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Natural Gas Processing

Dr. Faruk Civan, Ph. D.

Professor, The University of Oklahoma

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 1

This presentation contains copyrighted
material as indicated in the attributions
on individual slides, or by F. Civan ©
2003. This material is provided in
support of class presentation and for no
other use. Permission for any other
use, duplication or distribution must be
obtained from the copyright holder.

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 2

Important Notice
ƒ All of Dr. Faruk Civan’s lecture
notes, course syllabuses, handouts,
homeworks, and exams are
copyright material.
ƒ They cannot be reproduced,
recorded and copied in any way or
form without the written permission
from Dr. Faruk Civan. All rights
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 3
Gas and Water
Cooling Systems

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 4

Cooling System
“Remove heat from gas or water”
Cooling Medium:
ƒ Water (latent heat of evaporation,
sensible heat)
ƒ Atmospheric air (mainly sensible

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 5

Cooling Systems
ƒ Dry-Air cooling
ƒ Cooling towers
ƒ Tube-bundle
ƒ Combined systems
ƒ Spray cooling

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 6

Cooling fundamentals
Cooling accomplished:

ƒ Direct contact heat transfer between

water droplets and air, called
Sensible Heat Transfer

Q = mC P ∆T
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 7
Cooling fundamentals
ƒ Latent Heat Transfer due to
evaporation of water.

Q = mL
L = Latent Heat
(example: Water = 80 Cal/g)
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 8
Sensible Heat Latent Heat

Q = mLCp (TW1 −TW2 ) = mair{w2hw2 (Ta2 ) − w1hw1(Ta1)}

Air mass rate Enthalpy of

Water @ Ta2 Enthalpy of
Water mass rate Water @ Ta1

Water specific heat =1.0 Amount moisture in Amount moisture in

Air leaving the tower Air Entering the tower

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 9

Heat Exchangers
Hot Stream In

Cold Stream In

Cold Stream Out

Counter-Current Shell
Hot Stream Out
&Tube Exchanger
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 10
Heat Exchangers
Hot Stream Out

Cold Stream In

Cold Stream Out

Co-Current Shell &

Tube Exchanger Hot Stream In
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 11
Heat Exchangers-
Cooling Curves
Hot Stream

Cold Stream


Non-Condensable Counter-Current Flow

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 12
Heat Exchangers-
Cooling Curves
Temperature V-L Hot Stream
Phase Change

Cold Stream


Condensable Counter-Current Flow

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 13
Heat Exchangers-
Cooling Curves
Hot Stream

Cold Stream


Non-Condensable Co-Current Flow

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 14
Heat Exchangers-
Cooling Curves
Temperature Phase Change
Hot Stream

Cold Stream

Condensable Co-Current Flow
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 15
Air Coolers-Cooling
Psychrometric Charts used in
designing Air-Coolers
Cooling Towers Air Out

Cooling Process
Air In Air In Closed Loop
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan Circulation 16
Spray Cooling
(Civan, 1979)
Water droplets
. .. . Air
. .. .
. . . ... .
. .
Hot Water Pond
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 17
What is Psychrometric
A chart of the properties of air-water
vapor mixture following information:
ƒ Moisture content
ƒ Vapor pressure (saturation pressure)
ƒ Relative humidity
ƒ Density and enthalpy data for
different temperatures
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 18
Fundamental Quantities
ƒ Dry bulb temperature (ordinary
temperature): measures the
temperature using a dry-bulb
ƒ Wet bulb temperature: temperature is
measured using a wet-bulb
thermometer that is covered with a
cotton wick saturated with water.
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 19
Dry bulb Wet bulb

Water Reservoir
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 20
Psychrometric Chart



t h

Dry bulb T


H . Temperature
el ative Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan
R 21
Example Problem
Air at 80oF and 80% relative humidity
is cooled to 51oF at a constant
pressure of 1 atm. Use the
Psychrometric chart to calculate the
fraction of the water that condenses,
and the rate at which heat must be
removed to deliver 1000 ft3/min of
humid air at the final conditions.
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 22
Problem Solution
Fraction of Water Condensed

Amount of water condensed:

∆ w = w initial − w final
Fraction of water condensed:
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 23
Problem Solution

Wintial o o

Wfinal o

51oF 63oF 80oF

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 24

Problem Solution
Heat Removed
Energy balance for air:
(Steady State Assumption)
Input = Output + Heat Removed

{Heat content of Moist Air In} =

{Heat carried out by leaving low moisture air} +
{Heat carried out by the condensate} +
{Heat removed by coolant}

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 25

Problem Solution…
In Algebraic Form:

m air H air In
= m air H air Out
+ m cond . H cond . Out
Basis , 1lbm Dry Air
(1 + w )lbm Mois Air
Thus , m air In
= 1lbm Dry Air
1lbm Dry Air

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 26

Problem Solution…
In Algebraic Form…

Basis, 1lbm Dry Air + wlbm Moisture = 1 + wlbm Moist Air

(1 + w)lbm Moist Air
mair Out
= 1lbm Dry Air
1lbm Dry Air
∆wlbmCond .
m cond . Out = 1lbm Dry Air
1lbm Dry Air

