Dinup BSBMGT605

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Task 1

1. Review the simulated business documentation, including policies and procedures, in

Appendix 1: Max Lionel Realty. Review templates contained in Appendix 2: Assessment
Templates for possible use or adaptation in completing assessment task requirements.
By studying the simulated business documentation, including policies and procedures of
the Max Lionel Reality I have reviewed the following information.
 Procurement policy and procedures
 Budget summary
 Management responsibilities
 Work Health and Safety (WHS) Policy
 Anti-discrimination policy
 Operational plan
 Operational risk register
 Max Lionel Realty current tenants list
 List of pre-approved suppliers
 Business plan
 Organisational chart and management profiles
The various template which are provided are also studied properly which includes -
 Incident report
 Risk register
 Risk assessment form
 Injury report

2. Review the information in Scenario 1 below and fill out an incident report in connection
with the WHS incident. Complete a risk assessment based on the information provided
by the HR Manager in the scenario. Update the organisational risk register.
Incident report

Name: Dinup Kandel

Position: Operations General Manager Job Title: OGM


Date: 18 March 2020 Time: 2 pm

Location: Emergency Exit and Stairwell

Describe what happened and how:

● Client broke her wrist after failing through the stairwell as she was running late.

● It was also seen that the exit door was blocked by the boxes of paper.

● Agent was able to help the client by opening the exit.

● She reported criticised by our agent that she fell because of her high heels without
realising that exactly what happened. The client was humiliated.

● The client was taken to the Royal Women’s Hospital by ambulance.

● She is threatening to sue MLR for injuries, loss of income and mental trauma.

● At the same time a strange odour and oily substance has been noticed near the
● The incident was reported verbally to Commercial Realty Manager.

● The incdient has just barely gotten known to the HR chief, who has been reached
by both the customer's legal advisor and the Office of the Human Rights
● Several incidents in which managers have failed to undertake WHS management
system responsibilities have occurred recently. For example, recordkeeping has
been incomplete.
● No meeting were conducted with agents and WHS committee.


1. Lead assessment on acceptance bundle and preparing plan with respect to Injuries that
may occur in work environment
2. Lead normal preparing with respect to issue and right acceptance package on the off
chance that it is excluded from.

3. Wipe out the stair way (boxes loaded up with papers)

4. Wipe out and set normal cleaning plan the surface to maintain a strategic distance from
future occurrences.

5. take customary observing whether the arrangement is functioning admirably constantly


Name: hari pun Job title: Human Resources Manager________

Name: Rije Rai Job title: Manager residential realty________

Name: Rebbecca Rai Job title: Manager Commercial Realty______

Sign: Max Lionel Date: 29 March 2020______

Injury report
Status:  Employee  Contractor  Other
Outcome:  Near miss Injury

Name: Rabin Silwal------------Phone: (H) ____ (W)045102222

Address:8 Allardyce Avenue Sex:_____________ M  F

Date of birth:03.08/1988___________________________

Job Title:___________________________________________________________________

Start time: After office hour____________________________ am  pm

Work arrangement:  Casual  Full-time  Part-time  Other


Date: 29 March 2020 Time: 2 PM


Describe what happened and how: On 13/7/17 at 4:00 pm while one client was running
late and decided to leave through emergency exit and stairwell, she fell and broke her
wrist. Then one of our agents went to save her and found that exit door was blocked by
paper boxes but he somehow he managed to open it. She fell down to bottom and she
got injured with having mental trauma.


Name: Rebecca Rai Phone: (H) ________________ (W)_____________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________


Nature of injury (e.g. burn, cut, sprain) Breaking_______________________________

Cause of injury (e.g. fall, grabbed by person) Fall_______________________________

Location on body (e.g. back, left forearm) Wrist_______________________________


First aid given  Yes  No

First aider name:_____________________________________________________________


Referred to:_________________________________________________________________


 Yes  No If yes, state date:19/03/2020__________ Time:5 pm


 Treated by doctor  Hospitalised  Workers compensation claim

 Returned to normal work  Alternative duties  Rehabilitation

7. INCIDENT INVESTIGATION (comments to include causal factors):

Stairways are not cleaned_____________________________________________________

First-aid was not conducted___________________________________________________

Some of employee treated inappropriately_______________________________________

Ambulanced to hospital_______________________________________________________

Likelihood of recurrence: High__________________________________________________

Severity of outcome: High_____________________________________________________

Level of risk: High____________________________________________________________


Action By whom By when Date completed

Clean the stairway Stakeholder Immediately 07 Dec 2016


Signed (Manager):dinup Kandel_________________________________________________

Title: Operation General Manager Date:07 Dec 2016________

 Feedback to person involved Date:08 Dec 2016________


WHS committee / staff meeting: Staff meeting regarding this issue is needed____________

