Uka Tarsadia University: B.Tech (Electrical) (Semester 3) 030060310 (2016-17) Management and Enterpreneurship

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B.Tech (Electrical) ( Semester 3 )

Management and Enterpreneurship

Date :02/06/2017 Time :9:30AM- 12:30PM

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks:60
Instructions :
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Write each section in a separate answer book.
3. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
4. Draw diagrams/figures whenever necessary.
5. Figures to the right indicate full marks allocated to that question.
6. Follow usual meaning of notations/abbreviations.
Q 1 Answer the following in detail. (Any 2) [10]
I) Discuss decisional roles of a manager.

II) Explain staffing, directing and controlling functions of management.

III) Explain concept of management in detail.

Q 2 Answer the following in detail. (Any 2) [12]

I) Describe concept and importance of leadership and motivation.

II) Provide meaning of controlling. State different types of control.

III) Explain concept of motivation. Discuss different types of needs.

Q 3 Answer in brief (Any 4) [8]

I) Give meaning of long term planning and short term planning.

II) Define the term ‘Organizing’.

III) Briefly explain Departmentation by territories/Geographic.

IV) Provide meaning of wide and narrow span of management.

V) Write any two disadvantages of decentralization system.

Q 4 Answer the following in detail. (Any 2) [10]
I) Discuss causes of sickness in small scale industries.

II) Write a short  note  on –Small Scale Industries Board (SSIB).

III) Write a short note on –Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI).

Q 5 Answer the following in detail. (Any 2) [12]

I) Explain marketing mix strategies with suitable examples.

II) Draw a flow of  ‘Production Plan’and explain it.

III) Explain the terms ‘long term liability’, owner’s equity, and break even analysis in details.
Q 6 Answer in brief (Any 4) [8]
I) Explain in brief concept of entrepreneurship.

II) Provide non-economic factors influencing entrepreneurship.

III) Which areas should be discussed while explaining role of entrepreneurs in economic development?

IV) Enlist different types of entrepreneur.

V) State personal barriers to entrepreneurship.

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