Designing A Timber Beam Using AS 1720.1:2010 (Amdt 3)

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Designing a Timber Beam Using

AS 1720.1:2010 (Amdt 3)
Understanding the complete design process and the
key differences with AS 1720.3 or AS 1684

Brooks H. Smith, CPEng, PE, MIEAust, NER
• Introduction
• Differences to AS 1720.3 / AS 1684
• Designing a Timber Beam
• Characteristic Properties
• Modification Factors
• Flexural Capacity
• Shear Capacity
• Bearing Capacity
• Deflection
• Example Beam Calculations
• Conclusion & Questions

10 March 2020 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 2

Introduction – About the Presenter

Brooks H. Smith
• Chartered Professional Engineer
• MCivE, MIEAust, NER, P.E. (USA)
• Currently the Engineering Development Lead for ClearCalcs
• Timber beam is our longest-standing calculator
• 8 years of previous experience in:
• Structural engineering R&D consulting, specialising in cold-formed steel
• Research fellowship in system behaviour of thin-walled steel
• Forensic structural engineering, specialising in reinforced and PT concrete

10 March 2020 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 3

ClearCalcs helps engineers design More Accurate
without compromise by bringing Design more accurately with
together powerful FEA analysis with easy unrestricted and accessible FEA
to use design tools for concrete, steel, analysis
cold-formed steel and timber.
Eliminates Wasted Time
Explore our range at Speed up your work using
autosize, load linking, and CAD

Available Everywhere
Empower engineers to work
effectively from office, home, or
Intro Video Hyperlink | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 4

Introduction – Today’s Goals
• To be able to design a timber beam to AS 1720.1:2010 (Amdt 3)
• Rectangular cross-section
• Beam is not plywood
• Beam is neither notched nor tapered
• Detailing will only be broadly addressed
• We’ll distribute this slide deck and video after the webinar
• Please ask quick questions as I go – best to answer while on the topic
• Please ask using the “Q&A” feature, NOT the chat/messaging feature
• I’ll save involved questions until the end
• Note: Everything today is based on the standards
• We are not on the AS 1720.1 committee, and are not speaking for them or
communicating any special knowledge

10 March 2020 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 5

• Introduction
• Differences to AS 1720.3 / AS 1684
• Designing a Timber Beam
• Characteristic Properties
• Modification Factors
• Flexural Capacity
• Shear Capacity
• Bearing Capacity
• Deflection
• Example Beam Calculations
• Conclusion & Questions

10 March 2020 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 6

Differences to AS 1684.1 and AS 1720.3
• First, AS 1684.1:1999 is a defunct standard
• It was replaced by AS 1720.3:2016
• AS 1684.2-4 still exist, but they’re only construction standards, not design

“[AS 1720.3 is] an interpretation of the

AS/NZS 1170 series, AS 4055 and AS 1720.1 … [applicable when] using
the conventional timber framing system described in AS 1684.2-4”
AS 1720.3, Cl 1.4.1 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 7

Scope of AS 1720.3 vs AS 1720.1
AS 1720.3 AS 1720.1
Class 1 or 10 buildings,
Structure Type Any structure
constructed per AS 1684.2-4
Types of Timber Only standard grades (Almost) any timber product
Gravity Loads Self-contained Calculated via AS 1170.1,3
Lateral Loads Wind only, self-contained Calculated via AS 4055 or AS 1170.2,4
Load Cases Self-contained Refer to AS 1170.0
Roof Types Skillion, gable, or hip ≤ 35° Any roof
≤ 2 stories,
Building Size ≤ 3m wall height, Any size
≤ 16m length or width | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 8

Why Use AS 1720.3?
• It’s pretty restrictive, but it is:
• Easier to use
• Requires simpler hand calculations
• Self-contained – no need to buy any other standards
• It’s also a good reference for typical loads and restraint configurations
for different types of beams
• Even if you aren’t designing to AS 1720.3, builders are often used to
constructing houses based on it, so it’s best to use the same restraints, etc. | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 9

