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Applied Radiation and Isotopes 100 (2015) 60–64

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Applied Radiation and Isotopes

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kVp estimate intercomparison between Unfors XI, Radcal 4075 and a

new CDTN multipurpose instrument
A.T. Baptista Neto n, B.B. Oliveira, L.O. Faria
Nuclear Technology Development Center – CDTN/CNEN, Av. Presidente Antônio Carlos, 6627 – Campus UFMG, Pampulha, Belo Horizonte 31270-901, MG,


 We compare the kVp estimate between CDTN instrument and 2 different kVp meters.
 The new CDTN multipurpose instrument performance was found to be satisfactory.
 All instruments increase kVp estimative for increasing additional filtration.
 They are suitable for quality control routines in x-ray diagnostic radiology.

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this work we compare the kVp estimate between CDTN multipurpose instrument, UnforsXI and Radcal
Received 9 July 2014 4075 meters under different combinations of voltage and filtration. The non-invasively measurements
Received in revised form made using x-ray diagnostic and interventional radiology devices show similar tendencies to increase
18 November 2014
the kVp estimate when aluminum filters are placed in the path of the x-ray beam. The results reveal that
Accepted 24 November 2014
the kVp estimate made by the CDTN multipurpose instrument is always satisfactory for highly filtered
Available online 26 November 2014
beam intensities.
Keywords: & 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Radiation detector
Peak voltage

1. Introduction requires significant time and experience (ICRU, 2005). Routinely,

the practical characterization of an x-ray beam quality is based on
In response to the increasing use of ionizing radiation in the determination of other parameters, including the voltage ap-
medicine, to the risks therein involved and to the need of enfor- plied to the tube electrodes, or kVp (Bushberg et al., 2012; IEC,
cing radiation-protection policies, many countries have issued 2005; IAEA, 2000; ISO, 1996).
technical regulations defining basic radiation protection require- The beam filtration modifies the quality of the x-ray beam by
ments and guidelines for the use of devices that generate a series preferentially removing the low-energy photons in the spectrum;
of radiation qualities. Special attention is given to x-ray equipment furthermore, higher Z materials cause further beam hardening
that is routinely used for both common diagnostic radiology and (Seibert and Boone, 2005). Non-invasive kVp meters use this
interventional radiology. The latter utilizes minimally invasive principle to relate the applied voltage to the x-ray emission
image-guided procedures to diagnose and treat diseases in nearly equipment, forcing the beam to cross a metal sheet with enough
every organ system (IAEA, 2006). thickness, therefore shielding most of the low energy photons. The
The x-ray spectrum is defined as the energy distribution of the mean energy of the photons remaining in the beam is tightly
radiation produced in an x-ray exposure (Nickoloff and Berman, correlated to the applied voltage when the beam crosses two fil-
1993). The determination of photon spectral distribution as a ters of different thicknesses (Joseph and Wilson, 1982; Aichinger
function of photon energy is usually necessary to completely and Kranberg, 1983; Ranallo et al., 1990).
characterize x-ray beams. However, performing these procedures Considering radiology exposures, the radiation quality influ-
ences the balance between image quality and dose applied to the
n patient because interactions between x-ray photons and tissue
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A.T. Baptista Neto), vary with photon energy. Metal filters are fitted to x-ray tubes to (B.B. Oliveira), (L.O. Faria). attenuate lower energy photons that would be completely
0969-8043/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.T. Baptista Neto et al. / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 100 (2015) 60–64 61

