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Digital Video

Learning Outcome 1
Clare Flynn A0113914

My one-minute video will consist of imagery I have shot over the past three
months for the Scottish painter Gavin Donaldson. I photographed Gavin’s art
which will be shown on leaflets at an upcoming exhibition where he will sell his
work and I covered his live painting event outside of the Kelvingrove Art Gallery
& Museum. Gavin also kindly let me document his studio space whilst I was there
shooting his work. This has been my most recent completed project, so I wanted to
display all my images into a video presentation for this assignment and be able to
show Gavin all the work I have shot into an interesting visual format. I have
chosen the title “Behind the Obscenes” for my video as it was a line in one of
Gavin’s Instagram posts. This phrase stood out to me as I felt that it accurately
described the process behind creating his chaotic paintings which is why I chose it.

• Gavin is camera shy and likes his work to speak for himself, so I will only
be including one image of him as an introductory image and it will also
include text describing what the video is about.
• I will be going between images of his studio and his paintings which will
keep the video interesting and will give the viewer an insight into where
these pieces were created.
• My sister models for Gavin’s paintings so I will also include pictures of her
in the studio.
• The pictures of the studio will be in black and white and the artwork will be
• I found a song to match the eerie energy of the imagery which will play
alongside the pictures throughout.
• The final image will be of my sister in the studio which will feature the title
“Behind the Obscenes” and it will also have text saying that I shot all the
photography in the video.
Before I begin editing my video I have already compiled all my images into a
folder called “VIDEO”.

I have also saved my chosen song, “Cascet.mp3” by Crowander which I found

from a free music download website, into this folder.

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