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7 Soliloquy from CAROUSEL Oscar Hammerstein I Moderato anna _ fe SSS Se SSE = = F : + —— yonder wha be'l kink of mel T guess Rell call me—"The old man!" T gsi i a j ~—- fen, ] pepe ——— SS SS SS Se ee cs think I can lick Ev-’ry oth-er fel-lers fa we can! = 1 can fi fel-ler's fa ther; Well, 1 o : Well, ____—— - ten, Copyright © 1945 by WILLIAM a ; Copyright Renewed eee ternational Copyright Secied” All Rights Reserved ] + Reserve Dad, But he'll have bet that he'tl turn out —— The spit an’ im - age Of his te LP com-mon sense than his pud-din’ head-ed fa-ther ev- er ass more in’s for our dive through a him to wras - sle, And But she to be-have, moth - er can teach him the way swim, My boy, Bill! a will see that he's named 53 tee he'll grow, With his head held high ‘And his | feet plant - ed firm on ‘marcato e poco allargando 3 pot - bel - lied, z 55 don't give a damn what he does, As long as he does what he sit on his tail, Or work on a rail Witha — ham-mer, a-ham-me fer-ry a boat on a fiv- er Or_ peddle @ pack on his back Or work up and down the streets of a town With a whip and 2 horse and a hack—_ He can haul a scow a - long a canal, Of course it takes tal - ent to ———, avenge SSS SS SS SS : noe Tmo vue SF =A might make a champ of the — heav - y-weights, Or a fel-ler that sells wt you — glue— 57 (Spoken) “His mother would like that...But he wouldn't have to be President unless he wanted to be." Not Bill! He'll be Like a — will Bill 58 be tb with — his him a - round! No poco allargando ann 3 59 Te, fat - bot-tomed, flab - by-faced, pot -bel-tied, bag - y-eyed poco allargando Poco piit mosso blood like wat-er, Who'll damned if he'll mar-ry his A. skin-ny-lipped vir-gin with boss's daugh-ter, aT in his eyes through a — lorg-nette. Say! give him a peck And (laugh, atempo a te = ven been 2 My ~—skid: ain't @ = von To oy tempo — sti? int go with a girl 1 can give him lots of _ point - ers, 1 can tell him— tempo (spoten) Wait, a min-ute!— Could it be? hell! What if Original Tempo isl? {Speaks, uterty heart-broken by the thought] “Bill - - - Oh, Bll!” her? What could Ido for her? A bum with no money! would I do with, sen. SS But you fun with a son, eae "A kid with rib-bons in her hair! A kind rmight-n't be so bad as that, a eae te OE — SSS ce es eS ‘neat and pe-tie Lit-tle tin-type of her moth-er! What a pair! Detrer, When 1 havea daughter py, = = vod pion & cul Was mad frm oor was do Reval wane 1" 63 Friends ‘Il sec me com-in’ and emp - ty all day Broader (with warmth) > es ream is she, My tete girl, Pink andwhite AS peach - es and ct 64 ae ie a i SSS z girs are meant to My lit-tle git Is half again 8 bright As 3 her From her faith - ful Dad! === She has a few > it Pink and white young fel-lers of two and three, a = my lite girl Gets hbun - gry ev = “ry night Poco pitt mosso " Te poco a poco cresc a = ot SSS =e SS i Tato pet wead-y before she comes! got © make cer-tin that she Won't be x =ig= o s | Feo poco ct She's Jot of bums Tike me. dragged up in slums With

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