Reviewed by site Manager (signed):Rebecca Rai

_________________________________________________________ Date: 20 march


Reviewed by Health and Safety Rep. (signed):Les Goodale___________ Date: 20 March

Risk assessment form

Name: Dinup kandel_________________________________________________________

Position: Operation General Manager___________________________________________

Risk details

Risk ID: 001________________________________ Number allocated to this risk.

Raised by: Rebecca rai________________________Name of person who has raised the risk.

Date raised:07 Dec 2016______________________Date of completion of this form.

Description of risk:
Stairwell was not cleaned regularly because oily substance was still there which cause the risk of

Likelihood of risk: Impact of risk:

High High

Risk mitigation

Preventative actions recommended:

 All the place should be schedule for regular cleaning

 The furniture could be moved to the appropriate place

 A first aider could be hired by the company to provide immediate first aid to patient in
these kind of cases.

Contingency actions recommended:

 The warning sign should be displayed every time.

Approval details
Supporting documentation:

 Incident report

Signature: _Dinup Kandel_____________________

Date: _20_/_march_/_2020_

Risk register
Risk response
Likelihood Impact
Risk (contingency Responsible
(H/M/L) (H/M/L)
Posing furniture in Low Medium Move furniture Maintenance
inappropriate area to appropriate staff

No first Aid Medium High First aid should managers

be made

Stairwell was not Medium Medium Clean regularly Maintenance

cleaned regularly staff
leaving an oily
substance behind.
3. Review the information in Scenario 2 below and prepare a presentation on the managers’ WHS responsibilities.

a. explain the organisation’s mission, values and strategic directions

The mission fo the company is to make a safe workplace and gain the client satisfaction so they come regularly.
The vision of the company is to establish, within five years, the MLR brand — the highest ethical standards with best-
in-breed performance for clients.
The values of the company are to be clien focus, encouragement of excellence, innovation and continuous
improvement, focus teamwork and Recognition of the diversity and expertise of MLR employees and agents.

Strategic directions:
To achieve the mission and vision, the company has the following the strategic directions:-
 Has a better way to engage with clients and customers
 Provide good support for innovative thinking, management and leadership skills.
 Always provide the Supporting Creating a high-performing, highly profitable organisation.

b. explain the link between the organisation’s objectives, standards, relevant legislation and the responsibilities of
managers and agents for a safe workplace
 Improve health of employees (range of specific areas).
Performance Measures
 Numbers of operational-related training programs completed.
 Percentage completion of performance plans and performance management process.
 Numbers of coaching sessions completed.
 continue with the continuous audit around the workplace to remove ethe hazard
 ProperTraining needs analysis and training on WHS and implementation of recently launched MLR WHS
management system.
 Research incentives for safe work achievement and healthy lifestyle.

c. state expectations of managers in a way designed to build commitment and support by managers; use persuasive
language and deploy an appropriate leadership style
 Max Lionel Realty perceives its duty to give a sound and safe workplace for representatives, contractual
workers, customers and guests. Max Lionel Realty is focused on the kept prosperity of its representatives and
to guaranteeing that all representatives are sheltered from injury and wellbeing dangers while undertaking
business related obligations, including locally situated work.
 Management Responsibility
- Max Lionel Realty the executives and representatives are at last answerable for guaranteeing that sheltered
frameworks of work are set up, actualized and kept up.
- Management is responsible for:
- Consultation with representatives in regards to wellbeing and security issues and changes to enactment or
potentially working practices which may influence the wellbeing, wellbeing or government assistance of
- the effective implementation and regular review of WHS procedures
- providing and maintaining a safe system of working practices

d. use appropriate media to achieve objectives of presentation.

For the purpose of presentation the PPT file has been attached.

