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Water Research 37 (2003) 1125–1135

Solar photocatalytic thin film cascade reactor for treatment of

benzoic acid containing wastewater
Alex H.C. Chan, Chak K. Chan, John P. Barford, John F. Porter*
Department of Chemical Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Clear Water Bay, Kowloon,
Hong Kong SAR, People’s Republic of China
Received 26 February 2002; received in revised form 27 July 2002; accepted 25 September 2002


A solar photocatalytic cascade reactor was constructed to study the photocatalytic oxidation of benzoic acid in water
under various experimental and weather conditions at HKUST. Nine stainless steel plates coated with TiO2 catalyst
were arranged in a cascade configuration in the reactor. Photolytic degradation and adsorption were confirmed to be
insignificant total organic carbon (TOC) removal mechanisms. A turbulent flow pattern and, hence, improved mixing in
the liquid film were achieved due to the unique cascade design of the reactor. The photoinduced consumption of oxygen
during reactions was demonstrated in a sample experiment. The proposed rate equations provided good fits to 90 data
points from 17 experiments. The regression results showed that the TOC removal rates averaged over 30 min intervals
did not illustrate significant dependence on TOC0 and that Imean was more important in affecting the photocatalytic
process within the ranges of the data examined. The percentage removal of TOC in 7 l of 100 mg/l (or 100 ppm) benzoic
acid solutions increased from 30% to 83% by adding 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide solution (30 wt%). Hydrogen
peroxide was also shown to enhance the efficiency of the degradation process at elevated temperatures. Ortho-, meta-
and para-hydroxybenzoic acids were identified by HPLC analysis as the intermediates of benzoic acid during reactions
without the addition of hydrogen peroxide solutions.
r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Photocatalysis; Cascade; Solar; Titanium dioxide (TiO2); Peroxidation

1. Introduction inexpensive, non-toxic and commercially available. The

band gap value of anatase TiO2 is approximately 3.2 eV
Photocatalysis by titanium dioxide (TiO2) has been enabling UV light of a wavelength less than 400 nm to
demonstrated to be an inexpensive and effective method activate the catalyst, resulting in the promotion of an
for treating a variety of organic pollutants in water. electron to the conduction band and the generation of a
Matthews [1–3], Ollis et al. [4,5] and Mills [6] summar- hole in the valence band. The redox potential of the
ized different types of organic pollutants treated by valence band hole of anatase TiO2 is sufficiently positive
TiO2. Examples include alkanes, alkenes, aromatics, to generate hydroxyl radicals by reacting with adsorbed
aliphatic alcohols, aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic water molecules or hydroxyl groups, while the redox
acids, phenol, polymers, surfactants, pesticides, herbi- potential of the conduction band electron is sufficiently
cides, dyes, etc. Apart from being indiscriminate and negative to reduce adsorbed O2 to superoxide [6].
capable of degrading many different types of organic Hydroxyl radical oxidation is considered to be the
pollutants, the TiO2 catalyst employed is relatively primary mechanism for the destruction of organic
pollutants [7].
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +852-2358-7132; fax: +852- The UV radiation required for photocatalytic pro-
2358-0054. cesses may come from an artificial source or the sun. The
E-mail address: (J.F. Porter). artificial generation of UV radiation contributes to a

0043-1354/03/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 3 - 1 3 5 4 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 4 6 5 - 7
1126 A.H.C. Chan et al. / Water Research 37 (2003) 1125–1135

