Samaria Itamar Attack Kills 5 Jews (16 Page Compilation)

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Itamar Murders
Palestinians stab Jewish couple, 3 kids – including baby – to death
Two other boys – Ro'ie, 8 and Yishai, 2 ommend putting any of the checkposts
– were sleeping in another room and back even though the Palestinian Au-
Fogel family stabbed were not attacked. thority's security services had slowed
to death in Itamar The family's oldest child, 12-year-old down their counter-terror cooperation
Tamar, was out of the house at the time with Israel, therefore failing to keep, 11 Mar 2011
and alerted neighbors when no one ope- their side of the bargain for the removal
ned the door for her. of the checkposts.
The IDF continues to search for the ter- For more than a year, Prime Minister
rorists who carried out the murder of the Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Min-
Fogel family. ■ ister Ehud Barak acceded to relentless
US and European pressure to grant West
Bank Palestinians almost unrestricted
Two Palestinians stab freedom of movement and generous aid
to death five members for their economic development as a
means of persuading PA chairman Mah-
of Israeli family at moud Abbas to return to the negotiating
Itamar, West Bank table. This policy failed in its purpose
while leaving Israelis vulnerable once
DEBKAfile Special Report March again to terrorist attacks.
12, 2011
Israel's government military policy
At least two Palestinians armed with makers have refrained from redeploying
knives stabbed the mother, father and the Israeli military to compensate for
three of the children, aged, 11, three and declining the Palestinian Authority's
a baby of a month in their sleep at counter terror activity, which has been a
Itamar, south of Nablus early Saturday. concomitant of the rising unrest in the
Two small children were not attacked. Arab world, especially in Egypt. Israeli
Their sister aged 12 found them when queries on this to the Americans and
she returned home at 12:30 and called British officers running the Palestinian
for help. Magen David Adom paramed- security services have gone unanswered.
From top:
ics could only confirm the five deaths. Because Palestinian traffic between
father Udi Fogel, mother
Ruth, son Yoav, daugh- The terrorists had broken through the Nablus in the north and Hebron in the
ter Elad and baby Ha- electronic fence guarding the settlement south is to all intents and purposes un-
das. without setting off an alarm. monitored, the Israeli military is forced
Military and police units fanned out to to fall back on intelligence informants
hunt the perpetrators and set up check- as its only tool for preventing terrorist
At least one terrorist infiltrated the West attacks. The result was seen tragically in
points. Hamas websites hailed the mur-
Bank settlement of Itamar, southeast of Itamar Saturday morning. ■
der as a «heroic operation,» without tak-
Nablus, late Friday night (11 March)
ing responsibility.
and stabbed to death Udi (36) and
Ruth (35) Fogel, and their children This attack is the first of its kind in Horror in Samaria:
years. Hamas Websites hailed the mur-
Yoav (11), Elad (4), and 3-month-old
der as «heroic,» without taking respon-
Terrorist murders
The killings occurred shortly after 10
sibility. family of 5
p.m., when one or two attackers jumped DEBKAfile's counter-terror sources re- by Yair Altman, 12 March 2011,
the fence that surrounds Itamar and port: There were no terror alerts prior to Ynetnews
broke into the home of Ruth and Udi the attack although Hamas networks had
been known to be regrouping in Judea Horror in Samaria: A terrorist infiltrated
Fogel. The attackers went from room to
and Samaria for the purpose of attacking the West Bank settlement of Itamar,
room, first stabbing the parents and their
and kidnapping Israelis on both sides of southeast of Nablus, early Saturday and
3-month-old baby girl, Hadas. They
the Green Line. Several Palestinians stabbed five family members to death.
proceeded to the next room where they
killed the two sleeping boys, Elad, 4, were recently detained at the few re- The shocking attack occurred around 1
and Yoav, 11. maining West Bank checkposts carrying am as the terrorist entered the family
pipe bombs, knives and fire bombs. home and murdered three children aged
Nonetheless the military did not rec- 11, 3, and a baby girl along with their

2011 (-) !!!! ITAMAR ATTACK - Five Israelis murdered by Palestianian terrorists [eng] compilation – 8Jun11 – 1/16
parents. The victims were apparently murder scene was shocking. Kids' toys the Sharon government's disengagement
sleeping as the killer came in. right next to pools of blood.» plan.
Itamar residents reported that shots were Paramedic Gil Moscowitz, who serves The terrorists had broken through the
heard in the area; the terrorist managed as MDA's director of operations, said fence guarding the sleeping settlement
to flee the scene. teams dispatched to the home discov- and entered the Vogel home through an
Three other children at the home, a 12- ered «parents and three children who open window without raising an alarm.
year-old girl and her two brothers, aged were brutally murdered.» Military and police units fanned out to
6 and 2, were able to escape to a nearby «The parents were lying next to each hunt the perpetrators and set up check-
house and inform their neighbors of the other in their room…we found three points. Hamas websites hailed the mur-
attack. bodies in the master bedroom; the two der as a «heroic operation,» without tak-
parents and a baby,» he said. ing responsibility.
'Government must back settlers' This attack is the first of its kind in
years. Hamas Websites hailed the mur-
Yesha Council Chairman Danny Dayan, der as «heroic,» without taking respon-
who arrived at the site, appeared sibility.
shocked by the brutal attack.
DEBKAfile's counter-terror sources re-
«This is no doubt one of the most terri- port: There were no terror alerts prior to
ble attacks in recent years,» he told the the attack although Hamas networks had
reporters on hand. been known to be regrouping in Judea
Ambulance in Itamar (Photo: Ido Erez)
«Words cannot describe the extent of and Samaria for the purpose of attacking
The terrorist who carried out the massa- the horror and pain,» he said. «Those and kidnapping Israelis on both sides of
cre cut the fence surrounding Itamar and tempted to think that the Palestinians the Green Line. Several Palestinians
entered the home of the victims through ceased their acts of murder see that they were recently detained at the few re-
the window, an initial probe of the mur- do not shy away from any tactic and any maining West Bank checkposts carrying
der showed. Authorities could not im- Jewish victims, regardless of how young pipe bombs, knives and fire bombs.
mediately discount the possibility that they are.» Nonetheless the military did not rec-
more than one attacker was involved in «The time has come for the government ommend putting any of the checkposts
the murder. to regain its senses and start backing up back even though the Palestinian Au-
the settlement enterprise, which remains thority's security services had slowed
'Toys next to pools of blood' down their counter-terror cooperation
vulnerable on the frontlines,» he said.
Following an initial report of the inci- with Israel, therefore failing to keep
The settlement of Itamar, which is sur- their side of the bargain for the removal
dent, large IDF and police forces rushed
rounded by Palestinian villages, has of the checkposts.
to the site. The Air Force also joined the
been the site of murderous attacks in the
effort to track down the terrorist, de-
past. In June of 2002, a terrorist entered
ploying numerous aircraft in the area.
the community and opened fire, killing
The night's sky was lit up with flares, as
Rachel Shabo and three of her seven
special IDF and police forces were
children, Neriya, Tzvika, and Avishai.
called in to assist in the manhunt.
Yossi Twito, who commanded the local
The IDF Spokesman's Office said security team at the settlement, was also
«troops are scouring the area in search shot to death in the attack. ■
of the suspect. The IDF is performing
inspections at all crossing points set up
in the region.» Five Israelis murdered IDF troops near Itamar (Photo: Ido Erez)
Magen David Adom ambulance service by Palestinians at For more than a year, Prime Minister
teams pronounced the victims dead at
the scene. MDA spokesman Zaki Heller
Itamar were Gaza Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Min-
said the ambulance service got a call evacuees ister Ehud Barak acceded to relentless
around 1 am and dispatched large teams US and European pressure to grant West
of paramedics to the area. DEBKAfile Special Report March Bank Palestinians almost unrestricted
12, 2011 freedom of movement and generous aid
«When rescue forces entered the house for their economic development as a
they encountered a very difficult sight… The five members of the Israeli family
murdered at Itamar on the West Bank, means of persuading PA chairman Mah-
There were five people there who were moud Abbas to return to the negotiating
hurt. We could do nothing but pro- Friday night, March 11, have been iden-
tified as Udi Vogel, 38, the father; his table. This policy failed in its purpose
nounce them dead,» he said. while leaving Israelis vulnerable once
wife Ruth Vogel, 35, their sons Yoav,
Paramedic Kabaha Muayua was among again to terrorist attacks.
11 and Elad, 3 and their four-month old
the first responders at the site and de- Israel's government military policy
daughter Hadas. The three children who
scribed the horrific scene he encoun- makers have refrained from redeploying
survived are Roi, 8, Yishai, 2 and their
tered. the Israeli military to compensate for
sister Tamar, aged 12, who found the
«We could not help the first four stab victims when she arrived home later that declining the Palestinian Authority's
victims. Following an inspection of the night. counter terror activity, which has been a
scene I spotted an infant of about three concomitant of the rising unrest in the
The family moved to Itamar after Jew-
who still had a pulse. We engaged in Arab world, especially in Egypt. Israeli
ish communities were forcibly evicted
lengthy resuscitation efforts but had to queries on this to the Americans and
from the Gaza Strip in 2007 as part of
pronounce him dead,» he said. «The