Task 2

1. Action/Implementation plan

Item Milestone date Responsibility

Develop Ethics Charter 30/04/2020 Dinup kandel

• WHS Responsibility 1. Prepare ethics charter

• REINSW Code of Practice 2. Meet CEO for Approval
1. Study of REINSW Code of Practice 3. Communicate Charter
2. Review existing ethics charter 4. Monitor and review the
3. Study current legislation
4. Collecting feedback (Stakeholder)
5. Writing charter
To hold real estate seminar and WHS law for manager 01/05/2020 Dinup kandel
as well as agents to understand legal requirements.
1. Prepare seminar
2. Meet CEO for Approval
3. Monitor and review the
Revise existing policy and procedures 15/05/2020 Dinup kandel

1. To include use of charter by agents

2. Identify employee training needs
1. Legislation training
Managers training/ agents training 30/07/2020 Dinup kandel

1. On use of charter 1. Prepare training

2. Ethical responsibility 2. Meet CEO for Approval
3. Legal responsibility 3. Monitor and review the
4. WHS responsibility
5. Policy and procedures
Organize workshop training for both manager and 30/08/2020 Dinup Kandel
agents to help them understand how to apply legal
1. Prepare workshop
and ethical requirements to daily client practice.
2. Meet CEO for Approval
3. Monitor and review the
2. Budget
Project Name:

Income Incl. GST Excl. GST

Allocated budget for the project $12,000 $10,910

Other income for the project $0 $0

Total income $12000 $10910

Expense Incl. GST Excl. GST

Budget allocation for Residential Team $1650 $1500

Budget allocation for Investment Team $1650 $1500

Budget allocation for Commercial Team $1650 $1500

Workshop expense

Hire Mary Stewart (WHS consultant) for 2 hours $300 $270

Hire Pat Lee (Lawyer, anti-discrimination expert) for 2 hours $300 $270

Off-site training room for 1 day $3200 $2880

Hire equipment $500 $450

Subtotal $9250 $8325

Contingency (+10%) $925 $832.5

TOTAL $10175 $9157.5

Date: (DATE)

3. Communication plan
What Who Purpose When/frequency Type/methods
Ethic Charter Mary Stewart Discuss ethic charter By 10th April,2020 Email, phone
What Who Purpose When/frequency Type/methods
Policy and Max Lionel (CEO) Revise and Updating By 20th April,2020 Face to face meeting

Training Mary Stewart Setting direction for the By 25th April,2020 Email, phone, face to
(WHS training. face meeting

Pat Lee (Lawyer,

Budget RizMehra (Chief Setting Budget By 30th April,2020 Email, phone, face to
Financial Officer) face meeting
4. Team Roles and responsibilities

Role Name/s Responsibilities Signature/s

(if required)
CEO Max Lionel Set overall strategic directions,
manage risk, and authorise large
financial transactions

Operation General Dinup kandel Prepare and execute action plan,

Manager seek CEO for approval, Monitor
and review the project

Chief Financial Rebecca overseeing budgets for cost

Officer centers and individual projects,

viewing budget variation reports

and incorporating information
into financial statements and
financial projections
5. Team Budget
Project Name: Change strategy training program

Income Incl. GST Excl. GST

Budget allocation for Residential Team $1,650 $1,500

Total income $1,650 $1,500

Expense Incl. GST Excl. GST

Manger for 4 hours $480 $432

Training rooms for 1 days $800 $720

Projector for 1 days $100 $90

Catering $200 $180

Subtotal $1580 $1422

Contingency (+10%) $158 $142.2

TOTAL $1738 $1564.2

Date: (DATE)

*Other team will have similar budget plan


Meeting Minutes -CEO

Max Lionel Realty

Meeting Summary Note

Date: 20/04/2020

Time: 4:00pm

Location: Hobart office


(Business Operation Manager)

Max Lionel (CEO)

Re: Implementing Change Strategy-WHS

The following issues related to WHS change strategy have been discussed. (Agendas)

1. Action plan
2. Budget
3. Communication plan
4. WHS related risks


1. Reduce budget by 20% if possible

2. Project period for 3 months
3. One internal workshop (Manager to Manager)
4. One external workshop (Manager to Agents)


To be revised action plan, communication plan and budget.