large portion of the operating, capital and maintenance conditions, the plates were heated in air at 473 K for
costs of a photocatalytic reaction system because of the 60 min in a muffle furnace to enhance the stability of the
utility consumption and periodic replacement of the UV coatings against mechanical attrition. Representative
lamps. There is, therefore, a significant economic samples were scraped off the plates and weighed using a
incentive to develop solar-powered photocatalytic reac- digital balance (Ohaus AS 200) to estimate the catalyst
tors. In addition, the environmental impact induced by loading. The number of plates was increased from three
the use of solar energy is minimal and this renders the for the original bench-top reactor [12] to nine for this
photocatalytic process environmentally attractive. The pilot scale reactor in order to increase the total area for
application of solar-powered photocatalytic reactors to reaction. The nine TiO2-coated plates were positioned
treat water contaminated with organic pollutants holds 2.5 cm vertically apart from each other and inclined at
promise for regions receiving strong sunlight throughout an angle of 5o to the horizontal. The area of each plate
the year, such as southern China and Hong Kong. exposed to solar light was 17.5 cm  28 cm. A solution of
Matthews [1] reported the use of suspended TiO2 in a a known concentration of benzoic acid (Riedel-de ha.en,
solar illuminated tubular reactor equipped with a 99.5% purity) in de-ionized water was introduced by an
parabolic trough concentrator to degrade a variety of overflow to the liquid reservoir and flowed down across
organic materials. The need for a separation system to the cascade as a thin film. A centrifugal pump was used
recover the catalysts leads to the conclusion that scaling to circulate the solution back to the liquid reservoir. A
up such a design may be difficult. Other than the issue of temperature bath (Neslab Instruments RTE-211) and a
catalyst recovery, the light-concentrating reactor re- flowmeter were used to control the temperature and
quires reflectors, which are expensive and only able to monitor the flowrate of the solution, respectively. The
concentrate the direct component of the solar irradiation liquid reservoir was covered with a sheet of aluminum
for reaction. In contrast, non-light concentrating reac- foil to prevent the solution from being heated by the
tors utilizing both the direct and diffuse components sunlight directly. Seven litres of solution were treated in
have greater potential for process development. Wyness all the experiments. The initial concentration of benzoic
et al. [8], Freudenhammer et al. [9], Goslich et al. [10] acid solution varied from 25 to 100 mg/l. A schematic
and Sclafani et al. [11] investigated solar-powered fixed diagram of the pilot scale cascade photoreactor is shown
bed reactors, in which organic-containing solutions flow in Fig. 1(a). Fig. 1(b) shows the experimental set-up as
across single flat plates coated with TiO2 catalysts. The located on the rooftop of the laboratories at HKUST.
reactions taking place in these reactors may, however, be The entire set-up was fixed in position and the TiO2-
constrained by mass transfer limitations due to laminar coated plates faced west in all the experiments.
flow conditions [10,11]. Chan et al. [12] developed the A UV sensor connected to a radiometer (Vilber
first bench-top cascade reactor and evaluated its Lourmat VLX-3W) was located at the edge of the fifth
performance based on the removal efficiency of the plate for measuring the cumulative solar UV energy at
model pollutant, benzoic acid employing artificial UV the wavelength of 365 nm at 30-min intervals during the
lamps as the light source. It was demonstrated that the experiments. The UV intensities at 365 nm were aver-
backflow and turbulence resulting from the novel aged over a 30 min time period and corrected to those
cascade reactor design can reduce mass transfer limita- between 320 and 400 nm based on calibrations obtained
tions and the ‘‘waterfall’’ effect can also enhance oxygen from another radiometer (Spectroline DM-365XA) that
transfer to the solution. In this study, a pilot scale was equipped with a UV sensor measuring the UV
cascade reactor was developed and tests were carried out intensity between 320 and 400 nm. Data on the UV-A
to specifically demonstrate the applicability of the range were employed for calculations in the following
cascade reactor to treat benzoic acid solutions under sections because more than 98% of the solar UV
solar illumination. The two main differences between the radiation is in the UV-A range. Measurements of the
bench-top and pilot scale cascade reactors are the UV energy at 254 nm on a sunny day were also made
number of plates (three versus nine) in the reactor and and the intensity obtained was determined to be
the use of artificial UV versus solar radiation as the negligible. The dissolved oxygen (DO) level and the
illumination source. temperature of the solution in the liquid reservoir were
recorded by a DO meter (Cole-Parmer DO 100), while
the temperature of the solution at the photoreactor
2. Experimental method outlet was measured by a type K thermocouple (Digi-
Sense) at 2-min intervals in the first 20 min of the
Nine 316 stainless steel flat plates were arranged in a reactions and every 20 min afterwards. The pH value of
cascade configuration in the solar-powered photocata- the solution in the liquid reservoir was recorded by a pH
lytic reactor. The plates were coated with TiO2 catalysts meter (Orion 420A). Since the pH of benzoic acid
(Degussa P-25) using an electrophoretic method pre- solutions only varied between 4.2 and 3.9 over the
viously described [12]. After drying under ambient concentration range examined, no adjustments were
A.H.C. Chan et al. / Water Research 37 (2003) 1125–1135 1127