2011 (-) !!!! ITAMAR ATTACK - Five Israelis murdered by Palestianian terrorists [eng] compilation – 8Jun11 – 2/16
British officers running the Palestinian around 1:00 am. Cohen said it was not erations room, prompting a patroller to
security services have gone unanswered. clear why the terrorists chose the Fogel head to the site. However, he did not
Because Palestinian traffic between home for the attack. «There is no reason identify signs of infiltration and decided
Nablus in the north and Hebron in the for terrorists to have chosen this house, he was dealing with a false alarm.
south is to all intents and purposes un- it is not closer to the [fence] than other The security guard also failed to dis-
monitored, the Israeli military is forced houses,» he told Army Radio. patch IDF troops who were stationed
to fall back on intelligence informants «The incident is especially disturbing less than one kilometer away. The
as its only tool for preventing terrorist because Rabbi Udi is an officer in the forces only rushed to the scene some
attacks. The result was seen tragically in army, and he probably could not defend three hours after the terrorist or terror-
Itamar Saturday morning. ■ himself on time due to the surprise of ists entered the community. An elec-
the attack.» tronic alert was apparently also regis-
The surviving Fogel children were tered after the attackers left Itamar fol-
'Daughter yelled in moved to their grandparents' home. lowing the murder.
horror, something According to Cohen, the younger son Probe at advanced state
terrible happened' said that the terrorists had skipped him
The probe into the brutal murder in
because he was hidden under the blan-
By JPOST 13mar11 Itamar is in a very advanced stage and
kets. ■
has concluded that two terrorists appar-
Fogel family neighbor gives eyewitness ently entered the community. The inves-
account to Army Radio after entering
family's home in Itamar, says «did not Attack probe: Security tigation is being managed by the Shin
Bet and IDF, without cooperating with
think it was terrorist attack.» guards failed Palestinian Authority security officials.
Jacob Cohen, a neighbor of the Fogel Alert dismissed as false alarm, The probe, which got underway at 7 am
family in the Itamar settlement, was the IDF informed only hours later. Saturday, apparently bore fruit already.
first person to come to the family's Probe at advanced stage Some 20 people had been detained in
home after the stabbing, he told Army connection with the attack.
Radio Sunday morning. YNET, 12mar11, Ron Ben-Yishai
Despite the close cooperation with the
Twelve-year-old Tamar Fogel, who is IDF troops were dispatched to Itamar PA as of late, military officials decided
friends with Cohen's daughter, spent the only three hours after the terrorist infil- not to join forces with the Palestinians
evening with her neighbors at the time tration into the West Bank community, in holding the probe, both because of
of the murder. despite an alert by the electronic fence the incident's sensitivity and based on
«The couple's daughter left our home, surrounding the settlement. operational considerations.
and when she tried to enter her house no In these critical hours, a terrorist or two Security officials are now concerned
one answered her. She heard her brother were able to gain entry into a home in about the prospect of escalation in Judea
cry, so she came to call us,» Cohen re- the community and stab five family and Samaria, prompting the IDF to rein-
called. members to death, including three chil- force its presence in the region. Officials
«The girls woke me up, I grabbed a dren, the probe into the murder shows. estimate that such escalation may follow
weapon in case it was necessary, and Following the shocking attack, IDF of- «price tag» acts by radical settlers, as
when we got to the house we saw traces ficials fear an escalation and clashes well as Palestinian retaliation to such
of mud everywhere, even on the couch across Judea and Samaria. actions.
itself.» Authorities also estimate that the attack
Cohen and Tamar Fogel saw through was carried out by a local cell not di-
one of the house's windows that her rectly affiliated with Hamas or any other
seven-year-old brother was sleeping and organization, and that the murder was
woke him so he could open the door. motivated by growing friction with set-
Cohen told Army Radio that after a dec- tlers, growing incitement against the
ade without similar events taking place, settlements on the Palestinian street, and
he did not think the attack was terrorist- a desire to avenge «price tag» acts. ■
«At first I was ashamed to enter the Hamas ordered five
family's home,» he said. «We did not
think it was a terrorist attack, but when Ariel, Samaria. Israelis murdered
the daughter entered and screamed in The settlement of Itamar is equipped following secret
horror, I realized something terrible had with a comprehensive defense system
happened. I prepared my weapon, fired and saw no terror attacks since 2002.
Islamist Khartoum
two bullets into the air, I searched the The system includes various fences and parley
house and found the remaining children, observation means that alert a central
They arrived too late. The killers
the seven-year-old boy who opened the operations room manned by two civilian had flown
door, and the two-year-old who was in security officers at any given time.
the parents' room.» In addition, the community is guarded DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
Fearing that the terrorist was still in the by six civilian security guards, in addi- March 12, 2011
house, Cohen immediately took the tion to IDF forces deployed just outside Palestinian Hamas websites quickly
children out and called for help. Itamar. hailed the murder of a mother, father
The settlement's security forces and then Friday night, an alert from the electronic and three of their children, aged, 11,
the army came to the Fogel house at fence was registered at the central op- three and a baby of a month, whose

2011 (-) !!!! ITAMAR ATTACK - Five Israelis murdered by Palestianian terrorists [eng] compilation – 8Jun11 – 3/16
throats were slashed in their sleep at West Bank checkpoints carrying pipe would not be allowed to determine the
Itamar, south of Nablus Friday night, bombs, knives and fire bombs. settlement map.
March 11 as «a heroic operation.» The Despite appeals from West Bank Israeli DEBKAfile's sources report that the
escape of at least two Palestinian killers community leaders, the military did not Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) has been
long before the alarm was sounded after recommend putting any of the check- caught out playing a double game,
midnight was eased by the dismantling points back – even though the Palestin- which has yet to be fully clarified: Is he
of most Israeli security checkpoints on ian Authority's security services had supporting an operation by the rival
the West Bank and slow military vigi- slowed down their counter-terror coop- Islamist Hamas action so as to ride the
lance. eration and intelligence-sharing with Arab unrest galloping across the Middle
DEBKAfile's intelligence and counter- Israel, therefore failing to keep their side East and boost his faltering prestige at
terror sources disclose that the Itamar of the bargain for the removal of the home? Is he trying to stir up another
attack was the first result of an Iran- checkpoints. Palestinian uprising (intifada)?
funded secret conference in Khartoum For more than a year, Prime Minister It would appear that Abu Mazen is op-
last week of the heads of the national Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Min- portunistically hoping to exploit the Pal-
branches of the Muslim Brotherhood ister Ehud Barak acceded to relentless estinian street's sympathy for the Arab
across the Arab world, at which a plan US and European pressure to grant West uprisings and divert its anger over the
was charted for Hamas to launch a Bank Palestinians almost unrestricted corruption deeply entrenched in his re-
multi-casualty terrorist assaults against freedom of movement and generous aid gime by letting Fatah terrorists off the
Israel on both sides of the Green Line – for their economic development as a leash for a fresh wave of attacks on Is-
over and above missile attacks from the means of persuading PA chairman Mah- rael that could fit the slogan of the Third
Gaza Strip in order to ignite the third moud Abbas to return to the negotiating Palestinian Uprising. Hamas adherents
Palestinian uprising (intifada). The table. This policy failed in its purpose might even rally behind his leadership.
Egyptian Brotherhood is the parent or- while leaving Israelis vulnerable once
ganization of Hamas. Israeli security chiefs fear that even if
again to terrorist attacks. None of these Abbas does not mean to let the violence
This decision was a facet of a compre- alarming developments were brought to go to those lengths, Fatah activists may
hensive plan drawn up in Khartoum for public notice in Israel. Jerusalem is still take his sympathy for the Itamar outrage
Brotherhood activists to fire up the up- trying to pretend that Egypt remains as the green light for more attacks. In
risings in the various Arab countries. faithful to its 1979 peace treaty, whereas the last two weeks, Palestinian organiza-
With Iranian backing and funding, the nothing of those relations appears to tions and left-wing elements in Israel
different branches resolved to coordi- have survived the fall of Hosni Muba- and aboard have been pushing for a Pal-
nate operations for using the unrest to rak. ■ estinian Day of Rage on Tuesday,
take control of Arab capitals March 15 and for two days on March
Iranian intelligence officers attending 20-21 the following week, which coin-
the conference used the occasion to set
Abbas' double game: cide with the Jewish festival of Purim.
up direct contacts with Brotherhood He tips Fatah to Israel's army, intelligence and police
leaders who came from Egypt, Iraq, Tu- quietly endorse Itamar have been placed on the highest level of
nisia, Syria, Jordan, Great Britain. The preparedness for terrorist attacks, focus-
Palestinian delegation representing murders ing on the West Bank, Jerusalem and
Hamas-Gaza was headed by Mahmoud Mahmoud Abbas wants to ride mixed Jewish-Arab towns until after
A-Zahar and Hamas-Damascus headed Arab uprisings bandwagon Purim. Security measures have also
by Khaled Meshaal. been clamped down on West Bank traf-
DEBKAfile March 12, 2011 fic in a major operation to net the kill-
The plan for Hamas to revive terrorist
on the West Bank and inside Israel was Palestinian Authority Chairman Mah- ers. Itamar has been declared a closed
an important part of the Iranian-backed moud Abbas received a stern ticking-off military zone. Saturday night saw angry
resolutions reached at the Khartoum when he called Israeli Prime Minister Jewish settlers blocking and stoning
conference. Binyamin Netanyahu Saturday night to Palestinian vehicles. ■
DEBKAfile notes that not a single Arab condemn the savage murder Friday
government – not even Israel – pre- night by Palestinian terrorists of the par- IDF hunting for
vented the Brotherhood and Hamas ents and three small children of an Is-
delegates from setting out for Khar- raeli family while they slept at their perpetrators of brutal
toum. No word of the conference was home at Itamar on the West Bank. The Itamar killings
allowed to leak to the Israeli public and Prime Minister knew Abbas had quietly
Israeli security authorities appear not to ordered heads of his Fatah organization JP by Yaakov Katz, 13/03/2011
have adapted their practices to the deci- to throw its support behind the atrocity – Parents, 3 children stabbed to death in
sions reached by the Islamists there. which was why Palestinian Prime Min- their sleep; large forces deployed near
ister Salam Fayyad was careful earlier Nablus to prevent settler-Palestinian
This could explain why there was no
to denounce «violence by any quarter» clashes.
prior terror alert for the Itamar killings
only in general terms.
or apparent IDF redeployment for an A mother, father and three of their chil-
upsurge of multiple terrorist murders In his address to the nation Saturday dren were stabbed to death late Friday
even though Hamas networks had been night, Netanyahu accused Palestinian night by at least one suspected terrorist
known to be regrouping in Judea and leaders of hypocritically mouthing who infiltrated the Itamar settlement
Samaria for the purpose of attacking and peace slogans abroad while promoting southeast of Nablus.
kidnapping Israelis on both sides of the anti-Israel incitation and propaganda on
a daily basis in Palestinian schools and The killings occurred shortly after 10
Green Line. Several Palestinians were
mosques. He warned that terrorists p.m., when one or two attackers jumped
recently detained at the few remaining
the fence that surrounds Itamar and

