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My Journeys From 0-3 years

When my mom was pregnant with me, she craved soup. Yuck.
She did not have to go to the bathroom a lot. I moved a lot. My mom says I did
summersaults on the ultrasound. I was on time. I wasn’t big. My mom panicked
about who would take care of me.
I woke up in the middle of the night every 30 minutes. She was worried because
she thought wasn’t eating right. Also, I wouldn’t umm go number two. I didn’t do
that in two days. I was only four days old when I couldn't go.
When I turned one, I was in my grandpa's van with my Nina, Mom, Grandma and
Grandpa when I said this. I WANT CANDY! Everybody started laughing. My mom
said I was confused at first, but I started laughing to. That was my first sentence.
My first word when I was also one was No. Yes, it was No. My mom laughed and
said, “It's good that she says no because she will always fight back” in laughter.
When I was about to turn two years old my mom said she was trying to put
Pampers on me, but I kicked her and said, “no!” She said, “Oh my gosh she is
going to pee on the bed!” “You're going to pee at night." My mom said. I said, “I
want underwear!”. I didn’t pee that night. So, I potty trained myself when I was
only 20 months old. Crazy right? When I was two my mom said I started to teach
myself a lot of things like learning the alphabet on my own. Then I went to
daycare. And cried for about let's see umm one day. When I became three years
old, I continued to do all my little tiny problems in daycare. I also fed my brother
lunch with a spoon when he was only one year old.

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