Fig. 1. (a) Schematic diagram of the pilot scale cascade photoreactor. A: TiO2-coated plates; B: tank with drain valve; C: control;
D: centrifugal pump; E: cooling coil in water bath; F: flowmeter; G: liquid reservoir. (b) The pilot scale cascade photoreactor.

made to the initial pH of the solution for any of the withdrawn from the reactor effluent at 30-min intervals
experiments. for a period of 3 h. The coated plates were washed with
Parameters, including reaction temperature, initial flowing de-ionized water under sunlight after each
concentration of benzoic acid solution, addition of experiment for about 10 to 15 min. The photoreactor
hydrogen peroxide solution and solar light intensity performance was evaluated based on the rate of removal
were investigated. Before each experiment, the reactor of total organic carbon (TOC). A Shimadzu TOC-5000
was allowed to run in the dark for 30 min by covering analyzer was used to analyze the TOC of the liquid
the entire experimental setup. Equilibrium adsorption of samples. Some of the intermediates from the degrada-
benzoic acid by the supported catalysts was achieved tion of benzoic acid were identified using an HP series II
within this period of time. Liquid samples of 25 ml were 1090 high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC),
1128 A.H.C. Chan et al. / Water Research 37 (2003) 1125–1135

equipped with a built-in diode array detector (DAD). inclined surface and stated the critical Re as 1200. For
The column used was a Microsorb-MV 100 A ( C-18 flowrates from 2 to 5 l/min, the estimated Re would
capillary column operating isothermally at 401C. The range from 535 to 1338. However, an equation
eluent was a mixture of 0.05 M potassium phosphate corresponding to the cascade design is not available
solution acidified to pH 3.2 and methanol (60:40) at a theoretically and the relevant calculations, which can be
flowrate of 0.7 ml/min. useful in demonstrating the flow pattern of the liquid
film in the cascade configuration, were thus not carried
out in this study. While only the flow pattern of the
solution at the flowrate of 3 l/min was shown in Fig. 2,
3. Results and discussion
similar turbulent flow patterns could also be observed
for operations at lower flowrates, for example, 1 l/min.
3.1. Liquid flow pattern
Better mixing resulting from the cascade design should
reduce mass transfer limitations of organics from the
One disadvantage of a thin film fixed bed reactor is
bulk of the liquid to the catalyst surface and enhance
the consequence of mass transfer limitations resulting
oxygen transfer.
from laminar flow conditions [10,11]. The turbulent flow
pattern of the liquid film resulting from the cascade
design can be visually observed in Fig. 2. The solution 3.2. Photolytic degradation and adsorption
flowrate in all the experiments in this study was chosen
as 3 l/min because previous studies, employing the The photolytic degradation of a benzoic acid solution
bench-top three-plate reactor illuminated with artificial of 25 mg/l was tested on a sunny day similar to other
UV lamps, showed that the TOC removal did not experiments, except that the plates installed into the
depend on solution flowrate from 2 to 5 l/min in a 3 h reactor were uncoated. The intensity of UV at 254 nm
reaction [12]. The mean film thickness at the flowrate of was measured to be negligible, while the average UV-A
3 l/min was estimated to be approximately 1.1 mm. Bird intensity during 3 h was found to be 1.12 mW/cm2. Fig. 3
et al. [13] presented the equation for calculating the shows that the photolytic degradation of the 25 mg/l
Reynolds numbers (Re) for a falling film over a single solution was insignificant. Therefore, UV-A is not the

