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Turn Statements into Phrases (Van Blerkom, 2003)

Condense the following statements into phrases you would use if you heard them in a lecture.
The first one is done for you. Compare your responses to those of your classmates.

1. Early in the seventeenth century, Galileo Galilei arranged two glass lenses in a cylinder.
_____________early 17C – Galileo put 2 lenses in cylinder_______________________

2. With this instrument he happened to look at an insect, and later he described the
stunning geometric patterns of its tiny eyes.

3. Thus Galileo, who was not a biologist, was the first to record a biological observation
made through a microscope.

4. The study of the cellular basis of life was about to begin.


5. First in Italy and then in France and England, biologists set out to explore a world whose
existence had not even been suspected.

6. At mid-century, Robert Hooke, Curator of Instruments for the Royal Society of England,
was at the forefront of these studies.

7. When Hooke first turned one of his microscopes on thinly sliced cork from a mature tree,
he observed tiny compartments.

8. He gave them the Latin name cellulae, meaning “small rooms”—hence, the origin of the
biological term “cell”.

9. They actually were the walls of dead cells, which is what cork is made of, but Hooke did
not think of them as being dead because he did not know the cells could be alive.

10. In other plant tissues, he discovered cells “filled with juices” but could not imagine what
they represented.

Source: Van Blerkom, D. (2003). College study skills: Becoming a strategic learner. Belmont,
CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.

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