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Lippman 1

Isabella Lippman
Write a letter to Coca-cola, Inc. convincing them to
Mrs. Webster either pull the ad, amend the ad, or continue their
campaign. Use rhetorical strategies (logos, pathos,
Pre-Ap English 2 ethos) to build up your argument.


“America the Beautiful”

Dear Coca-Cola, INC.,

My name is Isabella Lippman and I am a sophomore at Austin High School in Texas. I

am writing to your company in hopes that your corporation will continue to air the “America The

Beautiful Coke” ad and carry on with the campaign. This ad was for the 2014 Super Bowl and

sparked many different interests around the nation. Some felt united and loved the way the ad

joined everyone together even though we are all different in some way. However, others felt the

ad divided America more than bringing people together. Coca-Cola, Inc. should progress

forward with the “America the Beautiful Coke'' campaign because it shows others what makes

America special and it unites every citizen of our beautiful diverse country to bring them


The ad that aired in 2014 showed many different people from different backgrounds and

cultures. The song “America the Beautiful” is sung in the background in multiple languages

while we watch as many different and diverse citizens go about their daily activities while

drinking a Coke. The different scenes showcased our country in an inspiring way and brought to

light the beautiful aspects of America. The United States is a center of hope for people that aren’t

accepted in their own homes. America is a country where one has the freedom and the right to do

what they please religiously and culturally. The Coca-Cola advertisement emphasized the

diversity and freedom of our country when they showed the different cultural and racial
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backgrounds of many citizens that call America their home. Your advertisement also brought to

light a specific controversial topic with the showing of an LGBTQ couple celebrating together

with the sharing of a Coke.

The gay couple that is shown in the advertisement again puts a focus on the freedom

American citizens get to be who they want to be and love whoever they want to love. The best

thing that can be done in our current society where there still are some people who do not

support others for who they are, is to showcase how beautiful our differences make us and being

who you are with no shame is what America is all about. On June 26th, 2015 the United States

Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states (“Gay Marriage”). That was only 6

years ago, our society needs to keep growing to become more accepting of every single citizen.

Your Coca-Cola advertisement took the first step as a widely supported company in using their

voice to support LGBTQ+ rights and the freedom for all American citizens to be who they are. It

needs to keep being aired to keep inspiring others to let go of their prejudiced opinions and

accept everyone and anyone.

In 2019, your company released another inspirational advertisement with a message of

diversity with it, “A Coke is a Coke and no amount of money can get you a better Coke than the

one the bum on the corner is drinking.” This message again shows that no matter what our

differing backgrounds might be, we are all united under the same country and not one of us is

better than the other. Even with more money, a better life, you can’t buy a better Coke than

someone who’s less fortunate than you can. Every Coke is the same, every person who drinks

one is different, but we are all the same in one way or another because we belong to a

community. The American community. The community where anyone is accepted and we all

work for what we want without judging others. This community will continue to grow if your
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inspiring company continues to release advertisements that speak of controversial topics in a

light-hearted way that will make people listen.

The “America The Beautiful Coke'' campaign needs to continue to air on everyone’s TV

and the Coca-Cola, Inc. company itself needs to keep working on making their voice heard to

inspire other big corporations to follow suit. With more advertisements that showcase what the

2014 Coke ad showcased, America will regain its reputation of an inviting country that provides

a home for citizens that once were stripped of their own. Your campaign should not be stopped

but rather continue to remind American’s of what truly makes our country beautiful. Thank you

for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you take into consideration my thoughts.

Best regards,

Isabella Lippman

Works Cited
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“Coca-Cola - It's Beautiful.” AdAge, 3 Feb. 2014,

Accessed 12 Feb 2021.

“Gay Marriage Timeline - Gay Marriage -” ProCon.Org, 5 Nov. 2020, Accessed 12 Feb 2021.

2014 Coca-cola Inc. Super Bowl commercial. Coca-cola INC. Accessed 12 Feb 2021.

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