Fig. 2. Turbulent flow pattern of liquid film observed at the flowrate of 3 l/min.
A.H.C. Chan et al. / Water Research 37 (2003) 1125–1135 1129

Photolysis Adsorption, 25ppmBA
80.00 Adsorption, 50ppmBA Adsorption, 75ppmBA
Adsorption, 100ppmBA


TOC (ppm) 50.00





0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Time (min)

Fig. 3. TOC trends in the processes of photolytic degradation and adsorption.

primary driving force for degrading benzoic acid in the Langmuir-type dependence on the mean UV-A intensity
absence of TiO2 catalysts. Since the photolytic degrada- does not necessarily imply mechanistic significance.
tion of a solution of 25 mg/l was insignificant, the  
d½TOC bImean
degradation of benzoic acid of a higher initial concen-  ¼ k0 ½TOC0 n ; ð1Þ
dt 1 þ bImean
tration by the photolytic process is reasonably assumed
also to be insignificant.
Adsorption studies were also conducted at initial  ¼ k0 ½TOC0 n Imean
: ð2Þ
benzoic acid concentrations of 25, 50, 75 and 100 mg/l in dt
the dark by covering the entire experimental setup. The In each case the apparent rate constant is denoted as
UV-A intensity measured was negligible. The TOC k0 ; n represents the nth power of TOC0 ; m represents the
concentrations in these adsorption experiments are mth power of Imean and parameter b is determined in the
also shown in Fig. 3. The adsorption process mainly data fitting process.
took place within the first 30 min of the 3 h reactions. Values of the parameters in the proposed equations
Because the mass of catalyst on each plate was small were obtained from the regression of 90 data points
(approximately 440 mg), the amount of benzoic acid from the 17 experiments in this study. As described
adsorbed was also small. As a result, photolytic above, the average UV intensities at 365 nm were
degradation and adsorption were not considered to be calculated from the differences in the cumulative solar
significant TOC removal mechanisms in the subsequent energies over 30-min intervals. Corrections of the UV
experiments. intensities at 365 nm to those between 320 and 400 nm,
Imean ; were made. Liquid samples were taken at 30-min
3.3. Effect of light intensity and initial TOC intervals. The average rate of change of TOC was
concentration calculated from the difference in the TOC values in
30 min. The initial TOC concentration was taken as the
Two simple empirical rate equations were used to instantaneous TOC value at the onset of each 30-min
represent the average rate of change of TOC, d[TOC]/ interval. If the final TOC value of the solution was zero,
dt (mg/l min) as a function of the initial TOC the corresponding value of the TOC removal rate was
concentration, TOC0 (mg/l) and the mean UV-A ignored because the exact time for the TOC value to
intensity between 320 and 400 nm, Imean (mW/cm2). reduce to zero was not known. Sample calculations are
The first rate equation involving the Langmuir-type presented in Table 1.
dependence on Imean was based on one presented earlier The experiments concerned were carried out at a
by Crittenden et al. [14], whereas the second rate lower temperature (181C) to minimize water evaporation
equation involving the power law dependence was and changes in TOC concentrations were corrected for
derived from the work of Egerton and King [15], Ollis water evaporation. The dissolved oxygen concentration,
[16] and Chang et al. [17]. It should be noted that the DO was not included in the rate equations because it did
rate expressions used here are empirical—the use of a not change significantly during these experiments. The
1130 A.H.C. Chan et al. / Water Research 37 (2003) 1125–1135

Table 1
Sample calculations to study the dependence of d[TOC]/dt on TOC0 and Imean

Data Index Time (min) TOC (mg/l) TOC0 (mg/l) Imean (mW/cm2) d[TOC]/dt (mg/l min)

1 0 17.21 17.21
0.6584 0.0573
2 30 15.49 15.49
0.8571 0.0593
3 60 13.71 13.71
0.3784 0.0763
4 90 11.42 11.42
0.3421 0.0614
5 120 9.58 9.58
0.4245 0.0391
6 150 8.41 8.41
0.0762 0.0636
7 180 6.50