Meeting conclusion: 5pm

Next meeting: TBA

Task 3

1. Develop agenda for workshop and arrange time to meet with managers to workshop implementation of agent
training. Arrange for the assessor to observe workshop.
Agenda Items
1. meet with managerial team to discuss training and develop training/information sessions for agents according to
agent needs
2. assign roles for training
3. demonstrate encouragement and support for team and create positive work environment
4. demonstrate innovative approaches
5. encourage innovative approaches to training.
6. prepare budget for team based on stated needs.
2. Lead team workshop with managers. Ensure you:

The Learner has demonstrated the following leading team

workshop with managers

set and complete objectives for workshop; determine how to ensure

effective training of agents
assign roles for each manager
model ethical behaviour and encourage ethical behaviour in team
use an appropriate leadership style to achieve objectives
discuss organisational requirements such as legislation
provide support for team as team generates ideas for how to
produce effective training
model innovative methods to generate ideas for training agents and
achieving training objectives; for example, brainstorming, fishbone
diagrams, 8Ps, flowcharting
discuss, suggest, demonstrate and encourage innovative
provide constructive criticism, advice
discuss leadership styles to be employed by managers in training
discuss budget for training
take notes from workshop to evidence participation.
3. Submit documentation as per specifications below.


Requirement Details

Date 12/02/2020

Time 10:00

Duration 1HR30 min

Attendees Peter Mitchell (Manager Investments) Pat Misfud (Manager Commercial

Reality) Sam Lee (Manager Residential Realty) Les Goodall (HR Manager)

Meeting structure (e.g. formal Formal

or informal)

· Workshop training of agents

Meeting purpose

· Training for managers and agents on use of charter, WHS responsibilities and
Objective of Meeting legal/ethical responsibilities

Meeting chair

Number of 5
participants(internal )

Pre-reading materials The responsibilities from previous meeting

for attendees

Documentation  Overview of last meetings minutes and the action items

requirements for the from this - any new agenda items

Equipment required for  Chairs, Desk, Laptop, Whiteboard, Paper and Pen
the meeting (e.g.
video/data projector,

Teleconferencing or N/A
requirements and

Catering Yes - tea and coffee and light lunch

Training objectives for agents

WHS: ●

· Identify relevant legislation, standards ● Managers to provide. support, training,

codes, etc. and supervision to employees to ensure
safe and healthy workplace practices are
· Fill out incident reports.
carried out,
· Perform risk assessment.
● Training needs to cover the information in
· Fill in risk register.
the Occupational Health and Safety Act
Ethics: 2004

· Identify relevant legislation, standards ● To make sure that any training carried out
codes, etc. is done in line with the Ethics charter

· Use ethics charter: ensure clients, tenants ● For employees to understand the anti-
etc are aware of charter (Revised discriminatory policies of the company
customer service procedures mandate and to carry out their jobs with this in
agents must ensure awareness). mind
· Follow REIV code of conduct: ensure ● To continue regular updates of policies
honesty. and procedures and to make sure that all
· Act in non-discriminatory manner with staff are aware of the changes
clients tenants.

Leadership Style Approach:

Democratic Leadership style - looks at the strengths of the team members and how they will contribute to the success of the team
Role Name/s Responsibilities Signature/s
(if required)

Rinu manages the

Training of Investment Rinu
activities of investment
Real Estate Agents
agents and will look after
all training

Has identified that the

best way is through
brainstorming as his team
is quite creative and like
to bounce ideas off one
Hina manages the
Training of Commercial HIna
activities of commercial
Real Estate Agents

Has identified that there

are a number of new
starters in the team and
needs to go through an
overview of the OHS
policies and procedures

Has identified that

flowcharts will be useful
in training the team as it
gives them an idea of how
it all fits together for a
bigger idea approach

Sam manages the

Training of Residential Sam
activities of residential
Real Estate Agents

Has identified that some

of the team have been
overheard saying that
there aren’t enough clear
guidelines about
WHS/Ethics - will work
with them to find ways to
make them more
available and easy to

Overseeing the MLR Les To discuss and develop

team in carrying out the teams learning and
the training in their development strategy for
own teams - to assist the rollout across teams
them in training and

Project Name:

