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Taller de ingles

1. Look at pictures and descriptions. Identify the correct word to

complete the sentences.

These kids look John is very happy My parents are ready Nicole is very angry
terrified because his birthday to achieve the goals that her friends did
because they saw is next Saturday. they have set for not come to her
something themselves. birthday party.

Jaime look, he's Martha is stressed Brayan seems sad My dad is very busy
asleep because he's because she didn't because he wants to because all the
been working all get the job she play but has a lot of duties he has to
day. wanted. homework. fulfill

2. Match the people (a-d) to the adjectives (1-4) and reasons (A-D). Then,
write sentences.
a. John 1. Happy A. She received the doll she wanted for her

b. Alejandra 2. Motivated B. His students didn’t send the activity on time.

c. Camila 3. Tired C. He saw a very big black spider in the bathroom

d. The teacher 4. Sad D. They had a very hard week at school.

e. The children 5. Disappointed E. She hasn’t seen her friends for a very long time.

f. My sister 6. Angry F. John was taking it for a walk to the park.

g. The dog 7. Scared G. She has an important job meeting yesterday.

h. My mum 8. excited H. Her little brother broke her new cellphone.

1) John was scared because he saw a very big black spider in the bathroom

2) Alejandra was happy because…

3) Camila is sad because her little brother broke her new cell phone.

4) the teacher is disappointed that his students did not submit the activity on time
5) The children are tired because they had a very hard week at school.

6) my sister is motivated because she hasn't seen her friends for a long time

7) the dog is angry because John was taking him for a walk to the park

8) my mom is excited because she has an important business meeting yesterday

3. Read the article and complete the table.

When how he feels what he does
5 a.m.
After school
3 p.m.
After 5 p.m.
Lose a match

4. Read the article about the Paralympic Games and answer the questions (1–3).
The first Paralympic Games were in Rome, Italy, in 1960. 400 athletes from 23 countries
competed. The 2016 Paralympic Games were in Rio, Brazil, and approximately 4,350 athletes
from over 160 countries competed. These amazing world-class athletes competed in 117
very exciting events, for example, basketball, cycling, tennis and swimming, but they
played in wheelchairs and had bionic legs or arms! Paralympic athletes all have one thing
in common: motivation! The Colombian Paralympic athletes won a total of 17 medals at Rio:
2 gold, 5 silver and 10 bronze! A fantastic result! Both spectators and competitors at the
events all shared the same feelings of excitement and happiness and the atmosphere was
electric! The Paralympic Games in Rio demonstrated important values, for example,
respect, honesty, responsibility, cooperation, and teamwork. These Games and all the
fantastic athletes taught us that we are all important and equal.

1.How many Paralympic athletes competed in Italy? And in Rio?

RTA: there were 400 athletes from 23 countries and in Rio Brazil there were 4,350 athletes
from more than 160 countries in the world

2.What characteristics do these athletes have in common?

RTA: the characteristic that all athletes have is that they are all paralyzed

3. How many medals did Colombian Paralympic athletes win in Rio?

RTA: in total the medals won were 17, 2 gold, 5 silver and lastly 10 bronze
5. Complete the mind map with information you found in the text

Characteristics of the Paralympic Games

Competitors Events Feelings Values

People with bionic Basketball Cooperation

arms and legs 2 gold medals Motivation
_______________ cycling I respect
5 silver medals emotions
_______________ tennis honesty
_______________ 10 bronze happiness
to swim responsibility

6. Check the grammar box. Then, complete activities A and B.

A. Classify the following words into NOUNS or ADJECTIVES.

Motivation – Afraid – Tiredness – Happiness – Anger – Excited –

Motivated – Excitement – Tired – Happy – Fear – Angry

Nouns Adjectives
Motivation Motivated
Excitement Afraid
Tired Tiredness
Happiness Happy
Anger Excited
Fear Angry

B. Circle the correct words (1–8) to complete the blog comments

7. Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Use the adjectives
presented above. Then, write tow more sentences by your own.

✓ On my last birthday, I felt happy

✓ The last time I failed an exam, I was very tired

✓ The last time I saw my best friend, he was extremely

✓ I was motivated during the last soccer game of my favorite team.

✓ I was very angry, the last time I participated in a competition.

✓ I felt angry, the last time I did a lot of homework.

✓ the last time I went to the park, I felt happy

✓ the last time I rode a bike, I felt very motivated

8. Read and circle True or False.

a) They were at the beach yesterday. True False

b) His dad was happy. True False

c) He went swimming for a long time. True False

d) It was a cold day. True False

9. Describe yourself when you were eight (8) years old. Write five (5)
sentences verb TO BE – WAS in both affirmative and negative.
✓ _______When I was 8 years old, I was very happy with my friends_______________

✓ When I was 8 years old, I liked to be riding a bike

✓ When I was 8 years old, I liked being in the field

✓ When I was 8 years old, I was always where my aunt

✓ When I was 8 years old, I liked being in the park

10. Answer the questions and draw pictures.

Where were you How did you feel? How was the weather? It
was cold but at the same
yesterday? I was I was happy because I
time it was a little hot
visiting my aunt visited my aunt

11. Read the sentence. Circle the correct answer.

➢ He was sick yesterday. Were was weren’t

➢ I were in the school play last year. Were was is

➢ was you on the bus this afternoon? Was Were Where

➢ I wasn’t late for school today, I was early. wasn’t weren’t were

➢ They weren’t happy with the football score. weren’t wasn’t we’re not

➢ We was tired yesterday. Was wasn’t were

12. Find the mistake, underline it and write the correct word

He were here yesterday. ________was________

I weres asleep at 11 o’clock last night. _________was___________

She were happy with her test result. __________is__________

He where in the garden this afternoon. _________was___________

I weren't in the football team last year. _______ we’re not_____________

They was scared of the dark. __________ weren't__________

13. Look at the photos these people took yesterday. Describe their
feelings or emotions using verb to be in past simple tense

a. __The woman in picture A was very happy yesterday__ b. __The man in


B The man in the image is angry because yesterday they did not pay him
what he was

c. The woman in the photo is thoughtful because yesterday her cell

phone was stolen

d. the man in the photo is afraid because yesterday he saw a ghost

e. The man in the photo is happy because he was fired at work yesterday

f. The woman in the photo is amazed because yesterday she was almost

g The man in the photo is pensive because he was paid very badly last

h. The woman in the photo is stressed because before lunch her children
do not stop bothering

i. The woman in the photo is happy because she did well at work

j. The child in the photo is pensive because yesterday I did not submit an

k. The woman in the photo is happy because yesterday was her


l. The man in the photo is pensive because he does not know what to give
his anniversary wife
a b c d

e f g h

i j k l

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