absorbed by patients without contributing to radiological ex- 2.3. The CDTN multipurpose instrument
aminations, unnecessarily adding to the examination dose (Martin,
2007). A filter equivalent to at least 2.5 mmAl is required by The new multipurpose instrument developed in the CDTN's
guidelines (IPEM, 2002), being oftentimes incorporated as stan- Calibration Laboratory consists of a PVC square base plate where a
dard accessory in medical x-ray tubes, but additional filters may be depression holds a radiochromic film that detects the incoming
inserted. Once installed, filters in conventional radiographic units radiation. One lead and one acrylic plate are used to shield against
are seldom altered. However, during quality control procedures in unwanted scattered radiation. Sixty-five hollows enable the use of
x-ray equipment, we observed that, in most cases, when half-value filters of different materials and thickness, necessary to estimate
layer lies below acceptance criteria and, consequently, the patient air kerma, peak voltage and half-value layer. Details of the in-
dose is relatively high when compared to limit values, the cause is strument and its operation have been presented by Baptista Neto
usually related to the removal of this additional filtration during and Faria (2014).
x-ray equipment corrective maintenance. Precautions in handling radiochromic films, outlined by Butson
Voltage meters, when used in procedures to control the quality et al. (2003), were observed. Additionally, in order to reach che-
of x-ray emitting equipment, must correctly and unambiguously mical stability, film samples remained undisturbed for 24 h before
operate under distinct filtration conditions. Ambiguities occur the beginning of the readout process. Exposure to light was
when measurements obtained for high voltages and low filtration minimized by handling films in opaque envelopes both before and
rates are similar to those obtained for lower voltages and high after irradiation and scanning (Butson et al., 2002).
filtration rates. The characteristics of the Gafchromics XR-QA2 radiochromic
CDTN has recently developed a multipurpose instrument cap- film for kV image dose measurement have been investigated by
able of non-invasively measuring the air kerma, the half-value Giaddui et al. (2012). For the range of energy selected by the au-
layer and the voltage of radiation emitting equipment. In order to thors, the dependence on energy remained below 10%. Al-Okshi
validate the voltage estimates, the above-mentioned instrument et al. (2013) found virtually coincident dose–response curves
was compared to the UNFORS model Xi R/F and the Radcal model when testing the Gafchromics XR-QA2 film for 60 kV, 80 kV and
4075 R/F meters, for different voltage and filtration conditions. 120 kV beams, which suggests weak dependence on energy within
Here we report that although all instruments show a similar the selected energy range.
tendency to increase the kVp estimate when aluminum filters are Films were scanned using the ScanJet 4C Hewlett Packard
placed in the path of the x-ray beam, they may all be satisfactorily scanner at 600 dpi resolution, in color image mode. Files were
adopted in quality control routines of x-ray equipment by means saved as Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) and analysis of color
of estimation of the applied voltage. intensity was performed with the ImageJ application program.
Statistical tools that allow reduction in the measurements stan-
dard deviation were used in the radiochromic films analysis, as
suggested by Baptista Neto et al. (2014).
2. Materials and methods

Tests were carried out using a Pantak Seifert model 320 HS

3. Results and discussion
x-ray machine and the same setup was adopted for all instruments
under comparison. This device's inherent filtration was estimated
When an x-ray beam crosses an attenuating medium, the re-
to be 0.18 mmAl by means of the extrapolation method described
lationship between input and output radiation doses varies ac-
in ISO 4037-1. Each meter was carefully positioned at the x-ray
cording to the radiation energy emerging from the tube. Thus, one
beam center and 100 cm distant from focal spot. We have placed
of the basic principles adopted to non-invasively relate the applied
aluminum filters and two lead collimators at the radiation beam
voltage to the x-ray emission equipment is to force the beam to
output in order to reduce the scattered radiation and the beam
cross a metal sheet with enough thickness, in order to shield most
cross section. The current applied to the x-ray tube has been kept
of the low energy photons. The mean energy of the remaining
at 20 mA throughout the irradiation process of all meters.
photons is then tightly correlated to the voltage applied to the
electrodes and may be deduced from the relationship between the
2.1. The Unfors model Xi R/F beam intensities obtained when the beam crosses two filters of
different thicknesses (Joseph and Wilson, 1982; Aichinger and
The Unfors Xi consists of a base unit and several different ex- Kranberg, 1983; Ranallo et al., 1990b). In this context, we compare
ternal detectors for Radioscopy/Fluoroscopy (R/F), mammography the peak-voltage results by means of a substitution method with
(MAN), Computer Tomography (CT) and others. Communication three distinct non-invasive devices: a voltage meter manufactured
between detector and base unit is purely digital, thereby mini- by Radcal Corporation, model 4075 R/F, a multipurpose electronic
mizing sensitivity to mechanical or electrical stress. The R/F de- instrument manufactured by Unfors model Xi and a multipurpose
tector has two sensors: R/F High is designed for conventional, high instrument assembled at the CDTN Calibration Laboratory. It is
dose rate measurements; R/F Low is designed for low dose rate important to observe that the use of this method presupposes that
measurements. In this work, during measurements, we used the small fluctuations could not be perceived, since the waveform is
Unfors model Xi R/F Low sensor. not monitored.

