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HTH 630

Leadership Profile
Part 1
What are your strengths? What does it mean? What brought you joy
1. Discipline from this? What surprised you? Why does
it matter?
2. Achiever I feel that the strengths were very accurate. I do thrive
on routines and prefer being prepared. It brought me joy
3. Communication to see how my chosen profession (being an Education
Specialist) plays to my strengths. I was surprised at how
4. Empathy accurate these were, and had no idea that there are 30+
strength areas! I wonder what the “Strategic Thinking”
strengths are and why I do not have any in that area. All
5. Harmony in all, I think it is important to know our strengths and
use those to be a more effective leader.

Why would people follow you?

*Use examples and ideas from Strengths-Based Leadership to consider how you might leverage your Strengths to…

Build trust? Provide stability?

● Communication: I build trust by listening to ● Discipline: By paying attention to the details and
others and uncovering information about what creating processes and structures when there is
makes them unique. none, it provides support for those who are more
● Achiever: I can relate to those who experience scattered and/or big picture thinkers.
fear and anxiety when they have to do something ● Harmony: I instinctively provide hospitable
new, as I can relate to them! I enjoy doing environments for others, which will help them
research to help alleviate this stress. feel valued and secur.

Show compassion? Create hope?

● Communication: My communication style honors ● Empathy: I am able to help calm people who are
the various values of the individual. struggling with uncertainty and change.
● Empathy: I have an awareness of other people’s ● Harmony: I am able to foresee potential conflicts
thoughts, feelings and needs. and plan accordingly.
Part 2
Knowing what I mean, and meaning what I say…
Innovation… Creativity…
● A fresh, new take and/or ● Taking the new and innovative
perspective on a problem idea and making it reality
● “That’s a clever way to think ● Taking risks
about that!” ● Making something that inspires
● Challenging set norms or ways and/or informs those who
things “have always been done.” see/experience it
Culture… Equity…
● Comes from a French term ● The understanding that everyone
meaning “cultivation and is born into a set of situations
nurture,” which is a beautiful and privileges (or lack thereof),
way to think about this term. which will significantly impact
● A group’s way of life, how a their abilities and opportunities.
group identifies and/or relates to ● People getting what they need to
the world/environment in which succeed and survive.
they live and interact with.
Part 3
Tools & Resources...
Part 4
What are your Interests? What does it mean? Why does it matter?

1. ____________________________

2. ____________________________

3. ____________________________

Personal Styles (Work Style, Learning Environment, Leadership Style, Risk Taking, and Team

How might understanding our own Interests influence:


What value may exist for others to be aware of their Interests and Styles? Who?

What value may exist in being aware of the Interests and Styles of others? Who?

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