2011 (-) !!!! ITAMAR ATTACK - Five Israelis murdered by Palestianian terrorists [eng] compilation – 8Jun11 – 4/16
broke into the home of Ruth and Udi said during a meeting with IDF Chief of manned aerial vehicles that provided
Fogel, aged 35 and 36, respectively. The General Staff Lt.- Gen. Benny Gantz surveillance from above.
attackers went room to room, stabbing and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) As the attackers used knives rather than
the parents, a three-month-old girl, Ha- chief Yuval Diskin. «We need to do rifles or pistols, and because of other
das, and two boys, Elad, three, and everything so security and quiet can re- characteristics of the killings, the IDF
Yoav, 11. turn to the area.» believes it was not carried out by an or-
Two other children – aged two and eight OC Central Command Maj.-Gen. Avi ganized terrorist infrastructure but more
– were in a side room but were not at- Mizrahi expressed condolences follow- likely was the work of one or two peo-
tacked. ing the attack. ple who could, though, be affiliated with
The family's oldest child, 12- year-old «An entire family was killed by despi- one of the larger Palestinian terrorist
Tamar, was out of the house at the time. cable and cowardly murderers who groups.
The IDF immediately launched searches murdered children and parents for no The army urged the settler community
in nearby Arab villages as Palestinians reason,» he said. to demonstrate restraint in the coming
reported that a faction of Fatah's al-Aksa Mizrahi hinted that the IDF had a lead days.
Martyrs Brigade had claimed responsi- on the identity of the terrorists: «We are The IDF and the Israel Police deployed
bility. in the midst of pursuing the terrorists large forces in the area to prevent
Several dozen suspects were arrested in and I believe we will catch them very clashes between settlers and Palestini-
Awarta, Sanur and Zabada as soldiers soon,» he said. ans.
conducted searches with the aid of un- The details of the investigation were The suspected terrorists infiltrated the
manned aerial vehicles that provided covered by a gag order. settlement close to 9:30 p.m. but did not
surveillance from above. The Fogel family lived in Gush Katif. carry out the attack until around 10:15.
As the attackers used knives rather than After the 2005 disengagement from the «The children were literally slaugh-
rifles or pistols, and because of other Gaza Strip, it moved to Ariel and then to tered,» an IDF officer said, describing
characteristics of the killings, the IDF Itamar. ■ the scene, including the children's toys
believes it was not carried out by an or- spilled out on the floor and covered in
ganized terrorist infrastructure but more blood. «This is one of the most brutal
likely was the work of one or two peo- IDF hunting for attacks we have ever seen.»
ple who could, though, be affiliated with perpetrators of brutal The IDF was in contact with Palestinian
one of the larger Palestinian terrorist
groups. Itamar killings Authority security forces, but senior of-
ficers said the army would not rely on
The army urged the settler community JP by Yaakov Katz 13/03/2011 the PA to catch the perpetrators.
to demonstrate restraint in the coming «This attack is one of the worst attacks
Parents, 3 children stabbed to death in
days. we have known in recent years and we
their sleep; large forces deployed near
The IDF and the Israel Police deployed Nablus to prevent settler-Palestinian will hunt down the terrorists until they
large forces in the area to prevent clashes. are caught,» the officer said, noting that
clashes between settlers and Palestini- there had not been an infiltration into
A mother, father and three of their chil-
ans. Itamar in almost eight years.
dren were stabbed to death late Friday
The suspected terrorists infiltrated the night by at least one suspected terrorist Defense Minister Ehud Barak convened
settlement close to 9:30 p.m. but did not who infiltrated the Itamar settlement top military and security chiefs on Sat-
carry out the attack until around 10:15. southeast of Nablus. urday and urged them to take all neces-
«The children were literally slaugh- sary action to apprehend the killers.
The killings occurred shortly after 10
tered,» an IDF officer said, describing p.m., when one or two attackers jumped «This is a horrible attack that makes my
the scene, including the children's toys the fence that surrounds Itamar and blood boil, but I have no doubt that the
spilled out on the floor and covered in broke into the home of Ruth and Udi perpetrators will be captured,» Barak
blood. «This is one of the most brutal Fogel, aged 35 and 36, respectively. The said during a meeting with IDF Chief of
attacks we have ever seen.» attackers went room to room, stabbing General Staff Lt.- Gen. Benny Gantz
The IDF was in contact with Palestinian the parents, a three-month-old girl, Ha- and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency)
Authority security forces, but senior of- das, and two boys, Elad, three, and chief Yuval Diskin. «We need to do
ficers said the army would not rely on Yoav, 11. everything so security and quiet can re-
the PA to catch the perpetrators. turn to the area.»
Two other children – aged two and eight
«This attack is one of the worst attacks – were in a side room but were not at- OC Central Command Maj.-Gen. Avi
we have known in recent years and we tacked. Mizrahi expressed condolences follow-
will hunt down the terrorists until they ing the attack.
The family's oldest child, 12- year-old
are caught,» the officer said, noting that Tamar, was out of the house at the time. «An entire family was killed by despi-
there had not been an infiltration into cable and cowardly murderers who
The IDF immediately launched searches
Itamar in almost eight years. murdered children and parents for no
in nearby Arab villages as Palestinians
Defense Minister Ehud Barak convened reason,» he said.
reported that a faction of Fatah's al-Aksa
top military and security chiefs on Sat- Martyrs Brigade had claimed responsi- Mizrahi hinted that the IDF had a lead
urday and urged them to take all neces- bility. on the identity of the terrorists: «We are
sary action to apprehend the killers. in the midst of pursuing the terrorists
Several dozen suspects were arrested in
«This is a horrible attack that makes my and I believe we will catch them very
Awarta, Sanur and Zabada as soldiers
blood boil, but I have no doubt that the soon,» he said.
conducted searches with the aid of un-
perpetrators will be captured,» Barak

2011 (-) !!!! ITAMAR ATTACK - Five Israelis murdered by Palestianian terrorists [eng] compilation – 8Jun11 – 5/16
The details of the investigation were Palestinian sources reported on Saturday point at the southern entrance to Nablus,
covered by a gag order. that a number of West Bank settlers at- just before the turnoff to Itamar, allow-
The Fogel family lived in Gush Katif. tacked houses in the villages of Burin ing free movement from northern
After the 2005 disengagement from the and Hawara, near Itamar. Samaria to other parts of the West Bank.
Gaza Strip, it moved to Ariel and then to According to the report, Palestinian eye On Saturday, the checkpoint was re-
Itamar. ■ witnesses said that between 30 and 40 stored, at least for the time being.
settlers entered the houses in the Pales- The IDF does not plan on changing its
tinian villages and then proceeded to current work relationship with the PA
Ariel mayor: hurl stones and glass bottles at them. ■ security establishment, and after the
Delegitimization of perpetrators behind the attack are
settlements caused 'Blue-and-white' caught, business will likely go back to
usual as the sides continue to meet, co-
attack operation to ordinate operations and facilitate the US
JPOST 12/03/2011 apprehend terrorists and European support of the PA.
The lull in terrorism in 2010 was a di-
Ron Nachman says left-wing journalists, JP by Yaakov Katz 13/03/2011 rect result of this coordination and the
Palestinians incited Itamar terrorists ; PA crackdown on Hamas and other ter-
Settlers reportedly attack houses in Analysis: Due to the brutality by terror-
ists in the murder of children, the IDF rorist groups in the West Bank – not a
nearby villages. result of any newfound love for Zion-
will not rely on anyone else as it hunts
Ariel Mayor Ron Nachman on Saturday for those responsible. ism, but out of an understanding that if
blamed Palestinian and left-wing dele- it is not done, Hamas will take over
gitimization of West Bank settlements In recent years, since the deployment of
American-trained Palestinian security Ramallah as it took over Gaza in 2007.
for the Friday night Itamar terror attack The joint work with the PA and the
in which five Israelis were killed. forces in the West Bank, the IDF has in
many cases relied on the PA to arrest IDF's ability to cut back on the number
Nachman's comments came in an inter- of operations inside Palestinian cities
view with Israel Radio. terror suspects, and sometimes even
those known to have been behind at- has allowed the military to also cut
Nachman stated that Palestinian Author- tacks against Israel. back, over the past year, the number of
ity Prime Minister Salaam Fayyad call- soldiers it maintains in the West Bank
ing for a boycott of goods manufactured But the operation to apprehend the ter-
on a regular basis, reaching some of the
in the settlements as well as Israeli rorists who murdered five members of
the Fogel family as they slept in their lowest numbers since before the second
newspapers «separating settlers from intifada erupted in 2000.
Israelis living on the other side of the beds in their home in Itamar on Friday
night will be completely «blue-and- The IDF did not have any specific intel-
Green Line» were responsible for incit- ligence regarding Friday's attack. It had,
ing the terrorists to carry out the attack white.»
however, placed forces and settlement
in Itamar. This time, due to the type of attack and
security teams on high alert in recent
National Infrastructures Minister Uzi the brutality it took to murder sleeping
weeks amid fears of infiltrations, due to
Landau on Saturday said that Palestinian children, the IDF will not be relying on
the increased tension and clashes be-
Authority President Mahmoud Abbas anyone else as it hunts for those respon-
sible. tween settlers and Palestinians.
was responsible for Friday's terror at- The assessment within the IDF is that
tack in Itamar because he allowed in- The attack in Itamar catches Israel three
the perpetrators acted alone and did not
citement to violence against Israel in the months into 2011, and after the quietest
belong to an established terrorist organi-
PA's educational system. «security year» the country has experi-
zation like Hamas or Islamic Jihad.
«Behind the murderer of the family in enced in a decade. In 2010, nine Israelis
They might be affiliated with one group
Itamar stands Abu Mazen [Abbas], the were killed in Palestinian terrorist at-
or another, but their motive could be the
‹peace partner,› who founded the offi- tacks, compared to 15 in 2009 and close
growing tension with settlers, or the
cial educational system in the Palestin- to 40 in the year before.
wave of delegitimization of Israel, and
ian Authority, which teaches hatred of It also came after a year during which particularly the settlements, sweeping
Jews and presents child killers as role IDF commanders met close to 700 times throughout the Palestinian cities and
models,» Landau said in a statement. with their Palestinian counterparts, co- towns.
Landau called on Prime Minister ordinating security operations and the
Despite the revolutions in Tunisia and
Binyamin Netanyahu to stop presenting PA forces' deployment throughout the
West Bank. Egypt and the violent rebellion in Libya,
Abbas as a peace partner and to demand the West Bank has remained quiet. On
from the PA and the US that peaceful Tuesday, this is expected to change,
education in the Palestinian Authority with Palestinians planning several mas-
be a precondition to any peace process. sive demonstrations to protest against
Netanyahu also demanded that the Pal- Israel and in support of Fatah-Hamas
estinian Authority «halt the incitement unity. The IDF will need to be careful
in the mosques and via the Palestinian about how it responds both to Friday's
Authority-controlled media.» attack and to the upcoming demonstra-
A statement from Netanyahu added that tions; to prevent further escalation, it
«a society that permits such wild in- will also need to work to try and rein in
citement is one that eventually brings the usual «price tag» settler retaliatory
about the murder of children.» attacks.
Just last month, the Central Command Politically speaking, all eyes will be on
decided to remove the Hawara check- Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

