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User Guide

1 – Contents
User Guide

Getting Help

Stratos/Xantic operates a full support service should you require assistance. Responses
may be immediate for simple questions – more detailed support responses may take
longer. The Customer Care team is on hand to assist in resolving installation and
configuration problems or questions

All requests for service visits to your vessel should be made either to the support team or
via your company administrator.

Customer Care contact details:

Toll Free (International): + 800-1313-1313

Toll free (North America): + 1 800 563 2255

Worldwide: + 1 709 748 4226

Fax: + 1 709 748 4320

Inmarsat: 31 #

Iridium: 6868

MarineSat/LandSat: 611



AMOS Mail User Guide, Version 7.3

Copyright 2006 Xantic/Stratos

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission
from Xantic or Stratos

The information furnished herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Stratos nor Xantic assumes any
responsibility for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use.

All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

September 2006

Getting Help .......................................................................................... 2

Contents ............................................................................................... 3

1. Welcome to AMOS Mail........................................................................ 6

1.1 Introduction ................................................................................. 6
1.2 Additional documents available .......................................................... 6
1.3 Terms and Concepts You Need To Know ................................................ 6
1.3.1 AMOS Mail Messages ..........................................................................................7
1.3.2 The Inbox ......................................................................................................7
1.3.3 The SentBox ...................................................................................................7
1.3.4 The Post Office................................................................................................7
1.3.5 The Directory and Mailing Lists .............................................................................7
1.3.6 Folders and Archives..........................................................................................7

2 Getting Started ................................................................................ 8

2.1 Introduction ................................................................................. 8
2.2 Starting AMOS Mail ......................................................................... 8
2.3 About Security and Passwords ............................................................ 8
2.4 Elements of the AMOS Mail Windows .................................................... 9
2.5 Getting on-line Help....................................................................... 10
2.6 Quitting AMOS Mail ........................................................................ 10
2.7 Exit and Sign Out .......................................................................... 11
2.8 Close the Window.......................................................................... 11

3 Sending Mail ................................................................................... 12

3.1 Sending Messages .......................................................................... 12
3.2 Message Window ........................................................................... 12
3.3 Selecting Address .......................................................................... 13
3.3 Everyone .................................................................................... 13
3.4 Global ....................................................................................... 13
3.5 Private....................................................................................... 13
3.6 History....................................................................................... 13
3.7 Find List ..................................................................................... 13
3.8 Searching for Addresses .................................................................. 14
3.9 Updating Address Information ........................................................... 15
3.10 Reducing Directory Size................................................................... 16
3.11 Spell checking Text Notes ................................................................ 16
3.12 Using Message Templates................................................................. 17
3.13 Forward Fax Messages..................................................................... 17
3.14 Edit Fax Messages.......................................................................... 18
3.15 Setting Message Options .................................................................. 18
3.16 Fax header selection and accounting ................................................... 19
3.17 Adding Attachments ....................................................................... 20

4 The Send Queue .............................................................................. 21

4.1 Introduction ................................................................................ 21
4.2 Properties................................................................................... 21

3 – Contents
4.3 Filter......................................................................................... 22

5 Connecting to the AMOS Mail Server ....................................................... 23

5.1 Dialing the Server.......................................................................... 23
5.2 Dialing Filter ............................................................................... 23
5.3 Redial options .............................................................................. 24

6 Message Delivery Confirmation ............................................................. 25

6.1 Introduction ................................................................................ 25
6.2 Querying Delivery Status ................................................................. 25
6.3 Handling Non Delivery Messages......................................................... 26

7 Receiving Mail................................................................................. 27
7.1 Reading New Mail .......................................................................... 27
7.2 Receiving Attachments ................................................................... 28
7.3 Compressed Attachment.................................................................. 28
7.4 Using the Right Mouse Button............................................................ 29
7.5 Tag a message.............................................................................. 29

8 Organizing your messages ................................................................... 30

8.1 Creating Folders ........................................................................... 30
8.2 Changing Folder Properties .............................................................. 31
8.3 Moving a Folder ............................................................................ 31
8.4 Removing a Folder......................................................................... 32
8.5 Archiving Messages ........................................................................ 32
8.6 Exporting Messages to a File ............................................................. 32
8.6.1 Exporting a message or folder to file .................................................................... 32
8.6.2 Importing a message from file ............................................................................ 33
8.7 Using the Move button .................................................................... 33
8.8 Using the Delete button .................................................................. 33
8.9 Using Drag and Drop....................................................................... 33

9 Address Books ................................................................................. 34

9.1 Introduction ................................................................................ 34
9.2 Creating New Directory entries.......................................................... 34
9.3 Modifying Directory entries .............................................................. 36
9.4 Creating Distribution Lists................................................................ 36
9.5 Amending Distribution Lists .............................................................. 37

10 User Preferences ............................................................................. 39

10.1 Preferences................................................................................. 39
10.2 Miscellaneous options ................................................................ 39
10.3 Print ......................................................................................... 40
10.4 Forward ..................................................................................... 41
10.5 Signature.................................................................................... 42
10.6 Automatic reply............................................................................ 42
10.7 Toolbar ...................................................................................... 43
10.8 Notification ................................................................................. 43
10.9 Editor Preferences......................................................................... 44
10.10 Using Passwords......................................................................... 45

4 – Contents
11 Group Functionality .......................................................................... 46
11.1 Introduction ................................................................................ 46
11.2 Workgroups ................................................................................. 46
11.3 Distribution Lists........................................................................... 46
11.4 Tag Messages ............................................................................... 46

12 Guidelines and Utilities ...................................................................... 47

12.1 General Guidelines ........................................................................ 47
12.2 Using Keyboard Shortcut Keys ........................................................... 47
12.3 Searching for Messages ................................................................... 48
12.4 Deleting Old Messages .................................................................... 49
12.5 Attachfile Management ................................................................... 50

13 Telex and Fax Country Codes .............................................................. 52

5 – Contents
1. Welcome to AMOS Mail

1.1 Introduction

AMOS Mail is a powerful and flexible electronic mail software package for the Microsoft Windows family
of 32-bit operating systems. The package supports both local (in-house mail) and external mail through
gateways or direct links to external PTT carriers such as fax, telex and Internet mail.

Exchange of local mail is based on a common database (Post Office) shared among a number of Mailboxes.
The package will run on any networking environment that supports shared files. The software may be run in
a client-server configuration in Microsoft NT/2000/2003 Server environments.

AMOS Mail can also be installed on a standalone PC acting as a single Mailbox remote Post Office. Post
offices may be interconnected using either dial up lines, X.25 lines, ISDN lines or local-area networks. Mail
can also be exchanged with a wide range third party mail packages through gateways.

Messages are NOT forwarded direct to you – it is your responsibility to call in and collect any
messages waiting for you.

By careful use of batching non-urgent messages, and monitoring of your time spent on-line, great saving may
be made in your communications bill. This is achieved by the special protocol that has been optimized for
use over Inmarsat telephone circuits. Your system supervisor or the AMOS Connect helpdesk staff can
provide additional advice on making more efficient use of the system.

The CD will install the main email application. It also includes options to install other chargeable services.

The CD you have been provided with contains a wealth of information that will assist you in setting up your
system. A number of documents are available that may be printed out and referred to whilst you are
installing the various applications.

This document – the User Guide describes the user functions of AMOS Mail and AMOS Connect.
The only difference between these two options is that AMOS Connect is the publicly managed system
operated by Xantic, and AMOS Mail is the privately managed system operated generally by your ship
managers or owners. The software and functions available are identical, and it is just the actual location that

1.2 Additional documents available

A number of additional manuals and guides are available to users of the AMOS system:
AMOS Mail Installation Guide
AMOS Mail Administrator Guide
AMOS Mail Office Administrator Guide

1.3 Terms and Concepts You Need To Know

Before using the system, you may want to become familiar with the basic AMOS Mail ideas, the terms and
concepts used, and the various operations you can perform. This section will provide you with that

6 – Welcome to AMOS Mail

The structure, concepts and terms of AMOS Mail are founded on a very simple metaphor – the letter. To use
the program, all you have to do is apply your understanding of the letters and packages you receive and send
daily to the electronic messages delivered through AMOS Mail.

1.3.1 AMOS Mail Messages


The basic unit of exchange in the AMOS Mail system is the message. A message is like a mail envelope that
can contain a number of different items – a letter, a form, a picture, and so on. In AMOS Mail, individual
content of a message may be referred to as message items or attachments, and they can include an unlimited
number of elements such as text, and graphics or even sound and video.

