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Determining Wind Loads Using

Determining wind speed, resulting pressures, and
the actual loads on a beam

Brooks H. Smith, CPEng, PE, MIEAust, NER, RPEQ
• Introduction
• AS1170.2 vs AS4055
• Determining Wind Loads
• Calculation Strategy
• Wind Speed
• Internal Pressures
• External Pressures
• Final Wind Load
• Example Wind Calculations
• Conclusion & Questions

23 July 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 2

Introduction – About the Presenter

Brooks H. Smith
• Chartered Professional Engineer
• MCivE, MIEAust, NER, RPEQ, P.E. (USA)
• Currently the lead engineering developer for ClearCalcs
• Recently released an AS1170.2 wind load calculator
• 8 years of previous experience in:
• Structural engineering R&D consulting, specialising in cold-formed steel
• Research fellowship in system behaviour of thin-walled steel
• Forensic structural engineering, specialising in reinforced and PT concrete

22 July 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 3

ClearCalcs helps engineers design More Accurate
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to use design tools for concrete, steel, analysis
and timber.
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Intro Video Hyperlink | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 4

Introduction – Today’s Goals
• To determine the wind loads on a beam using AS1170.2
• Ultimate or service load cases
• Omni-directional or direction-specific calculations
• Assumption: Enclosed “rectangular” building that is dynamically insensitive
• We’ll distribute this slide deck and video after the webinar
• Please ask quick questions as I go – best to answer while on the topic
• Please ask using the “Q&A” feature, NOT the chat/messaging feature
• I’ll save involved questions until the end
• Note: Everything today is based on the standards
• We are not on the AS1170 committee, are not communicating any special

24 July 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 5

• Introduction
• AS1170.2 vs AS4055
• Determining Wind Loads
• Calculation Strategy
• Wind Speed
• Internal Pressures
• External Pressures
• Final Wind Load
• Example Wind Calculations
• Conclusion & Questions

23 July 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 6

AS1170.2 vs AS4055 – Restrictions
• AS4055 is intended only for residential houses:
• Class 1 & 10 structures, with geometry restrictions:
• AS1170.2 is intended for most onshore structures:
• ≤ 200m high, ≤ 100m free spans
• Many simplifying assumptions (generally conservative) AS4055, Fig1.1(a)

are taken in AS4055:

• Discrete classes (N1-N6, C1-C4) combine topographic and regional factors
• Assumes average roof height of 6.5m
• Applying worst-case wind in all directions
• 5% added conservativism
• Fewer zones for pressure coefficient calculations (AS4055-2012, Cl A3) | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 7

AS1170.2 vs AS4055 – Wind Speeds
• AS4055:
• Omni-directional topographic (T0-T5),
shielding (FS-NS), and terrain category (TC1-TC3)
factors combined with wind region in one table
• To get one Wind Classification: N1-N6, C1-C4
• AS1170.2:
• 8 directions considered independently
• Wind regions are similar, but additional probability of exceedance factor
• Topographic and shielding factors calculated by continuous formulas
• Design Wind Speed calculated separately for ultimate and service conditions | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 8

AS1170.2 vs AS4055 – Pressure Coefficients
• AS4055:
• 4 Pressure Zones: general G, roof edge RE,
roof corner RC, wall corner SC
• 𝐾" 𝐶$,& is looked up in one of a few tables
• AS1170.2:
• Numerous zones, dependent on
& determined for each wind direction
• Three 𝐾 factors, 𝐶$,' , and 𝐶$,( each calculated
independently then combined | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 9

AS1170.2 vs AS4055 – Uplift & Racking
• AS4055:
• Completely separate sections for uplift and
for racking, each with large lookup tables for
overall pressures
• Based upon numerous simplifications and
assumptions of worst-case ratios, 2.7m stories
• AS1170.2:
• Uplift or racking force = simple sum of all the external pressures calculated
• With one exception in that 𝑀* = 0.95 instead of 1.0 for structures in region B, C, or D | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 10

• Introduction
• AS1170.2 vs AS4055
• Determining Wind Loads
• Calculation Strategy
• Wind Speed
• Internal Pressures
• External Pressures
• Final Wind Load
• Example Wind Calculations
• Conclusion & Questions