2011 (-) !!!! ITAMAR ATTACK - Five Israelis murdered by Palestianian terrorists [eng] compilation – 8Jun11 – 6/16
While he challenged the world on Sat- «Last night I spoke with Chaim Fogel
urday to unite in denouncing the attack and with Rabbi Yehuda Ben-Yishai, the
in Itamar in strong and unequivocal fathers of Udi and Ruthie Fogel, respec-
terms, Netanyahu is said to be in the tively, may their memories be blessed. I
midst of writing a new groundbreaking came to console them and I heard the
diplomatic speech in which, some pre- crying of their young grandchildren who
dict, he will call for the establishment of survived.»
a Palestinian state within temporary Netanyahu added, «Mr. Prime Minister,
borders. may God give you the strength, under-
The attack in Itamar could serve as standing, wisdom and bravery to defend Photo by: Laszlo Balogh / Reuters
Netanyahu's excuse for getting out of the Israeli people, all of Israel's citizens,
something he never wanted to do in the at this time.» «The government's decision is a small
first place. ■ The prime minister also criticized the move in the right direction, given that
Palestinian Authority for what he called construction in Yehuda and Shomron
its incitement to terrorism. «Regrettably, stands at a negative index of thousands
Barak: IDF's iron fist we see the PA awarding scholarships to of housing units,» he said.
will land on Fogel the families of murderers. We see that Dayan added, «The government should
murderers they name squares after terrorists who approve additional construction and of
murdered dozens of Israelis. These do course, should finally approve the mas-
By JPOST 13/03/2011 not jibe with education for peace.» ■ ter plan for Itamar and the building of a
new neighborhood in the name of those
Funerals start in Givat Shaul;
Defense minister speaks at Yishai: 'We need 1,000
ceremony for fallen soldiers; «This unfortunately is only the first time
Netanyahu blames PA incitement units for every person since the formation of the second
for terror attack. murdered' Netanyahu government that new hous-
ing has been approved and it's a pity that
The terrorist attack that left five family By JPOST 13/03/2011 parents and their children needed to be
members dead in the settlement of murdered for it to do so.»
Itamar over the weekend is a «painful Gov't approves new apartments
reminder of the unbearable bloody price in W. Bank blocs in wake of On Saturday, the ministerial team for
that we must pay in the struggle for sov- terrorist attack settlements approved hundreds of new
ereignty and rebirth of Israel in its apartments in the settlements of Ma'ale
Abbas says decision is «wrong Adumim, Ariel, Kiryat Sefer and in
land,» Defense Minister Ehud Barak and unacceptable.»
told mourners on Sunday. Gush Etzion in a special meeting.
Speaking at a ceremony at Mt. Herzl for Interior Minister Eli Yishai on Sunday The move comes in the wake of a terror-
fallen soldiers whose resting places are responded to the government's approval ist attack on Friday in which five mem-
unknown, the defense minister said he is of hundreds of new housing units in the bers of one family were stabbed to death
confident that the «iron fist of the IDF settlements following the terrorist attack in the West Bank settlement of Itamar.
and the Shin Bet will quickly land on in Itamar Saturday, saying: «I would not Among the participants in the specially
the murderers.» They will be caught and stop with 400 units, we need at least called meeting were Prime Minister
brought to justice and made to pay, he 1,000 new housing units for each person Binyamin Netanyahu, Vice Premier
added. murdered.» Moshe Ya'alon, Defense Minister Ehud
«After this terrible and shocking mur- Barak and Homeland Security Minister
der, nothing will comfort the families,» Matan Vilna'i. Sources in the Prime
Yishai said. «The [Palestinian] Author- Minister's Office told Israel Radio that
ity is raising a generation of murderers.» the plan deals with measured building
The Palestinian Authority on Sunday inside existing settlement blocs. ■
also responded to the approval of set-
tlement building, calling it «wrong and
unacceptable.» U.S. 'partner' behind
Nabil Abu Rudaineh, Palestinian Au- massacre of Jewish
Ehud Barak Photo by: Marc Israel Sellem
thority President Mahmoud Abbas' family
spokesman, said that «the atmosphere in
which such a decision is made does not Parents, children murdered; 3-
Barak said that «Israel's security, its fu- year-old stabbed in heart,
ture and its borders will be designed and help, but only creates problems.» He
added, «Peace requires courageous deci- infant's throat cut
shaped by our decisions and not by
murderous terrorism.» He continued, sions.» By Aaron Klein, WND, March 13,
«Our hearts are with the orphans with- Chairman of the Council of Jewish 2011
out a mother or father, and with all of Communities in Judea and Samaria JERUSALEM – Cells from the Palestin-
the families.» Danny Dayan on Sunday criticized the ian Authority's so-called military wing
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu government's decision to approve the were involved with planning and carry-
told the cabinet on Sunday that when he building permits, saying that it shouldn't ing out yesterday's bloody massacre in
spoke with surviving members of the have happened only after the Fogel fam- which five family members were bru-
Fogel family, who were murdered over- ily was murdered. tally stabbed to death inside their home
night Friday in the settlement of Itamar, in the Jewish village of Itamar, reports
that he heard the children crying.

2011 (-) !!!! ITAMAR ATTACK - Five Israelis murdered by Palestianian terrorists [eng] compilation – 8Jun11 – 7/16
sources from within those terror cells group that contributes to an «atmos-
speaking to WND. phere of terror.»
The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the Palestinian Media Watch today reported
«military wing» of PA President Mah- on the rampant incitement to violence
moud Abbas' Fatah party, at first re- evidenced in the PA media in the days
leased a pamphlet taking responsibility and weeks before yesterday's attack.
for the attack and then quickly retracted Just one day before the assault, Sabri
the statement. Saidam, advisor to and under-secretary
Top sources in the Brigades leadership of the Fatah Revolutionary Council, de-
in the northern West Bank city of livered a speech in which he empha-
Nablus, however, confirmed to WND sized that weapons must be turned to-
Murdered members of Udi Fogel family
that members of the Fatah group wards the «main enemy [Israel]» and
planned and helped to carry out the at- Yesterday's massacre, in the northern that internal differences of opinion must
tack. West Bank village of Itamar, saw Pales- be set aside.
The sources claimed the attack was not tinian assailants stab to death the Fogel In the week leading up to the terrorist
sanctioned by the Fatah leadership but family – father Udi, 37, mother Ruth, attack, the PA announced plans for a
was planned by Brigades members who 36, 10-year-old Yoav, 4-year-old Elad, football tournament named after the first
were acting as individuals. and 3-month-old Hadas – inside their Palestinian suicide bomber, Wafa Idris,
home. Two other children in the house who killed one and reportedly injured
Also, the sources said the actual perpe- at the time were not hurt in the attack,
trators of the attack were sleeper cells more than 150 when she blew herself up
apparently because the terrorists did not in Jerusalem in January 2002.
from Hamas, while the Brigades leaders notice them.
planned the attack, provided logistical Earlier, Abbas' representative, Azzam
support and aided in the Hamas agents' Israel National News reported the initial Al-Ahmed, member of the Fatah Central
escape. findings of the investigation show the Committee, was the guest of honor at a
terrorists stabbed the Fogel family's Palestinian scout ceremony in which
If accurate, this would evidence unusual sleeping 3-year-old in the heart and
cooperation between Hamas and Fatah buildings representing Jewish residents
slashed the throat of his 3-month-old of the West Bank were blown up.
rivals. sister.
The George W. Bush administration had In December, Abbas granted the rela-
The assailants apparently entered the tives of a Palestinian terrorist $2,000 as
labeled Fatah as a «negotiating partner» Fogel's home through a living room
for peace in the Israeli-Palestinian con- part of a regular PA campaign that sup-
window. They did not notice a 6-year- ports so-called «shahids» or «martyrs»
flict. old boy sleeping on the couch and con- who die while attacking Jews. ■
Just two weeks ago, WND reported ex- tinued on to the bedroom, where they
clusively that members of Abbas' Bri- slashed the throats of the father and
gades, now classified by the U.S. State newborn baby sleeping there. Radio confrontation:
Department as a terrorist organization,
have been brandishing weapons publicly
The mother, Ruth, came out of the bath- 'How can your group
room and was stabbed in the doorway.
in recent days despite a disarmament The evidence shows she tried to fight slit infant's throat?'
agreement with Israel. the terrorists. Palestinian spokesman blasted
According to informed Israeli security The Palestinians found 10-year old over Jewish family's killing
sources, messages were passed to the Yoav reading in bed when they stabbed
PA by the Israel Defense Forces and WorldNetDaily, March 13, 2011
him to death.
Israel's Shabak security services, that «Why should America continue to fund
the armed Brigades members must lay They apparently also did not notice a 2-
year old asleep in his bed, but murdered the Palestinian Authority when its own
down their weapons or face arrest. apparatus is responsible for incitement
the 3-year old with two stabs to his
Israeli security officials told WND two heart. to murder and violence and terrorism
weeks ago they fear the newfound mili- and has carried out repeated terrorist
tancy of the Brigades – evidenced by After that, the terrorists reportedly attacks against civilians?»
their publicly brandishing weapons – locked the door of the house and exited
through the window. This is just one of multiple questions
may be a strategic decision on the part fired away by WND senior reporter
of the PA to orient itself in a more ex- The Fogel's 12-year-old daughter re- Aaron Klein on his WABC Radio show
tremist direction following Barack turned home only to find the horrific during an interview with PA spokesper-
Obama's championing of unrest that scene. She reportedly ran out of the son Dmitri Diliani.
toppled pro-Western regimes in Egypt house screaming.
and Tunisia. The confrontational interview, audio
According to reports, she was not able from which is linked below, took place
to initially enter the locked house so she in the wake of the weekend's bloody
woke up a neighbor, who assisted her in massacre in which Palestinian assailants
waking up one of the sleeping children brutally stabbed to death five members
inside the Fogel home who had had not of the Udi Fogel family, including a 3-
been noticed by the terrorists. month-old infant, inside their home in
Meanwhile, IDF Brigadier General the Jewish village of Itamar.
Yossi Kuperwasser, director general of
the Strategic Affairs Ministry, said to-
day that hours after the Itamar massacre,
Abbas met with a member of a song