Table 2
Regression results for the proposed rate law equations
k0 ½TOC0 n ðbImean =ð1 þ bImean ÞÞ Case k0 n B |Error|

I 0.125 0.036 1.988 1.37286

k0 ½TOC0 n Imean
Case k0 n m |Error|

II 0.081 0.030 0.400 1.48442

III 0.079 0.034 0.500 1.53655
k0 ðbImean =ð1 þ bImean ÞÞ Case k0 b |Error|

IV 0.135 2.296 1.37682

k0 Imean
Case k0 m |Error|

V 0.090 0.399 1.49632

VI 0.088 0.500 1.55058

equations were derived for data for I mean ranging from less important factor than Imean in affecting the
0.06 to 2.52 mW/cm2 and TOC0 ranging from 5.51 to degradation process over the ranges of the data
72.39 mg/l. examined. An earlier analysis by Chan et al. [12] used
Table 2 presents the regression results for the a simplified linear form of the Langmuir–Hinshelwood
proposed rate equations. The data indicate that the equation presented by Matthews [1–3] to model the
values of the exponent, n; in cases I, II and III were small removal of benzoic acid in the bench-scale reactor.
(m was set to 0.5 in case III). Based on the results, the While the results of this study do not directly contradict
dependence of TOC removal rates on TOC0 should, our previous work, since the two models are based on
therefore, be weak. Just to confirm that the initial TOC different concentration terms, the relatively large dataset
concentration had little effect on the TOC removal rate, and non-linear model used in this analysis provide
this parameter was intentionally removed from the rate confidence in the relative importance of TOC0 and Imean
equations and the error of the data fitting was re- seen here.
checked. The values of the sum of absolute errors in Ollis et al. [5,16] concluded that the photocatalytic
cases IV, V and VI when the exponent n was set to zero reaction rate by suspended TiO2 is first-order dependent
were only slightly larger than the corresponding values on light intensity at intensities appreciably below one
in cases I, II and III. This implies that, while the sun equivalent, but is half order dependent at signifi-
inclusion of the extra parameter, TOC0, provided a cantly higher levels of illumination. As suggested by
better fit to the experimental data, the improvement was Egerton and King [15] and Pichat [18], a linear
not significant. Thus, it is concluded that TOC0 was a dependence of the rate at lower radiant flux implies
A.H.C. Chan et al. / Water Research 37 (2003) 1125–1135 1131

that the majority of photoproduced charges do not according to the number of plates used—demonstrating
recombine, while the square-root dependence at higher the ease of scale up.
radiant flux arises from the dominance of electron–hole
recombination over other productive steps, such as 3.4. Sample experimental results
O2,ads+e CB-O2,ads and h +OHads-OHads. In con-

nection with this, it was stated that there should exist a Previous studies employing a bench-top three-plate
radiant flux, above which the reaction rate becomes reactor showed that the degree of TOC removal was the
photo-independent and does not further increase. Based greatest at 181C in the temperature range of 18–281C
on the regression results in Table 2, rate equation (1) [12]. In this sample experiment, the solution temperature
provides a more accurate model for the removal rate of was chosen as 181C. The initial benzoic acid concentra-
TOC. It should also be noted that the implication of rate tion was 25 mg/l, corresponding to a TOC level of
equation (1), which involves a Langmuir-type depen- approximately 17 mg/l. This particular reaction was
dence on Imean ; is qualitatively consistent with both Ollis’ carried out from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm on a sunny day.
conclusions as well as the observations of Egerton and As illustrated in Fig. 4, the DO level dropped quickly
King, and Pichat. at the onset of the photocatalytic process, became quite
The bench-top reactor previously used [12] differs steady after that and started to increase to the original
from the pilot scale reactor in this study only in terms of value at approximately the second hour of the reaction,
the number of plates and the UV source used. Hence, demonstrating the photoinduced consumption of oxy-
the TOC removal rates obtained for benzoic acid with gen. The DO level decreased at the onset of the reaction
the bench-top reactor should be able to be scaled because oxygen was consumed, while the DO level
linearly based on the number of plates for comparison increased at the second hour because all the organics
with those obtained using the pilot scale reactor under were degraded and oxygen consumption stopped. On
similar illumination levels — all other conditions (the the other hand, the fact that the DO level remained
dimensions, inclination and vertical spacing of the steady during the reaction instead of decreasing
plates) remaining identical. Chan [19] compared continuously indicates the uptake of oxygen into the
the TOC removal rates obtained with the two reactors solution. The large liquid–air interface over the plates
as a function of illumination intensity, which has just and air introduced by the ‘‘waterfall’’ effect of the
been illustrated to be an important factor in affecting the cascade design resulted in oxygen steadily being
degradation process. The rates obtained with the pilot replenished from the atmosphere.
scale reactor were clearly shown to match with the rates The solution temperature was controlled adjusting
achieved with the bench-top reactor when the bench-top the temperature of cooling water in the water bath. The
rates were multiplied by 9/3—i.e. linearly scaled slight jump in the solution temperature, +0.51C at the

