Chapter 2-Light-Microscope & Cell Structure 07-08

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LAB: THE LIGHT MICROSCOPE AND CELL STRUCTURE 4) Always focus an image by moving the lens away from

image by moving the lens away from the slide. This way you
won’t accidentally grind the objective lens into the slide while looking through
INTRODUCTION the microscope.
5) When changing objective lenses, rotate the nose piece by turning it from its
The microscope is an instrument designed to observe objects that are too small to be circular base. Never rotate the nose piece by grasping an objective lens as this
seen with the naked eye. In this class, you will use a compound light microscope will loosen the lens.
which functions by passing light through the object being viewed and focuses this 6) Never use the oil immersion objective lens (white ring at its base, labeled 100X)
beam of photons into an image using optical lenses. Your microscope has the unless directed to do so by the instructor. It requires that a special oil be placed
capability of magnifying an object 1000 times its normal size and its resolving power between the slide and the lens; without it, you may damage the objective lens.
can distinguish two objects that are separated by as little as 0.5 um. You should be 7) When finished viewing, always store the microscope with the scanning objective
able to identify and describe the function of the various components of a typical in place. This minimizes the chance of an objective lens grinding into the stage
compound light microscope as shown below. during transport to/from the cabinet.

Learning to focus an image with the microscope may seem a bit tricky at first, but
the task will become second nature in a very short time. The diagram below
illustrates the distance between slide and objective lens for a properly focused image.

Low Power
Objective High Power

10 X
40 X

25 mm

8.3 mm 0.5 mm

microscope slide

The following procedure should enable you to focus an image with little difficulty.
Microscopes are expensive instruments; they can best be maintained by following a 1) Make sure the ocular and objective lenses are clean; use lens tissue if necessary.
few important guidelines: 2) Open the diaphragm to allow the maximum amount of light to pass from the
1) Always carry the microscope to/from the storage cabinet with two hands, one on light source, through the lenses, to your eye.
the arm and one on the base. Set it gently on the counter (pretend it’s a baby’s 3) Make sure the low power objective is in place. (If the object to be viewed is
head) so that you don’t jar the lenses out of place. very large, start with the scanning objective.)
2) Never tilt the microscope, the ocular may fall out. 4) Make a wet mount (see below) and place the slide on the stage, securing it with
3) To avoid scratching the lenses, never clean them with anything other than lens the stage clips. Make sure the object to be viewed is in the center of the light
tissue. beam.
5) As you watch from the side, use the coarse focus knob to move the low power
objective all the way down (or until it is almost touching the slide).
6) Now, looking through the objective lens, use the coarse focus knob to raise the
objective lens until the object comes into view. SAMPLE EXERCISE: to be completed for homework on a clean sheet
7) Once the object is in focus, use the fine focus knob to sharpen the focus. of notebook paper and turned in at the beginning of the lab. Show all
8) Adjust the diaphragm to get the best lighting. work for credit.
9) If further magnification is desired, you will need to use the high power (40x)
Given the following information, estimate the size (in microns) of the
objective. As you watch from the side, rotate the nose piece so that the high organism in the diagram. Remember, there are 10 00 microns in a
power objective slides into position. The objective lens will be very close to the millimeter.
slide but it should not hit the slide. field of view (25X)
10) Now, looking through the objective lens, use the fine focus knob to sharpen the
focus. Never use the coarse focus knob when the high power objective is in
place because a small turn of the coarse focus knob in the wrong direction will
grind the objective into the slide.
11) Adjust the diaphragm to get the best lighting.
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Notice in the illustration below that there is an inverse relationship between the
magnification of the objective lens and the area of your specimen that is visible
through the microscope.
field of view (80X)

4X 10 X 40 X When viewing fresh, living material, you will need to make a “wet mount” as
outlined and illustrated below.
This area is known as the “field of view.” As the power of the objective lens 1) Place the specimen to be viewed on a clean slide.
increases, the opening at the tip of the lens decreases, allowing less light from the 2) With a dropper, add 2 drops of water onto the specimen.
illuminator to reach your eye. As a result, the image you observe will be too dark to 3) Holding a coverslip at ~45 degree angle to the slide…touch the leading edge of
reveal important details. You will have to compensate for this by manually opening the coverslip to the slide where it contacts the water…then slowly lower the
the diaphragm, allowing more light to enter the system. coverslip down onto the slide. You should not have any air bubbles on the slide.
If you do, it is best to make a new wet mount. (Under the microscope, air
bubbles look like circles of varying size with very dark edges.)
Therefore, the following summary equation can be used to find the diameter of the
field of view at any magnification, as long as the diameter of the field of view at a PREPARING A WET M OUNT TO AVOID TRAP PING A IR BU BBLES
previous magnification setting is known.

