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Strategic capacity planning in the aerospace industry

Conference Paper · September 2007

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4 authors, including:

Richard Farr Bart MacCarthy

University of Hull University of Nottingham


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Strategic capacity planning in the aerospace
King Wang, David Buxton and Richard Farr, Bart MacCarthy1
Operations Management Division, Nottingham University Business School, UK


The business environment has never changed as fast and as radically as at present.
Traditional capacity planning has limitations in today’s dynamic environments,
particularly from a strategic perspective. Collaborative extended enterprises require
strategic capacity planning (SCP), which focuses not only on economies of scale but
also on coordination, flexibility and risk. This paper sets out to identify the unique
characteristics of the aerospace industry and compare the traditional views of
capacity planning and modern concepts in SCP. An integrated framework for SCP is
outlined in the context of an extended aerospace enterprise.

Key words: Strategic capacity planning; supply chain coordination; aerospace


The aerospace industry is characterised as an oligopoly with high barriers to entry
where a finite number of aerospace manufacturers compete to maximise profits over
a fixed planning horizon (Nolan and Zhang [1]). As high-tech manufacturers, they are
confronted with capital-intensive facilities, highly skilled labour, long manufacturing
lead-times, and continuous technological innovation (Jin and Wu [2]). The industry is
also cyclical and the commercial cycle is unpredictable; many factors influence the
pattern of new aircraft orders (Bramham et al [3]).
While capacity planning is important for any manufacturing company, a few
factors make this problem especially critical to the aerospace industry. Firstly, the
capacity planning is complicated by the large commitments to functional capabilities
under conditions of uncertainty, such as R&D, manufacturing expertise, and
investments in resources. In addition, capacity expansion decisions need to be made
far in advance due to the high cost and long-lead times required. Karabuk and Wu [4]
note that if the capacity is not expanded in a timely fashion to meet market demands,
then a significant loss of market share may result.
A second factor that complicates capacity planning in the aerospace sector is
new technology development and manufacturing process improvement. The
variability of new technology may lead to uncertainty in capacity estimation and
throughput (Karabuk and Wu [4]). Since capacity cannot be realised to deliver the
orders on time, it can lead to very undesirable business consequences.
A third factor unique to the aerospace industry is the unprecedented growth and
external uncertainties in government regulation, economic conditions and green
technology, which require managerial flexibility (Datamonitor [5]). For these reasons
manufacturers in the aerospace industry forge alliances with risk and revenue
sharing partners in the value chain system to collaborate on the development work
and in manufacturing and assembly (Pandza et al [6]).
Capacity planning within a supply chain context is a strategic response to the
challenges that arises from these dependencies (Xu and Beamon, 2007) and
requires tools for effectively managing these interactions.