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 27

Problem Solution…
Basis , 1lbm Dry Air , ∆ wlb m Moisture removed
 lbm H 2 O 
∆ w = winitial − w final =  
 lbm Dry Air 
 dH 
Enthalpies :   = CP
 dT  P
∫ dH = ∫ C P dT ⇒ ∆ H = C P ∆ T

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 28

Problem Solution…
∆H Moist Air
= Y∆H Dry Air
+ Y∆H Moisture

= YCP Dry Air
+ YCP Moisture
Tref = 60 F o
( Arbitrary )
Air Entering ⇒ ∆T = 80 − 60 = 20 F o

Air Leaving ⇒ ∆T = 51 − 60 = −9o F

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 29

Problem Solution…
Assuming pure water condensation

H Cond. Out = CP ∆T Liquid _Water = 1.0

lbm F
F − 60o
F )
Where, ∆T = 51 − 60 = −9oF
Btu lbm Dry _ Air 1lbm Moist _ Air 1000 ft 3
∴QT = Q × × ×
lbm Dry _ Air (1 + w)lbm Moist _ Air V Initial ft _ Moist _ Air
⇒ QT = −17.7

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 30

Heat Transfer across
Heat Exchanger

Hot Fluid
Hot Fluid Film

Cold Fluid Film

Cold Fluid
Heat Flow
X Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 31
Heat Transfer across
Heat Exchanger
For tube wall: dw = wall thickness
For thin wall q = k (Fourier’s law)
T1 − T 2 (Per unit area)
q = kW ,
T1 − T 2
Total Heat Æ Q = qA W = K W AW
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 32
Heat Transfer across
Heat Exchanger…
Heat Flow Across Film 1
∆T f T H − T1
q = kf = kf = h1 (T H − T1 ) ⇒
∆rf df
Q = A1 h1 (T H − T1 )
Across Film 1, Similarly
Q = A2 h 2 (T 2 − TC )

Film heat transfer coefficient

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 33
Heat Transfer across
Heat Exchanger…
T1 − T2
Q = A1h1 (TH − T1 ) = kW AW =
A2 h2 (T2 − TC ) = UA1 (TH − TC )

Overall heat transfer coefficient

(at steady state the same heat flows)
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 34
Heat Transfer across
Heat Exchanger
T H − T C = (T H − T1 ) + (T1 − T 2 ) + (T 2 − T C )
So , = + +
UA 1 A2 h 2 k W AW A2 h 2
U =
Am Am d W Am
+ +
A1 h1 AW k W A2 h 2
Where do we use this value ?
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 35
Heat Transfer across
Heat Exchanger
Overall heat transfer coefficient is
used to determine The required
surface area of the heat exchanger to
achieve the desired heat transfer rate

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 36

Heat Transfer across
Heat Exchanger
{Heat lost by hot stream} =
{Heat gained by cold stream} +
{Heat lost to surrounding}

Q = mC P ∆ T
m = mass flow rate
Cp = specific heat capacity
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 37
Heat Transfer across
Heat Exchanger
QH = QC ⇒ mH C PH ∆TH = −mC C PC ∆TC

N = number of tubes
Q = NUAm (T H − T C ) ⇒ N =
UAm (T H − T C )
TH 1 + TH 2 TC1 + TC 2
where, TH = , TC =
2 2
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 38
Consider the cooling tower shown in the
following figure, consisting of a cooling
tower associated with a water-cooling
unit. Answer the following questions:
1. Calculate the heat duty on the water
cooler in the Btu/hr unit.
2. Calculate the water withdrawal rate in
the gallons/hr unit from the recirculation
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 39
Liquid Water Emerging air
saturated with
moisture at 55oF

1 atm Cooling
qwc = ? Water Tower
Btu/hr Cooler
Entering air
50 Mscf/hr
60% relative humidity
Water 90oF
Circulation Water withdraw
Pump Gallons/hr, Qw=?
Liquid water 55oF
Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 40
ƒ Surface Production Operations- Design
of Gas-handling Systems and Facilities,
K. Arnold and M. Stewart, Second Ed.,
Volume 2, Gulf Publishing Company,
ƒ GPSA Engineering Data Book, The Gas
Processors Suppliers Association, 11th
Edition, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1998.

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 41

ƒ David Hutton,”Properly Apply Closed-Circuit
Evaporative Cooling”. Chemical Engineering
ƒ Civan, F., “Open Atmosphere Spray Cooling
Units-A Transport Phenomenological
Analysis and Macroscopic Model for the
Calculation of the Thermal Cooling
Efficiency”, Proceedings of the 2nd Nat’l Conf.
of Heat Science and Technique, 10/79,
Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 87-105.

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 42

ƒ Felder, R.M. and Rousseau, R.W.,
Elementary Principles of Chemical
Processes, John Wiley&Sons, New

Copyright 2003 by Faruk Civan 43

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