1.3.2 The Inbox

Just as with letters, you receive messages in an Inbox. In AMOS Mail you are also informed if the message is
unread or not. This is done by showing you the front-page of a closed envelope for new mail, or the back of
an opened envelope for mail that you have already opened.

1.3.3 The SentBox

All messages in AMOS Mail are handled like registered mail. This means that you will keep a copy of the
outgoing mail in your SentBox, and that you will get a receipt when your message is received and opened by
the recipient.

1.3.4 The Post Office

Traditional mail goes in and out of post offices before being distributed to recipients. Similarly, you can
connect to an AMOS Mail post office for delivery of messages to other users.
In AMOS Mail, the Post Office Administrator performs the postmaster functions by managing the AMOS
Mail post office operations.

1.3.5 The Directory and Mailing Lists

When sending traditional mail, we typically maintain lists of people and businesses with their addresses. In
AMOS Mail, this concept is embodied in the Directory, which lists all the people and businesses you
exchange mail with.
Just as you can have special distribution lists for particular purposes, AMOS Mail has distribution lists
(group addresses), which you can use when sending messages to groups of people or businesses.

1.3.6 Folders and Archives

You probably file away much of the paper mail you receive as well as copies of the mail you send. AMOS
Mail has archives and folders for storing messages electronically.

7 – Welcome to
2 Getting Started

2.1 Introduction

Getting Started
This section tells you how to get started with the program. It provides step-by-step instructions for:

Starting AMOS Mail

Working with the AMOS Mail Windows
Using the AMOS Mail Interface
Getting on-line help
Quitting AMOS Mail

2.2 Starting AMOS Mail

AMOS Mail can be started by using the Start button in Windows XP or by clicking on the AMOS
Mail Icon if this is copied to your desktop.

At startup you will be asked to enter your Mailbox ID (user code), Password and the Post Office you
want to connect to. The entered information will be suggested as logon information next time you
login (except for the password).

If you use the same password as your mailbox id, the AMOS Mail system will not prompt you for
password. You can change your password any time while AMOS Mail is running by following the
instructions in the ‘Using Passwords’ section in Chapter 10.

2.3 About Security and Passwords

The AMOS Mail Post Office administrator can set several preferences for your mailbox that affect the
security. Some of these preferences cannot be changed by the user.

8 – Getting started
2.4 Elements of the AMOS Mail Windows

When you start AMOS Mail and enter your password, the folder view window will be displayed. The
AMOS Mail application windows consist of elements you see in most Windows XP applications as
well as elements specific to the AMOS Mail interface.
Getting started

The following sections describe these elements. The ‘Using AMOS Mail’ section explains how to
navigate within AMOS Mail and how to use its basic features.

Title Bar, Menu Bar and Toolboxes

At the top of each window you will have a title bar. The title bar tells you the name of the current
window. In all AMOS Mail windows you will have a menu bar and a toolbar below the title window.
The menu bar can be activated by a shortcut code (ALT+the underlined character) or by using the
The toolbar is giving you a fast and easy way to perform commonly used tasks in AMOS Mail – like
writing a new message.
Maximize/minimize/restore/close Boxes
These boxes can be used to change the display size of the window. You can switch between
maximized state – which will fill the whole screen, normal – which will fill part of the screen and
minimized – where the window disappears and is placed on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen.
An AMOS Mail window will typically consist of several panes. The panes are normally related to
each other – one pane showing the overview of all the folders, while the other pane is showing the
contents of the folder you are highlighting.
Status Bar
The status bar tells you the status of AMOS Mail, the number of messages in the current folder, the
date and time. If you use the option 'Retrieve as needed', the + sign after the number indicates that not
all messages in this folder have been retrieved from the database. The time shows current time and the
time zone (GMT + /- hours).

9 – Getting
2.5 Getting on-line Help

In AMOS Mail you can get on-line help by using the F1 key or by selecting Help Contents on the
menu. The Help Contents page will then be displayed and you can select the topics you want to get

Getting Started
further assistance.

If you want to search by keywords select the Index or Find tab. You can then select a keyword and
display more information about this topic.

2.6 Quitting AMOS Mail

AMOS Mail can be closed or terminated by using the menu or the close box up in the right corner.
The effect is different.

10 – Getting started
2.7 Exit and Sign Out

AMOS Mail will now be closed and stopped. You will be logged out of the post office. You will have
Getting started

to restart AMOS Mail to be able to read and send messages.

2.8 Close the Window

The AMOS Mail window will now be closed, but the AMOS Mail system will still run in the
background. The icon for AMOS Mail will disappear from the taskbar, only a small icon in the little
taskbar window will appear. You will be notified if new mail arrives.

11 – Getting
3 Sending Mail

3.1 Sending Messages

In the AMOS Mail system users can send telexes, faxes and e-mail messages directly from their
Sending Mail

desktop. The system includes facilities for automatic compression of messages and attachments.
A new outgoing message can be created using any of the following methods:

Press the New button to create a new empty message.

Select any message (incoming, outgoing or template) from one of your private or shared folders and
press the Reply button. AMOS Mail will copy the address section and the subject from the original
Select any message (incoming, outgoing or template) from your private folder or any shared folders
and press the Forward button. AMOS Mail will retain the message section as well as the subject, but
clear the address section.
Select any message (incoming, outgoing or template) from one of your private or shared folders and
press the R-All (Reply All) button. AMOS Mail will copy the address section, the subject and the
message text from the original message.
Double Click (using your mouse) on any message not yet sent.

In addition to above, mail can also be sent directly from within any mail enabled applications such as
word processors (Microsoft Word, etc.).

All messages have three sections. These are the address, subject and text sections. In addition
messages including attachments have an attach-section. Depending on the method used to create the
new message, all or some of these sections will have to be filled in prior to sending the message. A
minimum of one destination address must be entered. The following screen is used for message entry:

3.2 Message Window

Press the Send button to deliver your message to all recipients entered in the address section.
Upon successful delivery you will automatically be returned to the Folder Display screen.

12 – Sending Mail
3.3 Selecting Addresses

Mail destination addresses can be selected from any number of directory lists (see separate section on
Address Books for information on creating and updating directory entries). The purpose of address
selection is to create a list of recipients by copying directory entries from the upper directory section

Sending Mail
into the lower destination section.

You may select addresses from any of the predefined directory lists as follows:

3.3 Everyone

The main directory common to and visible to all Mailboxes in your Post office.

3.4 Global

A global list of addresses that may be used for automatic directory replication between remote sites.

3.5 Private

Addresses created by yourself and only visible through your personal Mailbox.

3.6 History

A list of the addresses most recently used. This list is automatically maintained by AMOS Mail. You
may also add entries manually to this list by pressing the History button. Addresses in this list are only
references to the actual directory entries. If the underlying directory entry is updated, the changes will
also be reflected in the history entry. If a history address is deleted, the underlying directory entry will
not be affected.

3.7 Find List

A list of addresses assembled by matching a pattern to all addresses in all your directories.
Small icons are placed on each directory line to help you distinguish between alternative carriers.
The icons interpretation is as follows:

13 – Sending
Post office Non personal address
Ship-to-Shore Ship Mail addresses
Mailbox AMOS Mail Mailbox
Fax Fax
Sending Mail

Telex Telex
GEIS General Electric E-Mail
X.400 X.400 E-Mail
Short Message Text message to cellular phone or pager.
MHS Novel MHS E-Mail
Telex Relay Telex sent via external provider
Fax Relay Fax sent via external provider
API Application Interface
Group Distribution list
Folder Folder
Internet Internet Mail
Printer Send to printer
Rule Distribution rule
Other None of the above

3.8 Searching for Addresses

Two aids may be used in the process of selecting addresses from the directory screen as follows:
Type characters in the text box next to «Locate:», to position the selection marker alphabetically.
Press the Find button and type a search string to display a subset of addresses. The find utility will
search through both your private and shared directories in an attempt to match your search string with
all addresses. The search will match both uppercase and lowercase characters at any position in the
directory name.

Once the subset is displayed you may want to use locate as a further aid in selecting your destination
You may double click on a directory line to see the full address of a directory entry as follows.

14 – Sending Mail
Press any of the following buttons to copy the currently selected directory entry to the address section:

Sending Mail
To Primary recipient
Cc Carbon Copy recipient
Bcc Blind Carbon Copy recipient

When a Distribution List is selected all members will be appended when you press any of the above
buttons. You may optionally double click on a directory line to see the members of a Distribution List
prior to selecting it as follows.