Fig. 4. Dynamic time profiles in a sample experiment.

1132 A.H.C. Chan et al. / Water Research 37 (2003) 1125–1135

eighth minute was actually caused by solar heating. TOC (Eq. (4)) [17].
However, the drop in the DO level in the first few
H2 O2 -H2 O þ 1=2O2 ; ð3Þ
minutes of the reaction contributed by this slight
increase in solution temperature is shown to be H2 O2 þe  -OHdþOH : ð4Þ
insignificant. Although the solubility of oxygen in the
benzoic acid solution might decrease when other organic However, issues such as the optimum dosage and
compounds were formed as intermediates during the method of addition of H2O2 (either continuously during
reaction, this was unlikely the reason for the decline in the reaction or in one lump sum at the reaction’s onset)
the DO level at the onset of the reaction because have to be further addressed. Finally, it should be noted
their concentrations were low, as demonstrated shortly. that the DO profile in the experiment without H2O2
The increase in the solution pH during the reaction illustrated in Fig. 6 did not return to the original DO
also implies that the degradation of the organics took value at the end of the 3-h reaction. This is because the
place. initial benzoic acid concentration concerned was
The average DO level in the cascade configuration of 100 mg/l and the organics were not completely oxidized,
the bench-top three-plate reactor was previously shown hence oxygen was still being consumed at that moment.
to be slightly greater than that in the single flat plate
configuration [12]. Comparison between the DO profiles 3.6. Chemical intermediates formed during reactions
in a single flat plate reactor and the pilot scale nine-plate
reactor has not been made in this study because two By comparing the retention time and the UV spectra
technical problems have to be solved. First, it is difficult of the sample peaks with those of the standard
to construct and coat a single flat plate of an area compounds in the HPLC analysis, three aromatic
identical to the sum of the nine plates in our laboratory. organic compounds — ortho-, meta- and para-hydro-
Second, the experiments should be performed under xybenzoic acids — were identified as the intermediates in
controlled illumination levels for comparison. The latter the degradation of benzoic acid in reactions without
can be more easily solved when artificial UV lamps hydrogen peroxide solutions. Among them, meta-hydro-
instead of the sunlight are used as the light source. xybenzoic acid was found to be more abundant than the
Nevertheless, a higher DO level is expected in an ortho- and para-isomers, as illustrated in Figs. 7 and 8.
extended cascade reactor with many steps than an This is in qualitative agreement with the chemistry in
extended single flat plate reactor. that the carboxylic acid functional group is meta-
directing in electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions.
3.5. Reactor performance with the addition of hydrogen The product distribution can also be explained if meta-
peroxide hydroxybenzoic acid is more resistant to degradation by
TiO2 than the ortho- and para-isomers. Matthews
In cases where water containing high concentrations [1,2,20] had also identified these organic compounds as
of organic pollutants has to be treated, hydrogen the intermediates of benzoic acid during photocatalytic
peroxide can be used to promote the degradation oxidation by TiO2.
process. Tests employing the bench-top three-plate Figs. 7 and 8 also show that the total initial carbon
reactor showed that a dosage of 10 ml of H2O2 solution concentrations obtained by the TOC and HPLC
(30 wt%) added at the onset of the reaction greatly
improved the degradation of 7 l of a 100 mg/l benzoic
acid solution [19]. The same dosage of H2O2 solution 1.00
was, therefore, chosen in this study. The initial benzoic 0.90
acid concentration and solution temperature in the two 0.80
experiments concerned were 100 mg/l and 181C accord- 0.70
ingly. The mean UV-A intensity in the 3-h experiment