22 July 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 11

Calc Strategy – Calculation Heights
• Some calculations always based upon ℎ = average roof height
• Other calculations vary based upon 𝑧 = reference height
• In large structures, calculate windward wall loads at every floor 𝑧 individually
• In 1-2 story structures, might only calculate at 𝑧 = ℎ | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 12

Calc Strategy - Directions
• Site wind speed at 8 cardinal directions 𝛽
• N=0°, NE=45°, E=90°, … NW=315°
• Design wind speed at 4 building directions 𝜃
• front=0°, right=90°, back=180°, left=270°
• Some calculations are easier if “front” is taken as:
• Hip roofs: perpendicular to a long side of building
• Gable/monoslope roofs: perpendicular to ridge
• Cardinal direction of front of structure written as:
𝛽567 =?
• Also, done for both ultimate & serviceability | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 13

Calc Strategy – Overall
• There are two equations that really govern this process:
1. Site wind speed:
• The directional wind speed, including topographic and geographic considerations

• This gets converted into a “design wind speed” = 𝑉*(:,5 , based on building orientation
2. Design wind pressure:
• The actual pressure to be applied to the structure

• 𝐶;'< is usually the only value you need to worry about – but it’s a huge one

• Top of each slide will highlight the factor being considered | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 14

𝑉:'=,> = 𝑉? 𝑀* 𝑀@,"A= 𝑀: 𝑀= → 𝑉*(:,5

Wind Speed – Probability of Exceedance

• Only place where you have to refer to NCC 2019 (if you’re using it):

• Where: | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 15

𝑉:'=,> = 𝑉? 𝑀* 𝑀@,"A= 𝑀: 𝑀= → 𝑉*(:,5

Wind Speed - Regions

• Select your wind region
based upon location:
• Note that region “A” is
• Also a similar map for
New Zealand | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 16

𝑉:'=,> = 𝑉? 𝑀* 𝑀@,"A= 𝑀: 𝑀= → 𝑉*(:,5

Wind Speed – Regional Wind Speed

• This is the non-directional base wind speed = 𝑉?
• Based upon probability of exceedance = 1/𝑅

• Cyclonic regions have a factor to account for a major cyclone hitting

• For R ≥ 50 years, 𝐹F = 1.05, 𝐹G = 1.1
• So usually, these values are used in ultimate, but not serviceability calculations | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 17

𝑉:'=,> = 𝑉? 𝑀* 𝑀@,"A= 𝑀: 𝑀= → 𝑉*(:,5

Wind Speed – Direction Multiplier

• Regions A or W:
• Based upon 8 cardinal directions:

• Regions B, C, or D:
• Based upon type of member, NOT direction:
• 𝑀* = 0.95 for actions on complete structures or major structural elements
• 𝑀* = 1.0 for all other actions (inc. cladding or “immediately supporting members”) | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 18

𝑉:'=,> = 𝑉? 𝑀* 𝑀@,"A= 𝑀: 𝑀= → 𝑉*(:,5

Wind Speed - Terrain / Height Multiplier

• Interpolated from terrain category in each direction & calc height
• TC1 = Very exposed open terrain (usually deserts and lakes)
• TC1.5 = Open water surfaces with waves (usually oceanfronts)
• TC2 = Open terrain with scattered obstructions (usually farmland)
• TC2.5 = Isolated trees or obstructions (usually outer suburbs)
• TC3 = Numerous closely-spaced obstructions (usually suburbs)
• TC4 = Numerous large obstructions (usually CBDs)
• May be averaged if it varies outward | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 19

𝑉:'=,> = 𝑉? 𝑀* 𝑀@,"A= 𝑀: 𝑀= → 𝑉*(:,5

Wind Speed – Shielding Factor

• Definition of shielding structure very important:
• Only buildings, within a distance of 20ℎ, with height ≥ reference height
• Determined independently for each 45° arc from structure
• Shielding “parameter”:

• 𝑏: = average breadth of shielding buildings

• ℎ: = average roof height
• 𝑙: = average spacing
• But “average spacing” doesn’t exactly mean the … average spacing: | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 20

𝑉:'=,> = 𝑉? 𝑀* 𝑀@,"A= 𝑀: 𝑀= → 𝑉*(:,5

Wind Speed – Hill Parameters

• Generally only consider features within min 500𝑚, 40ℎ
• 𝐻 = height of feature crest
• 𝐿R = horizontal distance upwind from crest to level half the height below crest
• 𝑥 = distance from structure to crest
• 𝐿T = max 0.36𝐿R , 0.4𝐻
• 𝐿Y = 8𝐿T for hills or ridges; 𝐿Y = 14𝐿T for escarpments | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 21