2011 (-) !!!! ITAMAR ATTACK - Five Israelis murdered by Palestianian terrorists [eng] compilation – 8Jun11 – 8/16
more than 150 when she blew herself up In a rare move, the Prime Minister's Of-
in Jerusalem in January 2002. fice released photos of the Fogel fam-
Earlier, Abbas' representative, Azzam ily's blood-drenched corpses.
Al-Ahmed, member of the Fatah Central They are shown as they were found by
Committee, was the guest of honor at a security forces.
Palestinian scout ceremony in which There was Hadas, dead on her parents'
buildings representing Jewish residents bed, next to her dead father Udi.
of the West Bank were blown up.
There was Elad, lying on a small throw
In December, Abbas granted the rela- rug wearing socks. His little hands were
tives of a Palestinian terrorist $2,000 as clenched into fists. What was a four-
11-year-old son
part of a regular PA campaign that sup- year-old to do against two grown men
ports so-called «shahids» or «martyrs» with knives? He clenched his fists. So
The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the who die while attacking Jews. ■ did his big brother.
«military wing» of PA President Mah-
moud Abbas' Fatah party, at first re- Maybe the Prime Minister's Office
leased a pamphlet taking responsibility Three Jewish children thought the pictures would shock the
for the attack and then quickly retracted world. Maybe Binyamin Netanyahu
by Caroline B. Glick 14 March thought the massacre of three little chil-
the statement. 2011 JP dren would move someone to rethink
Top sources in the Brigades leadership their hatred of Israel.
in the northern West Bank city of People are no longer ashamed to parade
Nablus, however, confirmed to WND negative feelings toward Jews. That was the theme of his address to the
that members of the Fatah group Ruth Fogel was in the bathroom when nation Saturday night.
planned and helped to carry out the at- the Palestinian terrorists pounced on her Netanyahu directed most of his words to
tack. husband Udi and their three-month-old the hostile world. He spoke to the lead-
After Diliani repeatedly claimed to daughter Hadas, slitting their throats as ers who rush to condemn Israel at the
Klein that his Fatah organization con- they lay in bed on Friday night in their UN Security Council every time we as-
demns violence and supports peace, home in Itamar. sert our right to this land by permitting
Klein ended the interview, but not be- The terrorists stabbed Ruth to death as Jews to build homes. He demanded that
fore lashing into the Palestinian spokes- she came out of the bathroom. With they condemn the murder of Jewish
person. both parents and the newborn dead, they children with the same enthusiasm and
moved on to the other children, going speed.
«Yeah, you condemn violence,» Klein
exclaimed sarcastically. «I can't hear into a bedroom where Ruth and Udi's He shouldn't have bothered.
any more of this.» sons Yoav (11) and Elad (four) were The government released the photos on
sleeping. They stabbed them through Saturday night. Within hours, the social
Continued Klein: «You condemn vio- their hearts and slit their throats.
lence as a Palestinian, probably from activism website My Israel posted a
your party, just slit the throat of a Jew- short video of the photographs on You-
ish infant and as your president, Mah- Tube along with the names and ages of
moud Abbas, just dedicated a square to the victims.
an infamous Palestinian murderer.» Within two hours YouTube removed the
Klein was referring to reports that video.
Abbas' Fatah faction yesterday – just What was Netanyahu thinking? Didn't
one day after the terrorist massacre in he get the memo that photos of mur-
Itamar – named a town square after the dered Jewish children are unacceptable?
jihadist leader of a 1978 bus hijacking in If they're published, someone might
which 35 Israelis were killed. start thinking about the nature of Pales-
Klein asked Diliani to comment on 3-year-old boy
tinian society.
those reports as well as the rampant in- Someone might consider the fact that in
citement to violence evidenced in the The murderers apparently missed an- the Palestinian Authority, anti-Jewish
other bedroom where the Fogels' other propaganda is so ubiquitous and so
official PA media in the days and weeks
sons, eight-year-old Ro'i and two-year- murderous that killing the Fogel babies
before the Itamar attack.
old Yishai were asleep because they left was an act of heroism. The baby killers
Just one day before the assault, Sabri them alive. The boys were found by
Saidam, advisor to and under-secretary knew that by murdering Udi, Ruth, Ha-
their big sister, 12-year-old Tamar, das, Yoav and Elad they would enter the
of the Fatah Revolutionary Council, de- when she returned home from a friend's
livered a speech in which he empha- pantheon of Palestinian heroes. They
house two hours after her family was can expect to have a sports stadium or
sized that weapons must be turned to- massacred.
wards the «main enemy [Israel]» and school in Ramallah or Hebron built for
Tamar found Yishai standing over his them by the Palestinian Authority and
that internal differences of opinion must
parents' bodies screaming for them to underwritten by American or European
be set aside.
wake up. taxpayers.
In the week leading up to the terrorist
In his eulogy at the family's funeral on And indeed, the murder of the Fogel
attack, Palestinian Media Watch re-
Sunday, former chief rabbi Yisrael Meir children and their parents was greeted
ported the PA announced plans for a
Lau told Tamar that her job from now with jubilation in Gaza.
football tournament named after the first
on is to be her surviving brothers' Carnivals were held in the streets as
Palestinian suicide bomber, Wafa Idris,
mommy. Hamas members handed out sweets.
who killed one and reportedly injured

2011 (-) !!!! ITAMAR ATTACK - Five Israelis murdered by Palestianian terrorists [eng] compilation – 8Jun11 – 9/16
Obviously YouTube managers are not able anti-Semites rejoiced at the oppor- tives, anti-Semitic art and entertainment
interested in being held responsible for tunity to hate Jews in public again. is a growth sector in Europe.
someone noticing that genocidal Jew The collective Jew, Israel was accused Last month Britain struck again. Chan-
hatred defines Palestinian society – and of everything from genocide to infanti- nel 4 produced a new piece of anti-
the Arab world as a whole. But they cide to just plain nastiness. Semitic bile – a four-part prime-time
really have no reason to be concerned. miniseries called The Promise. It pre-
Even if they had allowed the video to be Israel's leaders were caricatured as Fa-
gin, Shylock, Pontius Pilate and Hitler sents itself as an historical drama about
posted for more than an hour, it would- Israel and the Palestinians, but its rela-
n't have made a difference. on the front pages of newspapers
throughout Europe. IDF soldiers were tionship with actual history begins and
The enlightened peoples of Europe, and portrayed as Nazis, and Israeli families ends with the wardrobes. In what has
growing numbers of Americans, have were dehumanized. become the meme of all European and
no interest in hearing or seeing anything international left-liberal salons, the only
that depicts Jews as good people, or No longer civilians with an inherent good Jews in the mini-series are the
even just as regular people. It is not that right to live, in universities throughout ones who died in the Holocaust. From
the cultured, intellectual A-listers in the US and Europe, Israeli innocents the show's perspective, every Jew who
Europe and America share the Palestini- were castigated as «extremist-Zionists» took up arms to liberate Israel from the
ans' genocidal hatred of the Jewish peo- or «settlers» who basically deserved to British and defend it from the Arabs is a
ple. be killed. Nazi.
The powerful newspaper editors, televi- Professors whose «academic» achieve- WHAT ALL this shows is that
sion commentators, playwrights, fashion ments involved publishing sanitized Netanyahu was wasting his time calling
designers, filmmakers and professors postmodern versions of anti-Jewish Pal- on world leaders to condemn the murder
don't spend time thinking about how to estinian propaganda were granted tenure of the Fogel family. What does a con-
prepare the next slaughter. They don't and rewarded with lucrative book con- demnation mean? France and Britain
teach their children from the time they tracts. condemned the massacre, along with the
are Hadas and Elad Fogel's ages that Today, when properly modulated, Jew US. Does that exculpate the French and
they should strive to become mass mur- hatred is a career maker. Take play- British for their embrace of anti-
derers. They would never dream of do- wright Caryl Churchill's 1,300- word Semitism? Does it make them friends of
ing these things. They know there is a anti-Semitic monologue Seven Jewish the Jewish state? And say a British
division of labor in contemporary anti- Children. playwright sees the YouTube censored
Semitism. The script accuses the entire population photographs. No self-respecting British
The job of the intellectual luminaries in of Israel of mass murders which were playwright will write a play called
Western high society today is to hate never committed. Three Jewish Children telling the story
Jews the old-fashioned way, the way For her efforts, Churchill became an in- of how Palestinian parents do in fact
their greatgrandparents hated Jews back ternational celebrity. The Royal Court teach their children to become mass
in the days of the early 20th century be- Theater produced her anti- Jewish agit- murderers of Jews. And if a playwright
fore that villain Adolf Hitler gave Je- prop. The Guardian featured it on its were to write such a play, The Royal
whating a bad name. home page. When Jewish groups de- Court Theater wouldn't produce it. The
manded that The Guardian remove the Guardian wouldn't post it on its website.
Much has been made of the confluence Liberal Jewish community centers in
of anti-Semitic bile pouring out of the blood libel from its website, the paper
refused. Instead, it left the anti-Semitic America wouldn't show it, nor would
chattering classes. From Mel Gibson to university student organizations in
Julian Assange to Charlie Sheen to John propaganda on its homepage, but in a
gesture of openmindedness, hosted a Europe or America.
Galliano, it seems like a day doesn't go
by without some new celebrity exposing debate about whether or not Seven Jew- No, if someone wanted to use the pho-
himself as a Jew hater. ish Children is anti-Semitic. tographs of Yoav's and Elad's mangled
From London, Seven Jewish Children corpses and clenched fists as inspiration
It isn't that the beautiful people and their to write a play or feature film about the
followers suddenly decided that Jews went on tour in Europe and the US. In a
bid to show how tolerant of dissent they fact that the Palestinians have no na-
are not their cup of tea (or rail of co- tional identity outside their quest to an-
caine). It's just that we have reached the are, Jewish communities in America
hosted showings of the play, which por- nihilate the Jewish state, he would find
point where people no longer feel em- no mass market.
barrassed to parade negative feelings trays Jewish parents as monsters who
towards Jews. train their children to become mass The headlines describing the attack
murderers. make all this clear.
A DECADE ago, the revelation that
French ambassador to Britain Daniel Seven Jewish Children's success was From the BBC to CNN the Fogels were
Bernard referred to Israel as «that repeated by the Turkish anti-Semitic not described as Israelis. They were a
shi**y little country,» was shocking. action film Valley of the Wolves- Pales- «settler family.» Their murderers were
Now it is standard fare. Everyone who tine, which premiered on January 28 – «alleged terrorists.»
is anyone will compare Israel to Nazi International Holocaust Memorial Day. As far as the opinion makers of Europe
Germany without even realizing this is The hero of that film is a Turkish James and much of America are concerned, the
nothing but Holocaust denial. Bond character who comes to Israel to Yoavs and Hadases and Elads of Israel
The post-Holocaust dam reining in anti- avenge his brothers, who were killed by have no right to live if they live in «a
Semitism burst in 2002. As Jewish chil- IDF forces on the Turkish-Hamas terror settlement.»
dren and parents like the Fogels were ship Mavi Marmara last May. So too, they believe that Palestinians
being murdered in their beds, on the No doubt owing to the success of Seven have a right to murder Israelis who
streets, in discotheques, cafés and su- Jewish Children and Valley of the serve in the IDF and who believe that
permarkets throughout Israel, fashion- Wolves-Palestine and other such initia- Jews should be able to live freely wher-