• Introduction
• Differences to AS 1720.3 / AS 1684
• Designing a Timber Beam
• Characteristic Properties
• Modification Factors
• Flexural Capacity
• Shear Capacity
• Bearing Capacity
• Deflection
• Example Beam Calculations
• Conclusion & Questions

11 March 2020 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 10

Designing a Timber Beam
• Calculate your demands by AS1170
• Find your characteristic properties
• Calculate your modification factors
• Limit states which must be checked:
• Flexural capacity
• Shear capacity
• Bearing capacity
• Deflection

10 March 2020 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 11

Characteristic Properties (Cl 2.2)
• Every grade / species of timber has its own “characteristic properties”
• These do not change based on design conditions
• Some are defined by various parts of the standard, some by manufacturers
• Strengths denoted by a prime (’), include the following:
Characteristic Strength in:
𝑓′! Bending
𝑓′" Shear May differ for major axis vs minor axis
𝑓′# Bearing Perpendicular to Grain
𝑓′$ Compression Parallel to Grain
Characteristic Average:
𝑓′% Tension Parallel to Grain
𝐸 Modulus of Elasticity (Short-Duration)
𝑓′& Bearing Parallel to Grain
𝐺 Modulus of Rigidity (Short-Duration)
𝑓′"' Shear at Joint Details
𝑤 Design Density (for Dead Load)
𝑓′%# Tension Perpendicular to Grain | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 12

Char. Prop.: MGP & A17 Grades (Cl H3)
• Straight lookup in a single table (Table H3.1)
• Interpolate for intermediate dimensions | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 13

Char. Prop.: F-Grades (Cl H2.2)
• Most characteristic properties are dependent on grade:

• If 𝑑 > 300𝑚𝑚:
• multiply 𝑓′! ∗ 300⁄𝑑 ".$%&
• If 𝑏 𝑜𝑟 𝑑 > 150𝑚𝑚:
• multiply 𝑓′' ∗ 150⁄max(𝑏, 𝑑) ".$%&

• Round timber modifications defined in Clause 6 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 14

Char. Prop.: F-Grades Bearing, etc (Cl H2.3)
• Bearing, density, shear at joint details, and tension perpendicular to
grain are dependent upon the species:
(1) Look up the species Strength Group: (2) Look up the characteristic strengths: | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 15

Char. Prop.: Glulam / GL-grades (Cl 7)
• As for F-grades, most values are dependent upon grade:

• If 𝑏 𝑜𝑟 𝑑 > 150𝑚𝑚:
• multiply 𝑓′' ∗ 150⁄max(𝑏, 𝑑) ".$%&

• But bearing, density, shear at joint details, and tension perpendicular

to grain are still all dependent upon species
• And use the same tables as F-grades (Tables H2.3 & H2.2) | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 16

Char. Prop.: LVL Timber, etc. (Cl 8.3)
• LVL: “Characteristic values…shall be obtained from the manufacturer”
• Plywood: defined in Clause 5
• Some of the engineered timbers, such as CLT, not defined in any AS!

• If 𝑏 𝑜𝑟 𝑑 > 150𝑚𝑚:
• multiply 𝑓′' ∗ 150⁄max(𝑏, 𝑑) ".$%& | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 17

• Introduction
• Differences to AS 1720.3 / AS 1684
• Designing a Timber Beam
• Characteristic Properties
• Modification Factors
• Flexural Capacity
• Shear Capacity
• Bearing Capacity
• Deflection
• Example Beam Calculations
• Conclusion & Questions