𝑉:'=,> = 𝑉? 𝑀* 𝑀@,"A= 𝑀: 𝑀= → 𝑉*(:,5

Wind Speed – Hill-Shape Multiplier

• Three possible equations, based upon ratio 𝐻⁄2𝐿R
• For 𝐻 ⁄2𝐿R < 0.05 – essentially flat:
• 𝑀] = 1.0
• For 0.05 ≤ 𝐻 ⁄2𝐿R ≤ 0.45:

• For 𝐻 ⁄2𝐿R > 0.45:

• As above equation 4.4(2)
• … except in separation zone, where: | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 22

𝑉:'=,> = 𝑉? 𝑀* 𝑀@,"A= 𝑀: 𝑀= → 𝑉*(:,5

Wind Speed – Topographic Factor

• Lee effect multiple 𝑀`(( = 1.0, except in New Zealand lee zones
• For Tasmania or NZ sites at elevation 𝐸 > 500𝑚:

• Everywhere else:
𝑀= = max 𝑀] , 𝑀`((
• Should always mean 𝑀= = 𝑀] ≥ 1.0 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 23

𝑉:'=,> = 𝑉? 𝑀* 𝑀@,"A= 𝑀: 𝑀= → 𝑉*(:,5

Wind Speed - Design Wind Speed

• 8 site wind speeds
→ 4 design wind speeds
• 𝛽 = cardinal direction
• 𝜃 = building direction
• 𝑉*(:,5 = max 𝑉:'=,>c±ef
• In words: design wind speed is
the maximum site wind speed
within ±45° of the direction of a
face of the building | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 24

𝑉:'=,> = 𝑉? 𝑀* 𝑀@,"A= 𝑀: 𝑀= → 𝑉*(:,5

Wind Speed – Design Wind Speed

• Remember, repeat in 8 cardinal directions → 4 building directions!
• And for both ultimate & service limit states! | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 25

𝑝' = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,' = 𝐶$,' 𝐾",' m 𝐶*n&

Internal Pressures - Permeability

• Two separate tracks, depending on if building is permeable or not:
• Impermeable = All surfaces’ openings are 𝐴h ≤ 0.5% of each surface
• Permeable = Any surface’s openings 𝐴h > 0.5% of a surface
• “Opening” defined in great detail in Cl 5.3.2
• But generally includes anything that can be opened, such as doors, windows,
ventilators, etc – unless specially-designed for resistance
• Structures in cyclonic regions should generally never be designed as
impermeable (as debris impacts may permeate the structure) | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 26

𝑝' = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,' = 𝐶$,' 𝐾",' m 𝐶*n&

Internal Pressures - Impermeable Structure

• Values of 𝐶$,' are looked up in table
• Table itself uses a different definition
of “permeable”, where here:
• “Permeable” means 0.1% ≤ 𝐴h ≤ 0.5%
• “Impermeable” means 𝐴h < 0.1%
• Note some cells have two values
• These are two different load cases
• This also refers to wind direction
• Must still be considered separately
for all four building directions! | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 27

𝑝' = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,' = 𝐶$,' 𝐾",' m 𝐶*n&

Internal Pressures – Permeable Structure

• Vital parameter is the “ratio of area of openings on one surface to the
sum of the total open area (including permeability) of other wall and
roof surfaces”
• Includes your roof! (skylights)
• Essentially, measuring how balanced your openings are between surfaces
• For example, if you have 1m2 of openings on three walls, but 3m2 of openings
on one wall, and no openings in the roof, then this maximum ratio would be
equal to 1.0, because 3⁄ 1 + 1 + 1 = 1.0 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 28

𝑝' = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,' = 𝐶$,' 𝐾",' m 𝐶*n&

Internal Pressures – Permeable Structure

• Also looked up in table, but table
is more complex
• Enter and stay at the row for the
previously-calculated ratio
• Read the appropriate column based
upon your windward direction
• 𝐶$,( is the external pressure
coefficient for the given direction
(windward, leeward, side)
• For roof, there are different 𝐶$,(
values depending upon windward,
leeward, or side face of the roof | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 29