2011 (-) !!!! ITAMAR ATTACK - Five Israelis murdered by Palestianian terrorists [eng] compilation – 8Jun11 – 10/16
ever we want because this land belongs were happy together. We have photos of That I be gracious and merciful in the eyes
to us. the children playing and happy». of all who see me.
As water reflects face to face, so the heart
Until these genteel Jew haters learn to The family is against any personal re- of man to man.
think otherwise, Israel should neither venge or taking the law into civilian
And all for the sake of Heaven, to do Your
seek nor care if they condemn this or hands. Their slain children felt the same, will,
any other act of Palestinian genocide. they said, unequivocally.
We shouldn't care about them at all. ■ The Ben Yishai home of Ruti's parents Along with his 4-year-old brother Elad
in Jerusalem, where the surviving and his new little baby sister, 3-month-
grandchildren are now, is also crowded
«I Will Be Their with comforters. After the mourning
old Hadas, Yoav and both of his parents
were stabbed to death by terrorists who
Mother» Says 12 Year week is over, the family will decide murdered them as they slept.
Old Tamar Fogel where the children will live. Meanwhile,
Miraculously, two of his brothers sur-
they are having difficulty in explaining
by Uzi Baruch, 9 Adar Bet 5771, to the youngest child what happened to vived, unnoticed by the terrorists in their
15 March 2011, A7 his parents. «What shall we tell them?» rush to slaughter the family. Eight-year-
they said. «What does a two-year-old old Ro'i and 2-year-old Shai were both
The eldest daughter of the Fogel family, sleeping at the time.
12 year old Tamar, promised her rela- understand when he cries over the loss
tives: «I will be strong and succeed in of his parents? They tell us that children
overcoming this. I understand the task heal quickly, mentally and physically.
that stands before me, and I will be a We hope so». ■
mother to my siblings». The orphaned
youngster's words were quoted in the 11-Year-Old Yoav's
Hebrew daily Yisrael Hayom.
In their home in the town of Neve Tsuf
Legacy: 'Love
in Samaria, Tsila and Chaim Fogel, par- Everyone'
ents of Udi, are sitting on low benches
by Chana Ya'ar, 10 Adar Bet
for the traditional «shiva» week of 5771, 14 March 2011 A7
mourning alongside his three brothers
and sister. There is a constant stream of First responders who rushed into the
comforters going in and out of the blood-drenched bedroom of 11-year-old
house, VIP's and ordinary citizens from Yoav Fogel last Friday night were con-
all over Israel, whose hearts go out to fronted with a sight that nearly stopped Israel news photos: courtesy of Fogel Family
the bereft family that lost son, daughter- them in their tracks. Yoav's 12-year-old sister Tamar was not
in-law, and three young grandchildren A colorful little wooden plaque hung home at the time, returning about an
in a barbaric terrorist slaughter on Fri- above the slain young boy's bed, pro- hour after the terrorists left to find her
day night. claiming his love for his people and a family slaughtered. ■
Chaim Fogel continues to retell the prayer for peace between all.
story of terrible hours from 3 a.m. on,
when he received the horrific news, IDF, settlers save Arab
drove to Itamar, met his 12 year old baby
granddaughter and then entered the fam-
ily's home. The authorities were forced Saving life after massacre: IDF
to ask her to tell what she saw when she troops, paramedics save life of
returned from her youth group activity Palestinian woman giving birth in
to find her family's bloodsoaked bodies settlement where Fogel relatives
at 12:30 a.m. Chaim himself had the sitting Shiva.
heartbreaking task of identifying the Soldier: «It felt amazing to hold
bodies. girl in my arms, know we did
The prayer above Yoav's bed, written
«We came to take the surviving grand- originally in Hebrew, reads as follows something good»
children out of the Valley of Death, he (in English): Yair Altman, 17 March 2011,
said. I don't wish on anyone in the world May it be Your will, L-rd G-d and G-d of Ynetnews
the sight I saw. It is horrendous, beyond our forefathers,
description, beyond comprehension». IDF forces and local paramedics helped
That I love every one of Israel as myself,
The grandparents recalled the last time and save the life of a Palestinian woman and
they saw Udi, Ruti and the children, a To graciously perform the positive com-
her newly born infant Wednesday, at the
week and a half ago on Saturday night. mandment of loving your neighbor as settlement where Fogel relatives are sit-
They celebrated the start of the month of yourself. ting Shiva for the five Israelis brutally
Adar Bet in Itamar, danced, sang and And may it also be Your will, Lord G-d murdered last week.
laughed. and G-d of my forefathers, Just as IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz
That you cause the hearts of my friends arrived in Neve Tzuf to offer his condo-
«At least they had a taste of Purim», and neighbors to love me fervently, and
said Udi's mother Tzila. «I didn't feel lences, a Palestinian cab raced towards
That I be accepted and desirable to every- the community's entrance. In it, soldiers
any premonitions. Why should I have one, and
thought that I will never see them again? and paramedics discovered a Palestinian
That I be loving and pleasant, and woman in her 20s in advanced stages of
I am not trying to remember if there was
anything of that nature in my mind. We labor and facing a life-threatening situa-

2011 (-) !!!! ITAMAR ATTACK - Five Israelis murdered by Palestianian terrorists [eng] compilation – 8Jun11 – 11/16
tion: The umbilical cord was wrapped this was not the first time settlers assist on which I have educated others. This is
around the young baby girl's neck, en- Palestinians in distress. a test of my faith, and therefore I agreed
dangering both her and her mother. «They know we have a skilled medical to be interviewed.»
The quick action of settler paramedics team here, and in any case of accident or «I believe in the country, in our strength
and IDF troops deployed in the area injury they arrive and we help them,» he and in the strength of the army, and I
saved the mother's and baby's life, said. ask how did this strength not save our
prompting great excitement and emo- The paramedic noted that on the day children?»
tions at the site where residents are still of the Fogel massacre, settlers saw Rabbi Ben-Yishai said Monday morning
mourning the brutal death of five local fireworks and celebrations in nearby that he asked the oldest surviving chil-
family members. Palestinian communities, but added dren, 12-year-old Tamar and eight-year-
Corporal Haim Levin, 19, an IDF para- that the local medical team is commit- old Ro'i, if they wanted to say the Kad-
medic, was the first medical team mem- ted to assisting anyone in need. dish prayer, recited by mourners and
ber at the scene and recounted the dra- «Two years ago, we also made sure to expressing their faith in the Creator.
matic situation he faced. treat a terrorist who attempted to place a «They answered, ‹Of course. They are
«When I arrived, I saw a woman cov- bomb on the road and was shot by sol- our parents, brothers and sisters.›» The
ered by a blanket in a yellow Palestinian diers,» he said. mourning father and grandfather told
van. I moved closer and saw the baby's Palestinians from the nearby village of Voice of Israel government radio,
head and upper body,» he told Ynet. Nabi Salah gathered around the para- «They understand.»
«The umbilical cord was around the medics along with the new grandmother He said, «We [the grandparents] will
baby's neck; the baby was grey and did- and could not hide their joy. take upon ourselves the difficult task
n't move.» and pave for them the path so that life
«They thanked us and told us they
«I first removed the cord from the neck named the girl Jude,» Corporal Levin will be victorious.»
and at the same time asked paramedics said. «Their mother and father will pray for
to prepare the baby resuscitation kit. I them from the Heavens, their grandfa-
pinched her to see if she's responding, «I volunteered for Magen David Adom
since age 15 and it's the first time I wit- thers and grandmothers will give them a
and she started to cry,» he said. Para- lot of love, and the People of Israel will
medics also treated the mother, who was nessed childbirth. It was an amazing
feeling, to hold the girl that was just hug them and encourage them to grow
in good condition at that point, Levin and continue in the path of their par-
said. born in my arms, and to know that in
this complex place we did something ents.»
We treat everyone good.» ■ Rabbi Ben-Yishai said that the only
thing he regrets is that he did not tell his
Meanwhile, ambulance driver Orly
daughter Ruth and his grandchildren
Shlomo raced to the scene. «We joined Mourning Father of enough times, «I love you. I love you.»
the military paramedic and helped him
cut off the umbilical cord… without the Fogel Massacre Victim He added, «If I could go back in time, I
would say so every five minutes, but
medical treatment, the fetus and woman «Strengthens Israel» that would not be enough.»
faced genuine life danger,» she told
Ynet. by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, 8 Adar Rabbi Ben-Yishai revealed that the po-
Bet 5771, 14 March 11, A7 lice came to his home on Shabbat to in-
In a radio interview on radio Monday, form him of the attack but that no one
Rabbi Yehuda Ben-Yishai, the mourn- was home because they were visiting in
ing father of Ruth Fogel, one of the five the north.
victims of the Itamar massacre, taught a «The Creator was kind to us» by his not
lesson of faith and strengthened the having to bear the bad news on the holy
People of Israel. Sabbath. «Our daughter called after
His inspiring remarks on Voice of Israel Shabbat, assuming we already knew.»
government radio stunned the inter- Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu
viewer into near silence and brought spoke with Rabbi Ben-Yishai on the
tears to her eyes. telephone Saturday night and visited
After Rabbi Ben-Yishai expressed deep him Sunday morning. «He felt great sor-
pain but no anger or calls for vengeance, row and said that the entire People of
interviewer Estie Perez, who has de- Israel are part of the sorrow. We hugged
scribed herself as a secular Jew, asked, each other,» Rabbi Ben-Yishai said.
IDF Corporal Haim Levin and Palestinian baby, «Where do you have the strength and In years past, Rabbi Ben-Yishai was a
Jude restraint that you can talk now and rabbi at Jerusalem's Machon Meir. ■
«It was touching, but I couldn't help but strengthen us, without anger and with-
think that a few meters from there, peo- out calling for vengeance – that is not in
ple were sitting Shiva for another baby, your voice? Where is the strength
who was murdered,» she said. «I was from?»
touched to see the face of the new baby, Rabbi Ben-Yishai answered, «I have
but I also thought about the face of the worked in education many years, and as
murdered baby.» an educator, I try to strengthen and
Gadi Amitun, who heads the Magen teach people faith. I understand that I
David Adom team at Neve Tzuf, said cannot be satisfied with words and that I
also must implement the same principles