In this section, some issues from case experiences from published data are
The supply chain may be faced with three uncertainties: (i) demand uncertainty,
(ii) capacity uncertainty, and (iii) supply uncertainty (Karabuk and Wu [4]; Serel [8]).
Demand uncertainty is due to the volatile nature of aerospace industry. For example,
after the September 11 terror attacks, airlines cancelled or postponed orders in large
numbers. Over a few months, Boeing cut its production in half and laid off 35,000
people (Lunsford [9]). Since this kind of uncertainty could not possibly be anticipated,
it was painful for the whole supply chain.
Capacity uncertainty is a fact of life in the aerospace industry due to the needs to
continually upgrade its technology. The amount of new technology in use and
consequently the uncertainty in manufacturing processes introduce high variability in
timing of the delivery of orders. Thus, outcomes in demand and capacity realisation
can lead to long-lasting business consequences that are difficult to recover from. It is
imperative for planners to consider uncertainties explicitly and strategically so as to
hedge operational decisions against these uncertainties (Karabuk and Wu [4] and
van Mieghem, [10]). Lawrence [11] highlights that the A380 has been repeatedly
delayed by technology uncertainties. There have been more modifications in the real
world experience from the online digital mock-ups than Airbus anticipated and they
have taken longer to resolve than managers foresaw. Ellram and Zsidisin [12] also
mention that capacity uncertainty makes supply chain global optimisation difficult. For
instance, the production problems at Airbus have been hitting the UK aerospace
supply chain hard, with some firms suspending production and others fearful of
layoffs (Boxell, [13]). It is obvious that the capacity problems at Airbus amplify in the
whole supply chain.
Supply uncertainty means the shortage of input materials and components used
in the production process adversely influence sales of manufacturing firms (Serel [8]).
Cachon and Lariviere [14] show an example that Boeing experienced supply
shortages in 1997 because of capacity shortages across its 3,000 parts suppliers.
Boeing has learnt that the factories did not have infinite capacity (Lunsford [9]).
Traditional capacity planning believes that all the expansion risks are taken by
the firm itself. The suppliers’ capacity expansion policy is often very conservative,
which means that their downside risks are reduced at the expense of any upside
potential. Consequently, without the commitment from OEMs, suppliers may doubt
about the capacity expansion. One supplier commented on the loss of a major
expansion at his firm by putting too much faith on the Boeing Co (Cole [15]). Just
after the expansion, Asian financial crisis occurred. Boeing was forced to cut output
substantially and the suppliers bore huge loss because of the costly, non-reversible
capacity expansion. However, the OEM might be willing to share the risk to ensure
higher availability by sharing partial liability for the capacity, as long as it is
economically justified (Wu, et al. [16]). In order to achieve this, risk sharing
mechanisms that create proper economic incentives must be developed.
Both Luss [17] and van Mieghem [10] believe that strategic capacity planning is
concerned with determining the sizes, types and times of capacity expansions and
adjustment. However, Wu, et al. [16] criticise van Mieghem’s work, arguing that it
concentrates on the tactical level. According to Wu, et al.’s [16:127] definition,
“At the strategic level, capacity planning involves not only the firm's own capacity
investment, but also its supply chain partners' investments. The capacity investment
of one firm in the supply chain could have an enormous impact on the performance
of all upstream and downstream firms; thus, strategic interactions between two or
more players need to be taken into account”.
In this paper, SCP is considered primarily as dealing with uncertainties (e.g.
supply, capacity and demand), the hedging of risks (e.g. operation risks and financial
risks), and building up strategic relationships (e.g. coordination and trust). SCP
decision makers need to assess, hedge and share the risks. The planning should be
flexible enough to deal with the uncertainties. Additionally, before making a SCP
decision, decision makers should consider its effect on the whole supply chain.


Since the late 1950s many studies of capacity planning have been conducted at the
tactical, operational and strategic levels (e.g. van Mieghem [10]; Luss [17]). These
are mainly concerned with the determination of the required level of processing
resources over time including workforce size, inventory planning, subcontracting, and
overtime scheduling.
SCP in the extended enterprises differs from traditional capacity planning in
several ways. Firstly, virtually all traditional capacity planning considers a
deterministic future, very similar to deterministic planning (van Mieghem, [10]). In
contrast, SCP often considers uncertainty in the future, but not just capacity.
Secondly, SCP studies the exchange of information such as demand forecasts within
a supply chain (Cachon and Lariviere [14]). As a result, the quality of SCP depends
on the dissemination of accurate information between participants in a supply chain.
Trust therefore is a key factor in this exchange of information.
Karabuk and Wu [4] and Serel [8] believe that three uncertainties are particularly
important in SCP: demand uncertainty, capacity uncertainty, and supply uncertainty.
Uncertainties, however, can be dealt with in several ways. Some scholars (e.g. Miller
and Park [18]; Pandza et al [6]) stress that SCP under uncertainty is a process of
learning and knowledge transfer – they advocate the benefits of using a real option
approach. Eisenhardt [19] argues that the global “high velocity playing field” creates
unstable and unpredictable business conditions which make strategy temporal.
Facing these challenges, managers and their organisations are forced to be alert,
learn quickly, transform ideas quickly into action, and revise plans continuously in
response of the dynamic environment.
According to Bort [20], the effects of uncertainty can be mitigated by the act of
connecting to your suppliers, partners and customers. In fact, extending to the level
of the supply chain, more and more researchers (e.g. Tomlin [21]; Erkoc and Wu
[22]; Cachon and Lariviere [23]) note that the key issue of SCP has been converted
from capacity expansion to supply chain coordination. The relationship between the
first tier suppliers and their OEMs is critical: the first tier suppliers provide reliable and
timely components that the OEMs rely on, while the OEMs provide more stable
demand streams that help dampen uncertainty (Cachon and Lariviere [23]). In the
aerospace manufacturing environment, the availability of the right capacity at the
right time is more critical than the price. Supply contracts such as capacity
reservation and risk & revenue sharing contracts can reduce the negative effects of
uncertainty on supply chains and enable risk sharing (Cachon and Lariviere [14]).