11 March 2020 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 18

Modification Factors: Strength (Cl 2.4)
• Multiply characteristic property by modification factors for final value:
Capacity Duration Moisture L & x of Strength Volume Char. Geom.
Design Capacity Factor of Load Condition Temp. Bearing Sharing Effect Stability Prop. Property
𝝓 𝒌𝟏 𝒌𝟒 𝒌𝟔 𝒌𝟕 𝒌𝟗 𝒌𝟏𝟏 𝒌𝟏𝟐 * 𝒇′𝒙
Bending 𝑴𝒅 = 𝜙 𝑘0 𝑘1 𝑘2 𝑘3 𝑘04 𝒇′𝒃 𝒁
Shear 𝑽𝒅 = 𝜙 𝑘0 𝑘1 𝑘2 𝒇′𝒔 𝑨𝒔
Bearing ⟂ 𝑵𝒅,𝒑 = 𝜙 𝑘0 𝑘1 𝑘2 𝑘9 𝒇′𝒑 𝑨𝒑
Bearing ∥ 𝑵𝒅,𝒍 = 𝜙 𝑘0 𝑘1 𝑘2 𝒇′𝒍 𝑨𝒍
Compression 𝑵𝒅,𝒄 = 𝜙 𝑘0 𝑘1 𝑘2 𝑘04 𝒇′𝒄 𝑨𝒄
Tension 𝑵𝒅,𝒕 = 𝜙 𝑘0 𝑘1 𝑘2 𝒇′𝒕 𝑨𝒕
Tension ⟂ 𝑵𝒅,𝒕𝒑 = 𝜙 𝑘0 𝑘00 𝒇′𝒕𝒑 𝑨𝒕𝒑

* 𝑘$( is really two different modification factors; differs for bending or compression | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 19

Mod. Fact.: Capacity (Cl 2.1)
• Dependent upon structural category and timber type
• Usually in houses, bearers are Category 2 and everything else is Category 1 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 20

Mod. Fact.: Duration of Load 𝒌𝟏 (Cl 2.4.1)
• Applies a penalty to longer-term loads
• For each load case, 𝒌𝟏 is based
upon the shortest-duration load
• Long list of notes and tables
based on durations in Cl 2.4.1
• But can also just go straight to
Table G1, in Appendix G:

Snow actions
Standard’s table excludes snow load case, (a) Alpine areas 1.2G + Su + ψcQ 0.80 0.69
but it would appear like this: (b) Sub-alpine areas 0.94 0.77 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 21

Mod. Factors: Duration of Load 𝒌𝟏 (Cl 2.4.1)

• Really important note - this makes timber unique among materials!

• In steel, concrete, or CFS:
• Calculate one capacity, compare all demands from every load case to that one capacity
• In timber:
• Calculate different capacities for each and every load case
• Your highest demands do not necessarily govern the design! | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 22

Mod. Fact.: Moisture Condition 𝒌𝟒 (Cl 2.4.2)
• Applies a penalty to seasoned timber in moist conditions, or a benefit
to small unseasoned timber that’s allowed to dry
• Unseasoned Timber (excluding LVL):
• 𝑘! = 1.0
• Unless beam will not be fully loaded until it has partially seasoned to below 25%
moisture content – in which case use Table 2.5:
• For example: if it will dry a lot during construction | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 23

Mod. Fact.: Moisture Condition 𝒌𝟒 (Cl 2.4.2)
• Seasoned Timber (excluding LVL):
• 𝑘! = 1.0
• Unless beam’s average (Equilibrium) Moisture Content for a 12-month period (its 𝐸𝑀𝐶)
may exceed 15% – in which case calculate as the greater of:
• For example: unprotected from rain, subject to ocean spray,
or exposed timber in a bathroom

• LVL Timber:
• 𝑘! = 1.0
• Unless beam’s average (Equilibrium) Moisture Content for a 12-month period (its 𝐸𝑀𝐶)
may exceed 15% – in which case calculate as per Table 8.1:

This row is mathematically identical

to Seasoned Timber above: | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 24

Mod. Fact.: Temperature 𝒌𝟔 (Cl 2.4.3)
• For most of Australia: 𝑘! = 0.9
• 𝒌𝟔 = 1.0 𝑘! = 0.9

𝑘! = 1.0

• For seasoned timber, north of 16°S latitude:

• 𝒌𝟔 = 0.9
• Cities: Darwin
• For seasoned timber, in coastal regions of Queensland north of 25°S:
• 𝒌𝟔 = 0.9
• Cities: Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, Rockhampton, Gladstone, Bundaberg | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 25