2011 (-) !!!! ITAMAR ATTACK - Five Israelis murdered by Palestianian terrorists [eng] compilation – 8Jun11 – 12/16
The two Fogel family the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency)
about the role of their sons in the case.
and called for an international investiga-
tion into the case.
killers apprehended at He said Sunday's Shin Bet announce-
neighboring Awarta ment about the identity of the suspects
village was aimed at «covering up for the occu-
pation's crimes against the village over
DEBKAfile Special Report, 17 the past 35 days.»
April 2011 Israel has failed and is now trying to
Police have arrested Hakim Mazen cover up for what its security forces did
Niad Awad, 17, and Amjad Mahmoud in our village by issuing this announce-
Fawzi, 18, in the West Bank village of ment, he added.
Awarta on suspicion of murdering in IDF «covering up for crimes against our people,» He was referring to the village having
their beds five members of the Fogel says mother of Awad suspect; Awarta mayor:
Killers couldn't have come from my village.
been sealed off during this time, with
family in neighboring Itamar on March (Reuters) widespread detentions and searches.
11. The mayor expressed fear that his vil-
They confessed they were motivated The families and many fellow residents
lage would be targeted by «angry set-
by an ambition to kill Jews as Pales- of the village of Awarta claimed the two
tlers» and the IDF because of the ar-
tinian nationalists and die as martyrs. – Hakim Maazan Niad Awad, 18, and
rests. He added that while he strongly
They expressed no remorse. Amjad Mahmud Fauzi Awad, 19 – had
condemned the Itamar killings, he was
confessed under «torture.»
After climbing the Itamar perimeter confident that the perpetrators could not
fence, the pair stole an M16 automatic The mayor of Awarta, who also refused have come from his village.
rifle from an empty house, broke into to accept the Shin Bet's version, called
Hussein Awad, a relative of the two
the Fogel home and knifed two children for an international inquiry to reveal the
suspects, said many residents were sur-
Yoav and Elad. Their parents Udi and identity of the «real murderers.» Some
prised to hear about the arrests.
Ruthie Fogel woke up to find the killers villagers expressed fear that Awarta
would be targeted by settlers seeking «We find it hard to believe that two
in their bedroom and put up a fight. teenagers would commit such a despi-
They too were stabbed to death. revenge.
cable crime,» he said. «Maybe they con-
When one of the two murderers returned «My son was at home on the night the
fessed under torture. We heard that the
to the house to look for more weapons, incident took place in the settlement,»
Israeli army had arrested the sister of
he killed three-month old Hadas, stole said the mother of Hakim Awad.
one of them and that this put pressure on
another M16 and left. He said had he «He did not leave home at all that him.»
known there were two more children night.»
The Palestinian Authority did not issue
sleeping in the house, he would have Awad's mother said he underwent sur- a response to the Awarta arrests. How-
butchered them too. Their 12-year old gery in his lower abdomen about five ever, a PA official in Ramallah said
sister found the five bodies when she months ago, and that was why he may Sunday's announcement «proves that no
returned home that night. have confessed. Palestinian organization was behind the
The two killers, Awad still at high «I'm sure they tortured him and forced attack on the settlement.» ■
school and Fawzi a student, handed the him to sign a confession,» she said. «His
stolen rifles over to Palestinian accom- physical condition does not allow him to
plices in the Ramallah sector who later withstand torture. Everyone who knows Who are the terrorists
helped them destroy the evidence of my son is sure that he's innocent.» who murdered the
their crime. Six were rounded up.
Three young Israeli Arabs from Naz-
The mother claimed the IDF was trying Fogel family?
to «cover up for its crimes against our
areth were indicted before the district people and they chose these two young By Yaakov Lappin, 17 April 2011,
court Sunday for conspiring to carry out men as scapegoats.» JP
acts of terrorism. They established a
She also pointed out that her family Itamar terrorist's uncle, an PFLP mem-
new group called «Pledging Death to
lives «on the other side of the village – ber, transported shooter in 2002 settle-
Zionists» and planned to make their
far from Itamar» – a fact she said would ment attack in which wife and 3 chil-
own pipe bomb and gun for attacking
have made it even harder for her son to dren were killed.
Israeli soldiers, policemen and civilians.
commit the killings.

Hakim Awad's aunt said the family al-
ready had five «martyrs» – an uncle,
Itamar murder three cousins and a brother-in-law.
suspects 'confessed She described Hakim as the «shy type»
who rarely socialized with other teens.
under torture'
«He was a high-school pupil in the
By Khaled Abu Toameh, 18 April Awarta Secondary School and did not
2011, JP have relationships with people older
Photo by: Courtesy
The families of the two Palestinian teens than him,» she said.
arrested in connection with the grisly The mayor of Awarta, Qais Awad, also
killings of members of the Fogel family expressed doubts about the involvement The main suspects in the Fogel family
in Itamar last month said on Sunday of the two teenagers in the Itamar attack slayings are Hakim Maazan Niad Awad,
they don't believe the version given by

2011 (-) !!!! ITAMAR ATTACK - Five Israelis murdered by Palestianian terrorists [eng] compilation – 8Jun11 – 13/16
18, and Amjad Mahmed Fauzi Awad, and Amjad Mahmud Fauzi Awad set out member Salah Adin Awad, what they
19. from the village of Awarta, 2 km. to the had done.
Hakim Awad was arrested on April 5. south, armed with knives, face masks Salah hid their firearms, and instructed
He is a high school student who has and a wire cutter, security forces said on them to burn their clothes, which were
been linked by security forces to the Sunday. covered in blood.
Popular Front for the Liberation of Pal- The following account of the massacre The men then returned to their daily life.
estine group in Awarta. that followed is based on confessions Meanwhile, Salah sent the murder
In October 2010, Hakim stabbed a num- from the two suspects, a reenactment of weapons to a friend in Ramallah, named
ber of youths during a personal dispute, the attack by them, and a painstaking Jad Avid, who hid them in his home.
the IDF said. His father, Maazan, is a investigation led by the Shin Bet (Israel
Security Agency). «They received much support from fam-
PFLP member who served five years in ily members and friends in their envi-
a Palestinian Authority prison in the late The suspects planned the stabbings days ronment,» the security source said.
1990s for the murder of a female cousin ahead, and made unsuccessful attempts
and the burning of her body. to obtain firearms from a member of the Six suspected accomplices are also un-
Popular Front for the Liberation of Pal- der arrest. ■
Hakim's uncle, Jibril Awad, was a PFLP
member who transported a terrorist to estine representative in their village.
Itamar in 2002. In that attack, Rahel The lack of guns did not dissuade the Fogel Terrorist: Like
Shabu, three of her three sons, and resi- two men from carrying out their plan to
dent Yosef Twitto were shot and killed. murder Jews.
Father, Like Son
In 2003, Jibril Awad was killed in a fire- The youths left Awarta on foot, and af- by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, 13
fight with the IDF. ter a kilometer, decided against using Nissan 5771, 17 April 11, A7
Amjad Awad was arrested on April 10. their wire cutter after seeing that the The father of one of the murderers of
Also a student, he is from the same clan fence was electric. Instead they climbed the Fogel family at Itamar had served in
as Hakim Awad but is not directly re- over the fence, over a forest hilltop, and jail for terror, and an uncle involved in
lated. Amjad has links with the PFLP, reached a row of homes in Itamar. the 2002 terror attack on same commu-
according to security sources, and They entered a home adjacent to the nity.
worked in Israel for a period of time. Fogel residence, but no one was there. Two teenagers were arrested for the
Suspected accomplices are also under They stole an M-16 rifle from the home, massacre of five members of the Fogel
arrest. as well as ammunition and body armor, family. The father of high school stu-
and walked down the street. dent murderer Hakim Mazen Awad was
Salah Aladin Salim Awad, 31, from
Awarta, is a PFLP member and Hakim's The terrorists then saw the Fogel resi- active in the Popular Front for the Lib-
uncle. dence, and spotted children sleeping eration of Palestine terrorist organiza-
through the window, security forces tion and previously had been jailed in
He is suspected of helping the suspects said. Israel.
cover their tracks after the killings, tell-
ing them to burn their blood-soaked Immediately after entering the home, Awad and Amjad Awad carried out the
clothes and sending firearms they stole the youths set their knives on two broth- brutal murders at Itamar, the same
from Itamar to a friend in Ramallah. ers sleeping in their beds, four-year-old community where Hakim Awad's uncle
Elad, and 11-year-old Yoav, killing was involved with the 2002 terrorist at-
Jad Avid, 31, from Ramallah, is sus- them both. tack that killed five people. He was
pected of hiding the firearms after re- killed the following year in a clash with
ceiving them from Salah Awad. He was They then entered the parents' bedroom,
where they launched a knife attack on IDF forces.
arrested in his home and the firearms
were seized by the IDF. Ehud and Ruth Fogel. The parents After the murders of the Fogel family,
fought back. During the struggle, one of another uncle of Awad, who also was a
Maazan Niad Awad, 43, from Awarta, is the suspects used the stolen M-16 to PLFP terrorist and had served a prison
Hakim's father and a PFLP member. shoot Ruth Fogel dead. Ehud died of his sentence for terror, enlisted other rela-
Mahmed Saeed Awad, 26, is a PFLP stab wounds during the fight. tives to burn the attackers' bloodstained
member in Awarta to whom the sus- The two men left the house, but then clothes.
pects turned with a request to procure they heard three-month-old Hadas cry- While the teenage terrorist butchers re-
firearms ahead of the Itamar attacks. ■ ing. turned to school, as if nothing out of the
Awoken by the attack, the baby lay in ordinary had happened, the uncle took
Fogel murderers her crib in her parents' bedroom. the knives used in the massacre and
moved them to Ramallah. Israeli secu-
provide account of «They went back into the house and rity agents have identified and arrested
stabbed the baby to death,» a security
Itamar massacre source said.
the man who hid the knives and have
recovered the murder weapons.
By Yaakov Lappin, 18 April 2011, Two other children were in the home,
JP One of the suspected terrorist's mother
but were spared because Akim and Am- insisted that her son was sleeping at the
«We would have killed the two other jad did not know they were there. time of the murders, despite his confes-
children, but didn't know they were Amjad later told interrogators that he sion.
there,» one suspect tells Shin Bet inter- would have killed them, too, had he Another resident of Awarta, where the
rogators. known that they were in the house. terrorists live, told Voice of Israel gov-
On the night of March 11 – as members After murdering five members of the ernment radio Sunday that he does not
of the Fogel family slept in their home family, the men walked back to their even believe that the terrorist attack
in Itamar – Hakim Maazan Niad Awad village, and told Hakim's uncle, PFLP took place. ■

