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B.Tech (Chemical) ( Semester 3 )

Theory of Machine and Machine Design
Date :31/05/2017 Time :9:30AM- 12:30PM
Max. Marks:60
Instructions :
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Write each section in a separate answer book.
3. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
4. Draw diagrams/figures whenever necessary.
5. Figures to the right indicate full marks allocated to that question.
6. Follow usual meaning of notations/abbreviations.
Q 1 A) Answer the following in brief (Any 1) [2]
I) Give the different types of motion for follower movement.

II) What are the applications of follower?

III) What are the use of globoidal cams?

Q 1 B) Answer the following (Any 1) [4]

I) Explain prime circle and lift with a neat sketch as applied to cam.

II) Draw a neat sketch and explain various types of cam according to the shape.

III) What is the procedure to draw the displacement diagram for a follower when it moves with simple
harmonic motion?

Q 2 A) Answer the following in brief. (Any 1) [2]

I) What are the merits and demerits of friction?

II) What is the significance of friction in a screw jack?

III) On which factors design and capacity of brake depends?

Q 2 B) Answer the following in detail. (Any 2) [10]

I) Derive the expression of total frictional torque in a flat pivot bearing with figure.

II) Derive the expression of torque required to lower the load by a screw jack.

III) A shaft has a number of a collars integral with it. The external diameter of the collars is 500 mm and the
shaft diameter is 350 mm. If the intensity of pressure is 0.40 N/mm2 (uniform) and the coefficient of
friction is 0.05. Estimate: 1. Power absorbed when the shaft runs at 110 r.p.m. carrying a load of 200 kN;
and 2. Numbers of collars required.

Q 3 A) Answer the following in brief. (Any 1) [2]

I) Why gears are used?

II) What is the difference between circular pitch and diametral pitch?

III) What  do you mean by motion transmitting elements?

Q 3 B) Answer the following in detail. (Any 2) [10]

I) Explain the various types of gears with the help of diagram.

II) Draw a well labelled diagram of gear and explain its various parts.

III) Discuss compound gear train with the help of diagram.

Q 4 A) Answer the following in brief (Any 1) [2]
I) Explain Creep.

II) What is meant by protecting coating in terms of corrosion?

III) What is the difference between a new design and an improved design?

Q 4 B) Answer the following (Any 1) [4]

I) Differentiate between malleability and ductility.

II) Explain various types of load with the help of diagram.

III) What is stress concentration? Explain any three methods to reduce stress concentration.

Q 5 A) Answer the following in brief. (Any 1) [2]

I) Explain the following terms:
1) Pitch 2) Back pitch 3) Diagonal pitch and 4) Marginal pitch

II) Why riveted joint is preferred over welded joint?

III) What is meant by joint?

Q 5 B) Answer the following in detail. (Any 2) [10]

I) Write the applications of riveted joint.

II) Explain eccentric load and eccentricity in detail.

III) Discuss different types of welded joint with a neat sketch.

Q 6 A) Answer the following in brief. (Any 1) [2]

I) Define: 1) Pulley and 2) Gear (toothed wheel)

II) What is key? Enlist different types of key.

III) Explain square sunk key with a figure.

Q 6 B) Answer the following in detail. (Any 2) [10]

I) What is woodruff key? What are the uses of woodruff key? Enlist advantages and disadvantages of
woodruff key.

II) Explain the properties of sliding contact bearing materials in brief.

III) Explain the classification of bearing according to the direction of load to be supported with a figure.

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