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Name: Farah Nylia Arisya Binti Noor Azmi

ID Number: 192021155

Week 1: Lecture 1

Question: Define the meaning of true friendship to you.

A true friendship is someone who has our back, no matter what. True friendship is more
than a "relationship," it is selfless affection. A true friend is also someone who encourages and
sympathizes with us, and in whom we may confide. To be considered as a true friend, a person
must possess certain characteristics such as loyal, understanding, and encouraging.

Moreover, true friends should always be there for each other. They should value and
support each other's views with everything that we do, and must not only be respectful of one
another, but also have a sympathetic tone when necessary. They should not only listen, but they
should also consider and provide assistance.

To conclude, we will live a more fulfilling life when have a true friend. Nowadays, it is
tough to come up with a definition of a true friendship that all will agree on.

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