Mod. Fact.: L & x of Bearing 𝒌𝟕 (Cl 2.4.4)
• Makes small, interior bearing areas less disadvantageous
• Accounts for load spreading within the beam
• For end bearing < 75mm from the end of the timber:
• 𝑘) = 1.0
• For interior bearing ≥ 75mm from the end of the timber:

• “Length of bearing” is measured parallel to the grain

• Or equal to the diameter for round bearing areas | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 26

Mod. Fact.: Strength Sharing 𝒌𝟗 (Cl 2.4.5)
• For glulam, plywood, or LVL timbers:
• 𝑘* = 1.0 always
• Gives benefit for F-grades, MGP grades, A17 grades in which either:
1. “Combined parallel systems” (fastener-laminated):
• 𝑛)*+ ≥ 2
• All elements constrained to the same deformation under load

2. “Discrete parallel systems” (repetitive framing):

• 𝑛+,+ ≥ 3
• Must have overlying set of members
and/or sheathing fastened above | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 27

Mod. Fact.: Strength Sharing 𝒌𝟗 (Cl 2.4.5)
• First, look up values for factors 𝑔=> and 𝑔=? :

• Then, plug into Eq

• 𝑠 = centre-to-centre spacing
• 𝐿 = effective span length (not necessarily the same as total length!) | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 28

Modification Factors: Serviceability (Cl 2.4)
• For each service load case:
Creep in Bending, Creep in Moisture
Design Value Compression, or Shear Tension Content Raw Value
𝒋𝟐 𝒋𝟑 𝒋𝟔
Short-term Deflection 𝜹𝒔 = 𝑗2 𝜹𝑬𝑰
Long-term Deflection 𝜹𝒍 = 𝑗4 𝑗2 𝜹𝑬𝑰
Short-term Extension in
𝑗2 𝜺𝑬𝑨
Compression (Shrinking) 𝜺𝒔,𝒄 =
Long-term Extension in
𝑗4 𝑗2 𝜺𝑬𝑨
Compression (Shrinking) 𝜺𝒍,𝒄 =
Short-term Extension in
𝑗2 𝜺𝑬𝑨
Tension (Stretching) 𝜺𝒔,𝒕 =
Long-term Extension in
𝑗A 𝑗2 𝜺𝑬𝑨
Tension (Stretching) 𝜺𝒍,𝒕 = | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 29

Mod. Fact.: Creep 𝒋𝟐 and 𝒋𝟑 (Cl
• Amplifies long-term deformations

• Between 1 day and 1 year:

• Interpolate based on log(duration)
• Between 15% and 25% moisture:
• Interpolate linearly

• Very precise calculation, but… | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 30

Mod. Fact.: Creep 𝒋𝟐 and 𝒋𝟑 (Cl
• Notes:
• While calculation is very precise, the inputs are vague:

• In other words, the durations used for calculating 𝑘$ aren’t intended for 𝑗( and 𝑗-
• But no alternative guidance is given
• It should always be conservative to use durations defined for 𝑘" calculation
• “May be unconservative for collapse-susceptible, unseasoned hardwoods”
• Though no alternative method for these is given | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 31

Mod. Fact.: Moisture Content 𝒋𝟔 (Cl 8.4.3)
• Penalises LVL members which are not protected from moisture
• For LVL timbers:
• Reminder: 𝐸𝑀𝐶 = “Equilibrium Moisture Content”, or the average moisture
content over a 12-month period that the beam may experience

• For all other timbers:

• 𝑗+ = 1.0 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 32

• Introduction
• Differences to AS 1720.3 / AS 1684
• Designing a Timber Beam
• Characteristic Properties
• Modification Factors
• Flexural Capacity
• Shear Capacity
• Bearing Capacity
• Deflection
• Example Beam Calculations
• Conclusion & Questions