𝑝( = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,( = 𝐶$,( 𝐾A 𝐾",( 𝐾` 𝐾$ m 𝐶*n&

External Pressures
Facing Wind Away from Wind Sides
Walls: Windward Leeward Side
Roofs: Upwind Downwind Crosswind

• For leeward walls, side walls, and roofs:

• 𝑧 = ℎ always (pressures always from avg roof height)
• For windward walls ONLY:
• May calculate at multiple 𝑧 values
• Note: “wall” pressure is also applied to
underside of adjacent eaves
• “roof” loads only mean top of roof | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 30

𝑝( = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,( = 𝐶$,( 𝐾A 𝐾",( 𝐾` 𝐾$ m 𝐶*n&

External Pressures – Walls: Windward

• Simple table lookup:
• Basically 0.8, unless ≤ 25m building
where you don’t calculate windward
pressure at multiple 𝑧 values

• Elevated buildings have additional underside wind pressures:

• For 𝑧(`(p ≥
• 𝐶$,( = 0.8, −0.6
• For 𝑧(`(p < , linearly interpolate to zero:
• 𝐶$,( = swtutv
m 0.8, stutv
m (−0.6) | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 31

𝑝( = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,( = 𝐶$,( 𝐾A 𝐾",( 𝐾` 𝐾$ m 𝐶*n&

External Pressures - Walls: Leeward

• Be careful of 𝑑 vs 𝑏 values!
• Definition changes depending
on wind direction (0, 90, 180, or 270)
• 𝑑 is parallel to wind direction | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 32

𝑝( = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,( = 𝐶$,( 𝐾A 𝐾",( 𝐾` 𝐾$ m 𝐶*n&

External Pressures – Walls: Side

• Side walls have multiple pressure “zones”, depending on distance
from windward edge
• But remember that wind can come from 4 directions, so within 1ℎ of either
end will have highest coefficient for matching design wind speed | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 33

𝑝( = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,( = 𝐶$,( 𝐾A 𝐾",( 𝐾` 𝐾$ m 𝐶*n&

External Pressures – Roofs: Upwind Slope

• Low-slope (𝛼 < 10°), like side walls,
varies by distance from windward edge
• Again, 𝑑 depends on the wind direction!
• Parenthesised values are because it’s not
physically possible for ℎ⁄𝑑 ≥ 1 at given
distance from edge of roof

• Steeper roofs have a single pair of

• Again, two load cases | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 34

𝑝( = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,( = 𝐶$,( 𝐾A 𝐾",( 𝐾` 𝐾$ m 𝐶*n&

External Pressures – Roofs: Downwind Slope

• Low-slope (𝛼 < 10°) has same table as
for upwind

• Steeper roofs have a single coefficient

• And lots of linear interpolation | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 35

𝑝( = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,( = 𝐶$,( 𝐾A 𝐾",( 𝐾` 𝐾$ m 𝐶*n&

External Pressures – Roofs: Crosswind Slope

• All gable roofs use same table

• For hip roofs with 𝛼 ≥ 10°

• While very rare in practice, it is not clear
in the standard what you would do for
the crosswind slope of a hip roof having
𝛼 < 10° | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 36

Final Wind Loads – Constants for Building
• Up to now, all calculations only have to be done once per building
• 𝜌A'l = 1.2 •x
• Additionally, 𝐶*n& = 1.0 by our assumptions
• And will usually be 1.0 – as long as the first-mode natural frequency ≥ 1.0 Hz
• Various 𝐾 factors depend on the element for which load is calculated

𝑉:'=,> = 𝑉? 𝑀* 𝑀@,"A= 𝑀: 𝑀= → 𝑉*(:,5

𝑝' = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,' = 𝐶$,' 𝐾",' m 𝐶*n&
𝑝( = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,( = 𝐶$,( 𝐾A 𝐾",( 𝐾` 𝐾$ m 𝐶*n& | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 37

Final Wind Loads – Wind Directions
• Rearranging formulas:
𝑝' = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 𝐶$,' 𝐶*n& m 𝐾",'
𝑝( = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 𝐶$,( 𝐶*n& m 𝐾A 𝐾",( 𝐾` 𝐾$