2.2. The Radcal Corporation model 4075 R/F 3.1. Unfors model Xi R/F

The Radcal Corporation 4075 R/F consists of a base unit with All measurements were made using the R/F low detector due to
two internal detectors placed under different filtrations. The ratio the low current levels prevailing during x-ray exposure. Table 1
between these two internal detectors signals is used to determine shows Unfors model Xi R/F's response to different x-ray condi-
the peak voltage and, according to the manufacturer guide, it is tions. Additional filtration varied from 0 to 5 mmAl and nominal
independent of the tube current or the instrument focal spot- voltage was investigated from 40 to 100 kVp, as shown in Table 1.
distance (df-i). The detectors are centrally positioned and are able For 90 and 100 nominal kVp values and no additional filtration,
to measure voltages in the 55–145 range. the instrument exhibited the “HiFilt” message.
62 A.T. Baptista Neto et al. / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 100 (2015) 60–64

Table 1
kVp values for Unfors model Xi R/F in different x-ray conditions.

Vnom (kVp) Additional filtration

0 mmAl 1 mmAl 2 mmAl 3 mmAl 4 mmAl 5 mmAl

Mean SDa Mean SDa Mean SDa Mean SDa Mean SDa Mean SDa

40 40.79 0.11 40.89 0.26 40.86 0.20 40.87 0.23 41.83 0.24 42.30 0.30
50 50.73 0.04 51.00 0.26 51.32 0.06 51.35 0.08 51.69 0.10 51.68 0.13
60 60.99 0.07 61.42 0.06 61.86 0.13 61.93 0.21 61.91 0.09 62.11 0.27
70 71.26 0.07 71.68 0.20 72.05 0.06 72.31 0.12 72.50 0.02 72.53 0.11
80 81.85 0.18 82.14 0.18 82.85 0.14 82.87 0.09 83.20 0.15 83.39 0.06
90 – – 92.48 0.36 93.02 0.07 93.00 0.36 93.18 0.29 93.18 0.18
100 – – 102.8 0.25 102.9 0.06 103.2 0.25 103.1 0.25 103.2 0.35

SD – standard deviation.

