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iis alumni newletter 2007.

qxp 18/01/2008 14:22 Page 6

Breaking The challenges were numerous; in

addition to being in the field on my own
for long stretches of time, issues of
language, food, security, comfort and a

Stereotypes heightened sense of the ‘eternal new’

became amplified. And yet, I found that
most of these could be handled without
strenuous effort. The one thing that was
central to all of these mini-adventures was
the innocent hospitality that inhabitants of

and Refitting many of these countries and members of

these communities extended to guests.
After only a few minutes, not only was a
hand of generosity extended, it was done
with the purest of hearts. Sometimes

Moulds commonalities helped; that I was a

Muslim or a male; sometimes it was by
identifying where I had come from;
Canada or the UK; a guest having
travelled such a long way blessed a
Fragments and Reflections on village and a community more often than
it burdened it. Sometimes, the
commonalities were less obvious.
the Adventures of Fieldwork
One sunny afternoon, after an intense
search for the türbe of Pir Sayyid Hasan
Rizwan Mawani (Class of 2000) Hüsameddin in Istanbul’s Kasimpaþa
district, I stumbled upon a non-descript
building on a side-street. This was the
asitane – the headquarters – of the
S ometimes I wondered how I had
got here. I wasn’t following
anyone’s footsteps and yet I somehow
Halveti Uþþaki tariqa of Sufis. The
guardian of the shrine, the türbedar was
an elderly man with a coral tasbih and a
felt that I was on a predetermined path –
white hat, along with a bushy beard
one that had been journeyed on
whose hue fell somewhere in between the
previously. Since 2005, I had been
two. I paid my respects to the interred
fortunate to travel to ten countries for
grand shaykh, his family, and others who
research I had undertaken for the IIS’
had been fortunate enough to be buried
Department of Community Relations.
so close to him. My less than rudimentary
The project, which explored spaces of Turkish failed me in trying to address the
worship in the Muslim world, had türbedar, a man I later learned was
allowed me to work with more than forty named Mustafa. Despite this, two hours
Muslim communities in Syria, Lebanon, passed in which frustrations were set
Turkey, Egypt, Iran, India, Pakistan, aside, and through both our innate
Tajikistan, China and Indonesia. creativity and the larger symbols we
shared as human beings, we managed to
The sign on the guesthouse in Chitral’s have a conversation that sat outside
main city read “Take nothing but pictures formal language in which secrets were
and leave nothing but footprints.” I shared and information exchanged.
thought it was a good mantra and one
that I had tried to follow thus far, even Language was always a challenge.
though I wasn’t aware of this particular Communication required much more
View of Golunabad Jamatkhana, Iran bumper-sticker worthy slogan. imaginative means in the field. In some
iis alumni newletter 2007.qxp 18/01/2008 14:22 Page 7

of marga luyu kebatinan, an esoteric

martial arts accompanied by breathing
and the recitation of zikr, I saw a wall-
hanging on which a rotund figure of Simar
was inscribed in Arabic with the shahada,
meant to act as a talisman and protector
against ill-wishes and the evil eye.

Young students study the Qur'an after morning prayers at Shahi Masjid, Chitral This was later reinforced by the wayang
kulit (buffalo hyde puppet) versions of
countries, the language used on the Sometimes, however, understanding Rama and Sinta (Indonesia’s Sita). The
streets changed every few hours you cultural nuances proved to be much more two most beloved characters of the epic
journeyed. In Pakistan, for example, it difficult and had difficult consequences. associated with Hinduism were influential
was not only Urdu whose sounds and One could not ignore the headscarves in the introduction of Islam to Java and
inflections dominated conversations, but that women in Iran wear in public. This puppet-masters’ eight-hour performances
also Baluchi, Sindhi, Punjabi, Saraiki and was despite the fact that their coverage continue to draw millions of Indonesians
Pashtu the further up your finger glided on waxed and waned depending on to watch this traditional play. In centuries
the map. In its northern reaches, entirely prevailing trend in the society. gone by – and still on some parts of the
different linguistic families emerged: Complementing this was the manteau, the island today, especially in the royal courts
Khoar, Shina, Burushaski, Balti and fitted urban cloak and equally necessary – Muslims are required to recite the
Wakhi. While sometimes an interpreter fashion accessory which although sekaten (shahada) before witnessing it’s
was useful, other times, the language of covered the body, changed in style and marathon performance.
language had designs of its own. proclivity as often as the Paris catwalk.
Fieldwork never ceases to surprise; its
After several days in Lanzhou, the capital In the late afternoon, our taxi driver, beauty and pain lies in its ability to
of China’s northcentral Gansu province, I Mehdi, pulled into one of the smaller unceasingly force us to revisit our
became more acquainted with the city’s Iranian villages in South Khurasan at assumptions. It allows us to
Hui Muslim population. On one of those about the same time as several men were interrogate the lenses through which
early days in the city, I had made plans to returning from the barley fields astride we see our world and the ways in
visit the khanqah and mosque of the their donkeys. Several curious villagers which the world sees us.
Jahriyya Sufis late one evening, hours were whiling their time away and sharing
after ‘isha prayers had already ended. with each other stories of their day on the
The imam of the mosque kindly offered raised cement patio of the village’s first
me and my interpreter, Mr Chen, some house that seemed to be strategically
green tea. Mr Chen, an educated positioned to greet us when we arrived. Rama and Sinta puppet show, Indonesia
university lecturer in engineering and the As I had done in earlier villages, I
sciences, was also introduced to Islam introduced myself and extended my hand
and its Chinese articulations through our in friendship and respect to all who were
interviews and visits to various mosques present. All was well until I came to a
and tombs in the region. While I asked middle-aged woman, who caught between
questions through Mr Chen to the imam, two models of decorum – honour and
in English, they conversed in Chinese. I graciousness of the east and familiarity
found that there was as much to explain and politesse of the west – extended her
to Mr Chen as there was that the imam right pinky which I shook hesitantly, not
had to explain to me. I also discovered wanting to further offend her.
that Mr Zhang, the imam, had studied in
Qom and to my delight, spoke both The respect that people have for that
Persian and Arabic. Due to his thick which precedes is equally fascinating. In
accent, however, I wasn’t able to penetrate the heart of Indonesia, on the island of
the words behind his sounds in either of Java, the most populous Muslim
those languages. What ensued was a landmass in the world, I was reminded of
comical but practical solution: I addressed this the first time I encountered Simar, ‘the
him in Arabic and he wrote his responses, advisor’ in the Indonesian version of the
also in Arabic, on paper for me to read. Ramayana epic. At the house of a master

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