• There are 4 wind directions, 4 sides, 2 pressure coefficients per side

• Take worst-case of all four wind directions
• So 8 values of 𝑝' and 16 values of 𝑝( (8 for walls + 8 for roof) | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 38

𝑝( = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,( = 𝐶$,( 𝐾A 𝐾",( 𝐾` 𝐾$ m 𝐶*n&
𝑝' = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,' = 𝐶$,' 𝐾",' m 𝐶*n&

Final Wind Loads – Combination Factors

• All of the wind loads calculated are worst-case, and it’s not always
reasonably possible for the worst to occur on every surface at once
• So, for designing a system, such as a portal frame, effected by multiple
surfaces, there are combination factors that can be used to reduce loads
• Table 5.5 has many examples, but this is the governing clause:

• With two caveats:

1. an internal surface only counts if 𝐶$' > 0.2 (i.e. tiny internal
pressures can’t be used to reduce combinations)
2. “roof” is one surface | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 39

𝑝( = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,( = 𝐶$,( 𝐾A 𝐾",( 𝐾` 𝐾$ m 𝐶*n&

Final Wind Loads – Area Reduction Factor

• Accounts for locally high wind loads somewhat averaging out over a
• Depends upon tributary area of element being considered
• Only applicable to elements on sidewall and roof | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 40

𝑝( = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,( = 𝐶$,( 𝐾A 𝐾",( 𝐾` 𝐾$ m 𝐶*n&

Final Wind Loads – Permeable Cladding Fact.

• Accounts for permeability reducing external pressure somewhat
• For when surface both:
1. Consists of permeable cladding
2. Open areas are relatively small: 0.1% < 𝐴h < 1.0%
• Only applicable to elements on sidewall and roof | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 41

𝑝( = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,( = 𝐶$,( 𝐾A 𝐾",( 𝐾` 𝐾$ m 𝐶*n&

Final Wind Loads – Local Pressure Factor

• Accounts for the leading edge having much higher pressures
• Only applicable to loads on cladding and members that directly support
cladding (and relevant connections)
• 𝑎 = min 0.2𝑏, 0.2𝑑, ℎ
• Additional reduction factor for parapets
• See Table 5.7 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 42

𝑓 = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'< = 𝐶; m 𝐶*n&

Final Wind Loads – Frictional Drag

• Up to now, every load has been perpendicular to its surface
• If the building is relatively long (compared to either breadth or
height), a frictional force is also applied parallel to the surface
* *
• If > 4 or >4
] •
• Applied evenly to entire area of roof and sidewall after 4ℎ or 4𝑏 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 43

Final Wind Loads - 𝑾𝒖 and 𝑾𝒔
• Can now finally calculate your 𝑊R and 𝑊: values

• Multiply pressures by tributary areas in appropriate load combinations

• Still usually 2 values for 𝑊R and 2 values for 𝑊: for a given member on a given
side of the building
• Usually, 𝐴' = 𝐴( for a given member, but not always

𝑊RT = 𝑝',•'& 𝐾",' 𝐴' + 𝑝(,•A‡ 𝐾A 𝐾",( 𝐾` 𝐾$ 𝐴(

𝑊RY = 𝑝',•A‡ 𝐾",' 𝐴' + 𝑝(,•'& 𝐾A 𝐾",( 𝐾` 𝐾$ 𝐴(
𝑊:T = 𝑝',:,•'& 𝐾",' 𝐴' + 𝑝(,:,•A‡ 𝐾A 𝐾",( 𝐾` 𝐾$ 𝐴(
𝑊:Y = 𝑝',:,•A‡ 𝐾",' 𝐴' + 𝑝(,:,•'& 𝐾A 𝐾",( 𝐾` 𝐾$ 𝐴( | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 44

• Introduction
• AS1170.2 vs AS4055
• Determining Wind Loads
• Calculation Strategy
• Wind Speed
• Internal Pressures
• External Pressures
• Final Wind Load
• Example Wind Calculations
• Conclusion & Questions

23 July 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 45

Example #1 – Omni-Directional Simple
𝑏 = 14

ℎ = 6𝑚
𝛼 = 30
𝑑 = 10

• 1-story rectangular house

• “Front” oriented 10° (= NNE)
• Openings ratio = 0.5, largest on front
• 21 Ercildoune Street, Caulfield North, VIC 3161
• Melbourne SE
• Flat terrain, surrounded by numerous houses | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 46

