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Intro Database (MS Access)

Mr. J. Stephens
At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
1. Define what is a database
2. Identify the most popular database management System
3. Identify at least 3 use of a DMS
4. Define terms associated with MS Access (table, record, field,
primary key relationships, queries, forms, reports)
5. Demonstrate how to start MS Access correctly without the
assistant of teacher
6. Create a table in design view after teacher demonstration by
What is a database ?
A database is a collection of information that is organized in tables
and stored on a computer system. This information can be updated
or modified as required.
We can also say it’s like a room in an office which has files in it.

A database is an organized collection of structured data to make it

easily accessible, manageable and update. In simple words, you can
say, a database in a place where the data is stored in tables. The best
analogy is the library. The library contains a huge collection of
books of different genres, here the library is database and books are
the data.
Most popular database system

Microsoft Access is one of the most popular and most used

database software
Other examples of database Softwares include:
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer
Oracle RDBMS
Microsoft SQL Server
SAP Sybase ASE
Use of a DMS
Database Management System can be used to :
Store data
Manipulating data
Organize data
Retrieve data/information easily
Terms associated with MS Access

A table is a collection of rows referred to as records and
columns referred to as fields
Terms associated with MS Access
Primary Key
A primary key is a field or set of fields with values that are
unique throughout a table. Values of the key can be used
to refer to entire records, because each record has a
different value for the key. Each table can only have one
primary key.
Terms associated with MS Access
Record and Fields

A field is a single column in a table that stores data also

called attribute.

A record is a collection of related fields.

Terms associated with MS Access

A relationship in Access helps you combine data from

two different tables. Each relationship consists of
fields in two tables with corresponding data. ... When you
use related tables in a query,
the relationship lets Access determine which records from
each table to combine in the result set.
Terms associated with MS Access
A query is a request for a specific data results, and for
action on data. You can use a query to answer a simple
question, to perform calculations, to combine data from
different tables, or even to add, change, or delete table
Terms associated with MS Access

Forms are similar to user interfaces, which allows database

user to type data into a database using specially design
templates, rather than straight into a table.
Terms associated with MS Access
Reports are used to present the information retrieved from
the tables of a database in a presentable manner so that it
is useful and appealing to the user.
Data types in Database

Field size determine the amount of character that can fit in a field
MS Access Data types cnt’d
Steps in creating a Database in
MS Access
Step 1: Locate the MS Application and open
Steps in creating a Database in
MS Access
Step 2: Select blank database
Steps in creating a Database in
MS Access
Step 3: After selecting blank database, you will be directed to
this window. Enter the name or title of your database then
select create
Steps in creating a
Database in MS Access
After selecting create, your database has created . You will
then be directed to your blank database.
Creating a table in Database in
MS Access
The best way to create a database in MS access is to do it
in design view.
Step 1: close the current table by selecting this x
creating a table in Database in
MS Access
Step 2: Next select the “Create” tab
Step 3: Then select “table design” or table in “design
Creating a table in Database in
MS Access
Step 4: You will then be directed to this window “design
view”. This where you will create your Fields, select the
data type and add description
creating a table in Database in
MS Access
Step 5: Enter your field and select the data type based on
the data you will enter under each field.
Step 6: After you have entered and select your data type,
select the small x
Creating a table in Database in
MS Access
Step 7: After selecting the x, a pop up menu will appear
asking if you want to save or cancel. Select yes.
Creating a table in Database in
MS Access
Step 8: Next enter the name of your table in the “save as”
pop up menu then select ok
Creating a table in Database in
MS Access
Step 9: If you have NOT select a primary key, a menu
will pop up asking if you want to create a primary key
now, select “NO”. and your table will be created.
Then you will be able to add records to your table

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