2011 (-) !!!! ITAMAR ATTACK - Five Israelis murdered by Palestianian terrorists [eng] compilation – 8Jun11 – 14/16
«We won't seek capital «We are left with our mourning, left
with the grandchildren and are forced to
Israeli Left's Solidarity
punishment» continue coping.» with Itamar Killers
Yair Altman, 18 April 2011, by Maayana Miskin, 13 Nissan
Ynetnews 5771, 17 April 11, A7
Parents of Udi Fogel, who was mur- Shortly before the IDF revealed the
dered in Itamar massacre together with identities of the two murderers of five
wife, three kids, feel they've come full members of the Fogel family, activists
circle as suspects captured ahead of with the extreme Israeli left went to
Passover. visit one killer's family – and con-
demn Israel for detaining him.
Members of Women for Peace (Nashim
Tzila Fogel. «We will hold Seder despite difficul- L'Shalom), Gush Shalom, and Adam
ties» (Photo: Gil Yohanan) Lelo Gvulot traveled to the Palestinian
Tamar Fogel and two of her younger Authority-controlled village of Awarta,
brothers, who were saved from the mas- next to Itamar, where the IDF had been
sacre, are staying with their slain conducting intensive investigations into
mother's parents – the Ben Yishai fam- the recent attack.
ily. «The atrocity we saw in the home of
«We will spend Passover together like Mohammed Awad can only be de-
one very big family. We embrace them, scribed as a pogrom, as primitive and
Tzila and Haim Fogel. Coming full circle Photo: but no one really knows what they are brutal revenge aimed at putting fear in
Gil Yohanan going through,» Ruth's parent's said. residents' hearts,» activist Yaakov Ma-
Haim and Zila Fogel, parents of Udi nur wrote of the visit one week ago.
The publication of the names of the
«The father, 45-year-old Mohammed,
who was murdered by terrorists along murder suspects just ahead of the holi-
with his wife Ruth and three of their his son Majdi, 20, a third-year student in
day did not surprise Tzila Fogel. «I had
children, have come full circle. The university, son Amjad, 19, a second-
a feeling that it will be published before
year student at university, and Hakem,
Fogels have allowed a Ynet crew into Passover – there's something ironic
their home after Sunday's report of the 17, were arrested.»
about it. But the true gift is the children
arrest of two suspects in the Itamar mas- that survived. Amjad, 19, was later revealed to be
sacre. one of the murderers. He and fellow
«The night of the Seder,» she noted,
«It's good they caught them before Pass- murderer Hakim Awad told investi-
«will be difficult at first, but we will
over, we've come full circle. We want to gators they had received help and
hold it nevertheless. The kids and
close this chapter as soon as possible support from their relatives after
grandkids will be here and we bought all
and start to rehabilitate the children, murdering Udi and Ruti Fogel and
of them gifts. It will be difficult, but we
which is the most important thing,» their children Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and
will rejoice, because we are told to re-
Haim said. Hadas, three months old.
joice on the Seder night,» Tzila noted.
He is finding it hard to come to terms The leftist activists apparently did not
«We will celebrate the Seder with
with the murderers' identities. «You see realize that the Awad family was in-
Tzila's delicious food, along with all the
those are people, people who committed volved in the murders, and simply be-
people of Israel,» concluded Haim.
lieved the family's claims that Israel was
these heinous crimes,» he said. Advertisement treating them badly for no reason.
«During the shiva we kept thinking – Hakim Awad and Amjad Awad con-
maybe it would turn out to be something The Yisrael Sheli (My Israel) Move-
fessed to their involvement in the mur- ment said Sunday that the leftist groups
else, a crazy person. Now it's clear – this der of five member of the Fogel family
was an act of hate and it's seeping had crossed a line. «The time has come
in Itamar, and said that they sought to to make leftist groups that support mur-
through. While the Palestinian Authority carry out a terror attack in order to kill
might say they condemn the crime, I derers illegal. Whoever supports baby
Israelis. They expressed no regret over killers has no place in a democratic so-
still blame them.» the murders. ciety,» the group said in a statement.
The grandfather, who has lost five The families of the two suspects refused
members of his family in the terror at- «Leftists groups' encouragement for
to believe the two committed the massa- terrorists, which joins the Palestinian
tack, said has no plans to launch a cam- cre. Hakim Awad's mother, Nawef,
paign to promote capital punishment for Authority incitement, and author
claimed that her son was at home the Amos Oz's support for murderer
the terrorists. night of the murder and never left the Barghouti, ultimately creates human
«They didn't escape, didn't allow the house. monsters like the murderers from
security forces to kill them. They will «Five months ago Hakim underwent a Awarta.»
go to jail, have fun there, study. But I'm surgery in his stomach and I'm sure he MK Michael Ben-Ari (Ichud Leumi)
not the one who decides on punishment was tortured and forced into confess-
and we shall not launch a capital pun- called on Attorney General Yehudah
ing.» ■ Weinstein to investigate the groups that
ishment campaign. Our goal is that they
be punished in the most severe way, went to Awarta to provide support to the
them and their families.» terrorists' families. «By their acts, they
incited to violence,» he wrote.
«People like them, even if they receive
five life sentences – will receive the
greatest honor in prison,» Haim added.

2011 (-) !!!! ITAMAR ATTACK - Five Israelis murdered by Palestianian terrorists [eng] compilation – 8Jun11 – 15/16
He added, «Today we see the extreme «This is a heinous murder of bottomless
Left's true face. These are their friends, hate that is simply impossible to under-
these are the people they defend!» stand. Going into a family home and
MK Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) said the murdering people is something that only
Israelis who expressed solidarity with those who have it instilled in them from
the Awad family had reached a moral babyhood can do.»
low. «They cannot comfort their
brothers in Itamar, but run to show
solidarity with the enemy,» she said. ■

Fogel family: Murder «Proud» Amjad Mahmad Awad.

heinous, hate «I don't regret what I did, even if it
bottomless means I'm sentenced to death,» Amjad
said ahead of the indictment hearing.
Yair Altman, 17 April 2011,
Murdered Fogel family gravesite (Photo: Noam Five members of the Fogel family were
Moskowitz) butchered in the March 11 terror attack
Family members of Itamar massacre Meanwhile, Ruth Fogel's brother, in Itamar. Husband and wife Udi and
victims speak out following release of Yochai Ben Yishai told Ynet: «We are Ruthie Fogel and three of their children:
murder investigation findings. 'There is very proud of the State and the security Yoav (11) Elad (4) and baby Hadas
no consolation,' says Ruth's brother as services. But on a personal level, there (four months).
both sides seek to protect surviving is no consolation, the pain remains
children. sharp.»
Yishai added that «the capture of he
murderers gives us a sense of satisfac-
tion on a national level but we must get
to a point where these people are de-
terred before they take action and not
just apprehended after the murder.»
Another one of Ruth's brothers, Elichai
Ben Yishai also discussed the revela-
tions, saying that the arrest of the terror-
ists who killed his sister does not com- Hakim Awad.
Haim Fogel with Yehuda Ben Yishai Photo: Ido
Erez fort him. «What we lost cannot be A month after the attack elite IDF forces
After the Passover Seder and holiday, brought back, even if the killers were succeeded in capturing the murderers. A
Haim and Tzilla Fogel will spend the caught,» he said. few soldiers arrived at Amjad's house in
holiday week with their orphaned «Ehud, Ruth and their children were the village of Awarta near Itamar in the
grandchildren Yishai, Roi and Tamar. representatives of the State of Israel,» he middle of the night.
«Going back to our regular personal said. «They died in the name of God, for «He was sleeping and surprised by our
lives and raising the surviving chil- Israel. We expect the state to do what is arrival. He was very frightened. In spite
dren,» says Tzilla. right to bring back the national pride of his young age he carried out these
It now appears that their lives will be and to prevent such incidents from hap- monstrous acts,» said Captain N, com-
able to regain some semblance of nor- pening again.» ■ mander of the Duvdevan (cherry) unit.
mality sooner rather than later with the According to N, «since the attack we
solving of the investigation into the Palestinian baby killer: were on high alert to arrest those re-
massacre of five members of the Fogel sponsible for this horrific murder. It was
family in Itamar and the arrest of the «proud of what I did» clear to us that this was an important
killers. Ahiya Raved, 5 June 2011, case and that we needed to be prepared.
Tzilla wished to thank the security Ynetnews Our preparations included many scenar-
forces for capturing the murderers – two ios… When it was all over I told my
teens from the Palestinian village of Amjad Awad said he has no regrets soldiers that they did a great thing.» ■
Awarta. «I believe that their job isn't over butchering family of five in
done, they will find anyone who had Itamar, even if it means he'll get
any connection with the case and not death sentence.
just the loathsome killers. I can't say «I'm proud of what I did,» so declared
we're happy, because that word isn't Amjad Mahmad Awad, 19, on Sunday
suitable at this time.» just moments before an indictment
Udi's father Haim Fogel said that «there against him and his partner Hakim
is no doubt that the arrest of the murder- Awad was filed before the Judea and
ers touches the heart». According to Samaria Sector Military Court, over the
Fogel, «we knew it would touch the na- murders of five members of the Fogel
tion, we thought it would do more but family two and a half months ago.
from our perspective, we closed a circle.

2011 (-) !!!! ITAMAR ATTACK - Five Israelis murdered by Palestianian terrorists [eng] compilation – 8Jun11 – 16/16

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