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Law Today

Unit 7

Criminal Law

Wrong samarTaldarRveva

To have an abortion

To physically attack smb Tavdasxma

To damage property qonebis dazianeba

People suspected of crime danaSaulSi eWvmitanili pirebi

To be considered guilty of a crime brali gedebodes danaSaulis CadenaSi

To show evidence of one’s innocence daamtkico udanaSauloba

XXX is recorded in statutes mocemulia / weria kanonSi

Theft qurdoba

To dishonestly misappropriate property qonebis misakuTreba

Burglary yaCaRoba, dayaCaReba

To commit an act of violence Zaladobrivi aqtis Cadena

To use force or threats Zalis an muqaris gamoyeneba

The Act covers… … moicavs… . . .

To be guilty of burglary dagadanaSaulon yaCaRobaSi

Elements to a crime danaSaulis Semadgenloba (Semadgeneli nawilebi)

Criminal act sisxlis samarTlebrivi qmedeba

Criminal intent / state of mind sisxlis samarTlebrivi ganzraxva

Unlawful killing / homicide - ადამიანისთვის კანონსაწინააღმდეგოდ

სიცოცხლის წართმევა; მკვლელობა

Malice aforethought boroti ganzraxva

The judgments of recent cases bolodroindeli gadawyvetilebebi

To wound seriously seriozulad daWra

To have a direct intention pirdapiri ganzraxva

To be found guilty sasamarTlom cno damnaSaved

Recklessness gaufrTxilebloba

Negligence daudevroba

A high risk of danger saSiSroebis didi riski

A time limit is specified dro / xangrZlivoba miTiTebulia

Life support machine aq: xelovnuri aparati

სიცოცხლის შენარჩუნებისთვის საჭირო


A substantial cause arsebiTi mizezi

To kill smb accidentally SemTxveviT sicocxlis moswrafeba

To starve to death SimSiliT sikvdili

The prosecution failed to prove either actus or mens

braldebam ver daasabuTa actus or mens arseboba

Defences (sisxlis samarTalSi) bralis gamomricxavi garemoebebi

To avoid guilt bralis acileba

Law recognizes… defences kanoni cnobs, aRiarebs

Defences ბრალის გამომრიცხავი გარემოებები

Duress iZuleba

To be harmed… dazaralde, daSavde

Insanity Seuracxaoba

To be intoxicated nasvam mdgomareobaSi yofna

To be under the influence of drugs narkotikebis zemoqmedebis qveS yofna

To be held responsible for his actions iyo pasuxismgebeli qmedebaze

People who knowingly get themselves intoxicated…

Self-defence aucilebeli mogerieba

To shoot an unarmed burglar esrolo SeuiaraRebel damnaSaves

(romelmac Caidina yaCaRoba)

Unreasonable force dausabuTebeli Zalis gamoyeneba Mitigation

sasjelis Semsubuqeba

Harsh punishment mkacri sasjeli

Crime of passion vnebis gamo Cadenili danaSauli

To lessen the sentence ganaCenis Semsubuqeba

Unreasonable behavior arakeTilgonieri qceva To

pass a new law axali kanonis miReba

Suicide TviTmkvleloba, suicidi

Blasphemy mkrexeloba

Decriminalize dekriminalizacia

Discrimination on the ground of race diskriminacia rasobriv niadagze

Euthanasia mercy – killing / evTanazia

To re-evaluate the concept of murder mkvlelobis cnebis gadasinjva

Defence requires careful proof dacvis mxares sWirdeba gadamowmebuli


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