with H2O2 was 1.80 mW/cm2, while that in the experi-
ment without H2O2 was 1.74 mW/cm2. Although the UV
intensity was slightly greater in the experiment with
H2O2, the percentage removal of TOC notably increased
0.20 100ppmBA+10mlH2O2 (30wt-%)
from 30% to 83% with the addition of H2O2, as shown 100ppmBA
in Fig. 5. This is because hydrogen peroxide can 0.10

decompose into oxygen and increase the dissolved 0.00

oxygen in the solution (Eq. (3)). The increase in the 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Time (min)
dissolved oxygen of the solution is illustrated in Fig. 6.
In addition, hydrogen peroxide could also act as a Fig. 5. Removal of TOC as a function of time in experiments
source of hydroxyl radicals to improve the removal of with and without addition of H2O2.
A.H.C. Chan et al. / Water Research 37 (2003) 1125–1135 1133

12.0 40.0


Solution temperature ( C)


DO level (ppm)

6.0 20.0

DO level: 100ppmBA + 10ml H2O2(30wt-%) 10.0
DO level: 100ppmBA
2.0 Temperature: 100ppmBA + 10ml H2O2(30wt-%)
Temperature: 100ppmBA 5.0

0.0 0.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (min)

Fig. 6. Solution DO and temperature time profiles in experiments with and without addition of H2O2.

20.0 2.0 70.0 7.0

18.0 BA-C 1.8
Sum-C 60.0 6.0
16.0 TOC 1.6
Carbon concentration (ppm)

Carbon concentration (ppm)

Carbon concentration (ppm)

Carbon concentration (ppm)

14.0 3-OHBA-C 1.4 50.0 5.0
12.0 1.2
40.0 Sum-C 4.0
10.0 1.0 TOC
8.0 0.8 30.0 3-OHBA-C 3.0
6.0 0.6 20.0 2.0
4.0 0.4
10.0 1.0
2.0 0.2

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Time (min) Time (min)

Fig. 7. Carbon concentration profiles associated with benzoic Fig. 8. Carbon concentration profiles associated with benzoic
acid (BA), intermediates and TOC. Temperature=181C, initial acid (BA), intermediates and TOC. Temperature=181C, initial
BA conc.=25 mg/l. BA conc.=100 mg/l.

analyses were approximately the same in each case. the aromatic intermediates. Benzoic acid was thus
However, differences between them increased with time, deemed to be the major component contributing to the
with the TOC becoming increasingly larger than the sum TOC of the liquid samples, although the contribution of
of carbon associated with benzoic acid and the identified the unidentified aliphatic organic species to TOC
intermediates (from the HPLC analysis). This implies (difference between the trends of TOC and sum of
that more carbon existed as organic species other than carbon) varied in the two cases. Further analysis in the
benzoic acid and the aromatic intermediates as the degradation rates of the aliphatic organic species, once
reaction progressed. Matthews [3] proposed that an identified, should prove useful in explaining the trends.
aliphatic compound, mucondialdehyde (C6H6O2) is one Nevertheless, caution should be taken if one attempts to
of these unidentified organic species, accompanied by interpret the TOC removal rates presented in this study
those breakdown products resulting from it. Further as the removal rates of benzoic acid. Since the
investigation has to be carried out to isolate and identify unidentified aliphatic organic species were not expected
subsequent organic intermediates in the degradation to be the principal component of TOC and are not
reaction pathway. necessarily volatile, air contamination resulting from the
In addition, Figs. 7 and 8 show that the carbon escape of these species would not be significant if it
concentration associated with benzoic acid was one might happen. Indeed, both open reaction systems that
order of magnitude higher than those associated with have a large liquid–air interface as well as systems that
1134 A.H.C. Chan et al. / Water Research 37 (2003) 1125–1135