There is a growing literature on supply chain coordination contracts describing
mechanisms that align the incentives of supply chain partners via risk/revenue
sharing. In this section, a framework for SCP is presented based on a literature
survey and case studies on SCP. The framework is focused on two major risk
sharing mechanisms - (i) revenue sharing contracts, (ii) capacity option reservation

5.1 Revenue sharing contracts

Cachon and Lariviere’s [23] research demonstrates that revenue sharing is a very
attractive contract. An excellent review of coordinating contracts is provided by
Cachon [24]. Given a single supplier and buyer, it coordinates the supply chain and
divides the profits depending on the buyer’s purchase quantity and price. The
suppliers sell at a price below marginal cost, but they share the buyer’s revenue
which should offset the loss on sales. Alternatively, buyers and suppliers can
negotiate ways (often referred to as “share-the-pain” agreements) to share the
burden of overcapacity in presence of uncertain demand (Tomlin [25]).
According to Asanuma [26], risk-sharing contracts have been developed
originally in the Japanese Automotive Industry during the 1970s and 1980s (Camuffo
et al. [27]). It then have been implemented in supply chain management practices
such as cost structure analysis, total cost of ownership and target costing in other
industries (Camuffo et al. [27]). The supplier and buyer share some information about
business trends, demand forecasts, costs, technological and organisational
improvements, and even profit margins (Cachon and Lariviere [14]).
However, there are limitations. A first limitation of revenue sharing is the
administrative burden it imposes on the firms. Under revenue sharing, the supplier
must monitor the buyer’s revenues to verify that they are split appropriately. When
there is a lack of trust and/or integrated information systems, the monitoring costs
may be high (Cachon and Lariviere [23]). The gains from coordination may not be
higher than these costs. Secondly, revenue-sharing contracts may not encourage
suppliers to expand their capacity without the consideration of future uncertainty in
demand. The essence of this kind of contract is to push the risk to the suppliers.

5.2 Capacity option reservation contracts

According to Wu et al. [16], capacity option reservation contracts are an increasingly
popular way to model the allocation of risks across suppliers and buyers in high-tech
supply chains. Such contracts regard capacity as an option to be exercised in the
future to produce needed goods. In fact, they are known as option contracts.
Research on capacity option reservation contracts can be categorised into two
groups based on how they motivate the buyer’s incentives for reserving capacity (Wu
et al. [16]). The motivations of capacity reservation contracts are either by reducing
potential cost through early commitments (Serel et al [28]), or ensuring availability
during demand upsides (Cachon and Lariviere [14]; Jin and Wu [2]).
Typically, one OEM and one supplier are interacting with each other in two
phases (Wu et al. [16]). In the first phase, both parties negotiate a reservation fee
(option price), an execution fee, and a reservation quantity. At this stage, the demand
is unknown and usually represented in probabilistic terms. While the reservation fee
is immediately payable; the exercise fee is due when the option is exercised (i.e.
after demand uncertainty is materialised). Based on the reservation fee, the OEM
chooses a reservation quantity, which is compatible with the supplier’s capacity. In
the second phase, the OEM decides on whether or not to exercise depending on the
market situation. By appropriately choosing the contract parameters, both parties can
improve their expected profit. Capacity reservation contracts are applications of call
option models since each reserved capacity gives the OEM the right but not
obligation to purchase in the future (Black and Scholes [29]). Capacity reservation
contracts can reduce the OEM’s purchase cost and delivery risk and meanwhile
increase supplier’s utilisation of installed capacity (Serel [8]).
Capacity reservation provides a risk-sharing mechanism that encourages
suppliers to expand their capacity more by giving them some assurances (Jin and
Wu [2]). For OEMs, rather than focusing on physical expansion of manufacturing
capacity with significant capital investment and huge investment risks, they have an
obvious incentive to expand their capacity for higher revenue from the ‘‘soft’’
expansions (outsourcing) because of the high demand volatility (Jin and Wu [30]).
Hence, OEMs are motivated to become service providers.

In this paper, we have reported a study of the literature on SCP with the aim of
developing a framework for coordinated supply chain management in the aerospace
sector. To address this complex problem, two types of supply chain coordination
contract have been identified with the aim to manage the risk and achieve strong
long term relationships between OEMs and suppliers.
Future work will develop the framework for SCP in an extended enterprise and
link it with capacity expansion and utilisation in the aerospace sector. The
establishment of a framework based on case-study research will assess to what
extent SCP helps to plan optimal capacity by considering the inter-relationship
between partners. The work will also contribute to practitioner’s understanding of the
virtual extended environment within which organisations increasingly interact.

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