11 March 2020 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 33

Bending: General (Cl 3.2.1-4)
• Bending capacity requires a multi-step calculation
• Because of that 𝑘,- “modification factor”
1. Calculate material constant 𝜌A
• Relates to timber grade’s susceptibility to buckling
2. Calculate slenderness coefficients 𝑆> and/or 𝑆?
• Relates to lateral restraint effectiveness about major and/or minor axes
3. Calculate stability factor 𝑘>?
• Relates to overall lateral-torsional buckling
4. Calculate bending capacity 𝑀B | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 34

Bending: Material Constant 𝝆𝒃 (Cl 3.2.4)
• Lengthy and highly-precise calculations possible per Appendix E
• Are dependent upon 𝑟 = ratio of “temporary” demands to total demands
• Which can vary not only by load case, but also along length of beam
• But it only makes about a 5% difference
• Or Table 3.1 & 7.2(A) conservatively
assume 𝑟 = 0.25:
• For LVLs:

• Can conservatively assume 𝑟 = 0.25 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 35

Bending: Slenderness 𝑺𝟏 (Cl 3.2.3)
• Several cases:
1. Discrete restraints, loaded on compression edge:

• Where 𝐿./ = centre-to-centre spacing of restraints

2. Discrete restraints, loaded on tension edge: | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 36

Bending: Slenderness 𝑺𝟏 (Cl 3.2.3)
3. Continuous restraint along compression edge:
• Where “continuous” means:

• 𝑆$ = 0.0

4. Continuous restraint along tension edge: | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 37

Bending: Slenderness 𝑺𝟏 (Cl 3.2.3)
5. Continuous restraint along tension edge,
with discrete torsional restraints,
loaded along tension edge:

6. Bending about minor axis:

• Alternatively, there are more general, but much more complex equations in
Appendix E6 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 38

Bending: Stability Factor 𝒌𝟏𝟐 (Cl 3.2.4)
• Three possible equations, dependent upon 𝜌A 𝑆> value:

• 𝑘,- = 1.0 for bending about the minor axis

• For those familiar with steel design, these equations are akin to
compact, non-compact, and slender conditions, respectively | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 39

Bending Strength (Cl 3.2.1)
• Now bending strength can finally be calculated:

• 𝑍 = 𝐼 ⁄𝑐
$ 1
• For rectangular beams about major axis: 𝐼0 = 𝑏𝑑 - and 𝑐 =
$( (
$ !
• For rectangular beams about minor axis: 𝐼/ = 𝑑𝑏 - and 𝑐 =
$( (

• If bending about both axes simultaneously:

• Calculate 𝑀. individually about both axes, and plug into the following: | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 40

• Introduction
• Differences to AS 1720.3 / AS 1684
• Designing a Timber Beam
• Characteristic Properties
• Modification Factors
• Flexural Capacity
• Shear Capacity
• Bearing Capacity
• Deflection
• Example Beam Calculations
• Conclusion & Questions

11 March 2020 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 41

Shear Strength (Cl 3.2.5)
• Straightforward calculation:

• 𝐴/ = 0
𝑏𝑑 (for rectangular members)

• Allowed to ignore loads that are within a distance of 1.5𝑑 from the
face of a support
• But shear controls so rarely that it may not be worth doing that math | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 42

Bearing Strength: Perpendicular (Cl
• Usually, bearing is purely perpendicular to the grain
• A support or load at a 90 degree angle to the beam

• 𝐴1 = the area of bearing (gross area)

• Note that 𝑘) may be different for different supports
or point loads
• Bearing is not relevant for all types of connections
• Such as brackets which attach to sides of beam
• In which crushing checks are done in connection design | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 43

Bearing: Non-Perpendicular (Cl
• Bearing may also occur parallel (𝑁B,I )
or at an angle to the grain (𝑁B,J )
• Parallel:

• Note that 𝑘) is NOT included

• Angled:

• Be careful about bearing areas for each direction (𝐴1 and 𝐴2 differ)! | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 44