So you ask, what is the point of this exercise? You will routinely estimate the size of
objects that you view with the microscope and one way to do this is to compare the
longest length of your specimen to the known diameter of the field of view. For
example, if the diameter of the field of view is known to be 1200 microns, and if the
length of a cellular organelle extends a third of the way across this field of view, then
the organelle’s size can be estimated at around 400 microns.
The objectives of this lab are four-fold. First, note the optical distortion that the 1) Secure a leaf from near the tip of an Elodea stem. Place the leaf (concave side
lenses of a light microscope have on the image of an object being viewed. Second, down) on a clean microscope slide and make a wet mount. Examine at 400X
learn and apply a simple technique for estimating the size of a microscopic structure. total magnification.
Third, identify those organelles that are commonly seen in a typical plant or animal 2) The Elodea leaf is several cell layers thick; playing with the fine focus knob will
cell with the aid of the light microscope. Fourth, compare the structural similarities allow you to focus up/down through these layers. Play with the focus until you
and differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. have a good representation of an Elodea leaf cell. Draw 2-3 Elodea cells; label
the cell wall, cytoplasm, chloroplasts. You may or may not observe the nucleus.

You will be asked to draw an accurate depiction of several different kinds of cells in
this exercise. For each drawing… Elodea Cells: part 2
1) Choose the most appropriate total magnification for viewing the cell. All 1) Drop two drops of salt solution from the NaCl dropper bottle onto the slide at
drawings must be labeled with the magnification at which they were observed. the edge of the coverslip. Touch a small piece of paper towel to the opposite
side of the coverslip, allowing capillary action to “draw” the salt solution under
Total Magnification = ( power of ocular lens ) ( power of objective lens ) the coverslip and make contact with the Elodea cells.
2) Examine the Elodea cells near the edge of the leaf where the salt solution was
2) Each drawing should include 2-3 representative cells. Out of this group, only added. The cells should look distinctly different. (If they do not, remove the
one cell needs to be labeled. cover slip, gently blot the excess water from the leaf surface, drop two drops of
3) Estimate the approximate size of the cells in your drawing. salt solution directly onto the leaf, replace the cover slip.) Draw and label a few
4) Make your drawings of reasonable size (not so small that you have difficulty of these cells; include the new organelle that is now visible.
drawing in small details). It is important that the detail of your drawings show 3) Explain what happened to these cells when you added the salt solution.
proper proportion.
5) Label all designated organelles; work only in pencil, no pens.
6) Answer any specific questions directed to you in the handout. Prokaryotic Cells
Bacterial Cells
1) Obtain prepared (preserved) slides of bacterial cells from the back counter.
Examine these cells at 400X total magnification.
2) You should observe several different shapes (cocci, bacillus, spirilla) and
PROCEDURE groupings (solitary, chains, clumps) of bacteria. For each, draw a few
representative cells and label any organelles/structures that are visible.
Eukaryotic Animal Cells 3) Make a quantitative comparison (ratio calculation) of the size of a prokaryotic
Human Cheek Cells cell vs. a eukaryotic cell.
1) With a wooden toothpick, gently scrape the inside of your cheek to obtain a
cluster of epithelial cells.
2) Gently smear the saliva-laden cluster onto a clean microscope slide
3) Add a drop of Methylene Blue stain (instead of water) and a cover slip; let stand
for two minutes. (Methylene Blue adheres to DNA and thus identifies the
location of this macromolecule in a cell.)
4) Draw a 2-3 cheek cells; label the plasma membrane, nucleus, and cytoplasm.
5) You may notice some very small, darkly stained particles “within” or “on top
of” your cheek cells. What might these particles be? (You should be able to
come up with two possibilities.)

Eukaryotic Plant Cells

Elodea Cells: part 1
This is a picture of the microscopes present in m104.

The distance between the binocular eyepieces must be adjusted to match the distance
separating your eyes. While looking through the oculars, slide the left & right
eyepieces laterally until you see one large circular image (field of view).

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