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Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University



By Subject

Lecturer PhD. Jabbarova G.V.

The structure of the sillabus on the subject "Civil Defense"
I. Description of the subject
II. Objective and purpose of the subject
III. The short content of the subject
IV. Types and duration of subject teaching
V. Tasks for students' presentation and duration of their implementation,
consultation hours
VI. Information about the teacher
VII. Teacher's Requirements
VIII. Evaluation criteria for current knowledge, interim evaluation schedule
IX. Literature
I. Description of the subject.
Civil defense is a system of measures implemented by state authorities, legal
entities and individuals to ensure the safety of all people, land, water and air space,
industrial and social facilities and the environment in the territory of the Republic
of Azerbaijan during peaceful life and war.
II. Objective and purpose of the subject.
The main purpose of the subject and the purpose of the course consists of:
1) to take preventive measures to prevent the emergence of emergency
2) maximum reduction of losses and losses that may arise in the event of
3) elimination of emergencies and their consequences.
Civil Defense (CD) is a system of measures implemented by state authorities,
legal entities and individuals to ensure the safety of all people living in the territory
of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of peaceful life and during the war, land,
water and air space, industrial and social facilities and the environment . The Law
of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Civil Defense defines the legal principles and
principles of civil defense. The general leadership of Civil Defense in the Republic
of Azerbaijan is implemented by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The purpose of civil defense is to:
1) Implement preventive measures to prevent the emergence of emergency
2) Maximum reduction of losses and losses that may arise in the event of
3) Elimination of emergencies and their consequences.
In our republic, civil defense measures are carried out by the state,
government, economy and military authorities with the participation of all the
population. Civil defense systems are involved with ministries, associations,
departments, enterprises, organizations, educational and sport facilities, and all
their subordinate livelihoods and technical means. The curriculum includes 45
hours of teaching the subject. They have 30 hours of lectures and 15 hours of

Topics of lectures on the subject and time of the lectures

№ Subject of lecture h
1. Fundamentals, forces and means of civil defense 2
Emergencies and Their Characteristics. Natural character of
2. Emergencies. Emergency situations of man-made 2

Behavior and rules of behavior of the population in natural

3. disaster, industrial accidents and attack time. 2

4. International terrorism and its effects on Azerbaijan

5. Nuclear weapon 2
6. Chemical weapon 2
7. Bakteriologyical weapons. 2

8. Handicrafts weapons 2
Dosimetric devices, chemical exploration devices.Types of
9. poisoning. 2

Relocation. The organization of communication and warning in

10. the CD system. Shelter 2

11. Individual protection means. Civil defense training 2

12. First aid 2
13. Emergency response 2
14. Ensuring the stability of the national economy 2
The state system operating in the Emergency Situations in
15. Azerbaijan Republic. 2

Cəmi: 30
Practical (seminar) classes

№ Date Seminar Hours

1 2 3 4
Civil defense system and duties of the state, legal
1 2
entities and citizens
Emergency situations and their characteristics
2 Ensuring civil defense in natural emergencies and 2
their significance
Behavior and rules of behavior of the population in
3 2
natural disaster, industrial accidents and attack time.
4 Modern weapons of mass destruction and its effect 2
5 Exploration of Emergencies and Intelligence 2
Evacuation measures and essence. Means of
6 2
individual and collective protection
The purpose, composition and characteristics of rescue
7 2
and other urgent operations
Provision of medical services in the system of civil
8 defense, rendering medical assistance to the affected 1
Cəmi: 15

5. Topics of presentations for students

Table 4.

Consultations: days I-V

№ Topic names
The largest accidents at hydraulic sciense structures in the
2 10 major chemical accidents
3 COVID-19
4 Actions of personnel of emergency rescue units
5 Services and civilian organizations of civil defense
6 Medical Civil Defense Service
Emergency factors and the system of international response to
unforeseen emergencies
8 The Chernobyl accident on 26.04.1986.
9 Accident in Fukushima (March 11, 2011)
Explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil platform in the Gulf of
11 Supervolcanoes
12 Accident on Guneshli
13 Hurricanes "Harvey" and "Irma"
The largest earthquakes in the history of the Earth in the last
100 years
Emergency factors and the system of international response to
unforeseen emergencies
Major fires in the world from 2000-2020 and civil defense
 The accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power
18 Emergency chemical hazardous substances
The actions of the population in case of accidents and
20 Floods of 2017 -2020
21  The dangers of war
22 Emergency chemical hazardous substances
23 The dangers of war
24 Accident at the chemical plant AZF, Toulouse, France
25 Humanitarian organizations
The use of devices for radiation and chemical reconnaissance,
control of radioactive contamination and exposure
27 Engineering protection in the security system

6. Information about the lecturer

Full name Scientific title, Audience Hours of Audience for

degree consultation consultations
PhD, Associate
Jabbarova Gullu 1300 - 1400 1638a


1. Rəsulov S.R., Allahverdiyev Z.S., M.M.İsmayılova. Qəza-xilasetmə işlərinin

aparılma taktikası. Dərslik, Bakı, ADNA-nın nəşri, 2015.
2. Rəsulov S.R., S.R.Rəhimova, L.A.İsmayılova. Fövqəladə hallarda
təhlükəsizlik. Dərs vəsaiti, Bakı, ADNA-nın nəşri, 2012, 198s.
3. Altunin
4. Ocaqov H.O. “Mülki müdafiə (mühafizə)”. Dərslik, 2010.
5. Mülki müdafiə haqqında qanun, 1998.
6. Azərbaycan Respublikası Nazirlər kabinetinin MM-nin təmin edilməsi barədə
25 sentyabr 1998-ci il 193 saylı Qərarı.
7. Şəhər rayonlarında (şəhərdə), iqtisadiyyat obyektlərində mülki müdafiənin
təşkili və aparılması üçün tövsiyələr. Moskva, 1976.
8. H.O.Ocaqov A.İ.Hacıyev “Sabitliyi pozan amillər və onların xarakteristikası”
Bakı -2003 
9. H.O.Ocaqov “Fövqəladə halların nəticələrinin aradan qaldırılması Bakı
10. H.O.Ocaqov “Həyat fəaliyyətinin təhlükəsizliyi” Bakı -2010 
11. C.N.Qasimov “Mülki müdafiə” Bakı-2012

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