process of executing a program or system with the intent of finding errors.
Or, it involves any activity aimed at evaluating an attribute or capability of a program or
system and determining that it meets its required results.

Although crucial to software quality and widely deployed by programmers and testers,
software testing still remains an art, due to limited understanding of the principles of
software. The difficulty in software testing stems from the complexity of software: we
cannot completely test a program with moderate complexity.

Types of Testing:
A. Unit testing: The testing of individual program or module is called unit testing. The
objective is to identify and eliminate execution errors for the each form that could
cause the program to terminate abnormally, and errors that could have been missed
during the checking.
B. Integration testing: Integration testing occurs after unit testing and before system
testing. It takes as its input modules that have been unit tested, groups them in
larger aggregates, applies tests defined in an integration test plan to those
aggregates, for example , when we make testing for forms that is used by course
we need to make integrated.
C. System testing: After completing integration testing, system testing was
performed, which involves the entire information. A system test includes all typical
processing situations and is intended to assure users, developers. During system
testing, user enter data including samples of actual, or live, data, perform queries,
and produce report to simulate actual operating condition.
Documentation describes an information system and helps the users who must interact
with it. Accurate documentation can reduce system downtime, cut cost, and speed up
maintenance task. Documentation is essential for successful system operation and
maintenance. In addition to supporting a system’s users, accurate documentation is
essential for developers who must modify the system, add new features or perform
maintenance. Documentation includes program documentation and user

Mostly of the documentations are presented in project as help and users will get there.
There are many types documentations include: program documentation and system

Implementation is where to implement how the system works as the sequential flow of
Forms. As we mentioned above this application has different privileges, so if you login
the administrator you see the privileges and do everything in this system.


This chapter includes the works that have been done during the previous
documentations of this project. In addition, this chapter was recover the objectives of
the project and illustrates how the work of this project meets the project’s objectives.
Also, it discusses the experiences that have been gained during this project and it
includes the future recommendation which capture how to extend this project in the

In this book, we discussed about how our system is working; we also provided some
guidelines of how the user will deal to this system and what strengths or weakness it


Every project has some strengths and weakness; so, we would like to mention some of
the strengths and good features that Traffic Management System will provide to the
industrial educations.

This system is very friendly system and it has a good interface that can be usable by
every person who is computer literate.

What is more, if the user make a mistake it generate an error message that easily
understandable by the user and it gives you the solution of that problem.


On the other hand, every system has its own weaknesses, so, In this project, only
problems that you might face is alerting messages that appear whenever you misuse to
the system, and if you are not familiar with this system you might find it difficult to
manage it, please don’t confuse, just read carefully what the message is carrying out
and then you will get the solution easily.
Achievement of the Project Objective

The main objective for this project is to develop an Online Traffic Management System
for the Ministry of Transportation in Somalia.

Moreover, here are the details of the project objectives that have been achieved:

a. To design an Online Traffic Management System for the Ministry of

Transportation in Somalia.
b. To develop the proposed system and test it.

All the objectives stated above have been achieved and the requirements of the users
have been met through the project

A. Limitations
During the process of developing this project, some difficulties and constraints were
faced. Some of these difficulties are related to the writing of the report and others are
related to the implementation and design.
The most important challenges faced are highlighted as follows:
a. Writing the code of the project was the difficult challenged to face.
b. Difficulties were faced during design the project of the project, such as
normalization and etc.
c. Difficulties were faced during design the project of the project, such as
normalization and etc.
d. Following JOBKEY thesis format was one of the most difficult tasks to encounter
during the documentation of the report.
e. Lack of time was also one of the challenges faced during the implementation of the
B. Future Enhancement

It has been achieved the final phase development of Online Traffic Management
System and it is like any other system. It needs improvements and maintenance.
The future enhancements of the system are as follows:

a. To improve the security of the system

b. To extend scope of the project.


This web Application provides facility to conduct Online Traffic Management System
worldwide. It saves time as it allows number of cars to be registered at a time and store
their information as the test gets over, and easily information. It is automatically
generated by the server.

Administrator has a privilege to create, modify and delete.

The Online Traffic Management System was developed using JSP with MySQL fully
meets the objectives of the system for which it has been developed. The system has
reached a steady state where all bugs have been eliminated. The system is operated at
a high level of efficiency and the administrators associated with the system understand
its advantage.

Alam, J.B., Jaigirdar, M. A. and Rahman, M.H. (1999). Analysis of Behavioral Value of
Travel Attributes and Their Implications on Urban Transport Policies, Journal of Civil
Engineering, I.E.B., Vol. CE 27, No. 1, 1999.

Arumala, J. O. And Akpokodje, E. G., 1987. Soil Properties and Pavement Performance
in the Niger Delta. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, Vol. 20,
pp. 287-296.

Bailey, L., Mokhtarian, P. L., Little, A. (2008). The Broader Connection between Public
Transportation, Energy Conservation and Greenhouse Gas Reduction. Report prepared
as part of TCRP Project J-11/ Task 3 Transit Cooperative Research Program,
Transportation Research Board submitted to American Public Transportation Association
in, accessed 17 April 2008.

Bartone, E; Branstein, J; Eigen, J. (1994). Urban Management Program toward

Environmental Strategies for Cities, World Bank Technical Report.

Ewing, R. and Cervero, R. (2001). Travel and the Built Environment: A Synthesis.
Transportation Research Record 1780, Washington, D.C: TRB, National Research

Goldberg, M. A. (1970). Transportation, Urban Land Values, and Rents: A Synthesis

Land Economics, 46, 2 (May), 153-162.

Mannering, Fred L.; Walter P. Kilareski; Scott S. Washburn (2004). Principles of

Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis. 3rd ed. NJ: John Wiley & Sons; 170 – 219.

Owen, W., 1964. Strategy for Mobility. The Brooking Institute, Transport Research
Program, Washington D.C., 249p.

Oyesiku, O. O. (2002). From Womb to Tomb. 24th Inaugural Lecture at Olabisi

Onabanjo University on 27 August 2002. Ago-Iwoye: Olabisi Onabanjo University Press.
Polzin, S. E. (2004). Relationship between Land Use, Urban Form and Vehicle Miles of
Travel: The State Of Knowledge and Implications for Transportation Planning. University
of South Florida, Tampa; Florida Department of Transportation; Federal Highway
Administration in pubs/Trans-

Queiroz, C and Gautam, S., 1992. Road Infrastructure and Economic Development:
Some Diagnostic Indicators. Policy Research Working paper Series 921, The World Bank

Said, M. N. and Shah, M. Z. (2008). GIS as a Supporting Tool in The Establishment of

Land Use- Road Density Model in

World Bank, 1996. Expanding Labor-Based Methods for Road Works in Africa.
Environmentally Sustainable Development Division, World Bank, Washington, D.C., 74p.
Appendix I: Time Frame

No Activities 1 April – 06 May – 10 May - 19 May 05 June

05 May 09 May 18 May -25 May
1 Proposal writing
2 Reading and Correction by
3 Proposal Submission
4 Data Collection
5 Analyzing Project
6 Designing Project and Conclusion
7 Thesis Submission
Table 12: The Time Framework of the Project

Appendix II: Budget

No Item Description Estimated Amount

1. Transportation 300 Sh so $15.00
2. Photocopy 84 pages $2.00
3. Printing 84 pages $2.00
4. Others 69 Sh so $3.00
TOTAL: $22.00
Table 13: Budget

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