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Name: ______________________ New English Private School

Class: __________________ Baby NEPS – Mid. Kg

Date: Friday, 21st May 2021
Maths: Home Schooling Activity
Review Worksheet #8
Page reference: Pages 66-95 in Maths Activity Book

3rd Quarter Revision

1. Write what numbers come after?

16 10
19 15
2. Write what numbers come before?

8 2
4 11

3. Write the missing numbers.

1 2 4 6 8

9 11 13 14
17 19

“We Make Learning A Happy Experience”

4.Draw a picture of a square, moon & heart.

square heart moon

➢ How many sides does a have?

➢ How many sides does a have?

➢ How many sides does a have?

5. How many altogether?

+ =

+ =


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