You may want to use the Update button next to the address section if you want to make a temporary
change to an address, or if you want to change an address line from a primary recipient to a carbon
copy recipient etc.
Press the Close button to return to the message preparation screen once all addresses have been

3.9 Updating Address Information

Addresses selected for distribution may be altered without affecting the underlying directory entry.
One reason for this may be that you want to alter the name by adding a person’s name as an attention.
To accomplish this you must first highlight the address to be changed in the distribution list and then
press the lower «Update» button. The following dialog will then be displayed:

15 – Sending
3.10 Reducing Directory Size

As the number of Mailboxes grows on a particular Post office, so will the number of directory entries.
The list may eventually grow to such an extent that its practical value is limited due to the time
needed to search the list for specific addresses. In order to reduce this problem, the following may be
considered: Use the History directory as your preference. AMOS Mail will automatically add your
most recently used addresses to this list. The maximum number of entries on this list should be set to
a manageable value (e.g. 20 to 50).

Divide your Mailboxes into Workgroups (see separate section on Workgroup Management). Each
directory entry can then be assigned to a specific Workgroup thereby limiting the visibility to
members of this Workgroup only. Addresses of general interest however can still be assigned to
Workgroup Everyone.

3.11 Spell checking Text Notes

The text note part of your message may be checked for spelling errors by selecting the «Spell check»
command on the AMOS Mail Edit menu. This command will only be available if a 3rd party
dictionary has been installed, and the cursor is positioned in the text section of a message. When
selected, the following dialog will be displayed.

Select language and press the «Start» button to begin checking your text for spelling errors. When
errors are found, the spell check program will pause awaiting your command. You must then use one
of the available command buttons to deal with the misspelled word. Please observe that «misspelled»
in this context is defined as a word or phrase not found in the selected dictionary.

Ignore Skip the misspelled word and continue checking

the remaining text.
Ignore All This has the same effect as pressing the «Ignore»
Sending Mail

button. In addition, the misspelled word will be

added to an exception list, and errors will not be
flagged if the same word is encountered again.
Change The misspelled word will be replaced by the word
listed next to «Change to:». Prior to pressing this
button, you may optionally select a word from the
list of suggestions, or type in another «Change to»
Change All This has the same effect as pressing the «Change»
button. In addition the misspelled word and the
«Change to» word will be added to a list of
automatic replacement pairs. If the same word is
encountered again, the misspelled word will

16 – Sending Mail
automatically be substituted by the previously
chosen replacement.
Add The misspelled word will be added to a secondary
dictionary and accepted as a correctly spelled
word. AMOS Mail will automatically maintain
separate secondary dictionaries for each language
Cancel Exit from spell checking and return to your

The lists created by the «Ignore All» and «Change All» buttons will not be retained between sessions
of spell checking. Entries in secondary dictionaries (created by the «Add» button) will however be
remembered and used between sessions.

3.12 Using Message Templates

If your job requires similar documents to be distributed on a regular basis, templates can be created in
order to reduce time spent writing the same information over and over again. A template is simply a
draft of a document suitable for easy modification prior to sending. Examples of such may be
purchase inquiries, order forms, account statements, debit notices etc.

Start by pressing the New button on the toolbar to create a template. Type in the information not likely
to change (subject, message text) and exit from New without sending the message. You will be asked
if the message should be saved in the WorkBox or deleted. Answer Yes to save the message. If a large
number of templates are required, you may optionally choose to move your templates to any private
or shared folder.

Another way to create a template is to select a model message from any folder and make appropriate
modifications (use the Forward button) prior to saving it as a template in the WorkBox folder.
A copy of the template can now be created at any time by selecting it from the WorkBox (or the
folder of your choice) and pressing the Forward button. The job of completing the message will now
be reduced to filling in the address section rather than typing all information from scratch. The
message is then sent like any regular outgoing message by pressing the Send button.
Sending Mail

3.13 Forward Fax Messages

An incoming fax messages can be viewed on the screen and forwarded to another recipient by
pressing the Forward button. If wanted, a text front-page can then be added. You can switch between
the text front-page and the fax image by using the Text button or clicking on fax page icon (fax.001
etc.) at the bottom window.

17 – Sending
3.14 Edit Fax Messages

Fax images can be edited by marking an area of the fax by pressing down the left mouse button and
mark the area you want to cut or edit. By using the right mouse button you can select if you want to
copy, cut paste or edit the marked area. If you select edit, you can then type in new text in the open
widow or copy from the clipboard. The text font used in the fax-editing mode is decided on the menu
option ‘Select Image Font’ on the Set-up menu.

Sending Mail

3.15 Setting Message Options

One set of options is associated with each message. These options can be set to apply to all messages
(using the «Delivery Options» dialog on the Setup menu) or they can be set for each individual
message by clicking the «Option» button prior to sending a message. The following dialog can then
be used to override the default settings associated with your Mailbox.

18 – Sending Mail
The following options may be specified on a per message basis:

Ignore Cc and Bcc These options apply to local mail only. A message
Receipts will be considered Sent even though one or more
of the Cc/Bcc recipients have not read or simply
deleted your message.
Suppress Distribution This option applies to external mail only. Check if
List you want to suppress printing of the distribution
list (destination addresses) as part of your
outgoing message.
Suppress Auto This option will suppress the automatic
Forward forwarding option for outgoing mail if one has
been configured.
Request Internet If checked, the Internet gateway will request that
Delivery Notification a delivery notification message be returned when
the recipient receives your message. This request
may be ignored if the recipient does not support
the use of delivery notification for Internet e-mail.
Priority For external mail (e.g. telex, fax) it may
sometimes be desirable to bypass the otherwise
default first in/first out transmission of messages.
Any message of a higher priority will be sent
prior to a message of lower priority. Normal is the
default priority.
Deferred Delivery For external mail you may delay delivery of your
message to a specific time and day within a
Sending Mail

seven-day period. This option may be used to take

advantage of cheaper night rates offered by many
telephone companies.

3.16 Fax header selection and accounting

A Workgroup is always associated with each message and it is used for selection of fax headers and
footers (see Workgroup properties). Your selection of Workgroup will also determine how the cost

19 – Sending
for sending your message will be allocated. You can easily switch between different fax headers by
selecting other Workgroups.

3.17 Adding Attachments

Any file may be attached to and sent as part of an outgoing message. Please note however that
attachments can only be sent using carriers that support binary file transfer (telex and fax do not
support file transfer). Any number of attached files may be included as part of a message, using the
following dialog.

When you save or send a message with attachments, the attached files will automatically be
compressed. Files compressed by AMOS Mail will be de-compressed automatically when opened by
your recipient or when the message is sent via a non AMOS Mail gateway. The entire operation of
compressing and de-compressing is totally transparent to users of AMOS Mail.

20 – Sending Mail
4 The Send Queue

4.1 Introduction

Send Queue
All messages sent are placed in the Send Queue and will be sent out as e-mail, telex or fax by the
AMOS Mail system. The user can look at this queue to see if the message has already been sent from
the post office or not. By pressing the Next key on the overview screen the Send Queue will be

The user has the option of deleting (stop from being sent) their own messages.
The post office manager can delete messages for all users.

To The recipient
From The sender
Via The Post office or server process the message will be
sent via.
Size The uncompressed size of the message with attachments
Message The message reference number.
Date The date and time the message will be sent (first attempt
to send)

4.2 Properties

By using the right mouse button, you can display the properties of the messages in the Send queue.
From this menu you may also reschedule the message and change the priority of the message.

21 – The Send
Send Queue

4.3 Filter

To limit the number of messages displayed, you can set a filter on the Send Queue.
Only messages satisfying the filter will be displayed.

22 – The Send Queue

5 Connecting to the AMOS Mail Server

Connect to the hub

5.1 Dialing the Server

If you are using a portable PC or you are using AMOS Mail onboard a ship, you will have to dial up
and connect to your office based AMOS Mail hub, or alternatively, if you are on the AMOS Connect
service, dial into the AMOS Connect hub in Xantic, to transfer your messages.