Example #2 – Directional Complex Site

𝛼=1 𝑚


• 2-story polygonal-shaped house

• “Front” oriented 15° (= NNE)
• Openings ratio = 2.0, largest on front
• 63 Ellsworth Drive, Mount Louisa, QLD 4814
• Townsville
• Immediately south of Mount Louisa (185m)
• 2-story houses North, East, South
• Open terrain to West | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 47
• Introduction
• AS1170.2 vs AS4055
• Determining Wind Loads
• Calculation Strategy
• Wind Speed
• Internal Pressures
• External Pressures
• Final Wind Load
• Example Wind Calculations
• Conclusion & Questions

23 July 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 48

Summing It Up
• Compared to AS4055, AS1170.2 is:
Widely Applicable • Fewer Simplifications • Directional • One Procedure
• AS1170.2 Wind Design includes:
• Wind Speed: Regional Speed → Direction & Topo Factors → Building Orient
𝑉:'=,> = 𝑉? 𝑀* 𝑀@,"A= 𝑀: 𝑀= → 𝑉*(:,5
• Internal Pressures: Permeability → (Openings Ratio →) Table Lookup
𝑝' = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,' = 𝐶$,' 𝐾",' m 𝐶*n&
• External Pressures: 3 Wall Face Lookups + 3 Roof Slope Lookups
𝑝( = 0.5𝜌A'l 𝑉*(:,5 m 𝐶;'<,( = 𝐶$,( 𝐾A 𝐾",( 𝐾` 𝐾$ m 𝐶*n&
• Final Wind Loads: Combine Wind Dir’s → 𝐾 Factors → 𝑊RT, 𝑊RY, 𝑊:T, 𝑊:Y
• We performed omni-directional and direction-specific examples

23 July 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 49

Explore our broad range of calculations
Already available for timber, steel, CFS, & concrete:
- Beams
- Columns
- Connections
- Footings
- Wind loads
- Post & sleeper retaining walls

In development:
- Other loads
- Advanced connections
- Advanced foundations
- Other retaining walls

And watch for more free webinars

upcoming on designing other types of
members and connections!

23 July 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 50

New Product – Calculation Builder
• ClearCalcs is developing a custom calculation builder!
• First version:
• Create and edit calculators with input, computed and data table lookup widgets
• A way to securely make the calculators available to others in your organisation,
completely from inside the ClearCalcs platform
• Eventually expand to include all of our capabilities – tables, plots, images, etc.

If you are interested, contact us! | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 51

About ClearCalcs

22 July 2019 ClearCalcs Pty Ltd 52

Happy Engineers Using ClearCalcs
ClearCalcs has been used in over 250,000 designs by a growing number of engineers across Australia.

“Faster, more accurate design, “A great tool to ensure quality,

easier to modify calculations, just verifiable, and professionally
all around better” presented comps”
Murray P. Adam M.
Vision Engineers AM-A Engineers

“ClearCalcs has streamlined my “Far superior product to similar I've

design process with its simplicity used and appears to be improving
and convenience” much more rapidly”
Andrew G. Peter M.
Intrax Consulting Engineers Intrax Consulting Engineers

22 July 2019 ClearCalcs Pty Ltd 53

What Sets Our Calculations Apart
• Live solutions
• Instantly see how every change you
make affects the design, in all load cases

• Finite Element Analysis

• Get the most accurate results no
matter what your configuration

• As simple or complex as you want

• Safely enter in only a few properties,
or tune every parameter – it’s up to you

15 January 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 54

What Sets Our Design Process Apart
• Member selector
• Check every possible member in seconds

• Link your loads

• No need to manually copy reactions
into the next sheet – just create a link

• Simple traffic light indicators

• See at a glance how close your design
is to perfection | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 55

What Sets Our Platform Apart
• Clean, clear printouts
• Beautiful results your clients can understand

• See full detail for every field

• References, equations, and more

• Rapid product updates

• Receive new features and calculations
within days, not years | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 56

The ClearCalcs Team
A growing team of passionate engineers and programmers

22 July 2019 ClearCalcs Pty Ltd 57

Key Advantages
ClearCalcs is designed for the modern efficiency focused engineering practice

22 July 2019 ClearCalcs Pty Ltd 58

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