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SPMT | Thursday, August 22, 2019

Call to order: 3:17pm

Members present: Elizabeth Marunde, Trinity Swift, Joy Rogers, Dr. Atkinson, Emily Pendleton,
Theresa Morris, Chelsea George, Leslie Hartman

Members absent: Dr. Atkinson, Anna Brent, Trinity Swift

1. Joy Rogers moved to accept the minutes, Chelsea George seconded.

2. Still have open position for SPMT vice chair and two open positions for community
members. Elizabeth Marunde has a solid candidate.
3. Committee Reports
a. Gardens: continuing to harvest for cafeteria; next work day 9/7 from 9-noon to plant
fall crops
b. Health and Wellness: set dates for major events, aiming to make wellness fair happen
this year; last year’s Run for the Arts money being spent on STEM
i. Fall Fun run 9/20
ii. River Romp(4/24) parent’s meeting 1/7, Kayaking training 2/2, Biking
training Feb/Mar
iii. Run for the Arts (5/8)
c. Integrated Curriculum: haven’t met yet due to storm; will be putting together
d. Safe Zone (new committee forged by Mr. LaPradd)--meeting next week; purpose is
inclusion of LGBTQ community
e. School Culture and Climate: still distributing 10 year T-shirts
4. Comprehensive Needs Assessment
a. Update on parent survey (top 3 growth areas: English Language Arts, Safe and
Orderly Environment, Mathematics)
b. Need to come up with a way to collect data for those 3 areas, designate responsible
parties to take this task
c. Discussion about Safe and Orderly Environment (what is it, how do we communicate
to all staff)
d. Proposal to do “pulse” (3-5 question) surveys to monitor community opinions about
issues--possibly to clarify original survey answers
e. Importance of transparency and openness about the school improvement plan and
who is in charge of various areas
f. Suggestion for a “town meeting” at PTA meetings and staff meeting to gather
feedback about these 3 areas to clarify stakeholder opinions.
5. From Board Chair Tara Wiley:
a. Carrie Rogers (parent) wants to lead a parent committee to come up with projects for
parents to do for the school, and she needs a teacher liaison.
b. How are Integrated Curriculum projects documented, wants input from staff about
how to showcase innovations and excellence at the school on website/social media?
Projects are displayed and teachers evaluate together the successes and challenges of
particular projects. Teachers can give Tara or other board member ideas and pictures
of things going on at the school for her to write a blog post, a monthly focus.
6. Concern raised about integrated curriculum being a misleading term because there are still
individual blocks of distinct subject matter plus separate project based learning.
7. Assigned Board meetings to SPMT members
a. 8/28--George and Marunde
b. 9/25--George

Call to close: 4:10pm

Next meeting September 26, 2019

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