Go to the Send Queue screen and press the Dial button on the toolbar. The window shown below will
the appear on the screen

Remote PO The Post Office (AMOS Mail server) you want to

connect to
Device The modem/terminal that you want to use to dial
the AMOS Mail server.
Phone The Phone number to the AMOS Mail Server
Location Defines how you can get an external line (direct
line, via switchboard, satellite unit or mobile

5.2 Dialing Filter

Optionally, you may select the Filter tab to limit the size on messages sent and received as in the
following screen. To access this click on the Advanced button which will expand the full menu.
Click on the Change button in the Advanced options to bring up the following menu options:

23 – Connecting to the AMOS Mail hub

Connect to the hub

Send If you want to send messages in this session.

Specify 0 KB if you want to send all messages
irrespective of size.
Receive If you want to receive messages in this session.
Specify 0 KB if you want to receive all messages
irrespective of size.

5.3 Redial options

The Redial tab may be used to specify criteria for automatic redial in case connection fails.
To access this again click on the Advanced button which will expand the full menu.
Click on the Redial Change button in the Advanced options to bring up the following menu options:

Number of retries The number of additional attempts to be made in

case of a connect failure. Specify zero to disable
automatic redial.
Interval The number of seconds that should elapse
between each successive redial attempt.

24 – Connecting to the AMOS Mail hub

6 Message Delivery Confirmation

Delivery confirmation
6.1 Introduction

One of the unique features of the AMOS Mail system is the acknowledgment and display of the
message status directly on the sent message.

AMOS Mail uses two sets of status indicators for delivery confirmation. The first set applies to the
message as a whole and accounts for all destinations of a particular message. This is referred to as the
‘Compound Message Status’ and can be viewed simply by displaying the content of the SentBox
folder. In addition to the Compound Status there is a set of status indicators for every individual
destination of any particular message. This status is viewed by opening the message and then
inspecting the individual address lines.

In addition to querying delivery status manually, you may also configure AMOS Mail to alert you of
Non Delivery with a notification and/or sound alarm.

6.2 Querying Delivery Status

Next to each message line in the SentBox you will find a symbol indicating the message Compound
Delivery Status. The symbols used and their interpretation is as follows:

Pending All destinations have been forwarded to the next

intermediate destination (remote mail) or delivered to
another Mailbox (local mail). No destinations have been
confirmed to fail delivery. Some (not all) destinations
may have been acknowledged.
Failed One or more of your destination addresses have been
confirmed to fail delivery. Others may be Pending or
Sent All destinations have successfully acknowledged
receiving your message.

25 – Message Delivery Confirmation

By double clicking on the message line, status will be broken down to each address line as the
message is displayed in full. The same symbols are used to indicate delivery notification, but they are
Delivery Confirmation

now applied to each individual address line.

The time stamp next to each address line indicates the time when current status was received.
If a message could not be delivered, a brief error message will be displayed alongside the address line
to indicate the reason why a particular destination could not be serviced. See Appendix A for a list of
the most commonly used Error Messages.

Colors are used to indicate change of status. If the notification symbol next to a message line in the
SentBox is colored, this indicates that status has changed for one or more address lines since the last
time message details was viewed (double click on message line). A black and white notification
symbol however, indicates that status has not changed since it was last viewed in detail.

6.3 Handling Non Delivery Messages

If for some reason a message could not be delivered, a notification box will be displayed, and a
distinct alert sound is set off to signal that one or more recipients could not be successfully serviced.
Once an address line has been marked as failed, AMOS Mail will not attempt to deliver the message
to that particular destination again and manual intervention is therefore required. Other messages or
other destinations for the same message, continue to be serviced uninterrupted.

The appropriate action when receiving a failure notification is to select the failed message from the
SentBox folder (double click using the mouse) and view the details of the message.
Next to the address line(s) in error, a brief error message is displayed to give the reason for failure.

Refer to the appendices for a list of the most commonly used error messages, their interpretation and a
suggested action. If it is decided to retry sending the message, this can be accomplished by simply
pressing the «Send» button, as you would do for a new message. If more than one recipient is
specified for the message, only the address line(s) in error will be resent.
You may double-click on the address line in error (or any address) to see the actual address used for
delivery. If you decide to change the address (e.g. fax or telex number) you must proceed as follows:
Press the «Address» button
Select the address in error from the bottom list
Press the «Update» button and change the address as needed
Press «OK» to save your changes
Then press «Close» to return to the message view
Press «Send» to deliver the message using the corrected address
Please note that the correction will only apply to the current message. If you decide to make this
correction apply also to your directory entry for the address in error, this must be changed according
to procedures detailed in the section on Directory Management.
Once a message has been resent, the address line(s) in error and the message as such will change
status to pending.

26 – Message Delivery Confirmation

7 Receiving Mail

7.1 Reading New Mail

Receiving Mail
All incoming telex, fax and e-mail can be read on your desktop. Arrival of new mail is normally
notified by flashing a notification window and a distinct sound is set off through the internal PC

When new mail arrives you should move to the InBox folder to view the list of incoming mail.

The following symbols are used for each message line to distinguish between new and opened mail:

New Mail New unread mail.

Old Mail Mail that has previously been opened.

Double click on the new message line to view the message in full as follows.

27 – Receiving Mail
The message text as well as a complete list of recipients (excluding Bcc destinations) will then be
displayed. The icons next to each recipient address indicate delivery notification as follows:

Pending The message has not yet been delivered to this

particular destination (remote mail) or has not yet
been read (local mail).
Failed The message could not be delivered to this particular
Receiving Mail

Sent The message has been sent to and acknowledged by
this particular destination.

A printed copy can be obtained by pressing the Print button. Once a message has been opened, its
symbol will change to Old Mail and a notification is sent to the originator of the message.

If an immediate reply is required this can be accomplished by pressing the Reply button. Otherwise
the message may be moved to an appropriate folder for archival, left in the InBox for later attendance
or simply deleted.

The Next and Previous buttons may be used to browse through multiple new (or old) messages.

7.2 Receiving Attachments

Attachments are received as part of incoming messages. Their presence can only be seen by viewing
the message in full (double click on the message line from folder display). The files are stored in the
Post office database as part of your message. Attached files fall into two different categories as

Files with an extension (e.g. «.doc») known to the Windows Operating System (see section on
«regedit» in the Windows documentation for more information on this topic).

Files with an extension unknown to the Windows Operating System.

In the first case (files with a known extension), files may simply be processed/viewed by double
clicking with the mouse on the icon associated with the attached file. That is AMOS Mail will
automatically invoke the application associated with the attached file and supply the name of the file
as an argument.

In the latter case (files with unknown extension), you must extract the attached files from the Post
office. This is accomplished by clicking the right mouse button when the mouse pointer is positioned
over the icon associated with the file you want to save. A context menu will then be displayed with a
command to extract and save the attachment as a regular file (Save As).

As an alternative to above, you may display the message context window and choose the “Save
Attachments” command to extract and save all attachments as regular files.

7.3 Compressed Attachment

Attachments compressed by AMOS Mail will automatically be de-compressed when they are opened.
No additional handling or attention need to be applied to these files.

28 – Receiving Mail
Files compressed with external software packages (e.g. WinZip) must be de-compressed manually by
reversing the steps applied prior to transmission.

7.4 Using the Right Mouse Button

Receiving Mail
When pointing at a message in one of the folders, you can use the right mouse button and a menu will
be displayed. The context menu gives you the possibility to select any of the available functions for
the message, such as Reply, Forward and Tag. The Properties command will display additional
information about the message as in the following screen.

The Headers and SMTP tabs will show details for incoming or relayed Internet messages. Outgoing
Fax and Telex messages will show additional tabs listing the identification strings received from the
remote party. The first line is the address sent to and then followed by a second line with the
identification received from the remote party.

7.5 Tag a message

A user can tag a message. This is to indicate to other users that the message has been read and is
being handled. You can tag a message by using the right mouse button or by printing the message if
the “Tag message when Printing option” in user preferences is checked. See the section “Group
Functionality” for a detailed description of the tag option.

29 – Receiving Mail
8 Organizing your messages

8.1 Creating Folders

Organizing messages

All messages (incoming and outgoing) are placed in folders. By default each Mailbox will have as a
minimum four folders. The purpose of these is as follows:

InBox All new incoming messages will be placed in this folder.

WorkBox Any messages not yet sent will be placed here. This box may
be used as a convenient storage area for Mail not yet ready to
be sent. It may optionally be used to store message templates.
SentBox Any messages sent will automatically be saved in your
WasteBasket If a single message or an entire folder is deleted, the
message(s) will automatically be moved to this folder.