Income Incl. GST Excl. GST

Sponsor $1800 $1620

Tickets $1000 $900

Total income $2800 $2520

Expense Incl. GST Excl. GST

Training Room (first meeting) $150 $135

Training Room (booked once per week for the next 3 months $1200 $1,080

Managers (4 Managers x 12 hrs x $120) $5,760 $5,184.00

Projector $100 $90.00


Contingency (+10%)
$721 $648.10

TOTAL $7931.00 $7,137.10

Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ____/_____/______

Task 4 Assignment
1. Reflect on your leadership skills in the context of the work you completed in Assessment Tasks 1–3. This will be a self-
assessment exercise, so questions you should ask yourself include the following.
a. What did I do well?
Yes, I try my best.
b. What areas need improvement?
I need to improve in writing explanation of leadership style.
c. Did I engage all stakeholders?
Yes, in communication plan for change strategy.
d. Did I display ethical conduct? If so, how/how not?
Yes, I did. I written the true even will be destroy company image and try to make a change for company
e. How was my leadership style appropriate for the tasks?
The coaching leadership can assist employee in task and then provide regular feedback to promote growth up business.

Professional development plan


Date of development 16/04/2020 Date to be reviewed 18/03/2022

Discussed with mentor/colleague Discuss with manager

Name: Kelvin Lee Name:

Timeframe My Personal goals are: My Professional goals are:

Next 12 months
2. To own a car and get promotion on my career. 3. Successfully implement the change strategy to improve
organizational culture and ensure ethical and legal
compliance of agents in Max Lionel Realty

Next 5 years
4. To own a house and to get settle in Australia. 5. Move into an executive leadership role of Max Lionel
6. Start my own Realty business.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Timeframe Personal Professional
• Management knowledge and skills • Management experience
• Secure a job with a opportunity to develop my • Knowledge of business management
career path
• Business network

• Strong problem solving • Strong problem solving
• Willing to learn • Technical expertise
• Confident • Personable and effective communicator

• Limited in language • Financial
obstacles and solutions
• Poor time management • Limited business network
• Limited people management experience • Limited management experience
• Limited business management skills
Professional Development and Networking Activities

Identified gap Development activity Details (provider, Objective of Timeframe Cost

location, etc.) development/networking
Limited business Take a business Tas College Develop knowledge, skills 1.5 year $9000
management skills management advance and experience in leadership
diploma and management across
different industry

Limited in language Take a English course TASTAFE Develop English writing skills, Half year $5000
oral skills, listening skills and
reading skills

Gain confident of speaking

Poor time Attend a time Hobart college Time management training 31 August $100
management management will help increase
seminars productivity, reduce stress
and improve results
Reflection report

This report is aim the develop a personal development plan. Set up a short term and a long term
goal and determine the strength and weakness for the development plan. Also, it will show my activity
plan of continuous development to develop skills and knowledge through professional development and

My strength of achieving my personal and professional goals are:

First, I am willing to learn. I am taking some business management courses to prepare and equip
myself to become a manger. Which also help me to secure my career path. Second, I have confident,
which help me to deal with a lot of situation even though I don't have that much of experience. Finally, I
am personable and effective communicator, which helps me to deal with co-workers and customers
better. Those are the strength that helps me achieve my personal and professional goals.

My weakness and identified the gaps and the obstacles that stop me to achieve my goals are:

First, one of the weaknesses will be my limitation of English. Since English isn't my native language,
that makes me harder to achieve some of the goals. However, I will take a English course to improve my
English skills and gain confident for using English in my career.

Second my weakness is my poor time management skills, which will slow down my productivity.
Therefore, I will attend a time management seminar to help me to improve my productivity, reduce
stress and improve results.

Moreover, my limited business management experience is also a weakness that may stop me to
achieve my personal and professional goals. Therefore, I am taking a business management Advanced
Diploma to develop knowledge, skills and experience in leadership and management across different
In conclusion, my personal goals to achieve are: Success in my career and get settled in Australia,
and my professional goals are to successfully implement the change strategy to improve organisational
culture and ensure ethical and legal compliance of Real Estate Agents in Max Lionel Realty and move
into an Executive Leadership role at Max Lionel Realty. I have discovered some of my strengths that can
help me to achieve those goals and discovered my weaknesses that I need to improve on, so that they
won't stop me to achieve these goals.

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