employ gas sparging for air or oxygen supply are prone 10.0 50.0
to vaporization of volatile species present in the liquid 9.0 45.0
phase. The proposed cascade reactor will likely suffer 8.0 40.0
from this problem and thus should not be used to deal

Solution temperature(°C)
7.0 35.0
with water polluted with volatile organic contaminants

DO level (ppm)
6.0 30.0
(e.g. trichloroethylene) nor other compounds which
5.0 25.0
form volatile, toxic intermediates on photocatalytic
4.0 20.0
3.0 15.0
DO level: with temperature control
2.0 DO level: without temperature control 10.0
3.7. Reaction at higher ambient temperatures 1.0 Temperature: with temperature control 5.0
Temperature: without temperature control
0.0 0.0
Two sample experiments, in which the mean UV-A 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
intensities were very close to each other, were chosen to Time (min)
compare the reactor performances with and without Fig. 9. DO level and solution temperature profiles in two
temperature control. The temperature of the solutions in sample experiments.
the liquid reservoir was kept at 181C or allowed to
fluctuate with the ambient conditions. The initial
benzoic acid concentration in the two experiments was 2.5
100 mg/l. A total of 175 ml solution out of 7 l was taken
as liquid samples for TOC analysis in each case. Table 3
presents experimental data from the two sample experi- 2.0
UV-A intensity (mW/cm2)

ments averaged over a 3 h period. The details are shown

in Figs. 9 and 10. The experiment performed at the 1.5
higher temperature was found to exhibit a slightly lower
removal of TOC than the experiment performed at the
lower temperature. An initial inspection suggests that 1.0
this may be as a result of the decrease in the DO level of
the solution in the reaction lasting for 3 h. To account 0.5 With temperature control
for the loss of water by evaporation at an elevated Without temperature control
temperature, the results of TOC removal rates are
reported in the total amount of carbon removed per 0.0
minute (mg-C/min). 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Cooling of the solution, however, requires extra Time (min)
utility. Chan [19] demonstrated that the addition of Fig. 10. UV-A intensity profiles in two sample experiments.
hydrogen peroxide is not only effective at treating highly
polluted solutions but also capable of improving the
reactor performance at elevated temperatures. In parti- should favor its choice over cooling of the solution to
cular, 27.3 percent of TOC of 7 l of a 100 mg/l benzoic maintain reactor performance at elevated temperatures.
acid solution was removed at 306 K with H2O2 versus More detailed cost information for a number of
8.2 percent at 291 K without H2O2, other conditions advanced oxidation processes was published by Ollis
remaining constant [19]. Chan [19] also suggested that [21] and Li Puma and Yue [22].
the relative enhancement in the TOC degradation rate
and the lower operating costs incurred using hydrogen
peroxide solution as a supplementary oxidizing agent 4. Conclusions

A pilot scale solar cascade reactor was set up to

Table 3 evaluate the feasibility of utilizing the UV portion of
Experimental data in two sample experiments averaged in 3 h solar light to deal with wastewaters polluted by benzoic
Average Average DO Average Average acid. Photolytic degradation and adsorption were found
solution level (mg/l) UV-A TOC to be insignificant in the experiments. The ‘‘waterfall’’
temperature intensity removal rate effect introduced by the cascade design can promote
(1C) (mW/cm2) (mgC/min) mass transport and aeration in the solution film.
The rate equation involving Langmuir-type depen-
18.2 8.5 1.74 0.9736
dence on Imean was found to provide comparatively good
25.9 7.3 1.73 0.8692
fits to 90 data points from 17 experiments performed at
A.H.C. Chan et al. / Water Research 37 (2003) 1125–1135 1135

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