Each Mailbox client can create his/her own set of folders by selecting the Create Folder dialog from
the AMOS Mail File menu. Prior to creating the folder you must first select the Workgroup it should
be part of, or if it is to become a subfolder, the folders parent must be selected. The following dialog
will then be displayed.

Each folder created can be private or visible to all members of a specific Workgroup. Visibility of
messages will be limited to the members of the selected Workgroup. You may only create folders in
Workgroups for which you are a member authorized for folder management.

Alias is an optional 6 character long alphanumeric entry that may be used to create a name reference
for a folder. The name reference may be used to deliver mail directly to a specific folder as opposed to
a specific Mailbox. The Alias entry shares name-space with Mailbox IDs, Directory aliases and
Distribution Rule aliases. All Aliases created within this name-space must be unique. You must have
the Post Office Manager capability in order to create or modify a folder alias. In order to send mail
directly to a folder you will use its alias as address. An address for an alias may be specified as


In the above example, alias is your name reference and PO is the Post office where alias is defined.

30 – Organizing your messages

“Delete after” is an entry used by the AMOS Mail Automatic Aging utility. Based on this entry,
AMOS Mail will consider a message belonging to this folder old when 60 days have passed. See
separate section for more information on deleting old messages. The ‘Delete after-information’ will

Organizing messages
be inherited to lower levels of folders.
A Submask may be used to create automatic chronological archives. When messages are stored in a
folder, which has a Submask defined, the message will automatically be saved in a Subfolder whose
name is determined based on the message’s time stamp. E.g. a message received on January 1st 2006
will automatically be placed in a folder named «2006-Jan» if Submask was defined as «%Y-%M». If
the folder did not exist it will automatically be created for you. The following characters may be used
to form a name based on the message’s time stamp:

w week (01)
y year (96)
m month (01)
d day of month (01)
Y year including century (2006)
M alphabetic month (Jan)
D alphabetic weekday (Mon)

Values in parenthesis show name portion returned when applied to the date January 1st 2006.
The characters must be prefixed by «%» to take on a special meaning. Any other characters entered
will appear as is.

There is also an option to password protect the folder. In this instance the owner should enter the
password and confirm it in the lower box.

The Sent View option will make the folder look as a folder for outgoing messages.

8.2 Changing Folder Properties

Parameters associated with Private folders and folders belonging to a Workgroup for which you have
Folder Management rights may later be amended as follows:

Select the folder you wish to update.

Choose the «Folder Properties» command from the File menu.
Make corrections and press the OK button.

The following may be achieved using the Folder Properties dialog:

Change the name of a folder.
Change the aging option.
Change the Alias
Change the Sub Mask
Messages can be moved between Folders and Mailboxes within the following restrictions:
You can move a message «into» any visible folder without restrictions.
You can only move a message «out of» a folder (e.g. delete) for which you are a folder manager or if
the message is yours.

8.3 Moving a Folder

If you later decide to arrange your folders in a hierarchy, or you want to move a folder to another
Workgroup, this may be accomplished by first selecting the folder and then pressing the «Move
Folder» command in the AMOS Mail File menu. The following dialog will then be displayed.

31 – Organizing your messages

Organizing messages

In the above example, the Crew folder will become a subfolder of InBox. Press OK to move the
folder, or Cancel to abort the operation.

8.4 Removing a Folder

The Remove Folder command on the AMOS Mail File menu is used to remove folders. You may
only remove private folders or folders belonging to a Workgroup for which you are a Folder Manager.
The AMOS Mail system folders (InBox, SentBox, WorkBox and WasteBasket) cannot be removed.

When a folder is removed, all subfolders (if any exists) will also be removed. Any messages within
the folder being removed (or in any of its subfolders) will automatically be moved to your
WasteBasket. AMOS Mail issues a warning with a cancel option prior to carrying out your request to

8.5 Archiving Messages

Eventually the number of messages in your system folders will reach an unmanageable level unless
they are appropriately archived. You may consider creating a hierarchy of folders for this purpose (not
forgetting however the WasteBasket). To archive a message you must first select it by pointing at it
with the mouse and clicking the left mouse button. One of the following three methods may then be
used to move your selected message to another more appropriate folder:

Press the Move button to select a new folder.

Press the Delete button to move your message to the WasteBasket. Please note that if you delete a
message that is already in the WasteBasket it will be irrevocably removed.
Use the mouse to drag your message to another folder.

8.6 Exporting Messages to a File

You can export individual messages and entire folder structures to files, and later import the
messages/folders back into AMOS Mail. Individual messages are exported in the Microsoft Outlook
compatible eml format.

8.6.1 Exporting a message or folder to file

Select the message you want to export from the message list, or the folder you want to export from the
folder list.
Go to menu “File” and “Import/Export”, select “Export Message…”, or “Export Folder…”

32 – Organizing your messages

Specify the file name and location for the exported message or folder.

8.6.2 Importing a message from file

Organizing Messages
In the folder list, select the folder the message or folder should be imported to.
Go to menu “File” and “Import/Export”, select “Import Message…” or “Import Folder…”
Select the file you want to import, and click “OK”.
If you imported a folder, this folder will be placed as a subfolder in the folder you imported it into. If
you imported a message, this message will be placed in top of the folder’s message list.

8.7 Using the Move button

The following dialog box is used to select the destination folder for your selected message.

Select the appropriate folder and press the OK button to move your message. If a folder has
subfolders, they will not become visible until you double click with the mouse on the owner folder.

You may also move all messages in a folder to another in one step by selecting a Folder rather than a
Message prior to pressing the Move button.

8.8 Using the Delete button

If you decide to move your selected message to the WasteBasket this is accomplished by simply
pressing the Delete button. As with the Move button, you may move all messages in a particular
folder to the WasteBasket by first selecting a folder (rather than a message) prior to pressing the
Delete button.

Please note however that messages deleted from the WasteBasket will be irrevocably removed from
the Post office database.

8.9 Using Drag and Drop

A message may also be dragged to its appropriate folder as an alternative to using the Move button.

This is accomplished by clicking with the left mouse button on the small icon to the left of any
message. You then keep the left mouse button depressed while dragging the icon over the destination
folder and then release the mouse button.

33 – Organizing your messages

9 Address Books

9.1 Introduction
Address Books

All the addresses of potential recipients of your mail are collectively referred to as a directory. Each
recipient may be referred to as a directory entry or simply an address. Each address or directory entry
is again split in a text part and an address part. The address part in this case refers to a specific fax or
telex number etc., whereas the text part refers to the recipient’s name.

Directory entries are as folders associated with Workgroups. This means that each client’s view of the
directory list is controlled through his/her Workgroup membership. All clients have initially a
minimum access to five lists as follows:

History These are references to either private or shared directory entries.

The list is automatically maintained by AMOS Mail based on
addresses most recently used. You may freely remove addresses
from this list without disrupting the actual (private or shared)
address. Addresses can also be added to the list manually by
pressing the History button on the address selection dialog.
Private This is a list of addresses only visible to your Mailbox.
Everyone The main address list visible to all clients.
Global A global list of addresses that may be used for automatic
directory replication between remote sites.
Find List A list of addresses composed by matching a search string to all
private and shared directory entries.

The right to create directory entries for a specific Workgroup is granted using the Workgroup
Management command on the AMOS Mail Setup menu.

9.2 Creating New Directory entries

New private or shared directory entries can be created by pressing the New button on the Address
Selection dialog. The following screen will then be displayed.

34 – Address Books
Each directory entry must be assigned to one of the category templates based on carrier. As one
recipient may be reached in more than one way (e.g. telex or fax), small icons are associated with
each directory entry to facilitate an easy distinction between the various carriers. The icons used and
their interpretation is as follows:

Address Books
Vessel Ship Mail addresses
Fax Fax
Telex Telex
Mailbox AMOS Mail Mailbox
Application Application API
GSM Text/Pager Text message to cellular phone or pager.
Folder Folder
Internet Internet Mail
Printer Send to printer
Rule Distribution rule
GSM SMS Distribution list

Each directory entry (address) has two parts. These are the Name and Address. The Name part is a
descriptive text item of the recipient. Examples of conventions used are:

Company Name
Company Name - Location
Company Name - Person

Alias is an optional 6 character long alphanumeric entry that may be used to create a name reference
for a directory entry. The Alias may be used to indirectly reference a directory entry. The ID entry
shares name-space with Mailbox Alias and Folder Alias. All Alias created within this name-space
must be unique. You must have the «Post office Manager» capability in order to create or modify
directory Alias. This feature is particularly useful when applied to a distribution list. A single address
may then be used to automatically distribute incoming mail to multiple users.

