Natalie Kranick Student - Heritagehs - Furlough - U2l3 Special Diet Meal Planning Worksheet

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Unit 2: Promoting Learning through

Brain Maintenance
Lesson 3

Special Diet Meal Planning Worksheet

North Carolina Healthful Living State Standards
● Organize meal plans to meet special dietary needs for athletes, pregnant women, diabetics, and those experiencing allergies.
● Plan vegetarian diets that are balanced and nutrient dense.
● Recognize the benefits of folic acid and other vitamins and minerals.
● Summarize the effects of hydration and dehydration and preventive measures for dehydration.

Student Name: Natalie Kranick

Part I: Conduct research on the special diet you have been assigned. Trusted websites for information include:
● Harvard School of Public Health -
● United States Food and Nutrition Service of Department of Agriculture (USDA) -
● Center for Disease Control (CDC) Food Allergies –
● National Institute for Health (NIH) –
● American Diabetes Association (ADA) -
● Center for Disease Control (CDC) Diabetes and Pregnancy -
● American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (Pregnancy) -

Part II: Using your research, complete the section of the table (on pages 2 -4) associated with the special diet you have been assigned.

Part III: Using the table on pages 5 and 6, complete the meal planning activity associated with the assigned special diet for two days.

U2L3: Homework Assignment - Special Diet Meal Planning 1

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through
Brain Maintenance
Lesson 3

Part II: Using your research, complete the section of the table below that is associated with the special diet you have been assigned.

Type of Special How many calories List the types of List the types of How many times a What nutrients are List at least 3
Diet per day should be foods that are foods that are day should a essential in this myths about this
consumed by a especially especially person eat that is special diet? special diet (e.g.,
person eating this important to important to avoid on this special Please explain diabetics cannot
special diet? consume for this for this special diet? why. have sugar).
Please explain special diet. diet. Please explain Explain why the
why. Please explain Please explain why. myths are not
why. why. true.
Depending on the They need a lot of ● SODA 5 to 6 meals per Iron, calcium, Myth 1: Pasta the
activity level teens carbohydrates ● Canned day. Small snacks magnesium, night before an
need anywhere ● Fruit. foods and meals can potassium, endurance event
from 2,000 to ● Oatmeal. ● Sugary help keep athletes sodium, zinc, constitutes
5,000 calories per ● Starchy Cereal energy levels up vitamins B and carbohydrate
day. They need the vegetable ● candy throughout the vitamins D. This loading.
extra calories s. ● junk food day. helps benefit the Loading the night
because they need (sweet/w ● fast food bones and before isn't an
more fuel to burn hite ● artificial minimize fatigue. effective way
when they are potatoes, sweeteners because it is
working out. squash) ● white supposed to be
● Non-starc bread done over a few
hy ● fried foods days.
vegetable ● trans fat

U2L3: Homework Assignment - Special Diet Meal Planning 2

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through
Brain Maintenance
Lesson 3
s. ● energy Myth 2: The more
(broccoli, drinks protein you eat,
leafy the more muscle
greens) you will gain.
● Whole This is true, but
grain you can't just eat
bread or protein and have
crackers. large muscles you
● High-fiber, also have to work
non-sugar out to build up
y cereals. your muscles.
● Quinoa. Myth 3: Eating just
● Brown or before bedtime
wild rice. makes an athlete
They also need fat.
proteins. This is not true.
● Lean
fish, eggs,
tofu, and

U2L3: Homework Assignment - Special Diet Meal Planning 3

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through
Brain Maintenance
Lesson 3
And a variety of
fruits and

Pregnant Women

Type of Special How many calories List the types of List the types of How many times a What nutrients are List at least 3
Diet per day should be foods that are foods that are day should a essential in this myths about this
consumed by a especially especially person eat that is special diet? special diet (e.g.,
person eating this important to important to avoid on this special Please explain diabetics cannot
special diet? consume for this for this special diet? why. have sugar).
Please explain special diet. diet. Please explain Explain why the
why. Please explain Please explain why. myths are not
why. why. true.

U2L3: Homework Assignment - Special Diet Meal Planning 4

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through
Brain Maintenance
Lesson 3


Type of Special How many calories List the types of List the types of How many times a What nutrients are List at least 3
Diet per day should be foods that are foods that are day should a essential in this myths about this
consumed by a especially especially person eat that is special diet? special diet (e.g.,
person eating this important to important to avoid on this special Please explain diabetics cannot
special diet? consume for this for this special diet? why. have sugar).
Please explain special diet. diet. Please explain Explain why the
why. Please explain Please explain why. myths are not
why. why. true.

U2L3: Homework Assignment - Special Diet Meal Planning 5

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through
Brain Maintenance
Lesson 3

Part III: Using the table below, complete the meal planning activity associated with the assigned special diet for two days.

Meal of the Day Day 1 Day 2

U2L3: Homework Assignment - Special Diet Meal Planning 6

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through
Brain Maintenance
Lesson 3
3 egg omelette, with spinach, tomato, and mushroom. Yogurt bowl, with granola, nuts, fruit, and honey. Toast
Toast on the side, and a banana. Small glass of orange on the side. Glass of orange juice and water.
juice and a glass of water.

Yogurt. Glass of water Banana. Glass of water

Grilled chicken sandwich. With a smoothie and salad Peanut butter/almond butter and jelly sandwich, fruit,
on the side. Glass of water chips, cheese stick.

Fruit, nuts. Glass of water Granola bar, fruit. Glass of water

Beans, rice, pork, asparagus. Glass of milk. Glass of Chicken on the bone, rice, salad, roasted purple
water. potatoes, and brussel sprouts.

U2L3: Homework Assignment - Special Diet Meal Planning 7

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through
Brain Maintenance
Lesson 3
Dark chocolate. Glass of water. Dark chocolate. Glass of water

List the total water

consumption You should drink half your body weight in ounces. But You should drink half your body weight in ounces. But
planned within the you should drink more depending on your activity level you should drink more depending on your activity level
meal plan and and outside temperature. and outside temperature.
explain how
dehydration was

List the total

calories/ per day 2,000 to 5,000 2,000 to 5,000

List the nutrients, Iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc, Iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc,
vitamins and vitamins B and vitamins D. vitamins B and vitamins D.
minerals targeted
in the meal plan
Cite the research Below Below
sources used to
complete this

U2L3: Homework Assignment - Special Diet Meal Planning 8

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through
Brain Maintenance
Lesson 3

Works cited,to%20meet%20their%20energy%20needs

U2L3: Homework Assignment - Special Diet Meal Planning 9

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