Fig. 1 shows kVp variations when aluminum filters are added to 3.3. The multipurpose instrument of CDTN Calibration Laboratory
the path of the x-ray beam. It may be observed that in Table 1, as
well as in Fig. 1, when aluminum filters are added, the instrument In Fig. 3 we present the resulting calibration curve for our
tends to return slightly increased kVp evaluations. This is an in- multipurpose instrument, for nominal voltages ranging from 50 to
dication that it is important to use the equipment in conditions 100 kVp. It is based on the ratio between the optical densities
similar to those established in the instrument's calibration certi- measured under two distinct filters. In this setup we have used the
ficate. If it is not possible, corrections related to the total filtration reference beams RQR-3, RQR-4, RQR-5, RQR-6, RQR-7 and RQR-8
of the x-ray emitting equipment must be made. which in turn simulates the same conditions used in conventional
diagnostic radiology (IEC, 2005).
Errors above 30% have occurred for additional filtration below
3.2. Radcal Corporation model 4075 R/F 2 mmAl, suggesting that low-energy photons in these beams over
influenced the results. Similarly to other meters, a tendency to
Similar results were obtained for the Radcal Corporation model increase the voltage estimate when aluminum filters are place in
4075 R/F. As seen in both Table 2 and Fig. 2, when aluminum filters the path of the x-ray beam was observed, as shown in Table 3 and
are placed in the path of the x-ray beam, the same tendency of Fig. 4. Results signalize the importance of using the equipment in
increasing kVp estimates was observed. The instrument did not similar conditions to those established by the manufacturer and in
respond to voltages below 80 kVp and high filtration due to the compliance with the instrument's calibration certificate.
low radiation rate.
Results signalize the importance of using the equipment in si- 3.4. Comparison between different equipments
milar conditions to those established by the manufacturer and in
compliance with the instrument's calibration certificate. For comparison purposes, Table 4 shows estimated voltage values

Fig. 1. kVp values as function of aluminum additional filtration. Upon addition of aluminum filtration, the Unfors Xi's response tends to slightly increase for all nominal
voltages selected.
A.T. Baptista Neto et al. / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 100 (2015) 60–64 63

Table 2
kVp values using Radcal 4075 R/F in different x-ray conditions.

Vnom (kVp) Additional filtration

0 mmAl 1 mmAl 2 mmAl 3 mmAl 4 mmAl 5 mmAl

Mean SDa Mean SDa Mean SDa Mean SDa Mean SDa Mean SDa

80 79.93 0.15 80.63 0.35 81.57 0.61 82.17 0.32 82.70 0.60 83.43 0.06
90 89.67 0.50 91.00 0.26 92.13 0.15 93.00 0.26 93.97 0.25 95.40 1.05
100 98.30 0.70 100.1 0.44 102.8 0.25 103.7 0.50 105.4 0.29 106.5 0.66

SD – standard deviation.

Table 3
kVp values using CDTN multipurpose instrument for different x-ray conditions.

Vnom (kVp) Additional filtration

2 mmAl 3 mmAl 4 mmAl 5 mmAl

Mean SDa Mean SDa Mean SDa Mean SDa

50 – – 50.4 2.0 51.7 2.0 54.8 2.0
60 58.0 2.3 62.2 2.3 62.6 2.3 63.9 2.3
70 67.8 2.6 71.2 2.6 69.7 2.6 75.8 2.6
80 78.8 3.0 82.9 3.0 83.5 3.0 86.1 3.0
90 87.2 3.2 92.8 3.2 93.4 3.2 94.1 3.2

SD – standard deviation.

Fig. 2. kVp values as a function of aluminum additional filtration. Upon addition of

aluminum filtration, the Radcal Corporation 4075 R/F's response tends to slightly
increase for all nominal voltages selected.

Fig. 4. kVp values as function of aluminum additional filtration. Upon addition of

aluminum filtration, the CDTN multipurpose instrument response tends to increase
for all nominal voltages selected.

Table 4
Voltage estimative for 3 mmAl additional filtration using Unfors Xi and CDTN
Fig. 3. Calibration curve for the CDTN multipurpose instrument. multipurpose instrument.

Vnom Unfors Xi CDTN Difference (%)

obtained for both the Unfors Xi R/F and the CDTN multipurpose in- 40 40.87 – –
strument using 3 mmAl additional filtration. This condition has been 50 51.35 50.4 1.86
60 61.93 62.2 0.43
selected because an equivalent filtration to at least 2.5 mmAl is re-
70 72.31 71.2 1.54
quired by guidelines, being oftentimes incorporated as standard ac- 80 82.87 82.9 0.03
cessory in medical x-ray tubes. Comparing voltage values we observe 90 93.00 92.8 0.21
100 103.2 – –
a maximum discrepancy below 2%.
64 A.T. Baptista Neto et al. / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 100 (2015) 60–64

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