An address for a reference Alias may be specified as follows:


In the above example, ALIAS is your name reference and PO is the Post office where Alias is

A special feature has been added to AMOS Mail to allow for easy modification of the Name when the
address is selected from the Address Selection dialog using either the «To», «Cc» or «Bcc» button.
When a name is created that ends with the characters « -» or « /», the Address Update dialog will
automatically be displayed as follows.

35 – Address Books
Address Books

The cursor will be positioned at the end of the name and you may type an attention followed by the
Enter key to modify the name and return to the Address Selection dialog. Any changes made to the
name will only affect the current message. If you press the OK button without changing the name, the
«-» suffix will be removed.

Examples of address entries are:

+4723136501@FAX // Fax address

+5619070,TKAY N@TLX // Telex address // Internet address

9.3 Modifying Directory entries

A directory entry can be modified by first selecting an entry and then pressing the Update button on
the Address Selection dialog. The following screen will then be displayed.

Using the above screen you may change any of the associated information including the Directory.
Press the OK button to update or Cancel to abort any changes made.

9.4 Creating Distribution Lists

If a specific group of addresses is frequently used, these addresses may be saved as a Distribution List
so that they may be referred to as a single entity. Each destination initially part of a distribution list

36 – Address Books
must exist as a separate directory entry (private or shared) prior to creating the list. The list entry itself
may either be private or shared. Press the New Grp button to open the following dialog.

Address Books
Select the Directory the address should belong to.
Type the directory name of your choice. This name will only be used when referencing the
distribution list as a single entity and will never appear on outgoing mail as seen by the recipients.
Press the OK button to create the new distribution list. The directory name will then be added to the
current Directory selection.
The member selection dialog will then be displayed automatically as follows

Use the Add button to include directory entries as members of the new list. List members can also be
added by selecting the List Membership tab when you update any directory entry.

9.5 Amending Distribution Lists

Distribution lists may be amended as outlined in the following:

Select the distribution list to be changed by highlighting its name. Press the Update button followed
by the Members button. List members may then be added or deleted as required.

Select an individual directory entry to be added or deleted and press the Update button. Select the
List Membership tab and press the Modify button to display the distribution lists this entry is or may
become a member of. The entry can then be included or excluded from distribution lists as required.

37 – Address Books
Select a user through menu item Mailbox management and activate the List Membership tab. Press
the Modify button to display the distribution lists this user is or may become a member of. The user
can then be included or excluded from distribution lists as required. This approach requires the Post
office Management capability.
Address Books

38 – Address Books
10 User Preferences

10.1 Preferences

The individual user can set certain options to tailor the system to his needs and requirements.

User Preferences
These settings may be configured by first selecting Setup from the main menu, then User
Preferences, and then one of the following options:
 Miscellaneous Options

In the following section you will find the respective commands dialog boxes and the available

10.2 Miscellaneous options

The available options and their interpretation are as follows:

Empty Waste Basket on All messages deleted are automatically moved to the
Entry WasteBasket as opposed to being physically
removed. Using this option you may choose to
empty your WasteBasket manually or have AMOS
Mail automatically empty your WasteBasket when
you start AMOS Mail.

39 – User Preferences
Check for Old Mail on When AMOS Mail is started, the system will
Entry automatically run through your folders and check for
old mail. You will be given the option to delete
messages if any are found. Age is determined by
comparing a message’s time of creation with the age
entry specified for the folder it belongs to (see also
folder management).
Activate Address on If checked, AMOS Mail will automatically add all
New addresses used by your Mailbox for outgoing mail to
your History directory.
Autoview after If checked, AMOS Mail will automatically display
Move/Delete the next message when you move or delete a
message from within the message display screen.
Show Previous in Shows the previous messages if autoview is selected,
Autoview else the next message will be displayed.
Add to History If checked, AMOS Mail will automatically add all
Directory on Send addresses used by your Mailbox for outgoing mail to
your History directory.
Ask before closing app If checked, AMOS Mail will prompt for close action
window when terminating. If not the choice selected in the
“Change…” dialog is automatically executed.
Confirm Before Send If checked, AMOS Mail will prompt for confirmation
prior to sending a message.
Include Text in Reply The original message text will be included as part of
the message when reply is selected.
Include Text in Reply The original message text will be included as part of
to All the message when reply to all is selected.
Suppress Distribution This option applies to external mail only. Check if
List you want to suppress printing of the distribution list
(destination addresses) as part of your outgoing
Send Fax Cover Page A Fax cover page will always be added to the fax
ways when forwarding an incoming fax
Clear Subject on The subject field will be cleared when forwarding a
Forward message.
No highlighting of Internet web and e-mail references will appear as
Internet links regular text in message texts.
Limit History Directory AMOS Mail will automatically maintain a list of the
to most recent directory entries referred to. The number
of entries to keep in this list can be controlled
through this setting.

10.3 Print

The following options affect the layout of your printed messages.

40 – User Preferences
User Preferences
Print Fax Cover Page The Fax cover page on outgoing faxes will always
always be printed.
Include Bcc on Bcc addresses will be included on the printout.
Include Receipts on Answerbacks received when sending telexes or
Printouts faxes will be included on printouts.
Include Path on The Workgroup and Folder name where the
Printouts message is saved will be printed out.
Tag Messages when If checked, AMOS Mail will prompt for
Printing confirmation prior to sending a message.

10.4 Forward

AMOS Mail may be configured for automatic distribution of incoming and outgoing mail
according to individual preferences. This may be accomplished as follows:

According to the above selections, all incoming mail will be forwarded to destination “Bar Tankers
London”. Use the Copy-To selection if you want incoming mail to be delivered to both the original
destination and the selected address.
All outgoing external mail will in addition to be placed in the SentBox folder also be copied to Public
Outgoing which may be any valid destination (e.g. a Folder). Use the External Mail Only options if
you would like these facilities be applied to external mail only.

41 – User Preferences
10.5 Signature

This set of options is used to automatically add a signature to your messages.

User Preferences

Add the following The message in the text box will be added to your
signature when you outgoing messages.
create a new message
Use signature when If checked, AMOS Mail will also add the
you forward a message signature when you forward messages.
Use signature when If checked, AMOS Mail will also add the
you reply-to a message signature when you reply-to messages.

10.6 Automatic reply

The following dialog may be used to return automatic replies when you are out of the office.

The text entered into above dialog will be returned as an automatic reply if and when a message is
received. This feature is switched on manually through the “I’m currently out of the office” check
box. Please note that Post office managers have access to this dialog through Mailbox Management.

42 – User Preferences
10.7 Toolbar

This set of options controls the appearance of the toolbars. The available options and their
interpretation is as follows:

User Preferences
Show text labels Choose between two different sizes of buttons or
«Buttons with Text» to have a brief textual
description of the button’s purpose visible at all
Show tooltips If checked, a small window will automatically
appear when you position the mouse above a
button to give a description of it’s purpose.
Show background If checked, a background bitmap will be
bitmap displayed on the Toolbar.

10.8 Notification

This section applies to how AMOS Mail will notify you when new mail arrives.

43 – User Preferences
User Preferences

The available options and their interpretation are as follows:

Display Message Box In the event of «New Mail» or «Non Delivery», a

notification window will be flashed on your
screen to signal the event. The window requires
an input response before it is removed. Use this
option to enable (default) or disable this feature.
Play Sound In the event of «New Mail» or «Non Delivery», a
distinct sound will be generated through the
internal PC speaker to signal the event. Use this
option to select the sound (or no sound at all)
according to your preference.

Please note that you may choose individual settings for both New Mail and Non Delivery events.

The settings below define defaults for all new messages. The options may also be changed for
individual messages when new mail is created. The available options and their interpretation are as

Ignore Cc Receipts If checked, a message will be considered Sent

even though one or more of the Cc recipients have
not read or simply deleted your message.
Ignore Bcc Receipts If checked, a message will be considered Sent
even though one or more of the Bcc recipients
have not read or simply deleted your message.
Request Internet If checked, the Internet gateway will request that
Delivery Notification a delivery notification message is returned when
the recipient receives your message. This request
may be ignored if the recipient does not support
the use of delivery notification for Internet e-mail.

10.9 Editor Preferences

The following options are available from the “Setup – Workstation Preferences” menu and are
specific to your workstation as opposed to your mail login account.

