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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna



Student’s Full Name: Score: ____Equivalent:____%

Course, Year, and Section: Date:

A. Elements of Communication

I. Identification and Matching Type

Directions. Read the following sentences. Identify the elements of

communication listed on the third column. And match the Second Column with the
Third. Write only the letter that corresponds to the element on the space provided
before each number.

Letter only Questions Elements of Communication

First Column (for Answers) Second Column Third Column
1. It is the receiver’s
message that is sent to A. psychological
the source in response B. principles
to the sender’s C. purpose
message. D. listener/receiver
Furthermore, it can be E. channel
in the form of verbal or F. Ethics in
non-verbal response. communication
2. It is the time and place G. feedback
in which H. suggestion
communication I. situation
occurs. J. model
Communication K. noise
adapts to the setting. L. sender/speaker
M. message
3. It is a kind of noise N. semantic
which depends on O. physical noise
one’s concept or P. Ethics
mentality towards the Q. Communication Arts
message or the R. Communication
speaker such as
prejudices, narrow
mindedness, and
4. It is a kind of noise
which is the different
understanding of the
meaning of the
message sent which
considers language,
culture, or
5. It is a kind of noise
from the environment
such as beeping cars,
talking people, ringing
phones, barking dogs,
et ce te ra.
6. It is also known as the
barrier that affects the
message from being
sent, received, or
7. It is the medium or
means through which
the message is
8. It is any idea delivered
by the sender to the
9. It decodes the
conveyed message.
10. It holds an idea that
needs to be conveyed
as a message in oral or
written form.
11. It is a visual
representation of the
process to understand
clearly the role of each
12. It is the only way for
people to understand
each other.
13. These serve as the
fundamental truth or
proposition that
serves as the
foundation for
14. It is the study and
practice of what is
good, right, or
15. It affects everyone in
the communication
process; it challenges
issues of honesty, and

B. Cultural Factors in Multicultural Settings

II. Identification and Matching Type

Directions. Inside the third column are major cultural factors (Cotton,
2013) which may influence one’s communication in multicultural settings.
Identify which cultural factor the statement refers to. And write it on the space
provided before each number.

First Column Second Column Third Column

( for Answers only) Statements Major Cultural Factors

1. Its level of one’s

education and A. ancestry
vocation of choice B. religion
supersede old cultural C. education
factors that he/she has D. gender
outgrown or that has E. friends
changed as a result of F. race
his or her experience. G. language
2. It influences and
defines a person H. ethnicity
within the context of I. profession
his/her city, village, or J. regional attire
town. K. politics
3. These include
colleagues and peers L. neighborhood
who have a strong M. teachers
influence on how one N. mother tongue
behaves and makes O. ethics
decision in some P. local culture
4. Good or bad, their
influence helps
establish many beliefs
and values of a
person, particularly in
career, and personal
5. These are the
foundations of a
person’s roots, and
development. Their
involvement in one’s
upbringing and life
make a crucial
contribution to his/her
communication with
6. It can vary greatly from
one culture to the
next, as a result of the
industry, climate
differences, and
cultural preferences.
7. It is often one of the
dominant cultural
factors in a person’s
development and it is
always connected to
an entire culture’s
history. It is frequently
the judgement factor
between different
8. It is the combined
influence of one’s
home life, surrounding
neighborhood, city, or
9. It is the state of being
male or female
certainly has an
impact on how
different countries and
cultures view different
individuals; as gender
equality still varies
widely around the
10. In this context people
can be of a particular
race and have
different ethnic
preferences due to
their life experiences
and environment.
11. It is one’s birth which
creates a variety of
perspectives about
his/her cultural
characteristics as well
as how others
perceive him/her.
12. This language is the
basis of how one
initially thinks,
behaves, and
communicates with
13. It is a tool for people to
communicate verbally
or non-verbally
through spoken and
written forms.
14. This is where more
than half of person’s
life learning and
growth happens which
makes a huge
contribution to the
development of other
cultural factors.
15. In this discipline,
leaders and the
decisions they make
can sometimes be
beloved and hated
depending on where
you are and whom a
person is talking to.
C. Biography and Vision
III. Discussion and Reflection
A. Write a one-paragraph of the “Story of Your Life So Far.”
B. And compliment your narrative with another paragraph of your personal
vision. ( 20 points)

Reviewed by: Noted:

Mauro D. Lucido Jr. , Ed.D.
Associate Professor II
CBMA Affiliate Faculty Mr. Mark Eugene Lopez,
Member MAEd English
CAS Coordinator, English

Mrs. Jocelyn Chua, CPA

Coordinator, Bachelor of
Science in Accountancy
Curricular Program

Mrs. MarieRose P. Valenzuela,


Coordinator, BS in Business
Administration Curricular Desiree L. Wagan, Ph. D.
Program CBMA Associate Dean

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