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Australian Financial Review, Australia

05 Jun 2020, by Emma Connors And Natalia Santi

International News, page 16 - Size: 446.00 cm²

National - Circulation: 38,015 (MTWTF--)
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Private boost
for virus tests
in Indonesia
Containment The shortfall means the government we need to have a stable testing system
lacks scientific evidence, said Mr Agus, that can deliver results faster, prefer-
Emma Connors and Natalia Santi a former deputy chairman of the ably same day. Those who test positive
Jakarta/Sydney | Public health and Indonesian Consumers Foundation. ‘‘I need to be isolated and have their con-
policy experts are losing patience with am afraid the decisions will be wrong. tacts traced,’’ he said.
the Indonesian government and its To declare a new normal without such The government has blamed the low
COVID-19 taskforce, saying low rates of evidence is careless.’’ level of testing and the long wait for res-
testing will put many lives at risk as the Social entrepreneur and former ults to the lack of people with the neces-
country begins to ease restrictions. deputy governor of Jakarta Sandiaga sary training and difficulties in getting
On Tuesday, Indonesia conducted hold of test kits.
Uno is leading a private sector push to Dr Pandu said he was weary of hear-
5834 PCR, or molecular, tests among work with the government’s COVID-19
its population of 270 million. This was ing about obstacles. ‘‘We don’t want to
taskforce to boost testing. Mr Sandiaga hear there is a problem. We want to
unusually low. Since it announced the agrees the government needs more
first COVID-19 cases on March 2, it has hear the solution,’’ he said.
hard data on which to base decisions.
tested 342,464 specimens – less than ‘‘If we can increase testing capacity to The Australian Financial Review’s
4000 a day on average. between 20,000 and 30,000 a day, then Jakarta bureau was established with the
Indonesia has done about the same we would be able to determine if new support of the Judith Neilson Institute for
number of PCR tests as Pakistan, with infections have peaked or if the curve is Journalism and Ideas.
60 per cent of Indonesia’s population. still climbing,’’ Mr Sandiaga told The
Indonesia’s testing rate of 1253 per mil- Key points
Australian Financial Review.
lion people compares with 17,343 tests A private equity pioneer who ran Level of testing falls far short
per million in nearby Malaysia, accord- unsuccessfully for vice-president in the
ing to data collated by Worldometer. of WHO advice and results
2019 election, Mr Sandiaga is now co-
Indonesia’s President, Joko ‘‘Jokowi’’ ordinator of the United Coalition
tend to take a long time.
Widodo, has repeatedly called for bet- Volunteers Group that has distributed
ter testing rates, but to no avail. As of Public health experts fear
food and other assistance, including 10
yesterday, the nation had recorded million face masks. It has also organ- dire consequences after
28,233 COVID-19 infections and 1698 ised 10,000 tests to date. Mr Sandiaga is restrictions were relaxed.
deaths. Another 13,213 people with
COVID-19 symptoms were waiting for confident this can be increased by tap-
tests or test results. ping into privately owned laboratories.
Jakarta yesterday lifted the more ‘‘The private sector can move much
stringent restrictions imposed on the faster than government. We’ve already
capital in April. Hundreds of thousands managed 1200 tests a day with four
mobile units. That is, of course, a tiny
of military and national police have amount but we can accelerate quickly.’’
been deployed around the country to The government has relied heavily
make sure citizens comply with social on tens of thousands of volunteers to
distancing and other precautions help source and distribute food sup-
needed to live and work in what the plies to the needy and care for the sick.
government has dubbed as ‘‘the new In a nation of communities used to self-
normal’’. However, policy experts are help, volunteers can be more effective
worried the government doesn’t have than a slow-moving bureaucracy.
an accurate picture of new infections. Pandu Riono, professor of public
Public policy analyst Agus health and epidemiologist at the Uni-
Pambagyo points out the current rate versity of Indonesia, is keen for any-
of testing is well below the minimum thing that will speed up testing.
10,000 per million people recommen- ‘‘If we are relaxing social restrictions,
ded by the World Health Organisation.
Australian Financial Review, Australia
05 Jun 2020, by Emma Connors And Natalia Santi

International News, page 16 - Size: 446.00 cm²

National - Circulation: 38,015 (MTWTF--)
Licensed by Copyright Agency.
You may only copy or
communicate this work with a
licence. ID 1284245721 BRIEF RHC_CORP PAGE 2 of 2

A motorist stops to light up a cigarette near a mural honouring healthcare workers on the outskirts of Jakarta. PHOTO: AP

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