44 – User Preferences
User Preferences
Default margins for the AMOS Mail text editor is set to 0 and 69. This is the maximum width
supported for telex messages. This should typically be your choice unless telex is not used and you
prefer a wider right margin.

The “Font” buttons may be used to change the characteristics of the fonts used when editing text
messages and Fax images respectively.

The spellchecker introduced in version 5.0.9 and later must know where to find the lex files. When a
legal directory is chosen all available languages in this directory is filled in the language combo box.
Choose your preferred language for the spellchecker to use.

10.10 Using Passwords

A password is used to control local access to each individual Mailbox. This is not to be confused with
passwords required for remote access. The Post office manager must assign a password to each
Mailbox at the time of creation. This password can be changed at any time by selecting the Change
Password from the Setup menu of the main program.

A password must be from one to six characters long.

If the chosen password matches the name of your Mailbox (e.g. mailbox and password are identical),
the program will not ask for a password when started. Please note that in this case, any user may
access your private folders and inherit any additional rights you may have using the Switch Mailbox
command from the AMOS Mail File menu.

45 – User Preferences
11 Group Functionality

11.1 Introduction

Group Functionality
AMOS Mail includes several options enabling people to work as a member of a group. First of all the
concepts of Workgroups enables groups of people to work together and share messages and archives.
The distribution lists for incoming and outgoing messages will distribute messages to a group of
people. In addition the functionality to tag messages to tell the other persons within that group that
you are handling the message is included.

11.2 Workgroups

A Workgroup will enable people to share Folders and Address Lists. This will make it easy for people
in a department or Workgroup to build common archive folders. There is no limitation to the number
of Workgroups that a person can be a member of.

11.3 Distribution Lists

Messages can be distributed and copied automatically to groups of people or to folders. Information
and copies of messages can then easily be made available for other people.

11.4 Tag Messages

Messages can be tagged to tell other persons that you are handling the message. The message is then
marked so that everyone can see that this message is taken care of. They can also see which person
that has taken the responsibility.

Only incoming messages received by you can be tagged (with you as recipient).

46 – Group Functionality
12 Guidelines and Utilities

12.1 General Guidelines

Guidelines & Utilities

If a significant number of messages is sent/received through AMOS Mail, additional folders should be
created (refer to separate section on Organizing your Messages, Section 8). These folders will
represent your personal message archive based on the criteria most applicable to your job situation.

The following is a suggested set of guidelines for personal message handling:

Use a descriptive subject for all outgoing messages. You may also change the subject of
an incoming message to suit your archives better. All folders may be sorted alphabetically
according to subject, simply by pressing the subject button. Systematic assignment of
subjects will therefore significantly ease the job of searching through your archives.

All messages sent should immediately be moved from the SentBox to an appropriate
folder (or deleted) as soon as they are acknowledged. This will limit the number of
messages in the SentBox to a minimum and effectively reduce the job of checking status
of outgoing messages to a short glimpse at the SentBox folder.

All messages received should be moved from the InBox to an appropriate archive folder
(or deleted) when they have been attended. If a message requires a reply, it may be left in
the InBox until an appropriate response is given and the topic is considered closed. This
will limit the number of messages in the InBox to a minimum and reduce the content of
the InBox to a measure of unfinished work.

Delete messages once they are no longer relevant on a regular basis. Trying to keep all
messages will only reduce the value of your active folders as they become cumbersome to
manage and difficult to search.

Consider using shared archives for messages that are also relevant to your colleagues.

Arrange folders in a suitable hierarchy. E.g. a Ship Management company may create one
top-level folder for each vessel they operate and a subfolder for each voyage.

Create templates (refer to separate section on Templates for more information) for
frequently sent messages with similar or identical contents. Keep templates in appropriate
folders (shared or private).

12.2 Using Keyboard Shortcut Keys

As an alternative to using menus or the toolbar, the keyboard may be used to quickly select a range of
functions. The available key combinations and their purpose are as follows:

47 – Guidelines and Utilities

To accomplish Press
Display Help Index F1
Create a New Message Ctrl+N
Close current Message Ctrl+F4
Expand all Folders Ctrl+“+”
Collapse all Folders Ctrl+“-”
Print a Message Ctrl+P
Send Message Ctrl+S
Add Attachments Ctrl+T
Set Message Options Ctrl+O
Amend Addresses Ctrl+D
Exchange E-Mail Ctrl+E
Send Fax Messages Ctrl+F
Abort Communication Ctrl+Q
Activate Folder Window Alt+1
Activate Remote Window Alt+2
Close AMOS Mail Alt+F4
Display Previous Message Alt+PageUp
Display Next Message Alt+PageDown
Display Previous Fax Page Ctrl+PageUp
Display Next Fax Page Ctrl+PageDown
Activate Next Document Window Ctrl+F6
Switch to another Application Ctrl+Esc

All menus and buttons that have an underscore letter may be activated by pressing the Alt key
followed by the underlined letter.

12.3 Searching for Messages

If a significant number of messages are saved in various folders, the work involved in locating
specific messages may become significant. In order to ease this task, a general-purpose find utility has
been added. You may search for messages in specific folders or within all folders belonging to a
Guidelines & Utilities

particular Workgroup.

Start by first selecting a folder or a Workgroup to search and then press the Find button to display the
following dialog.

48 – Guidelines and Utilities

The search is controlled through a number of check boxes as well as a time frame. For the
search to become most effective you should limit the number of items to check as well as
the time frame.

Please observe the following when specifying search criteria:

The selected time frame extends through full months. That is a period from say, May to
May, the same year includes the period from May 1'st through May 31'st.

When checking addresses and message numbers, the search will consider origin or
destination based on your selection of incoming, outgoing or both.

The exclude options may be used to filter out messages based on status.

The “Search for” text may be left empty to find messages based on the other criteria only.

Press the Find button to start the search when all parameters have been entered. All
messages matching your search criteria will be displayed as belonging to a fictitious folder
named Search List. You may work with the messages in the Search List as you would
with messages belonging to any other folder.

12.4 Deleting Old Messages

To ease the task of removing old messages from your mail database, AMOS Mail includes an
Automatic Aging utility.

49 – Guidelines and Utilities

This utility can be invoked manually from the AMOS Mail Tools menu (Delete Old Messages) or
automatically each time AMOS Mail is started.

To configure your Mailbox for automatic aging, you simply tick the Check for Old Mail on Entry
checkbox in the Miscellaneous Options dialog found on the top Setup menu.

Regardless of whether the aging utility is run manually or automatically, you will be asked to confirm
deletion each time. The old messages will then be placed in your WasteBasket (as for all deleted

Aging of messages is controlled through the Create Folder and Folder Properties commands on the
AMOS Mail top File menu. To activate aging you must enter a value for Old Days either when
creating a new folder or by using Folder Properties to change an existing folder. To set aging for your
SentBox folder to 60 days you may enter the following:

A message is considered old when the number of days between a message's creation and today's date
exceeds the Old Days entry.

You may disable aging for a folder by setting Old Days to zero.

Please note that your WasteBasket cannot be configured for aging. Aging can however be enabled for
all other system folders as well as any additional folders (shared or private) created by yourself.

12.5 Attachfile Management

The Attachfile Management command provides you with a list of all attach files in any private or
shared folders for which you have access.
Guidelines & Utilities

The utility can be started from the AMOS Mail Tools menu.

The following dialog will then be displayed.

50 – Guidelines and Utilities

Start by choosing the appropriate Workgroup. The list of files shows the original file name, the size
of the file, the time the file was saved in your folder and the time the file was last modified. Use the
Match string to limit the number of files displayed using the «*» or «?» as wildcards (e.g. *.doc lists
only files with the extension .doc).

Click on the column headers to sort the files according to your preference.

Use the List Files button to refresh the file list based on your current selection of Workgroup and
Match string.

Use the Save As button to extract the currently selected attach file from the database.

To delete an attached file you must open the message that owns the attachment.

