Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

• HRM is the design, implementation and maintenance of strategies to

manage people for optimum performance including policies and
processes development to support these strategies

• HRM is to create an environment where each individual can deliver

his/her best as per the organization’s vision and mission
Primary Functions of HRM
• HR Planning
• Equal employment opportunity
• Recruitment and selection
• Compensation
• Training and Development
• Employ and labor relations
• Health, safety and security
• Career Management
Secondary functions of HRM

• Organization and job design

• Performance Management

• Research and information systems

Training and Development
• Training is a process to improve the knowledge, skills and attitudes for
the short-term, particular to specific job or task. Examples of training

• Employee orientation
• Skills and technical training
• Coaching
• Counselling
Training and Development
Development is about to prepare the individuals for future challenges and
responsibilities while increasing his/her capacity to perform at current job.
Employee development include:

• Management Development Program (MDP)

• Supervisor Development

• Leadership Development

• Mentoring
Difference between Training and Development
• Training is a short term process entailing of an event while development
specifies the long term process related to the growth of personality and
prospective capabilities
• The scope of training is generally restricted to a specific jo but
development covers large aspects
• The training for the top level employees or more appropriately for
managerial personal is considered as “Development”. It is a systematic on-
going procedure in which managerial staff learns to enhance their
conceptual theoretical knowledge. It helps the individual to bring efficiency
and effectiveness in their work performances
• Development is not limited to a specific task but it aims to improve the
personality and attitude which helps to face future challenges. Just like
technology, humans also needs to be updated
Difference between Training and Development

• Training is a learning process of new employees to learn the key skills

required for the job. Development is the training process of the
existing employees for their all round skills
• Training is a short term process, development is long term.
• Training generally focusses on skills and knowledge for the current
job, while development focusses on knowledge building,
understandings and competencies for overcoming with future
• Training has limited scope, it is specific job oriented. Development is
career oriented, hence its scope is wider
Difference between Training and Development

• Training aims to improve the qualitative and quantitative productivity,

organizational climate, health and safety of the employees whereas
development aims to extend the capabilities, job performance and
personal growth.
Basis Training Development
Meaning Learning, skills and knowledge for a The growth of an employee in all
specific job and increased skills respect. It focuses on shaping the
required for a job attitudes
Aim It aims at imparting specific skills to It is general in nature and aims at
the employees over all growth of the executives
Nature It is job-centered It is career centered
Perspective It has short term perspective It has long term perspective
Concern It is concerned with maintaining It builds up competencies for
improved current job performance future performances
Focus It focuses on the today’s needs It focuses on future results
Orientation It is task-oriented It is skill-oriented
Target It targets mostly non-managerial It targets mainly managerial
personnel personnel
Imparts It imparts technical and mechanical It imparts and clarifies
knowledge mainly philosophical and theoretical
educational concepts
Why training?
• Organizational Strategic Goals
• Productivity enhancement
• Skills gap and employee growth
• Need for life long learning
• Need for organizational learning
• Efficiency and effectiveness
• Achieving Competitive Edge
• Competing in the global economy
• Improvement the quality of work force
• Improve employees’ retention by minimizing uncertainity on job
Some Benefits of training
• Increase efficiency
• Less supervision
• Reduction in wastage
• Training helps new employee
• Training improves employees’ relations with management
• High Reward for trained employees
• Help in addressing employee weaknesses
• Healthy work environment
Methods of training

• On the job training (OJT)

• Off the Job Training

• Others
On the Job Training (OJT)
1. Orientation
2. Job instruction Training (JIT)
3. Apprenticeship Training
4. Internship and assistantship
5. Job rotation
6. Coaching
Off the job training
1. Lecture and special study
2. Conference or discussion
3. Case study
4. Role playing
5. Simulation
1.Computer based training
2. Distance and internet based training
3. Action learning
4. Management games
5. University related programs
6. Outside seminars
Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

• Establishing the priorities

• Defining objectives

• Establishing evaluation criteria

Training Design
• Selecting the trainer to deliver the program

• Selecting and development program content

• Scheduling the training program

Training Implementation and Evaluation
• Delivering the program

• Implementing the program

• Determining program effectiveness

• Ensuring that the training is a revenue producer not a revenue user

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