Deflection (Appendix B)
• Bending stiffness = 𝐸 ∗ 𝐼
• Calculate deflections by your preferred method (FEA, beam theory, etc)
• Short-term deflections multiplied by 𝑗K :
• 𝛿/ = 𝑗+ ∗ 𝛿45
• Long-term deflections multiplied by 𝑗K and appropriate 𝑗? :
• 𝛿2 = 𝑗- ∗ 𝑗+ ∗ 𝛿45
• Note that 𝑗( is specific to each load type, so should do this before factoring load cases
• However, it is conservative, and easier, to simply multiply the whole load case by the
maximum 𝑗% (for ≥ 1 year) | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 45

• Introduction
• Differences to AS 1720.3 / AS 1684
• Designing a Timber Beam
• Characteristic Properties
• Modification Factors
• Flexural Capacity
• Shear Capacity
• Bearing Capacity
• Deflection
• Example Beam Calculations
• Conclusion & Questions

10 March 2020 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 46

Example Beam #1 – Simply Supported
G = 0.9 kPa 300 x 35 – e-beam (Wesbeam®)
Q = 0.25 kPa

300 mm

3800 mm

• Residential house roof bearer

→ AS1170.1, R2 roof (Q = 0.25 kPa)
→ Category 2 member 35 mm
• Tile roof (G = 0.9 kPa)
• Restrained by 600mm o.c. trusses
→ discrete at compression edge Showing methods and formulas
• 2000 mm load width using ClearCalcs’s steel calculator
• 90 mm bearing lengths at supports

10 March 2020 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 47

Example Beam #2 – Complex Beam
Ex #1 Beam @ 1500 mm

G = 0.5 kPa
Q = 1.5 kPa

3000 mm 5500 mm 1500 mm

Custom Beam
3-ply 250x45 Radiata Pine
• 10 m total length
• Residential house floor bearer
→ Category 2 member
• Load width of 2000 mm 250 mm
• Restrained by 450mm o.c. joists
→ discrete at compression edge
• 90mm bearing length

3 x 45 mm
11 March 2020 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 48
• Introduction
• Differences to AS 1720.3 / AS 1684
• Designing a Timber Beam
• Characteristic Properties
• Modification Factors
• Flexural Capacity
• Shear Capacity
• Bearing Capacity
• Deflection
• Example Beam Calculations
• Conclusion & Questions

11 March 2020 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 49

Summing It Up
• AS1720.3 is a self-contained interpretation of timber & load standards
• Replaced AS 1684.1, for conventional residential timber framing
• Limited to standard timbers, ≤ 2 stories, ≤ 3m walls, ≤ 16m length or width
• Beam design checks at all sections include:
• Characteristic Properties: Table lookups from standard or manufacturer
• Modification Factors: 𝑘, varies by load case; 𝑘!, 𝑘+, 𝑘), 𝑘*
• Flexure: Material 𝜌7 → Slenderness 𝑆, → Stability 𝑘,- → 𝑀. multiplication
• Shear: 𝑉. multiplication
• Bearing: Usually 𝑁.,1 multiplication, could be parallel or angled too
• Deflection: Short-term (without 𝑗-), and long-term (with 𝑗-)
• We performed examples with simply supported and complex beams

10 March 2020 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 50

Explore our broad range of calculations
Already available:
- Timber
- Steel
- Cold-formed steel
- Concrete
- Connections
- Footings
- Cantilever retaining walls

In development:
- Custom sections
- Advanced connections
- Advanced foundations
- Other retaining walls

And watch for more free webinars

upcoming on designing other types of
members and connections!
10 March 2020 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 51
About ClearCalcs

10 March 2020 ClearCalcs Pty Ltd 52

Happy Engineers Using ClearCalcs
ClearCalcs has been used in over 250,000 designs by a growing number of engineers across Australia.

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10 March 2020 ClearCalcs Pty Ltd 53

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• Finite Element Analysis

• Get the most accurate results no
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• As simple or complex as you want

• Safely enter in only a few properties,
or tune every parameter – it’s up to you

15 January 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 54

What Sets Our Design Process Apart
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• Automatically pick the most efficient section,
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• See at a glance how close your design
is to perfection | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 55

What Sets Our Platform Apart
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10 March 2020 ClearCalcs Pty Ltd 57

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10 March 2020 ClearCalcs Pty Ltd 58

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