51 – Guidelines and Utilities

13 Telex and Fax Country Codes

Country name Fax Telex AB

Telex & Fax Codes

Afghanistan - 79 AF
Alaska 1907 200 --
Albania 355 604 AB
Algeria 213 408 DZ
American Samoa 684 770 --
Andorra 33 590 AND
Angola 244 991 AN
Anguilla 1809 391 LA
Antigua 1809 393 AK
Argentina 54 33 AR
Armenia 374 684 --
Aruba 297 303 --
Ascension Island 247 939 AV
Australia 61 71 AA
Austria 43 47 A
Azerbaijan 994 784 AS
Azores 351 404 P
Bahamas 1242 297 BS
Bahrain 973 490 BN
Bangladesh 880 780 BJ
Barbados 1809 392 WB
Belarus 375 681 --
Belgium 32 46 B
Belize 501 371 BZ
Benin 229 972 DY
Bermuda 1441 290 BA
Bhutan 975 890 --
Bolivia 591 307 --
Bosnia-Herzegovina 387 600 --
Botswana 267 962 BD
Brazil 55 38 BR
Brunei Darussalam 673 809 BU
Bulgaria 359 67 BG
Bulgaria NLD 359 67 --
Burkina Faso 226 978 BF
Burundi 257 903 BDI
Cambodia 855 807 --
Cameroon 237 970 KN
Canada CN/CP 1 21 --
Cape Verde 238 993 CV
Cayman Islands 1809 293 CP
Central African Republic 236 971 --
Chad 235 976 KD
Chile 56 34 --
China 86 85 CN
Colombia 57 35 CO

52 – Telex and Fax Country Codes

Country name Fax Telex AB
Comoros 269 994 KO
Congo 242 981 --
Cook Islands 682 772 --
Costa Rica 506 376 CR
Croatia 385 599 --
Cuba 53 28 CU
Cyprus 357 605 --
Czech republic 420 663 --
Denmark 45 55 DK
Diego Garcia 246 938 --
Djibouti 253 979 --
Dominica 1809 394 DO
Dominican Rep. 1809 202 --
Dominican Rep. 1809 201 --
Ecuador 593 308 ED
Egypt 20 91 UN
El Salvador 503 373 SAL
Equatorial Guinea 240 999 --
Eritrea 291 980 --
Estonia 372 537 --
Ethiopia 251 980 ET
Falkland Islands 500 306 --
Faeroe Islands 298 55 FA
Fiji 679 701 FJ
Philippines 63 75 --
Philippines PTT 63 758 --
Finland 358 57 --
Finland 358 57 SF
France 33 42 F
French Guiana 594 300 FG
French Polynesia 689 702 FP
Gabon 241 973 GO
Gambia 220 996 GV
Georgia 995 683 --
Germany 49 41 --
Germany 49 41 --
Ghana 233 94 GH
Gibraltar 350 405 GK
Greece 30 601 GR
Greenland 299 503 GD
Grenada 1809 395 GA
Guadeloupe 590 299 GL
Guam 671 700 GM
Guatemala 502 372 GU
Guinea 224 995 GE
Guinea Bissau 245 969 --
Guyana 592 295 GY
Haiti 509 203 --
Hawaii HTC 1808 773 --

53 – Telex and Fax Country Codes

Country name Fax Telex AB
Hawaii ITT 1808 705 --
Hawaii MCI 1808 704 --
Hawaii WUH 1808 709 --
Hawaii WUI 1808 708 --
Honduras 504 374 HO
Hong Kong 852 802 HX
Hungary 36 61 H
Iceland 354 501 IS
India 91 81 IN
Indonesia 62 73 IA
Inmarsat All ocean Regions 870 580 --
Inmarsat-A Atlantic Ocean East 871 581 --
Inmarsat-A Atlantic Ocean West 874 584 --
Inmarsat-A Indian Ocean 873 583 --
Inmarsat-A Pacific Ocean 872 582 --
Iran 98 88 IR
Iraq 964 491 IK
Ireland 353 500 EI
Israel 972 606 IL
Italy 39 43 I
Ivory Coast 225 983 CI
Jamaica 1876 291 JA
Japan 81 72 J
Jordan 962 493 JO
Kazakhstan 7 785 --
Kenya 254 987 KE
Kirghistan 7 788 --
Kiribati 686 761 --
Kuwait 965 496 KT
Laos - 804 LS
Latvia 371 538 --
Lebanon 961 494 LE
Lesotho 266 963 LO
Liberia 231 997 LI
Libya 218 901 LY
Lithuania 370 539 --
Luxembourg 352 402 LU
Macao 853 808 OM
Macedonia 389 597 --
Madagascar 261 986 MG
Malawi 265 904 MI
Malaysia 60 84 MA
Maldives 960 896 MF
Mali 223 985 MJ
Malta 356 406 --
Maritex - 589 --
Marshall Islands 692 765 --
Martinique 596 298 MR

54 – Telex and Fax Country Codes

Country name Fax Telex AB
Mauritania 222 974 MTN
Mauritius 230 966 IW
Mayotte - 935 --
Mexico 52 22 ME
Micronesia 691 764 --
Midway -- --
Moldova 373 682 --
Monaco 377 42 MC
Mongolia 976 800 MH
Montserrat 1664 396 MK
Morocco 212 407 M
Mozambique 258 992 MO
Myanmar Union 95 83 BM
Namibia 264 908 --
Nauru 674 775 --
Nepal 977 891 NP
Netherlands 31 44 NL
Netherlands Antilles 599 390 NA
New Caledonia 687 706 NM
New Zealand 64 74 NZ
Nicaragua 505 375 NK
Niger 227 975 NI
Nigeria 234 905 NG
Niue 683 - --
Norfolk Island 672 766 --
North Korea 850 899 --
Norway 47 56 N
Oman 968 498 ON
Pakistan 92 82 PK
Palau - 763 --
Panama 507 379 --
Papua New Guinea 675 703 --
Paraguay 595 305 PY
Peru 51 36 --
Poland 48 63 PL
Poland Komertel 48 - --
Puerto Rico 1787 205 --
Puerto Rico AT&T 1787 206 --
Puerto Rico MCI 1787 205 PT
Qatar 974 497 DH
Reunion 262 961 RE
Romania 40 65 R
Russia 7 64 SU
Russia-Astelit 7- --
Russia-Combelgium-CIS 7- --
Russia-Comstar 7- RC
Russia-Kola Telecom 7- --
Russia-Nakhodka Sakalin 7- --

55 – Telex and Fax Country Codes

Country name Fax Telex AB
Russia-Sovintel 7- --
Russia-St.Petersburg BGL 7- --
Russia-Vostok Teleco 7- --
Rwanda 250 909 RW
Saipan 670 760 --
San Marino 39 505 SO
Sao Tome 239 967 ST
Saudi Arabia 966 495 SJ
Senegal 221 906 SG
Serbia Montenegro 381 62 YU
Seychelles 248 965 SZ
Sierra Leone 232 998 SL
Singapore 65 87 RS
Slovakia 421 666 C
Slovenia 386 598 --
Solomon Islands 677 778 HQ
Somalia 252 900 SM
Somalia-Btelco 252 - --
Somalia-IDB/USA 252 - --
Somalia-Telenor 252 - --
South Africa 27 95 SA
South Korea 82 801 K
Spain 34 52 E
Sri Lanka 94 803 CE
St. Helena 290 960 --
St. Lucia 1758 398 LC
St. Pierre and Miquelon 508 204 QN
St. Vincent 1809 399 VQ
St.Kitts 1869 397 KC
Sudan 249 984 --
Suriname 597 304 SN
Swaziland 268 964 WD
Sweden 46 54 S
Switzerland 41 45 CH
Syria 963 492 SY
Taiwan 886 769 TW
Tajikstan 7 787 --
Tanzania 255 989 --
Tatarstan 7- --
Thailand 66 86 TH
Togo 228 977 TO
Tonga 676 777 TS
Trinidad and Tobago 1809 294 WG
Tristan da cuna -- --
Tunisia 216 409 TN
Turkey 90 607 TR
Turkmenistan 7 789 --
Turks and Caicos Islands 1809 296 TQ

56 – Telex and Fax Country Codes

Country name Fax Telex AB
Tuvalu 688 774 TV
Uganda 256 988 UG
UK 44 51 G
Ukraine 380 680 --
United Arab Emirates 971 893 --
United States 1 23 --
United States TWX 1 25 --
Uruguay 598 32 UY
Uzbekistan 7 786 --
Vanuatu 678 771 NH
Vatican City State 39 504 VA
Venezuela 58 31 VE
Vietnam 84 805 VT
Virgin Islands (American) 1809 208 VZ
Virgin Islands (British) 1809 292 --
Wake Island -- --
Wallis and Futuna - 707 WF
Western Samoa 685 779 SX
Yemen 967 895 --
Yemen, Arabic rep. 967 895 --
Zaire 243 982 ZR
Zambia 260 902 ZA
Zimbabwe 263 907 --

57 – Telex and Fax Country Codes

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