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Report of Industrial Lecture on

Potential areas of energy saving in thermal power plant
Dr. Anil B Onkar
(Executive Engineer, Koradi Training Center)

Under the guidance of


Submitted By

Sominath Savalahari Harne


Department of Electrical and Power Engineering

(An Autonomous Institute of Govt. of Maharashtra)

I would like to extend our sincere thanks to Dr. R. P. Borkar, Principal,

Government College of Engineering, Amravati, for his kind patronage.
I am thankful to Dr. M.V.Jape ma’am, and Dr. Dhomane Sir, HOD of
electrical department for the industrial lecture on Potential areas of energy
saving in thermal power plant.
I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Anil B Onkar for his guidance
on the industrial lecture. His guidance on the topic is most important and much
informative. There are a lot of things that I get to know about by his lecture and
it will definitely help me in my future.
1. Introduction
2. Thermal power plant Components
3. Advantages of Energy Efficiency improvement
4. Need for Energy Efficiency improvement

5. Energy Conversation Methods

A thermal power station is a power plant in which heat energy is converted to electric power.
It depends on the Ranking Cycle. Water is heated, steam is produced and it rotate the steam
turbine which drive electrical generator.
Thermal energy is the major source of power generation in India. More than 60% of electric
power is produced by steam plants in India. India has large deposit of coal (about 170 billion
tonnes), 5th largest in world.
A thermal power plant or TPP can be roughly categorized into 3 distinct areas – boiler turbine
generation or BTG , balance of plant or BOP and switchyard . The four basic cycles in the
BTG include Steam cycle , Fuel and Ash cycle , Air and draught cycle and Feed water and
cooling water cycle . The BOP at Indiabulls power Amravati unit 1 consists of DM water
plant , IDCT ( induced draught cooling tower) , CHP ( coal handling plant ) , AHP ( ash
handling plant ) hydrogen generation plant and reservoir system . Other miscellaneous areas
of the plant include plant township and ash disposal area . The major energy saving and
methods to improve efficiency have been categorized cycle wise as well as area wise.

Thermal power plants, backbone of the electricity systems converting heat energy into
electrical energy records efficiency between 30 & 50%. Consequently, the balance heat
gets dissipated into the atmosphere. However, efficiency based on laws of physics, is
related to the fact that only a fraction, depending upon the type of power plant, of energy
can be converted to electricity.

Considering the demand for power in India, commissioning new plants at approximately
Rs. Four billion per MW could prove a costly proposition, at this juncture as the simpler
solution of making considerable amount of power available through energy efficiency
improvement, could be an attractive option. In fact, one percent efficiency improvement
would render a reduction of about 3% coal consumption and a consequent emission
reduction as well. (Specific Coal Consumption being 650 kg per MW per Hour -- i.e.
4.62 Million Metric Tons for a 1000 MW power plant operating for 7000 hrs annually)


It is indeed true that the replacement of fossil fuel which enjoys a long history may not
be easy. However, proper evaluation of an alternate source in combination with Energy
Efficiency measures both at the generating and consumer ends would result in substantial
benefits. Although European community may be contemplating renaissance of nuclear
power, renewable haven't fared badly in Asia over the last decade.

The performance of a power plant can be expressed through some common factors as
heat rate (energy efficiency); thermal efficiency; capacity factor; load factor; economic
efficiency and operational efficiency

The power plant efficiency mainly centers around Temperature (heat derived through
coal combustion) and pressure (steam derived through water) optimization for a given
technology. Superior technologies understandably present better efficiency over
subcritical pulverized coal power generation.

1. Stack Temperature low as possible

When the fuel gas is exhausted from the boiler after combustion through I.D fan. The stack
temperature should be as low as possible. However, it should not be so low that water vapor
in the exhaust condenses on the stack walls. This is important in fuels containing significant
sulphur as low temperature can lead to sulphur dew point corrosion. Stack temperatures
greater than 200°C indicates potential for recovery of waste heat. It also indicates the scaling
of heat transfer/recovery equipment and hence the urgency of taking an early shut down for
water / flue side cleaning.

2. Preheating Feed Water using Economizer

Preheating Feed Water usingEconomizer is another energy conservation method which is

adopted in power plant. in this method the fluegases leaving a modern 3-pass shell boiler are
at temperatures of 200 to 300 oC. Thus, there is a highly potential to recover heat from these
gases which is coming from the outside of the boiler as a waist flue gases .it should be
possible the flue gas exit temperature from a boiler is usually maintained at a minimum of
200 oC, so that the sulfur oxides in the flue gas do not condense and cause corrosion in heat
transfer surfaces which is also called the dew point corrosion.When a clean fuel such as
natural gas, LPG or gas oil is used, the economy of heat recovery must be worked out, as the
flue gastemperature may be well below 200oC. The energy saving in the power plant depends
on the type of boiler installed and the fuel used. For a typically older model shell boiler, with
a flue gas exit temperature of 2600C, an economizer could be used to reduce it to 200oC,
increasing the feed water temperature by 150C. Increase in overall thermalefficiency would
be in the order of 3%. For a modern 3-pass shell boiler firing natural gas with a flue gas exit
temperature of 1400C a condensing economizer would reduce the exit temperature to 650C
increasing thermal efficiency by 5%.

3. Preheat Combustion Air

In power plant boilers Combustion air is a preheating source of feedwater heating. In order to
improve thermal efficiency by 1%, the combustion air temperature must be raised by 20 oC.
Most gas and oil burners used in a boiler plant are not designed for high air preheat
temperatures. Modern burners which is used in the boiler for tengsile firing can withstand
much higher combustion air preheat, so it is possible to consider such units as heat
exchangers in the exit flue as an alternative to an economizer, when either space or a high
feed water return temperature make it viable.

6. Radiation and Convection Heat Loss

The outermost area of boiler is hotter than the surroundings. The surfaces thus lose heat to the
surroundings depending on the surface area and the difference in temperature between the
surface and the surroundings. The heat energy loss from the boiler outermost shell is
generally a fixed energy loss, irrespective of the boiler output. With modern boiler designs,
this may represent only 1.5% on the gross calorific value at full rating, but will increase to
around 6%, if the boiler operates at only 25 percent output.
Repairing of damage insulation can reduce heat loss through boiler walls and piping.

In this way we have learnt a lot of things in this Industrial Lecture on Potential area of energy
saving in thermal power plantwhich will be useful in my future. I have learned about Thermal
power Plant, Energy Conversation and efficiency and methods.

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